R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

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R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

Post by Burnaby49 »

This is yet another in my increasingly frequent stream of missives mourning the death of the Canadian Freeman movement. R. v Penner is what it's come to, some guy pulling out all the stops, trying freeman/sovereign argument he dredged up from the internet, for the pathetically trivial goal of trying to find a way for his wife to get out of paying a $272.75 fine for speeding. This is the sad culmination of the years of study and research, striving, and self-sacrifice of gurus like Robert Menard, Dean Clifford, Minister Belanger Dean Kory, and all of the other visionaries who dedicated themselves to finding an intellectual framework for a new dream of how Canadian society should be run. A noble vision of freedom for all and everything for free, a life of bounty paid for by screwing anyone who sells you anything (Robert Menard's Association of Canadian Consumer Purchasers), Sucking off your mythical birth bond (Menard again with 96 is your fix, and A4V), reneging on your debts and exempting yourself from all laws (Belanger's Christian entitlement bullshit, Dean Kory's nonsense) but yet able to demand a cornucopia of government services, including welfare and free medical as a right (all of Canada's gurus). But the giants of yesteryears apparently expended their massive labours and sacrifices to no better purpose than to provide arguments to pigmies in traffic court. A shabby, shabby end to a noble endeavour. All the proof you need of the demise of a great ideal is right here;

R. v. Penner
2018 MBQB 200

This is the first round of the litigation of the century;
[4] On August 26, 2016 Mr. Penner was driving his wife’s car at 67 km/h through a 50 km/h photo-radar speed enforcement. In due course, a ticket for a $272.75 fine arrived in the mail. Mr. Penner, notionally on behalf of his wife, challenged the ticket at a hearing on May 18, 2017. Ultimately, Mr. Penner did not dispute any facts. As he said, he was there to prove he was a human being, saying neither he nor his wife had ever taken on the capacity of a person, and hence the HTA did not apply to them. The court entertained his arguments but quickly disagreed, entering a conviction and confirming the fine.
The follow-through;
[5] Not satisfied, Mr. Penner appealed and filed a Notice of Constitutional Question, serving all the required parties including the Attorney General for Manitoba and for Canada. He sought to have the ticket quashed, an order to safeguard his and his wife’s human rights and $25,000 as a remedy for infringed rights. He filed a dense brief, transcripts were ordered and the Crown responded in a splendid fashion consistent with having taken his appeal seriously. All in, the file is about 3” thick.
The result;
[6] The appeal came before me on November 2, 2018. Somehow it was set for the whole day, likely given the volume of written submissions and that it invoked a constitutional question. I dismissed the appeal and constitutional question, with these reason to follow. Mr. Penner intimated a further appeal to the Court of Appeal.

[7] Mr. Penner’s first concern is that either the Crown or I had to prove that the court had jurisdiction to hear the case. Nothing of the sort need be proven. Regardless, concisely, the Court of Queen’s Bench has jurisdiction to hear provincial offence appeals (The Provincial Offences Act C.C.S.M. c. P160, s. 79(1)) and constitutional questions (The Constitutional Questions Act, C.C.S.M. c. C180) Further, to be clear, the provincial court that heard the trial has jurisdiction to hear such offences. (The Provincial Offences Act) Refining the point across eight “constitutional questions”, Mr. Penner submits the court does not have jurisdiction over human beings. This argument is too silly to address, and in part is related to the next point.

[8] Mr. Penner’s next point is that the HTA only applies to violations involving persons, and neither it nor The Interpretation Act, C.C.S.M. c. 180 defines a person as a human being. Hence, as he and his wife are humans, as distinct from persons, the law did not apply to him as driver or his wife as owner of the car. In fact, Mr. Penner says he has gone so far as to legally make himself a corporation. This makes no sense, Mr. Penner misses the point.

[9] Yes, he is a human being, but a human being is also a person. One only need look at the Oxford Dictionary to see that “person” is defined as a human being. To go further, Black’s Law Dictionary also defines a person as a human being. It is trite that words in a statute like the HTA are normally construed to their ordinary meaning. So yes, the HTA uses the term “person”, or sometimes “driver”, but obviously a person is a human, if one prefers that synonym. Finally, I note The Interpretation Act defines a person as including a corporation.

[10] Lastly, Mr. Penner says that the HTA only applies to people who are engaged in profit-oriented driving or travel. Not so. It applies to anyone who operates a motor vehicle, for pleasure or for business. All drivers must be properly licenced and obey traffic laws.

[11] Having disposed of these points, the constitutional questions have no merit. None of his rights were infringed and hence no remedy is available.

[12] I do not know if Mr. Penner follows the so-called freemen-of-the-land philosophy or the strawman or sovereign-man theory or some other pseudo law belief but, regardless, they are all nonsense no matter how they are dressed-up. None of these notions have ever been recognized in law as a defence or to exempt anyone from the law. Mr. Penner does not get to sidestep the law no matter how he views himself, through whatever distorted lens. A very extensive commentary on these issues can be found in Meads v Meads, 2012 ABQB 571 (CanLII).

[13] Judicial Justices of the Peace, judges and justices need not pay any regard to these types of argument. Crown counsel need not devote resources to any meaningful response. These type of points, and there are many variations, ought to be dismissed summarily, much as the trial Judicial Justice of the Peace did here. Moreover, appeals such as this ought not to be granted leave (s. 79(3), The Provincial Offences Act) or ought to be dispatched with cold efficiency.

[14] The appeal and constitutional question are dismissed. The fine is upheld.
So, Mr. Penner, if you're reading this a word of advice. Give up on the Alberta courts. They're so obsessed with clearing their dockets that they've lost the ability to stop and smell the roses. They're overwhelmingly focused on quantity over quality, with pumping out decisions with no interest whatever in exploring the nuances of innovative alternative legal theories put to them for review and discussion. They consider long philosophical discussions on the nature of humanity as the role of philosophers and theologians, not courts and judges. Worst of all you were forced to fight your epic battle at the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench, the home of Meads v Meads. A sovereign has absolutely no chance of a fair hearing there. But there is a way to have your arguments get a respectful, full hearing. Move to British Columbia and have your wife get a speeding ticket here!

Here in British Columbia you can turn any case into a personal Jarndyce v Jarndyce with the full blessing and support of the courts. Endless days, weeks of rambling on about the nature of the person, the significance of capitalization on documents, whether British Columbia courts even exist notwithstanding that the your hearing will be held in one. I speak from personal knowledge gained from weeks, months of sitting in British Columbia courts listening to all of the above and more aired in almost infinite detail. Cumulatively Michael Millar must have spent over a week in the Supreme Court of British Columbia rambling on just about his theories of capitalization. Upper v lower case? In Michael's eyes empires have fallen on less! As far as I can tell from personal observation our courts have little, if any, concerns about the expeditious handling of the cases put before them. If you need ten hours, twenty hours of court time to explain in full your belief about courts having the jurisdiction to pass judgment on persons but not on human beings the Supreme Court of British Columbia will hear you out. You'll still lose but you won't be treated like something the judge found stuck to the sole of his shoe. You'll get the respect you don't deserve.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

Post by HardyW »

Burnaby49 wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 8:02 am So, Mr. Penner, if you're reading this a word of advice. Give up on the Alberta courts.
Or in this case, Manitoba, so it seems.
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Re: R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

Post by Burnaby49 »

Manitoba? Are you implying that I'm so incompetent that I couldn't even get the correct province? I'll just check that out and, and . . . . . .

Fine. Manitoba it is.

I'm so used to Alberta beating the crap out of these guys I barely paid attention. Maybe Manitoba's learned from its neighbour a few provinces over. But I'm proud to say British Columbia isn't willing to throw justice aside for the false gods of courtroom efficiency and staunching the unsustainable hemorrhaging of taxpayer's money. At least my province's courts will welcome Penner's arguments, no matter how idiotic, and allow him to weave daydreams on the stand for as long as it takes for him to be satified that he's had a fair hearing.. There's no sense of judicial urgency here in lotus land.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

Post by notorial dissent »

Yes, definitely bottom dregs, even if it is Manitoba. I would have said/thought those were more jurisdictional rather than constitutional questions that should have been flattened at the trial level. But then again, I guess you Canadians, maybe, some, just like to make more work for yourselves.
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Re: R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Finally, I note The Interpretation Act defines a person as including a corporation.
This was a little below the belt :snicker:
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Re: R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

Post by KickahaOta »

The first three paragraphs are delightful as well.

[1] When is a human being a person? Shouldn’t a human being be able to escape a photo-radar ticket fine because The Highway Traffic Act C.C.S.M. c. H60 (“HTA”) does not apply to humans, but rather only to persons?
[2] These are the questions that vexed Mr. Penner, as agent for his wife, on appeal of a photo-radar speeding ticket. At the trial, a justice of the peace, a Crown attorney and the photo-radar operator all needed to be present. At the appeal, expanded to include a “constitutional question” and fresh evidence, the Crown felt compelled to file thorough responding materials. Staff, including the Crown, a clerk and judge were required to deal with Mr. Penner’s arguments. The expense to the system to litigate this issue, caused by Mr. Penner, was unconscionable. The appeal was disposed of in under five minutes. These reasons took a bit more time but were done for a specific reason.
[3] I write them not to convey any insightful legal analysis but to provide precedent for the many justices of the peace and provincial court judges who are increasingly facing these specious arguments, gussied up like legal briefs with all the accompanying bafflegab. Those judicial officers should feel confident that they can dismiss nonsensical submissions summarily. And those promoting these points of view should know that their arguments will get the time and attention they deserve, little to none.
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Re: R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

One should never forget the "reasoning" that often lies beneath these kinds of things. I know in some cases the defendant's sole objective was to have "the system" spend more than they could possibly collect.
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Re: R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

Post by Burnaby49 »

Canadian courts don't award costs against challenges to traffic tickets so all it cost Penner, like most of the idiots I cover, was his time. Apparently he has plenty of that so why not clog the system with gibberish and feel important for a while?

One thing that should have triggered simpleton Burnab49's suspicions about the court venue was that Penner just got a minor slap on the wrist. Alberta's Queen's Bench goes nuclear when these type of arguments come up. When someone argues sovereign nonsense in Alberta in any legal proceedings it's now standard procedure for the court to start vexatious litigant proceedings against them using the court's own inherent jurisdiction. I've already reported on this new policy here;

http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtop ... 48&t=11837

http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtop ... 48&t=11851

http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtop ... 48&t=11834

As Queen's Bench wrote in Landry;
[5] All OPCA constitute an abuse of court processes. The employing of OPCA strategies is a basis on which a court may impose court access restrictions through what is sometimes called a “vexatious litigant order”: Meads v Meads; R v Fearn, 2014 ABQB 233 at para 49, 586 AR 182; Chutskoff v Bonora, 2014 ABQB 389 at para 92, 590 AR 288, aff’d 2014 ABCA 444, 588 AR 303. Some OPCA ideas are so notoriously false that simply employing these concepts creates a presumption that a litigant appears in court for an abusive, ulterior motive: Fiander v Mills, 2015 NLCA 31, 368 Nfld & PEIR 80; Rothweiler v Payette, 2018 ABQB 288.

[6] This attempt to submit an obvious OPCA document which is intended to defeat a legal debt and court judgment is a basis for this Court, on its own motion and under its inherent jurisdiction, to now investigate whether court access restrictions are appropriate for Vanessa Landry to manage and minimize her future litigation misconduct in Alberta Courts.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

Post by Arthur Rubin »

The paper, alone, probably cost more than the fine....
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Re: R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

Post by grixit »

I wonder how much money i could make selling Judge Rooke voodoo dolls.
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Re: R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

Post by bmxninja357 »

grixit wrote: Tue Feb 26, 2019 10:57 pm I wonder how much money i could make selling Judge Rooke voodoo dolls.
well give it a go! its no longer illegal in canada as they repealed this section:

Pretending to practise witchcraft, etc.

365 Every one who fraudulently

(a) pretends to exercise or to use any kind of witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment or conjuration,

(b) undertakes, for a consideration, to tell fortunes, or

(c) pretends from his skill in or knowledge of an occult or crafty science to discover where or in what manner anything that is supposed to have been stolen or lost may be found,

is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

R.S., c. C-34, s. 323.

most of these jive turkeys will buy anything. look at there arguments.

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Re: R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

Post by alexhammer »

Burnaby49 wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2019 8:02 amAll in, the file is about 3” thick.
This is a tragic waste of paper. I know y'all have plenty of trees up in Canada, but I'd rather see them go to literally any other use than fighting a $272 speeding ticket with this soverign bullshittery. Hell, that's 3" of paper that I could have used to fold into awesome Napoleon-style hats!
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Re: R. v Penner - More Proof that Freeman movement is Dead

Post by JamesVincent »

Something I thought about while reading through this. The speed limit was 50 km/h which is about what 30 mph? 29? Something like that. She was driving 67 km/h which is what 40 mph or so. I have seen radar camera in the US set up in only type of area for such a low speed limit: school zones. I didn't see it listed anywhere but how much you wanna bet Mr. Moron was humming along in a school zone.

Something else I didn't see, I guess cuz Mr. Moron didn't actually dispute any facts. Here any camera law enforcement (red light camera, radar camera, etc. ) the ticket attaches to the vehicle not the driver. That way there is no question about who to charge. You can't say Joe Blow was driving your car and try to skate on the ticket. All the judge has to say is does these tags belong to you? Yes sir. Guilty pay the fine or we suspend your registration. So about the only actual defense against the ticket is if you can prove the equipment was faulty or if your car/tags were stolen.

So all the arguing about human beings was moot no matter how they were addressed, the ticket was for the vehicle. And the last I looked a motor vehicle is never considered a person, no matter how Freeman you go. Kinda wondering why this issue wasn't raised under appeal. I do like the appellate judge tho. I seriously he was just gonna say bullshit at one point.

Edit: spelling
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