Ron Paul introduces Nothaus law

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The Dog
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Post by The Dog »

[quote="Quixote"]I hope you don't think that 18 USC 486 and 489 exist to protect the peace of mind of the Federal Reserve and the Mint. They can take care of themselves. It's all the little people who will be left holding the bags full of funny money that should worry. (If the bill had a snowball's chance in Hell, that is.)[/quote]


Just suppose for a moment that you (and I) are wrong and that the "funny money", far from being a method of separating the gullible from their real money is in fact a scheme to achieve the untold paradise that its proponents see in a non debased currency.

My point is that even then, it wouldn't work. Imagine that you wanted to buy something and you had two coins, one a 50 cent standard coin from the US mint made of base metal worth 5 cents at most. The other is a coin from the "Liberty Dollar" mint and worth (for the sake of argument) the full fifty cents. Both are legal tender.

Which coin do you offer?

Naturally, you offer the US mint coin as in the (extremely unlikely) event that the US Dollar becomes worthless, you can stil melt down your "Liberty Dollar" coin and get your money. The shopkeeper, faced with a similar dilemma in giving change to the next customer does exactly the same thing.

Thus the US mint coins remain in circulation and the "Liberty Dollar" coins do not.
Evil Squirrel Overlord
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Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

RyanMcC wrote:
silversopp wrote:How many people on right think that Obama/Clinton are crazy and would be terrible for our country?
I wonder why, afterall they were both endorsed by Fidel Castro: ... 4320070828
Well, he totally convinced me. Until Fidel chimed in, I was going to use my own judgement. Now if he could only tell me what to bring to my sisters for Christmas.
Evil Squirrel Overlord
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Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

The Dog wrote:

Just suppose for a moment that you (and I) are wrong and that the "funny money", far from being a method of separating the gullible from their real money is in fact a scheme to achieve the untold paradise that its proponents see in a non debased currency.

My point is that even then, it wouldn't work. Imagine that you wanted to buy something and you had two coins, one a 50 cent standard coin from the US mint made of base metal worth 5 cents at most. The other is a coin from the "Liberty Dollar" mint and worth (for the sake of argument) the full fifty cents. Both are legal tender.

Which coin do you offer?

Naturally, you offer the US mint coin as in the (extremely unlikely) event that the US Dollar becomes worthless, you can stil melt down your "Liberty Dollar" coin and get your money. The shopkeeper, faced with a similar dilemma in giving change to the next customer does exactly the same thing.

Thus the US mint coins remain in circulation and the "Liberty Dollar" coins do not.
Then why even offer the coins as currency? I'd be stupid for the mint to do so.

Post by RyanMcC »

Evil Squirrel Overlord wrote:Well, he totally convinced me. Until Fidel chimed in, I was going to use my own judgement. Now if he could only tell me what to bring to my sisters for Christmas.
Chestnuts of course.


Post by RyanMcC »

Imalawman wrote:In fact, RyanMC just stated earlier how the polling numbers are skewed because they're polling republicans who aren't his base.
A good chunk of his base are people who have never voted before, which would tend to work against you in traditional polls. Alot of people are registering as Republican just to vote for him in the primaries. For that reason I think he will do better once the votes are cast than the polling would indicate. He does quite well in straw polls for what that is worth.

Trevor Lyman, a 37 year old who never voted before was the man behind RP's big fundraising days.

The following audio clip indicates another potential reason behind RP's low poll numbers (as well as Hunter & Tancredo).

IMC Polling in New Hampshire:

Looks like there is another fundraising day planned for Ron Paul. Apparantly a chat room was setup also.
Last edited by RyanMcC on Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Nikki »


Off-topic NedOnomics posts (and responses thereto) have been split to a separate thread.

Post by RyanMcC »

Now an internet radio station dedicated to Ron Paul:

Ron Paul Revolution Radio

Note to future political self: Make sure your message appeals to self-employed people who make their living on the internet.
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Post by Imalawman »

RyanMcC wrote:
CaptainKickback wrote:
RyanMcC wrote:I wonder why, afterall they were both endorsed by Fidel Castro: ... 4320070828
Because Fidel Castro is a half-senile, corrupt, morally-bankrupt, old gas-bag?
Could be, I just assumed Fidel felt Clinton/Obama would be the most likely to bring about a Socialist Utopia in the US. You could be right too though.
Well then, if you believe that you should vote for them. Unless you think they'd merely try to create a utopia, but fail, like all other socialists.
"Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs" - Unknown

Post by Truthstalker »

RyanMcC wrote:Now an internet radio station dedicated to Ron Paul:

Ron Paul Revolution Radio