More correspondence from Ed and Gang

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Post by Demosthenes »

Disclaimer. The only stuff I know about prison is stuff I've seen in movies.

Ed keeps complaining about being isolated, but isn't that preferable to being tossed in with the general prison population? Maybe I'm naive, but isn't talking to yourself too much better than getting beaten up and deflowered by some guy named Bubba?
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Post by darling »

Poor Ed has a man cold.

He just needs a little bell. When he rings a prison guard can go to him, rub his head and say "poor little bunny".
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Post by Dezcad »

Demosthenes wrote: deflowered by some guy named Bubba?
Given his conduct around Randy Weaver, perhaps the deflowering is what he truly misses in isolation.
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Post by webhick »

Demosthenes wrote:Disclaimer. The only stuff I know about prison is stuff I've seen in movies.

Ed keeps complaining about being isolated, but isn't that preferable to being tossed in with the general prison population? Maybe I'm naive, but isn't talking to yourself too much better than getting beaten up and deflowered by some guy named Bubba?
I'm under the same impression. Ed is such a blowhard that putting him in general population would be hazardous to his health. Isolation is the more humane of the two, even if it means preventing him from fulfilling his emotional need of having worshipers ready to kiss his ass and die for him.
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Post by Demosthenes »

darling wrote:Poor Ed has a man cold.

He just needs a little bell. When he rings a prison guard can go to him, rub his head and say "poor little bunny".
That is stinkin' hilarious. Welcome to Quatloos, Darling.
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Post by Demosthenes »

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Post by Demosthenes »

More from Keith.
this is daniel rileys latest letter to me. he notes that he did 2 weeks in solitary. i was told that he was too "optimistic" in front of people that have no reason to be optimistic and one of them punched him. danny being the proud guy he is took the guy down and thats when the guards saw what was happening and danny got punished for it.
he asks for letters from people so he knows people out here care. i have edited this letter to remove any references to legal strategies so not to tip off the enemy i hope you all understand?! i am also posting a picture of what reno deems his "motivation" people need to see this so they know that these guys are real men and not some tv characters. they have people who love them and care for them and need them. they made the stand for us to draw attention to the injustice in this world and we must not abandon them!
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Post by . »

POW [dog walker]
:P :P :P

That was the only chicken-scratching large enough to draw my attention.

Elaine has no idea that, barring cooperation, she will die in prison. The rest of the "supporters" are equally delusional. Sad.
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Post by Demosthenes »

There's no parole in federal prison.

The dire duo and fab four will likely never get out. A sweetheart deal in Danny's case was 30 years in prison, and the moron backed out of the deal.

Post by Nikki »

Danny is convinced that he will be able to reveal all the comspiracies and crimes of the <codeword> international banksters </codeword> when he testifies before the New Hampshire Supreme Court.

notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

Danny is giving the impression of being seriously delusional. Unless the NH SC is different than my state’s court, the hearing he will have before them is going to be very narrow, short, and to the point. They are going to ask what evidence/reason/justification he has to ask for a writ, and when he hands them 60 pages of conspiracy nonsense, they will toss it like a rotten potato.

I doubt seriously if it will even get past the filing stage after the clerk gets through looking at it. I can’t imagine that court is going to to waste it’s time reading 60 pages of conspiracy nonsense when the only matter legally before them is whether they have the authority to order the release of his sorry ass from a NH facility, which I think they do, but why they would have any reason to when he is there on a legitimate Fed warrant is beyond believing. In other words, he is wasting their time in a big way. If he thinks he is going to get to use them as a forum for his delusions, I think he will very shortly be seriously disappointed. All part of the plot don’t you know.

I wonder, if it has passed through the great mind, that even on the really unlikely event that the court does grant the writ, that all that will happen is that NH will release him, and the Feds will re-arrest him the moment he steps out the door and haul him off somewhere else, probably less pleasant than where he is?

I agree that he is a colossal fool, he has said too much, and I am willing to be that his fingerprints and what not are all over the rest of the matter, and that he and the other idiots will most likely spend the remainder of their days in a Federal prison. Amazing what something so insignificantly stupid like just handling the stuff can get you, since I am sure they would have all run for the hills at the first backfire of a car.

I just keep wondering if or when the reality of the hole they have dug for themselves is going to sink in, or if it will.
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Post by grixit »

notorial dissent wrote:They are going to ask what evidence/reason/justification he has to ask for a writ, and when he hands them 60 pages of conspiracy nonsense, they will toss it like a rotten potato.
Not like, silly. it is a rotten potato. Didn't see the words "truth bomb"? That's sovereignspeak for "rotten potato".
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

Very rotten indeed!!!!

I'm still amazed that it has gotten this far, unless the court hasn't actually received anything yet, and doesn't know what they are in for. I can't imagine they let it go on otherwise, unless they were really really bored or needed a good laugh, and even NH can't be that quiet.
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Post by webhick »

Danny Dogwalker, Prince Of Whales wrote:These arm chair patriots need to get off their asses and DO SOMETHING.
Like a sing-along? You have to give them a reason. No, I don't think the arsenic laced candy corn is going to cut it this time.
Danny Dogwalker, Piece Of Work wrote:I rec'd your pictures. they help the ole frame of mind. The one of Ed and Randy is my favorite.
Did you get the one where Ed has Randy in an eternal embrace while Randy desperately struggles to free himself? Or where they're standing side-by side facing the camera and Ed's right hand is unaccounted for?

Do yourself a favor, and don't post any pictures with Ed & Randy in the same photo up in your bunk. It probably won't go over well with the other inmates.
Danny Dogwalker, Problem Of the Week wrote:These international banksters must be dealt some old fashion American Justice
McDonald's has a location in over 100 countries. You can base your operation there. I will be countering your "old fashion American Justice" with some good old fashioned Illuminati Justice. Typically, for every person you "punish" without a fair trial by a jury made up of non-TPs, we'll tatoo one of your nuts without anethesia. Lost your balls? Well, we'll just have to install them first. Oh, "but what if we run out of space?" you ask... Well, we can keep tatooing over the same spots. We've done this often with interns and it never loses its entertainment value.

Props to The Graham Norton Show, for giving the Illuminati the idea to tatoo male privates. And for showing that picture with the stuffed teddy bear with his hands on the wall and his feet spread. It's still making me laugh.
Danny Dogwalker, Pearles of Witlessness wrote:Educate our fellow Countrymen and woman
The Illuminati have a special way of educating your fellow countrymen and woman. Usually it involves a cement mixer, a bag of jasmine rice, two pounds of silly putty, and a blue jay with distemper.
Danny Dogwalker, Pest Of Wonkers wrote:Expose the Banksters for the criminals they are then annilate them is the final step
Not always a good idea to make death threats while the government is reading your mail.
Danny Dogwalker, Privately Owned Weapon wrote:As the propaganda war rages on the internet
War? It's mostly your camp spewing sharkleberry punch out your eyesockets as you rant and rave about imaginary zebras under your bed and our camp shooting coffee out our nose as we struggle to contain explosive laughter. Everyone in between couldn't give a rat's ass. Actually, they could. But only the ass. And only to you. Would you settle for pigeon ass as well? It's just that where I have to purchase the rats matches your order with pidgeons if you order over a certain quantity. And I have to make sure I order a lot because the majority of people couldn't give a rat's ass and I want to make sure they're well stocked for when it's time that they do.
Danny Dogwalker, Plea On Wheels wrote:I will do my very best to expose the criminals at my trial with my time on the stand and in front of the all powerful jury
Hear that? Danny plans on exposing himself on the stand and in front of the all powerful jury. Maybe he'll follow-up by cross-examining the transvestite anteater he was arrested for "giving a ride" to a few years back. That should really get the all powerful jury on his side.
Danny Dogwalker, Person Off Wagon wrote:I hope to have thousands outside that courtroom during our historic trial.
Don't you worry about that. The Illuminati have arranged for thousands of goldfish to be outside the courtroom ready to riot at the first sound of injustice. Now, we're hoping to have figured out how to get them to survive outside of water for an extended length of time, so you may not get a monumentous riot. Perphaps just the sound of a thousand flopping fishy bodies (which may sound a lot like applause) followed by a funny smell. Hopefully the trial won't last too long. And I guarantee you, it will be historic. I sincerely doubt anyone's trial has had a thousand dead...I mean sleeping... fish outside the courtroom. Get ready to make history!
Danny Dogwalker, Powerful Officious Whiner wrote:Thanks for sending the Captain Singel letter. The only copy I had went to him. I guess it was a powerful letter after all.
"Annoying", "Crazy", and "Moronic" were all powers of the famous superhero "Hangin M'Self". He became famous when he annoyed the court into a minor victory, only to go down in a blaze of glory on the stand when he exposed himself to the all powerful jury.
Danny Dogwalker, Penning On Wine wrote:I penned it in 10 minutes. I just wrote what was on my mind.
And within 10 seconds, it was clear that what was on your mind resembled lutefisk.
Danny Dogwalker, Plainly Owning Wacky wrote:Its a truth grenade thats gonna shake up the whole State of New Hampshire.
You're gonna need something a lot bigger than a grenade to shake up a mostly land-locked state, pal. But go ahead, set off your little "poof". See if anyone actually notices.
Danny Dogwalker, Praying for an Open Window wrote:If this motion is denied then I know it is an inquisition and not a trial
Ah, the old fallback. If they don't give me what I want, they're part of the conspiracy. Hey, remember back when your mommy wouldn't let you have that cookie before dinner? She's in on it too, man. And that time that chick said "no" and you had to get out of her car? Global conspiracy. It stretches much further than that, too. Why, everyone who ever told you no is in on it. After all, you decide what the law is. You decide when you can have a cookie and when you can get your nookie. You decide how the courts can rule on your case. But oh, you didn't give them the mind control drugs so they're still allowed to think as individuals. Perhaps you should have paid more attention when Ed was giving you directions on how to control people.
Danny Dogwalker, Probably On Weed wrote:One guy in here said he mentioned my name to his lawyer and the lawyer replied I was crazy.
It's called "take a hint" Danny.

Getting tired, not going to bother finishing, but let me paraphrase something: There's a difference between confidence and bragging. Bragging is shooting flames out your ass at a bar one time in Kentucky and telling everyone that you're doing 5 shows a night in Vegas every night. Confidence is shooting flames out your ass at a bar in Vegas and actually doing it 5 times a night. See the difference?
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie
Agent Observer

Post by Agent Observer »

Webhick wrote:
You decide when you can have a cookie and when you can get your nookie.

I remember in a psychology class I had some years ago, that one of the clinical definitions of of "fear" was "familliar stimuli in an unfamiliar environment." Seeing "cookies" and "nookie(s)" in the context of the tax protest world just made me appreciate that old definition...

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

I hope to have thousands outside that courtroom during our historic trial.
Ah Danny, their will be thousands outside the courthouse during the trial. After all, the courthouse is on the intersection of two "major" streets in Concord and several thousand drive by each day. However, most will not give one of those "rat's assess" that webhick is stocking up on, even assuming they even know your name.

My psychic powers predict that at best, you will get 10 people to show up to support you at the trial.

What a shame to throw your life away on these delusions. That part really does make me sad. Of all the wrong that happens in the world, if you could have channeled that energy into helping real world problems (volunteer in a homeless shelter, visit senior citizens in nursing homes, etc...), your life would have been so much better. Instead, you hitched on to the Ed Brown runaway train to jail, where you will be forever.

Dang am I in a pensive mood today. Time to up my meds....
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Post by webhick »

ErsatzAnatchist wrote:Dang am I in a pensive mood today. Time to up my meds....
Two Nor'easters in a week, holiday shoppers driving down the wrong side of the road, old people in Buick LeSebres trying to run people down at the bank. Your mood is understandable. Go write your name in the snow outside your office. It'll make you feel better. Bonus points if you can do it without getting arrested.
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie
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Post by webhick »

Hehehe, I just realized that Danny's court date is scheduled on the same day as the NH Primary.
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie

Post by Nikki »

webhick wrote:
ErsatzAnatchist wrote:Dang am I in a pensive mood today. Time to up my meds....
Two Nor'easters in a week, holiday shoppers driving down the wrong side of the road, old people in Buick LeSebres trying to run people down at the bank. Your mood is understandable. Go write your name in the snow outside your office. It'll make you feel better. Bonus points if you can do it without getting arrested.
Extra bonus points if it's in someone else's handwriting.

Post by ErsatzAnatchist »

Thanks Nikki and Webhick, I needed that advice. While it is too chilly to write my name in the snow, your responses made me feel better. :lol:

Is Danny's hearing in Concord or Portland? I was planning on holding a sign on primary day:
