Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by TheNewSaint »

Brown Darren

Fucking knew they would strike while the case in on for the common law. Thought they were gonna do it last time the clc was in court. They did it like that to split support between the 2 cases. This proves without doubt that someone is a spy
Whaaaaat? None of that makes any sense.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by mufc1959 »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:27 am I've had a look at the Sentencing Council guidance and it seems a slam dunk for a category B fine which is approx one week's wages. Not good but usually something a penitent defendant can chalk up to experience and move on.

Of course, what is likely to play out is that he will refuse to pay that fine, have an arrest warrant issued and be jailed for a few months.
I think it'll get an an arrest warrant before that stage because he'll simply fail to attend so a bench warrant will be issued even before the case is heard.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by exiledscouser »

SteveD wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:42 am
Robert White Malcolm Burt cheers mate no need though it won't be dealt with in a magistrates court, this will be going for quite a while, thanks for the offer.👍

I'm not sure he quite gets it yet- despite him playing over at the playschool common law court- yes, yes it will be going into a real court with a real magistrate, who can really fine or really jail him...

I think what Crabby has planned is to go all-out for an appearance at the Crown Court, get to grandstand all his foolish footleness before a jury of his peers as his followers secretly film from the gallery.

Trouble with that plan - as TC found - is that he’s probably charged with a summary only matter I.e. one that can only be dealt with in Magistrates Court.

Police or common assaults are both summary only with a max 6 months each. Obstruction, if that’s in the mix too is just one month max. No one ever gets the max and rarely even go to prison but end up being fined.

But Crabbie probably won’t turn up to court and will have to be found and dragged there.

That of course plays into another narrative, denied justice etc. Most magistrates, even the most dozy gullible hand-wringer simply can’t or won’t be able to understand what the delusional idiot before them has as an excuse for “chinning” a bobby.

Be nice if he gets a DJ who might just send him down for a month or two but again, the plods will simply want to keep him away from Casa Crab with bail conditions long enough until the property is sold and new owners installed.

Then, following the inevitable conviction he’ll appeal to the Crown, find it’s a judge sitting on his or her own with a couple of bemused magistrates along for the ride, cry foul as whatever relatively minor disposal is doubled. This is exactly what TC did. Crabby is even hinting he’ll go back in and re-occupy.

Bob, remember the Crawfraud case, you’re travelling the same road and it leads to the same place.

Why do we learn history? To prevent ourselves making the same mistakes, time and again.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by Juisarian »

Forsyth wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2017 3:01 pm
Juisarian wrote:Um, is NI even lawfully part of Britain under PLD? Is there a Papal Bull I can refer to for that?
Excellent, thanks Forsyth, I'm in!
John Uskglass
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by John Uskglass »

How very apposite! The Wikipedia article on Laudabiliter says
Historians such as Laurence Ginnell, believe the letters written in the 12th century relating to Ireland were never sealed with any seal and are not correctly called bulls but rather privilegia or privilege
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by exiledscouser »

The Crab speaks, here he is reflecting on his recent interaction with Kent's finest;

Just trying to build a case against the police if anyone has had any experience please let me know. I was unlawfully evicted from my home in my opinion, it was a civil matter and it was the police acting unlawfully. The bailiffs turned up with police assistance to evict me, the police were the ones smashing their way in without any discussion.
Probably because you telegraphed to all and sundry that you and 'Lawful Excuse' your trusty baseball bat would be forcibly resisting any attempt to evict him and it. He continues;
I opened a window and the bailiff said are you going to let us in. I said NO and shut the window. In less than 5 minutes the police were smashing their way in with no chance of a conversation.
Yet the conversation was over by then anyhow. What was he expecting? A five hour stand-off? A polite discourse about the merits of Voltaire's role in the Enlightenment?

He came off second best as well it appears and so he ain't happy;
I was tasered twice, punched in the face a few times and possibly hit on the head with a police baton (the scar is not from a punch). I have made a complaint through the police commissioners office waiting for their response once they decide to investigate.
A kicking and a nicking. All good but not that life-threatening; he said himself that he refused treatment at two hospitals. But he has a cunning plan that no-one will have anticipated;
I will be taking the house back when the time is right.......
Excellent, round two awaits, plod, if you're reading, another zapping in the region of his gentlemen's vegetables please. Maybe someone'll film this one.

What's the holdup?
......but at the moment there is a 24 hour dog patrol staying on the property.
The irony in this case is that he himself is paying for the 24 hour woof woof protection which won't be cheap. It might even be the chap who did such a good job keeping Neelu at bay.
I have done a fair bit of research on this so far and have some good points to raise, such as the use of a taser, police assisting in a civil matter, etc. It’s not about compensation or anything like that with me, I just want to show people how corrupt the system is.
Good for you Bob, should keep you out of mischief for a while.
Also there's some funny rules involving tasers.

Taser 101; Big ugly bald bloke with A61 crudely drawn on his forehead rapidly bearing down on you with weapon in hand - fire for effect and Taser away.

Terry thinks the law will be on Bob's side;
Its case Law that police are not able to assist Bailiffs even if they are High Court Bailiffs. The problem is the Judiciary has been hijacked so has the government and our Laws created in our High Courts are being violated. The Rule of Law is being broken down.
If there were even a smidgen of truth to this then police simply wouldn't get involved, end of. Crabby and co. take the view that the reason police don't get prosecuted when they do assist is that they are in some secret conspiracy with the judge and all the lawyers together but that's simply not true either. Cops can and do get things wrong, overstep the mark and as a consequence get sued. Some even end up in prison. So no, Terry, there's no soopa-sekrit opt out for the plods, they're not immune to legal reddress and certainly aren't immune from getting things wrong in the case of evictions. But not, I suspect, this time.

I think there may even be a statutory provision somewhere requiring police officers to assist a High Court officer in an eviction if requested to do so, it's not an option.
John Uskglass
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by John Uskglass »

I think there may even be a statutory provision somewhere requiring police officers to assist a High Court officer in an eviction if requested to do so, it's not an option.
Indeed there is - Section 99, Schedule 7, paragraph 5 of the Courts Act 2003:

Constable’s duty to assist enforcement officers
5 It is the duty of every constable, at the request of—
(a) an enforcement officer, or
(b) a person acting under the officer’s authority,
to assist the officer or that person in the execution of a writ [or warrant]
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by exiledscouser »

I quite like the cut of this fellow's jib in a response to the above posting, preserved here in case the Ministry of Truth get to it beforehand;
Francis Bigger wrote:Unfortunately Robert your idea of the law and reality don't agree with each other.

For a start it's no longer your house. You lost it when you breached the conditions of your mortgage by stopping making the payments. Therefore the house became the property of the bank in accordance with the conditions of the mortgage which you agreed to of your own free will. That's what a mortgage is... A loan secured against property. You stopped paying the loan and the bank took the property. It's not rocket science.

Second. The people taking possession of the house were acting as officers of the court and were therefore quite entitled to call on the assistance of the police. At the time of the eviction you were no more than a trespasser in the property and the owner, or their agents, were fully entitled to use force to throw you out or ask the police to do the job for them.

Third. Obstructing an officer of the court is a criminal offence not civil one and you made it quite clear that you intended to obstruct them.

Fourth. You boasted that you had a 'home made baseball bat' and that you either used or attempted to use it against a police officer. That made you an armed trespasser and therefore the use of a tazer was entirely justified.

Fifth. If you attempt to retake what is now the bank's property you will be guilty of, at minimum, squatting in a residential property, which carries a penalty of six months or a £5,000 fine. If you add that to your assault case you are almost certainly going to prison. The police won't fuck about either. They'll smash the door down and come in tazers drawn. If you think you're going to ever get the house back you are utterly delusional and ALL of this will be deducted from any equity you have.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by exiledscouser »

John Uskglass wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:16 pm
I think there may even be a statutory provision somewhere requiring police officers to assist a High Court officer in an eviction if requested to do so, it's not an option.
Indeed there is - Section 99, Schedule 7, paragraph 5 of the Courts Act 2003:

Constable’s duty to assist enforcement officers
5 It is the duty of every constable, at the request of—
(a) an enforcement officer, or
(b) a person acting under the officer’s authority,
to assist the officer or that person in the execution of a writ [or warrant]
Excellent and thank you. Here's the link;

This should be the go-to bit of legislation every time a PLD-merchant trots out the usual ill-informed bull-crap.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by longdog »

exiledscouser wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:18 pm I quite like the cut of this fellow's jib in a response to the above posting, preserved here in case the Ministry of Truth get to it beforehand;
Francis Bigger wrote:Unfortunately Robert your idea of the law and reality don't agree with each other.

For a start it's no longer your house. You lost it when you breached the conditions of your mortgage by stopping making the payments. Therefore the house became the property of the bank in accordance with the conditions of the mortgage which you agreed to of your own free will. That's what a mortgage is... A loan secured against property. You stopped paying the loan and the bank took the property. It's not rocket science.

Second. The people taking possession of the house were acting as officers of the court and were therefore quite entitled to call on the assistance of the police. At the time of the eviction you were no more than a trespasser in the property and the owner, or their agents, were fully entitled to use force to throw you out or ask the police to do the job for them.

Third. Obstructing an officer of the court is a criminal offence not civil one and you made it quite clear that you intended to obstruct them.

Fourth. You boasted that you had a 'home made baseball bat' and that you either used or attempted to use it against a police officer. That made you an armed trespasser and therefore the use of a tazer was entirely justified.

Fifth. If you attempt to retake what is now the bank's property you will be guilty of, at minimum, squatting in a residential property, which carries a penalty of six months or a £5,000 fine. If you add that to your assault case you are almost certainly going to prison. The police won't fuck about either. They'll smash the door down and come in tazers drawn. If you think you're going to ever get the house back you are utterly delusional and ALL of this will be deducted from any equity you have.
Francis Bigger is one of the lead characters in Carry On Doctor played by Frankie Howerd.
What is mind? No matter.

What is matter? Never mind.
I suspect Mr Bigger is an alter ego of a Carry On fan... <whistles innocently> :mrgreen:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by AndyPandy »

longdog wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 8:00 pm
I suspect Mr Bigger is an alter ego of a Carry On fan... <whistles innocently> :mrgreen:
Any relation to Primula Smith perchance ??
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by exiledscouser »

Nay nay and thrice nay!!!
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by longdog »

AndyPandy wrote: Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:23 pm Any relation to Primula Smith perchance ??
Ah.... The late Primula... R.I.P old friend.

They are second straw-cousins thrice removed I think.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by hucknallred »

Looks like Crabby is not online to moderate so Primula Francis Bigger, can have a field day right now..
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by SteveD »

De Leon Marqaux Gordon Hewitt are you seroius or Joking? They Foreign Corporation emploees,first. Second,they dont have Contract with R, in Closed Space they know,that no Witness to crime,they committed. All this Fraud will be taken down, we got To many Smart and clever man/woman, give time, we just catch them into Bag,all them Action is proof of crime, I m not afraid to be kicked or even killed unlawfully,and can Fight,if needed,street fight is best Defence. In case you were joking,sorry.otherways ,you not much
To many Smart and clever indeed, they much bright!!!
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by notorial dissent »

Yeah, third that comment..... :sarcastic:
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by SteveUK »

Just when you think the 'bad advice ometer' couldn't swing any more...

Is it SteveUK or STEVE: of UK?????
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

I thought I had lost my sense of wonder years ago until I encountered the denizens of self deception depicted on Quatloos almost daily, and now in my dotage I find the unbelievable made real on a regular basis.

Decades of doing things that generally made some sort of sense and often had positive outcomes had in no way prepared me for accounts of people whose actions were by most standards quite irrational and by any standards, complete failures.

I hope my days are not the only ones brightened by this crap.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by aesmith »

Do this, it doesn't work ...
Domes Foru wrote: ... d_right_of.../
Removal of Implied Right of Access
De Leon Marqaux wrote: didnt work in my case!xx
Domes Foru wrote: De Leon Marqaux aye not with mine yet either as they move the goal posts and close ranks
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by longdog »

I can only assume none of them know what the word 'implied' means.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?