Minister Belanger is screwed yet again!

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Minister Belanger is screwed yet again!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Minister Belanger just had an anti-Semitic hissy-fit;
Edward Jay Robin Belanger
July 24 at 11:21 AM ·

Who among you count integrity honor and duty of the Ezekiel 33 watchman as important in your lives? Who has in the face of a complaint regarding a virulent attack on faith by public servants, enough faith of their own to respond by complaining about the attack???. 1-866-254-3423 is the hotline number for whistleblowers to AIMCO Albertas Risk Management Corp ..

Why claim you have faith in talk and label but are not willing to exercise the legs of faith to show your works? Will you allow the faith Christ died for to be slandered ridiculed and decimated? Some of you will which speaks volumes as to what constitutes fake faith. Those who put secularism ahead of the faith Christ founded seem to be missing what Ezra 7:23-26 says about the word minister in Romans 13..Read that closely as it exposes a centuries old fraud!!! Those who call themselves Reverends then hang up on a plea for help regarding an attack on faith cannot be the minister Christ spoke of! ..Most if not all of you got deceived by the Romans 13 pulpitism and false teachings regarding its interpretation and have no idea your registered to a false god corporate government slave camp. Leviticus 25:44-50 applies to those who have not considered that those who think they are God's people are still alive following his directions there. Who is Canada's creditor and whats their family faith? It is antisemitic to look at Revelations 2:9, 3:9??
A break for a moment while I note that Belanger probably meant " Is it antisemitic to look at Revelations 2:9, 3:9??" in the last sentence. These are the two verses, straight from the King James itself. I have no idea what they are supposed to mean;

Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV)
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Back to the diatribe;
This attack by John Rooke and Denny Thomas will be coming to your members soon but I get the impression most of you will do nothing...Thats right you willl ignore this ....Those who control the worlds finances call those folks Dumb Goyim...I have attended synagogue and the Rabbi's admitted I was right but they were not worried as none of the dumb goyim will listen to me.Then they laughed....Do you feel good about being laughed at for your stupidity by Jewish Rabbi's??? Read the defamation and attack on Christ!!!! How many will rise to the call and verify my ministry by calling that number up top??? Please complain as the faith Christ founded is under assault!!!

Sadly he'd correctly forecast the response when he wrote;

This attack by John Rooke and Denny Thomas will be coming to your members soon but I get the impression most of you will do nothing...Thats right you willl ignore this ....
Belanger's urgent call to arms to support his church in its time of need resulted in a grand total of two replies, neither of whom said they were going to bother helping him by calling the number.

And what set him off on this rant? This decision from Alberta's Queen's Bench;

CP (Re)
2019 ABQB 388

Before going to the decision I'll outline what's at stake in it for Belanger. The claimed reach of the doctrine of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International Church is very wide ranging. Apart from claiming to be an actual religious organization it's a one-size fits all solution to almost all of the non-religious legal problems that beset people from time to time. Problems such as;

Sexual assault Charges; ... 48&t=11987

Keeping your house without paying your mortgage; ... 48&t=10670 ... 48&t=11817

Escaping from drug charges; ... 48&t=11813

Driving offenses; ... b16aca16fa

Evading paying income tax; ... =48&t=9829

As I wrote in a prior posting;
Belanger has spent years fabricating a religious based legal framework that he claims allows ministers in his church to get free homes by repudiating their mortgages, exempts them from paying income taxes or car insurance, allows them to refuse to hold drivers licenses, and avoid many others of life's obligations. Essentially CERI membership allows anyone Belanger designates a minister to evade any legal responsibilities they prefer not to honour. Just by joining up as CERI ministers, anyone can flout almost any laws they chose by stating that they are exempt from them because of their religious beliefs.

Belanger bases this nonsense on his theory that CERI ministers have an absolute legal right to require Canadian governments and private organizations to respect and accommodate anything that they claim is a tenet of their religion regardless of how ludicrous or self-serving these claims might seem. Anything that a CERI minister claims as a religious belief has to be accommodated in any manner that the minister demands. For example there is a verse in the King James Bible that states that God has ordered that men shall not take away or add to his laws. Since all of God's laws are, in CERI mythology, contained within the King James Bible only laws specifically written down in that book are valid. None of Canada's pesky statutory laws are included in the text of the King James Bible, you can search in vain for Federal Income Tax Act, so they are all unconstitutional in respect to Belanger and his followers and cannot be enforced against them.
Given that none of minister Belanger's acolytes have ever shown much, if any, actual religious inclination it's extremely fortunate for him that he realized that his church doctrine could also provide his ministers with these secular uses for its dogma apart from providing a ticket to heaven. Or, to be more accurate, it would be useful if anyone in any actual position of authority ever paid the slightest attention to any of Belanger's endless yammering. Unfortunately for both Belanger and his ministers once his demands for religious immunity and accommodation faced the reality of Canada's legal system they were inevitably dismissed as being lunatic ravings without any legal validity. The Potvin decision,

Potvin (Re)
2018 ABQB 652

Written up in Quatloos; ... 48&t=11817

was a torpedo amidships for all of Belanger's idiotic arguments. Alfred Potvin had, amongst other bullshit sovereign arguments, included all of Belanger's claims that his ministers were exempt from man's laws because of their sincere Christian beliefs. But in paragraphs 102 to 134 Judge Rooke stomped on the lot, writing;
[102] In his more recent materials Mr. Potvin is obviously using material he sourced from the “Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International” or “CERI”. CERI members characteristically title themselves as “ministers”, with a lower-case “m”. In the Potvin v Rooke, Federal Court Docket T-1546-18 action Mr. Potvin specifically identifies himself as a member of CERI who operates out of his “CERI Ecclesia”.

[103] CERI is an Edmonton-based OPCA movement headed by a conman guru “minister” or “paraclete”, Edward Jay Robin Belanger: Meads v Meads, at paras 134-139, 183-188. Though members of CERI claim to be King James Bible literalists, this belief is an affectation, rather than real. For example, Belanger has formerly self-identified as a “Reformed Druid”. The chief focus of this group is use of pseudolaw to evade their legal obligations and to engage in criminal activities, often centered on marijuana trafficking, or driving in motor vehicles they claim are outside government regulation because those are “Ecclesiastical Pursuit Chariots”.

[104] Since there has not been a recent decision that addresses the pseudolegal theories advanced by CERI, this judgment is a useful point to review these concepts and why they have no legal merit

. . . . . . . .

[133] I therefore have no difficulty concluding, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Mr. Potvin’s claims of religious devotion that requires he avoid ALFRED GERALD POTVIN at all costs are a total fabrication, a flag of convenience under which he hopes to sail to success. Correspondingly, there is absolutely no requirement for any government actor or for that matter anyone to accommodate his demands relating to the King James Bible, dead corporate entities, and necrophilia.

[134] That goes for all “ministers” who claim to shelter from Canadian law via their purported adherence to CERI claims that God has forbidden them from involvement with their names in all upper case letters, or any other CERI “Strawman” nonsense. No person could reasonably hold these ideas as a religious belief. Following Fiander v Mills, I conclude this variation on “Strawman” theory is, like all the others, so notoriously bad that anyone advancing CERI-type OPCA arguments does so as an abuse of court, and that the presence of these motifs in an action creates a presumption that the litigant is in court for ulterior, abusive purposes. That includes Mr. Potvin.
Very hurtful. Very, very hurtful. Calling Belanger a "conman guru" must be very distressing to our paraclete. CERI is his baby, it's all he has and he's laboured most of his adult life to force authorities to accept that he, by babbling biblical gibberish, can override statutory laws and evade legal responsibilities. Potvin left Belanger listing badly, almost capsizing, but he could still pretend, by suing Judge Rooke, that he had weight in the OPCA world and that he was still open for business selling his religious "nonsense". Then, as I reported here, ... 48&t=11987

a man charged with sexual assault quite inexplicably failed to be acquitted after he informed the court his crimes were fine as far as CERI was concerned and he was immune from prosecution.

Now CP (Re) has fired another salvo of torpedoes into the sinking ship;
I. Introduction

[1] On April 12, 2019, the Court received a package of materials addressed to “Everyone at: Office of the trial coordinator”. These documents are reproduced as Appendix “A” and “B” of CP (Re), 2019 ABQB 310 (CanLII) [CP (Re) #1]. The April 12, 2019 materials appeared to relate to two interconnected court files: one involving guardianship and parenting of a child, the second a restraining order.

[2] The documents were forwarded to me for review and possible action, since I am designated to respond to abusive litigation in the Edmonton judicial district of the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench. I concluded the April 12, 2019 documents exhibit motifs and concepts that are characteristic of a category of non-law, or pseudolaw, which in Meads v Meads, 2012 ABQB 571 (CanLII), 543 AR 215 [Meads] was grouped under the label “Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments”, or “OPCA”. OPCA concepts are a commercial product sold by conman “gurus” who claim to have special secret legal knowledge. OPCA purportedly provide many benefits, such as to eliminate state and court authority, provide “get out of jail free cards”, and “money for nothing”. Instead, OPCA schemes are worthless, and only harm the persons who attempt to use them.

[3] All OPCA concepts are vexatious and an abuse of the Court’s processes: Meads. Anyone who employs OPCA concepts is an abusive litigant: Unrau v National Dental Examining Board, 2019 ABQB 283 (CanLII) at para 180 [Unrau #2]. In this instance, the abusive OPCA motifs which have been employed are characteristic of a fake religious group, the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International [CERI], whose members purport to be King James Bible literalists, but instead attempt to use these legally false and abusive OPCA concepts to avoid their legal obligations, engage in criminal activities, and to foist false demands on others: Meads, at paras 134-139, 183-188; Unrau #2, at para 196; Potvin (Re), 2018 ABQB 652 (CanLII), at paras 102-134, 76 Alta LR (6th) 328, court access restricted 2018 ABQB 834 (CanLII), 78 Alta LR (6th) 159. CERI’s claims range to the absurd, for example calling their motor vehicles “Ecclesiastical Pursuit Chariots”, which are therefore supposedly exempt from motor vehicle legislation and regulations: Meads, at para 186.
I'm willing to credit Belanger with some sincerity, I think he genuinely believes his CERI bullshit. But his followers are only in it for what they can get here and now. Since they apparently know nothing about religion, CERI based or otherwise, they may actually believe he's found a legal loophole. But not after this;
In this instance, the abusive OPCA motifs which have been employed are characteristic of a fake religious group, the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International [CERI], whose members purport to be King James Bible literalists, but instead attempt to use these legally false and abusive OPCA concepts to avoid their legal obligations, engage in criminal activities, and to foist false demands on others:
That's what triggered Belanger's pathetic, impotent rant on Facebook. I have no idea why he dragged the Jews into it apart from his general animosity against them.

So why pathetic? Impotent? Look at the best he can do to try to counter a critical adverse court decision. He wants his followers to phone " AIMCO Albertas Risk Management Corp" which turns out to be an investment company that manages Alberta pension funds;
We are one of Canada’s largest and most diversified institutional investment managers with more than $103.7 billion of assets under management. We are responsible for the investments of 31 pension, endowment and government funds in Alberta and work closely with our clients to ensure our strategies meet their objectives. On their behalf, AIMCo places investments across all asset classes and markets to maximize return on risk.

A google check on the phone number Belanger is demanding his followers call gets this;
Confidential Reporting

In accordance with governance best practices, the Confidential Reporting policy and the accompanying reporting service provide all AIMCo employees, service providers and clients with the ability to confidentially report any failure to comply with the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards.

Confidential Reporting Hotline: 1-866-254-3423

Confidential Reporting Website:
A whistleblower number to report instances where AIMCo is not acting according to its own code of conduct. The people at AIMCo would wonder what the fuck these idiots were raving about if any of Belanger's followers actually called the number but, as the response to his plea showed, nobody cares anymore anyhow.

So what was CP (Re) about? As you can possibly guess by the abbreviated name it involved a child so the names are initialized to protect identities. I have no idea who these people are so I'm not breaching a court order by making up names to make explanation more understandable. BH (Brenda) is the nine year old daughter of KH (Karen). DAH (Darlene) is Brenda's grandmother and CP (Charles) is Brenda's father. Karen, due to substance abuse issues, is not capable of taking care of Brenda so Darlene has been her unofficial guardian for four years. Unofficial in that the court knows about her but she does not have a court-appointed position. Charles has been out of the picture but recently surfaced after Darlene applied for a formal guardianship order last January.

Charles is demanding access rights to Brenda based on his claim that there is a “Notice” which established that he and Karen, a “private man” and “private woman”, had entered into “a private agreement” that gave Charles access to Brenda in exchange for cash payments to Karen. Darlene got a restraining order against Charles and last March got an interim parenting and guardianship order for Brenda. Charles was given the opportunity to file a cross-application in relation to his claims for access to and other status concerning Brenda. He instead went full-frontal CERI;
[8] CP did not do that. Instead, on April 12, 2019, he sent the documents described and reviewed in CP (Re) #1, at paras 21-36.

[9] In brief, in his OPCA materials concerning BH and her care and custody, CP claims that he is bound by his religious beliefs that he must only obey the King James Bible. CP calls himself a “bondservant for the Creator” and demands he must only be referred to as “CP” and not “CPD”. CP is his “... private man ... Christian given name ...”.

[10] CP claims that he cannot be forced to be a “person before the law” or be affiliated with “persons”. That means he cannot “associate” with “man’s legislation”, such as the Family Law Act, SA 2003, c F-4.5, which is “... secular legislation created by man and being for financial purpose ...”. Further, he says the King James Bible trumps Canadian law because Canada is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which are supraconstitutional authorities. CP instructs the Court to follow those purported beliefs: “... I do require the court to recognize and accommodate my faith and religious beliefs.”

[11] CP appears to claim that BH is his private property. He is her creator, and has a “God given right ... to have full custody of my daughter ...”. CP filed with the Court a “Notice with Fair Warning”, which states he will fine DAH $210 per hour “... that I am not in possession of what is rightfully mine ...”.
And, as I said in the Potvin writeup, that decision screwed any CERI based legal arguments going forward. This decision made liberal use of Potvin;;
[14] As for CERI and its version of King James Bible literalism, this Court in Potvin (Re), 2018 ABQB 652 (CanLII) concluded these so-called religious beliefs have no substantive basis, and CERI members’ claims that they are bound by religious obligation are nothing less than an excuse to unilaterally dictate what is, and what is not, the law. I agreed that was also true for CP and his claims: CP (Re) #1, at paras 33-34. Demands by CP that his Strawman Theory declarations must be accommodated as religious belief are no more substantive than claims that a pasta colander is religious headgear: Narayana c Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec, 2015 QCCS 4636 (CanLII).

[15] Canada is a secular state, and the King James Bible has no legal relevance: CP (Re) #1, at para 28. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms preamble text that “... Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God ...” has no legal meaning: Mouvement laïque québécois v Saguenay (City), 2015 SCC 16 (CanLII) at paras 144-149, [2015] 2 SCR 3.
The key argument in Belanger's idiotic CERI bullshit is that a literal belief the King James Bible is both a sword and a shield, giving his "ministers" total immunity from all laws and allowing them to defeat any opponent in court. Paragraph 15 shows that it is neither and destroys the basis of his entire sales pitch for to join his "fake religious group". As I quoted from paragraph 3;
All OPCA concepts are vexatious and an abuse of the Court’s processes: Meads. Anyone who employs OPCA concepts is an abusive litigant: Unrau v National Dental Examining Board, 2019 ABQB 283 (CanLII) at para 180 [Unrau #2]. In this instance, the abusive OPCA motifs which have been employed are characteristic of a fake religious group, the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International [CERI], whose members purport to be King James Bible literalists, but instead attempt to use these legally false and abusive OPCA concepts to avoid their legal obligations, engage in criminal activities, and to foist false demands on others
Clear notice from the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench that it will immediately go nuclear when confronted with CERI arguments. Which is exactly what it did with Charles. He was cut off from any access to Brenda and declared a vexatious litigant. He was told he could continue only if he dropped all OPCA arguments;
[37] Court access restrictions are a continuing, prospective process. The gatekeeping functions that the Court imposes may, and should, evolve with the circumstances, including the abusive litigant’s conduct: Unrau #2, at paras 734-746. CP’s misconduct has escalated. He has abandoned any semblance of legitimate litigation processes to unilaterally assert his purported religious immunity to Canadian law, and proclaimed he owns BH as property. CP has ignored this Court’s Order in CP (Re) #1. CP has not responded to explain why he should not be subject to court access restrictions.

[38] I will presume for the purpose of the following analysis that CP has a genuine interest, as a parent, concerning what appears to be his biological daughter. If so, CP should understand he is going about things the wrong way. I am imposing ongoing court access restrictions on him. That does not have to be permanent. DKD (Re) (Dependent Adult), 2018 ABQB 1021 (CanLII) and DKD (Re), 2019 ABQB 26 (CanLII) report on this Court’s response to a person who first employed and then abandoned OPCA claims concerning a dependent child. When the need to control plausible future abusive litigation ended, so do the gatekeeping processes.

[39] If CP genuinely wants to have a role in BH’s life, then he will need to establish a new litigation trajectory. A first step is to abide by this Court’s directions.
Paragraph 40 detailed the restrictions and rules that Charles would have to meet to continue. I'm not going to quote it, it's huge, check it yourselves. If he's a true CERI believer he's screwed because the court ordered him to provide government ID in order to continue and that's one of Belanger's prime prohibitions. You are allying yourself with Satan by using official ID because you become a "person". So it's either CERI or access to his daughter. I'm guessing that Belanger has lost yet another minister since all that CERI now has to offer Charles is it's religious doctrine and he hasn't shown any inclination towards any actual belief in Belanger's odd take on Christianity.
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Re: Minister Belanger is screwed yet again!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

[133] I therefore have no difficulty concluding, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Mr. Potvin’s claims of religious devotion that requires he avoid ALFRED GERALD POTVIN at all costs are a total fabrication, a flag of convenience under which he hopes to sail to success. Correspondingly, there is absolutely no requirement for any government actor or for that matter anyone to accommodate his demands relating to the King James Bible, dead corporate entities, and necrophilia.
What? Where in the KJ Bible is the necrophilia part?
....there is absolutely no requirement for any government actor or for that matter anyone to accommodate his demands relating to .....necrophilia
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Re: Minister Belanger is screwed yet again!

Post by Burnaby49 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2019 7:29 pm
[133] I therefore have no difficulty concluding, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Mr. Potvin’s claims of religious devotion that requires he avoid ALFRED GERALD POTVIN at all costs are a total fabrication, a flag of convenience under which he hopes to sail to success. Correspondingly, there is absolutely no requirement for any government actor or for that matter anyone to accommodate his demands relating to the King James Bible, dead corporate entities, and necrophilia.
What? Where in the KJ Bible is the necrophilia part?
....there is absolutely no requirement for any government actor or for that matter anyone to accommodate his demands relating to .....necrophilia
As I've related elsewhere in Quatloos Belanger's religion takes him on strange paths. One is an obsession with having sex with dead whores. As I wrote over a year ago;
So, what I'm asking, for those who wish to participate in this international experiment, late coming and overdue, is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, once we find out that we're in bed with this old dead prostitute w have to get out of her blah, blah, blah, blah, blah"

He invokes Christ a lot so I will too. FOCUS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. He can't keep a line of discussion going for more than a minute before he's off on a tangent about something else entirely. He's supposed to be explaining to his followers how they can beat the system but instead he's obsessively going back to his sick, sick fetish about sex with dead whores. He probably can't order a coffee in a restaurant without telling the waitress all about his necrophilia lusting. THEN HE'S BACK TO OLD DEAD PROSTITUTES AGAIN! First it was governments. Now "commercial courts" are also dead prostitutes. Everything in Belanger's world is a dead prostitute. And then he was on about 'fornicating' with her to get "living virginity". His theology is way too deep for me. ... 0&p=262936

and this quote from almost five years ago;
Belanger had been doing ok to this point but then he went over the top with lunatic ramblings about copulation, prostitutes, virginity, necrophilia, commercial intercourse with dead things, and "sticking our dicks in other's holes" (all phrases he used) and then ended it all with a bad Ricky Ricardo imitation. ... 48&t=10167

And no, I've never bothered to delve into the depth of his yearning for sexual relationships with dead prostitutes. Sometimes Belanger gets too kinky even for me.
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Re: Minister Belanger is screwed yet again!

Post by notorial dissent »

Necrophilia is intercourse with the dead, and it is a sovcit/fotl point of belief that a PERSON/legal name/fill in the blanks is a dead entity. Thus/so. Didn't say it really made sense.
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Re: Minister Belanger is screwed yet again!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Poor minister Belanger can't get a break. I'm just working on a posting for a new topic with the tentative title;

Another Disaster for Belanger & CERI

Yet another recent court decision that kicks Belanger's ass around the block and back by shredding all of CERI's legal arguments. But, one saving grace, more politely than Queen's Bench. I should have it posted today.
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Re: Minister Belanger is screwed yet again!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2019 5:49 pm So why pathetic? Impotent? Look at the best he can do to try to counter a critical adverse court decision. He wants his followers to phone " AIMCO Albertas Risk Management Corp" which turns out to be an investment company that manages Alberta pension funds;
I wonder if there isn't another motivating reason that Belanger picked on this company, such as whether they had refused to pay him on claims he filed in the past for monies that he believed were owed to him. But if this is because our peanut-brained paraclete has lost all touch with reality on how the world works, then he needs some lithium treatments pronto.
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Re: Minister Belanger is screwed yet again!

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 1:14 am
Burnaby49 wrote: Tue Jul 30, 2019 5:49 pm So why pathetic? Impotent? Look at the best he can do to try to counter a critical adverse court decision. He wants his followers to phone " AIMCO Albertas Risk Management Corp" which turns out to be an investment company that manages Alberta pension funds;
I wonder if there isn't another motivating reason that Belanger picked on this company, such as whether they had refused to pay him on claims he filed in the past for monies that he believed were owed to him. But if this is because our peanut-brained paraclete has lost all touch with reality on how the world works, then he needs some lithium treatments pronto.
I doubt it. If he had a personal beef against AIMCo he'd do what he always does and puke out batches of videos demanding that they accomodate his religious beliefs by giving him whatever the hell he wants. He probably saw saw that AIMCo had a whistleblower's line and that was enough. He just spewed out another demand in a very recent video he titled;

Demand for Accommodation of Pat Hart a sworn officer of her Majesty

I listened to a few minutes but just the usual bullshit and I can't take more than a few minutes of his annoying habit of making frequent smacking noises in his mouth with his tongue. But the larger point I asked myself was; who the fuck is Pat Hart? I'd never heard of him and Google didn't help. Turns out, with no offense meant to Pat, he's nobody. He isn't a government official, he's just an everyday private sector lawyer in Edmonton who once wrote an article about OPCA issues. That's it. But Belanger is running out of people that he hasn't yet sent Demands for Accomodation to so some random individual who once wrote an article made the cut. He's a sworn officer of her Majesty because he's a lawyer.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Minister Belanger is screwed yet again!

Post by grixit »

Heh, called it! The 1st Book of Rooke, aka Meads and the 2nd Book of Rooke, aka Potvin, are both cited. I had said that in the future, judges would be able to throw not one, but two books at cases like this. And here we are :)
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Re: Minister Belanger is screwed yet again!

Post by JamesVincent »

You know the real reason the good paraclete always fails? He never trademarked "ecclesiastical pursuit chariots". If he had then no one could have stopped him..... literally.

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Re: Minister Belanger is screwed yet again!

Post by Tuba Cain »

JamesVincent wrote: Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:55 pm "ecclesiastical pursuit chariots".
Honestly, this phrase has made all of the bull and foolishness worthwhile.

When I’m reading a thread and the phrase “nunc pro tunc” or “accept for value” shows up for the millionth time, I just think “ecclesiastical pursuit chariot”, and it’s all better.

Batshit insane, but better.
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Re: Minister Belanger is screwed yet again!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Then we all owe a vote of thanks to minister Belanger since I believe he thought the term up.

He used it as part of his scam that CERI ministers didn't need license plates, car insurance or a driver's license since they were Christian ministers going about their ecclesiatical duties in their ecclesiastical pursuit chariots. Belanger promoted the idea that the Alberta government had to accept this idiotic bullshit because the government was legally required to accomodate anything his followers said was part of their true religious beliefs. That collapsed when minister Cathie was pulled over because she didn't have a plate. Turned out she didn't have a license or insurance either so her car was impounded and she was charged. At trial she argued the pursuit chariot idiocy but, surprisingly, she was convicted anyhow.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".