confused capacities & agreements

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confused capacities & agreements

Post by parzival »

sovereign citizen the confused capacity

To start off a little about me: I am a new member that has studied the history of roman, justinian ,English law, including the creation of the modern system of equity including the prescriptions of common law and equity (pre 1535), the creation of international law and the law of nations and municipal law, I have studied the top scholars for many years my library is in excess of 1000 books from: Coke, Littleton, Bracton, Mansfield, Blackstone, Holdsworth,Story etc..

I find it hard to believe anyone within any jurisdiction of law, (in our current era) can justify that there is no such thing as absolute freedom of the individual as a free agent.

yet once one has the realization in a complete manner to the whole issue the “sovereign citizen” is a pipe dream, a citizen can not circumvent the choice of equity by choosing the capacity of an equitable subject within municipal law with only a right of possession as trustee to the settled lands.

My real issue is not with the sovereign citizen being wrong, it is the effects of the equitable system of prescriptions and privity of estate that are the true culprits.

The way the law is written, if one does not look to the entire history from the original, majority will confuse what that law is, and will also not have a true realization in permanent manner for what they truly want, the English law as written created each individual as a beneficiary, yet this beneficiary is the trustee benefit, not the benefit of the settlor.
With the many agreements creating many different capacities in addition to an original agreement within the different levels of English law and Equity has created a multi level contract with different levels of privity based on the individual's capacity to them.

What I see is a type of Armageddon within Equity currently unfolding partly due to ignorance of the people subject to the English system of law plus, choosing not to learn the history that binds them in law, but more so the system of equity and those that administer in right of the common law prescriptions with full knowledge of the ENTIRE HISTORY to the use and privity and capacities to feudal, ancient and modern system of common law and equity.

Truth is from a certain point of view, point of view is based on ones agreements, the agreements one makes is the truth one is held to in law, not a belief but an actual agreement, yet the foundation of the group take priority and are in addition to the individual agreements.

To many are playing in this grey area of the group agreement without defining what the true intent of the individual is.
Do to the severity of this issue and the effects as well as the terms of use that I have agreed to I (being with right of private territory within private international law(private domicile)) will only discuss this matter in a general history aspect dealing with the freedom issue that can and does show the history of capacity and privity to the different jurisdictions, and in my opinion is the only issue required to discuss to put this issue of sovereign citizen into perspective due to the history of freedom within English law and equity and the trust within it.

Majority are only ignorant of the laws of common law and equity due to not understanding the very basics to interactions between men/women, this is also partially because the law of repeals in regards to the issue and capacity attached to that issue that only can be seen when looking at the whole history to the modern land tenure (3 levels) being English law and equity.

Without correcting the beliefs of the majority within the international law scheme will in my opinion cause the people to revolt due to not understanding, we can see this in many videos at law schools and universities where the law students themselves are fed up with the secrets and scream F*** THE LAW,
This is crazy since law is our own agreements, as individuals choose the capacity by the agreements that are unknown to the majority, and is the cause to this effect and the reason for this post.
Most seem not to be able to find the agreement that makes them subject due to the 3 levels of jurisdictions to the use, and being subject not to the monarchy but as subjects of a municipal corporation in a form of AGENCY BY RATIFICATION. ... ification/

Battle of the Fee-simple vs Function of government (fee-simple)
A society where the majority do not know how or why they are subject to Government authority, and those administering that authority will not openly tell the citizens how they are subject.

The government by forcing an agreement onto those that have no idea what that agreement is, also removes there own freedoms to choose free agent by the assumption of slavery…..

The issue is confusion to agreements which creates a legal capacity to the agreements majority ignores or does not understand fully.

Ignorance of your agreements (law) is no excuse.

You can not have one estate at common law and another under statute of use (legislation)!
A Readable Edition of Coke Upon Littleton pdf page 53
A lawful or pure inheritance] Here it is well put in the disjunctive lawful or pure, for every fee-simple is not lawful. A disseisor, abator,intruder, usurper, &c. Have a fee-simple, has it either by purchase or descent. If by wrong, then either by disseisin, intrusion,abatement,usurpation, &c.
Pg 511 pdf
But since Littleton wrote, all uses are transferred by act of parliament into possession, so that the case which littleton here puts is thereby altered. Yet it is necessary to be known what the common law was before the making of the statute, [otherwise the application of the statute could not be discovered]
nota. A use is a trust or confidence reposed in some other, which is not out of the land, but as a thing collateral thereto and annexed in privity to the estate of the land, and to the person touching the land, scilicet, that Cestui Que us shall take the profit, and that the ter-tenant shall make an estate according to his direction. So that cestui que use had neither jus un re nor jus ad rem, but only only a confidence and trust, for which he had no remedy by common law, but for breach of trust his only remedy was by subpena in chancery.
Pg 590 No remitter if one estate be at common law and other under stat of use.
The reason is no folly can be attributed to the infant in accepting the feoffment at the time it was made. Hence therefore, in this case the law respects the time of the foeffment, and not the time of the death: and albeit the infant might have waived the estate at his full age, yet [seeing that would be to his loss and prejudice, he shall have the benefit of the feoffment till his ancestor's death,when] the right of the estate tail descending on him either within age, or of full age, shall work a remitter[to his estate in tail]. But since littleton wrote, there is a great alteration in remitters by the statute of uses H.8.c.10; for if a tenant in tail now make a feoffment in fee to the us of his son (within age) and his heirs, and dies, and the right of the estate tail descends to the son within age, yet he in not remitted, because the statute executes the possession in such plight, manner, and form, as the use was limited; [ whereby the issue is in, not of the estate discontinued, but of a new use under the statute]. But if the issue in tail in this case waives the possession, and bring a formedon in the descender, and recover against the feoffees, he shall thereby be remitted to the estate tail; otherwise the lands may be so incumbered that the issue in tail would be at great inconvenience; but if no formedon be brought, and that issues dies, his issue shall be remitted; because an estate in fee-simple at common law descends upon him.
source: ... df#page=53

The issue of who has privity of estate, and to what estate, there is a capacity and a thing, where the thing one takes can create a cestui que trust where the trust agreement creates a capacity of life tenant and move one from an absolute capacity as free agent into another as life tenant and trustee as the usufruct.
A treatise on the law of trusts and trustees
The,income shall not be alienable by anticipation, nor subject to be taken for debts until paid over to the cestui. (a) It is not possible, however, for a man to create a trust to pay the income to himself for life, with a provision against alienation by anticipation, so as to prevent his creditors from coming at the income by a bill in equity. (a.) A cestui having a vested equitable interest though contingent may convey it subject to the contingency.

ABSOLUTE FREEDOMS ARE TRUE, yet not available to the municipal subject as citizens in the same manner and form as a free agent, in other words if you choose equity you don't have absolute freedoms as a free agent, you have the rights and duties as the subject.

To make everyone believe equity is mandetory in contrast to the entire planet is slavery and is incorrect, everyone within English law and Equity has choosen the modern system of life tenant as subjects of a juristic unit and what you will be held subject to.

Only once that choice is accepted is one bound to that agreement.(majority don't know how they are subject or to what)

Absolute Freedoms of the Free Agent
The main confusion seems to come from Blackstone Commentaries (codified the modern system of English law), many read jurisprudence without seeing the divisions, free agent vs municipal subject and what these 2 different jurisdictions create.(forgetting joining the group agreement)
Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765-1769)
Of the Absolute Rights of Individuals
“The rights of persons considered in their natural capacities are also of two sorts, absolute, and relative.
Absolute, which are such as appertain and belong to particular men, merely as individuals or single persons:
relative, which are indigent to them as members of society, and standing in various relations to each other.
By the absolute rights of individuals we mean those which are so in their primary and strictest sense; such as would belong to their persons merely in a state of nature, and which every man is entitled to enjoy whether out of society or in it. But with regard to the absolute duties, which man is bound to perform considered as a mere individual, it is not to be expected that any human municipal laws should at all explain or enforce them. For the end and intent of such laws being only to regulate the behavior of mankind, as they are members of society, and stand in various relations to each other, they have consequently no business or concern with any but social or relative duties.”
source: ... d/bla-101/ (also available on

Agreements and Capacity


Private international law and the conflict in laws is part of the new modern system of law based on territory and those that reside within that territory are bound to that state/provincial laws. English law and jurisdiction for the subject is based on international law (law of nations) and the law of domicile that was created from prescription of ancient and feudal common law of land tenure based on fee simple as life tenant with only a right of possession under what is know known as Law of Property, the other moderns systems are also based on the same rules of Law of property where all within international law only have a right of possession (use) under a strict settlement based on the feudal land tenure by prescription.

Private international law, and the retrospective operation of statutes; a treatise on the conflict of laws, and the limits of their operation in respect of place and time
by Savigny, Friedrich Karl von, 1779-1861 ... t/page/n11

Jones on Prescription: A Practical Treatise on the Real Property Limitation Act of Revised ... g/page/n28


Acquisitive Prescription. Its Existing World-Wide Uniformity

Prescription Other Than in Fee

Confused capacity and agreements
The confusion is understandable due to the history and time that has evolved, yet has evolved into defining these capacities and agreement as a subject to the English law ONLY, yet without looking to each grant from the original source to today one can easily forget (immemorial) where time immemorial then takes place, yet is an agreement that has a condition precedent and condition subsequent to a future right nothing more.

When one looks at the agreements like magan charta, statute of uses, fraudulent conveyances, bill or rights 1688, act of settlements in the 1700 to the settled land in the 1800's, all of the grants from the monarchy (pre 1688) and then from the constitutional monarchy (after 1688) moving of all previous capacities of the feudal, ancient into a modern land tenure in fee-simple absolute.

One can see by studying the grants and prescriptions that the common law has only made grants to an organization: Lord Manors of the Magna Charta era, or the Governments of the settled estates granted to the municipal corporations as juristic units of the crown corporation of the modern era.

Any international government that assumes the laws of equity also join the equitable group of English law by it use and acceptance(municipal law).

The citizens of the modern tenure as life tenants in fee-simple absolute are the same serfs and slaves of the feudal land tenure as established by Holdsworth and many others.

The citizen ratifies an agency under the municipal law jurisprudence all governments enforce as being subject by the law of domicile, and the law of adverse possession and prescriptions.

Of the Absolute Rights of Individuals
“The objects of the laws of England are so very numerous and extensive, that, in order to consider them with any tolerable ease and perspicuity, it will be necessary to distribute them methodically, under proper and distinct heads; avoiding as much as possible divisions too large and comprehensive on the one hand, and too trifling and minute on the other; both of which are equally productive of confusion.”
Getting answers from the source

Many are not familiar that the modern system of law is a combination of many territories from roman law and justinian law plus many others up until 1900, when one looks to the creation of these other jurisdictions pre prescription to the English law and equity one will find they are all based on a hierarchy system where the one acting as sovereign is a trustee to whom only a select few compared to the whole group had a future right in trust based on a use for a fee, what is now known as life tenant in fee-simple (an agency to that agreement).

The main issue is the assumptions of equity that have been dealt with fully by the consolidated acts of 1925 that have determined all these issues previously based on common law and equity judgements and why the statute of uses and fraudulent conveyances and act of settlements etc.

When we discuss law and jurisdiction many do not understand the true issue or how to find the seat in law for themselves never mind another, this in itself injures all those as free agents ( & life tenants by vexatious litigations) even though English common law and equity restrict this by prohibitions and limitation on behalf of the free agent in accordance with the common law principles first and of the trust (equity) second as an icing(equity) on the cake(common law).
A History of Germanic Private Law
“"The transfer of land for the use of one person for certain purposes to be
carried out either in the lifetime or after the death of the person conveying it has its
basis in Germanic law. It was popularly held that land could be transferred for the use
from one person to another in local custom. The formal English or Saxon law didn't
always recognize this custom. The practice was called Salman or Treuhand. Sala is
German for "transfer". It is related to the Old English sellen, "to sell"."
Pollock and Maitland describe cestui que use as the first step toward the law of agency.
They note that the word "use" as it was employed in medieval English law was not from
the Latin usus, but rather from the Latin word opus, meaning "work". From this came
the Old French words os or oes". Although with time the Latin document for conveying
land to the use of John would be written ad opus Johannis which was interchangeable
with ad usum Johannis, or the fuller formula, ad opus et ad usum, the earliest history
suggests the term "use" evolved from ad opus.”
source: ... g/page/n10
Freeman and Legal system are equally to blame
I have a hard time with the knowledge I have that those with full knowledge are not explaining the true choices and are forcing the equitable choice in breach of the fraudulent conveyance act and playing on the ignorance of s.5 of that common law act. (A Treatise on the Construction of the Statutes, 13 Eliz. C. 5, and 27 Eliz ... og/page/n9)

I am sitting on the sidelines watching these 2 factions battle it out in a very vicious manner, I also understand most lawyers don't care or have not looked into the use for a fee and the fact that law of property is 1st year law school and the history to the use in common law is not part of the teaching in law school (yet is optional in 1st year), yet how many do know and are allowing this forced agency to continue with full knowledge?

I hope to get a real discussion on how to actually work together as 3 different jurisdictions settlor, govt and citizen (since monarchy is no longer needed) to possibly over time incorporate the entire history slowly into the knowledge of the people (citizens and lawyers).

It is my honest belief this is the only salvation to the major issue of sovereign citizen, detax plus so much more due to one being forced to an agreement they are not told about yet freedom should tell them to go look, yet majority will not take the time and effort to study the foundations to all agreements and laws and jurisdictions around the world and how we got here today, since all modern English law is based on the law of repeal.
R. v. C. (W. J.), 2008 MBCA 11 (CanLII)
How does repealing a statute affect another statute that incorporates it by reference?
28 Generally speaking, when legislation is repealed, it ceases to be law. As described by Professor Ruth Sullivan, Sullivan and Driedger on the Construction of Statutes, 4th ed. (Markham: Butterworths Canada Ltd., 2002) (at p. 527):
Repeal is the key terminal event in the operation of legislation. When a repeal takes effect, the repealed legislation ceases to be law and ceases to be binding or to produce legal effects. … It also means that everything dependent on the repealed legislation for its existence or efficacy ceases to exist or to produce effects.)

29 This rule can be displaced by statute and, indeed, several survival clauses were built into the federal Interpretation Act. One of these clauses, s. 44(h) of the Interpretation Act, provides some assistance in addressing the issue at hand. It reads as follows:
Where an enactment, in this section called the “former enactment”, is repealed and another enactment, in this section called the “new enactment”, is substituted therefor,
(h) any reference in an unrepealed enactment to the former enactment shall, with respect to a subsequent transaction, matter or thing, be read and construed as a reference to the provisions of the new enactment relating to the same subject-matter as the former enactment, but where there are no provisions in the new enactment relating to the same subject-matter, the former enactment shall be read as unrepealed in so far as is necessary to maintain or give effect to the unrepealed enactment.[emphasis added]
Without following the history and what was and what was not written in the next statute that may still apply from over 1000 years ago is a lot to ask, and with equity creating a whole new jurisdiction and moving everyone equally under life tenants within municipal law only creates a situation many can not see.

I hope to find a way to discuss with learned individuals on a proper solution that does not injure any capacity and their choice.

What I think is required is a slow learning process over a period of time to allow the knowledge of history and the facts associated with this history can be absorbed in a constructive and not destructive manner, since in reality we either work together by agreements or nothing is left but force, and many are using force when agreements took us out of the stone age era of force and into the modern era of true freedoms by an agreement.

I hope I have come to the right place to discuss and work on this very serious and extremely delicate matter since it is hard to find those with a full understanding of the system of laws and jurisdiction, and there seem to be many lawyers and other in the legal field that could help address what you see and how as a whole can work to correct this matter of assumed slavery and how equity actually enforces the acceptance due to the agreements majority are not aware of due to the history of slavery to the recognized freedoms we have today, to what seems to be slavery by ignorance(soft tyranny) of the individual.

Why is this not the topic, since the freeman detaxers and all other major issues is based on not understanding the law they are subject to.

When one truly knows the differences between free agent and municipal agent, along with the true effects especially the responsibilities of those choices, then the ones that are trying to play both sides of the fence will be seen as such, and therefore by not making a permanent choice with full knowledge those being then in equity can be subject to those extreme punishments without being able to claim a fraud that could possibly circumvent the punishments they in fact agree to.

How many here can source the exact act of legislation (modern law) that makes one subject by acceptance and understand it?

How many hear fully understand the entire history of English law and how it applies today as a whole?

The issues seem to be based on belief since the English law is very specific and justifies absolute freedoms, yet majority of the “public” and “lawyers” are the only ones that are establishing a belief of absolute power of government when a government only has what was granted by the Constitutional Monarchy.
A “Constitution” signifies a constituted trust, taking possession of a thing in right of another.

I am unfamiliar with any modern English law that gives a trustee ultimate authority over a settlor and can force a constitution of a trust.

I see no wrong in an individual choosing self determination, yet I also agree with the jurisprudence you can not be self determined and a citizen.

If the individuals claiming that they want absolute freedoms are refused that recognition you get freeman on the land, new faiths,detaxers and all kinds of A4V schemes all are trying to circumvent what is already circumvented by the statute of uses and settlements.

If these individuals truly want to be free agents, set them free, the problem then the choice must be permanent in nature and must understand the choice, where without the history they will never be able to leave and will do nothing but attack the system they are forced (out of ignorance) to be subject to.

So please forgive me, yet it seems this is a topic that is most ignored yet requires the most attention to the main issues at hand, especially for those that breach their agreements.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by Burnaby49 »

Our brand-new member certainly started out with a bang. Can't make any sense of it but what he lacks in coherence he makes up in volume.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by wserra »

Burnaby - I had tentatively concluded that this was your work, putting us all on. I was about to compliment you on a brilliant job.

Not you, huh? Well, my second guess is Oswald Bates.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by Burnaby49 »

As Quatloosians know to their cost I'm right up there with parzival when it comes to volume, particularly when reporting on the Poriskyite trials. However I like to think I have a bit more coherence and continuity.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by The Observer »

parzival wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2019 8:58 pm If these individuals truly want to be free agents, set them free,...
This is one thing that I think you and I agree on. I am fully on board with setting these "individuals" free when they declare themselves to be outside of the law. They should be set free by delivering them to areas where the jurisdiction of law cannot reach them and thus avoid any confusion as to whether these "individuals" are subject to the laws of the state that freed them. My suggestion would be to deliver them by parachute to choice areas like Somalia or Venezuela where it seems that law and supremacy are in question or in the middle of the Amazon rain forest where I doubt there exist any laws whatsoever that could interfere with their freedom.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by notorial dissent »

All I git out of it was blather blather blather blither, unintelligible nonsense, blather, blather, blather. My only question was to wonder how long the author had been off their meds.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

where the thing one takes can create a cestui que trust where the trust agreement creates a capacity of life tenant and move one from an absolute capacity as free agent into another as life tenant and trustee as the usufruct.
My rule of thumb is that anything that includes any bollocks about cestui que trusts is complere nonsense, however convoluted and with whatever authority quoted.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

I like these online jargon generators. This is quite a good one.

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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by AndyK »

DMVP is irate! Someone stole his word salad machine.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by Famspear »

Methinks parzival’s been on a quest
To get word salad thoughts off his chest.
But he won’t find The Grail;
The check’s not in the mail,
And he’ll wear out a keyboard, at best.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by parzival »

I find it interesting not one member understands the topic, "confused capacities and agreements" or the information posted and what it means as a whole, lets start small and work into the information.

the only 2 questions have no been addressed
1.How many here can source the exact act of legislation (modern law) that makes one subject by acceptance and understand it?

2.How many hear fully understand the entire history of English law and how it applies today as a whole?
since from the replies so far, ill assume majority either does not understand the above 2 questions or the information posted and how it applies to the topic and questions I will ask 1 additional question to help get on what capacities and agreements are within law and equity.

I hope everyone can agree some sections of Law of Property 1925 apply to Canada, USA, and UK within the rules of repeal, my next question is based on each "state" and "province" current law of property based on the 1925 grant.

3. what is fee-simple absolute and what class of persons are fee-simple within the law of property?
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by Burnaby49 »

Even though his second post is only a tiny fraction of the length of the first he still confounds me. But then, shameful confession, I don't fully understand the entire history of English law.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by Chaos »

parzival wrote: Tue Aug 06, 2019 5:45 pm I find it interesting not one member understands the topic, "confused capacities and agreements"
no, we totally understand you are. your word salad is proof.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by parzival »

how about fee simple, or law of property, is that not a simple question all should understand?
Burnaby49 wrote: Tue Aug 06, 2019 5:53 pm Even though his second post is only a tiny fraction of the length of the first he still confounds me. But then, shameful confession, I don't fully understand the entire history of English law.
Part I
General Principles as to Legal Estates, Equitable Interests and Powers
1 Legal estates and equitable interests.
(1)The only estates in land which are capable of subsisting or of being conveyed or created at law are—
(a)An estate in fee simple absolute in possession;
(b)A term of years absolute.
(2)The only interests or charges in or over land which are capable of subsisting or of being conveyed or created at law are—
(a)An easement, right, or privilege in or over land for an interest equivalent to an estate in fee simple absolute in possession or a term of years absolute; ... /20/part/I
2 Conveyances overreaching certain equitable interests and powers.
(1)A conveyance to a purchaser of a legal estate in land shall overreach any equitable interest or power affecting that estate, whether or not he has notice thereof, if—
(i)the conveyance is made under the powers conferred by the M1Settled Land Act, 1925, or any additional powers conferred by a settlement, and the equitable interest or power is capable of being overreached thereby, and the statutory requirements respecting the payment of capital money arising under the settlement are complied with;
(ii)the conveyance is made by [F2trustees of land] and the equitable interest or power is at the date of the conveyance capable of being overreached by such trustees under the provisions of subsection (2) of this section or independently of that subsection, and [F2the requirements of section 27 of this Act respecting the payment of capital money arising on such a conveyance] are complied with;
and here is what blackstone says what fee-simple is and also what the absolute attached conveys..
fee simple Image

wonder why everyone wants to dodge what citizens of a municipal territory are..
The Municipal Affairs Administration Act MANITOBA
1 In this Act,
"minister" means the member of the Executive Council charged by the Lieutenant Governor in Council with the administration of this Act; (« ministre »)
"municipality" means any locality the inhabitants of which are incorporated and continued under the authority of The Municipal Act, The Local Government Districts Act or any other Act of the Legislature and includes a rural municipality, an incorporated city, town or village, and a local government district.
I wonder if a constructive discussion on the law and not beliefs is possible on this website?
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Still :shrug:
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by wserra »

parzival wrote: Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:14 pmhow about fee simple, or law of property, is that not a simple question all should understand?
Well, it's obviously not simple enough for you. You proved that when you wrote
what is fee-simple absolute and what class of persons are fee-simple within the law of property?
No "class of persons" are fee simple. That term refers to real property. Even if you would classify slaves as property, they would be chattel, not fee simple.
I wonder if a constructive discussion on the law and not beliefs is possible on this website?
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by parzival »

wserra wrote: Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:28 pm
parzival wrote: Tue Aug 06, 2019 6:14 pmhow about fee simple, or law of property, is that not a simple question all should understand?
Well, it's obviously not simple enough for you. You proved that when you wrote
what is fee-simple absolute and what class of persons are fee-simple within the law of property?
No "class of persons" are fee simple. That term refers to real property. Even if you would classify slaves as property, they would be chattel, not fee simple.
I wonder if a constructive discussion on the law and not beliefs is possible on this website?
We have them all the time. Of course, you're not in them.
no class of person is fee-simple? do we not have to follow the law to determine that?
(1)A conveyance to a purchaser of a legal estate in land shall overreach any equitable interest or power affecting that estate, whether or not he has notice thereof, if—
(i)the conveyance is made under the powers conferred by the M1Settled Land Act, 1925, or any additional powers conferred by a settlement, and the equitable interest or power is capable of being overreached thereby, and the statutory requirements respecting the payment of capital money arising under the settlement are complied with;
(i)the conveyance is made under the powers conferred by the M1Settled Land Act, 1925, or any additional powers conferred by a settlement,
1 What constitutes a settlement.
(1)Any deed, will, agreement for a settlement or other agreement, Act of Parliament, or other instrument, or any number of instruments, whether made or passed before or after, or partly before and partly after, the commencement of this Act, under or by virtue of which instrument or instruments any land, after the commencement of this Act, stands for the time being—
(i)limited in trust for any persons by way of succession; or
(ii)limited in trust for any person in possession—
(a)for an entailed interest whether or not capable of being barred or defeated;
(b)for an estate in fee simple or for a term of years absolute subject to an executory limitation, gift, or disposition over on failure of his issue or in any other event;
(c)for a base or determinable fee [F1(other than a fee which is a fee simple absolute by virtue of section 7 of the Law of Property Act 1925)] or any corresponding interest in leasehold land;
(d)being an infant, for an estate in fee simple or for a term of years absolute; or
(iii)limited in trust for any person for an estate in fee simple or for a term of years absolute contingently on the happening of any event; or
(iv). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F2
(v)charged, whether voluntarily or in consideration of marriage or by way of family arrangement, and whether immediately or after an interval, with the payment of any rentcharge for the life of any person, or any less period, or of any capital, annual, or periodical sums for the portions, advancement, maintenance, or otherwise for the benefit of any persons, with or without any terms of years for securing or raising the same;creates or is for the purposes of this Act a settlement and is in this Act referred to as a settlement, or as the settlement, as the case requires: ... /section/1
19 Who is tenant for life.
(1)The person of full age who is for the time being beneficially entitled under a settlement to possession of settled land for his life is for the purposes of this Act the tenant for life of that land and the tenant for life under that settlement.
(2)If in any case there are two or more persons of full age so entitled as joint tenants, they together constitute the tenant for life for the purposes of this Act.
(3)If in any case there are two or more persons so entitled as joint tenants and they are not all of full age, such one or more of them as is or are for the time being of full age is or (if more than one) together constitute the tenant for life for the purposes of this Act, but this subsection does not affect the beneficial interests of such of them as are not for the time being of full age.
(4)A person being tenant for life within the foregoing definitions shall be deemed to be such notwithstanding that, under the settlement or otherwise, the settled land, or his estate or interest therein, is incumbered or charged in any manner or to any extent, and notwithstanding any assignment by operation of law or otherwise of his estate or interest under the settlement, whether before or after it came into possession, other than an assurance which extinguishes that estate or interest. ... section/19
30 Who are trustees for purposes of Act.
(1)Subject to the provisions of this Act, the following persons are trustees of a settlement for the purposes of this Act, and are in this Act referred to as the “trustees of the settlement” or “trustees of a settlement,” namely—
(i)the persons, if any, who are for the time being under the settlement, trustees with power of sale of the settled land (subject or not to the consent of any person), or with power of consent to or approval of the exercise of such a power of sale, or if there are no such persons; then
(ii)the persons, if any, for the time being, who are by the settlement declared to be trustees thereof for the purposes of the Settled Land Acts, 1882 to 1890, or any of them, or this Act, or if there are no such persons; then
(iii)the persons, if any, who are for the time being under the settlement trustees with [F1a power or duty to sell] of any other land comprised in the settlement and subject to the same limitations as the land to be sold or otherwise dealt with, or with power of consent to or approval of the exercise of such power of sale, or, if there are no such persons; then
(iv)the persons, if any, who are for the time being under the settlement trustees with [F2a future power or duty to sell] the settled land, or with power of consent to or approval of the exercise of such a future power of sale, and whether the power [F3or duty] takes effect in all events or not, or, if there are no such persons; then
(v)the persons, if any, appointed by deed to be trustees of the settlement by all the persons who at the date of the deed were together able, by virtue of their beneficial interests or by the exercise of an equitable power, to dispose of the settled land in equity for the whole estate the subject of the settlement.
(2)Paragraphs (i) (iii) and (iv) of the last preceding subsection take effect in like manner as if the powers therein referred to had not by this Act been made exercisable by the tenant for life or statutory owner.
(3)Where a settlement is created by will, or a settlement has arisen by the effect of an intestacy, and apart from this subsection there would be no trustees for the purposes of this Act of such settlement, then the personal representatives of the deceased shall, until other trustees are appointed, be by virtue of this Act the trustees of the settlement, but where there is a sole personal representative, not being a trust corporation, it shall be obligatory on him to appoint an additional trustee to act with him for the purposes of this Act, and the provisions of the Trustee Act, 1925, relating to the appointment of new trustees and the vesting of trust property shall apply accordingly. ... settlement
the basics to English law is a person with a right to a thing, why there is a capacity (person) and the equitable right as fee simple to act as assumed owner under a trust of law.
the thing is the hereditaments, corporeal and incorporeal, and is what is in trust.

as we can see, confused capacity and agreements is the issue for the citizen, and those playing freeman, or sovereign citizen, due to not understanding the history and how the uses and trust was implemented in its current form.

fee-simple and citizens only have an equitable right as assumed owners, and The Statute of Limitations is a law of extinctive, not of acquisitive prescription. It operates to bar the owner out of possession, not to confer title on the trespasser or disseisor in possession.
Re Alfrey Investments Ltd. and Shefsky Developments Ltd. et al., 1974 CanLII 709 (ON SC)
Extinguishment of Owner's Title.**** A person in possession of land in the assumed character of owner, and exercising possibly the ordinary rights of ownership****, has a perfectly good title against all the world but the rightful owner. And if the rightful owner does not come forward and assert his title by process of law within the period prescribed by the provisions of The Statute of Limitations applicable to the case, his right is forever extinguished, and the possessory owner acquires an absolute title. The Statute of Limitations is a law of extinctive, not of acquisitive prescription. It operates to bar the owner out of possession, not to confer title on the trespasser or disseisor in possession. (6.ann ch 18)
English law is based on a single capacity(right) of possession for a fee in equity as fee-simple, where the absolute is the warranty to the free agent as explained in Blackstone Commentaries absolute right of the "individual" not a subject of municipal law.
all free agents have the absolute right of ownership, possession and the fee to what was granted to join the group...
what does one give the group to join? what is private international law? what was granted in the Settled Land Act? what "thing" allows the monarchy to grant powers to govt to make law based on the "hereditaments"?
A Readable Edition of Coke Upon Littleton
by Sir Thomas Littleton , Thomas Coventry , Edward Coke 1830
Co.Litt. 266a.
There is jus proprietatis, a right of ownership, jus posessionis, a right of seisin or possession, and jus proprietatis et posessionis, a right both of property and possession; and this las is anciently called jus duplicatum, or droit droit. For example if a man is disseised of an acre of land, the disseisee has jus proprietatis, and the disseisor has just possessionis [ that is,as against strangers, but not as it should seem against the disseisee, as against him the disseisor cannot well be said to have a right, but only a bare naked possession]; if the disseisee releases to the disseisor, then the disseisor shall have jus proprietatis et possessionis [and his title will be complete] Sec 16 & 17 settled lands act
6 ANN ch 18
V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That every Person who, as Guardian or Trustee for any Infant, and every Husband seized in Right of his Wife only, and every other Person having any Estate determinable upon any Life or Lives, who after the Determination of such particular Estates or Interests, without the express Consent of him, her, or them, who are or shall be next and immediately untitled upon and after the Determination of such particular Estates or Interests, shall hold over and continue in Possession of any Manors, Messages, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, shall be and are hereby adjudged to be Trespassers ; and that every Person and Persons, his, her, and their Executors and Administrators, who are or shall be intitled to any such Manors, Messuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, upon or after the Determination of such particular Estates or Interests, shall and may recover in Damages against every such Person or Persons so holding over as aforesaid, and against his, her, or their Executors, or Administrators, the full Value of the Profits received during such wrongful Possession as aforesaid,
law of property is created from Settled Land Act(s)
108 Saving for and exercise of other powers.
(1)Nothing in this Act shall take away, abridge, or prejudicially affect any power for the time being subsisting under a settlement, or by statute or otherwise, exercisable by a tenant for life, or (save as hereinafter provided) by trustees with his consent, or on his request, or by his direction, or otherwise, and the powers given by this Act are cumulative.
(2)In case of conflict between the provisions of a settlement and the provisions of this Act, relative to any matter in respect whereof the tenant for life or statutory owner exercises or contracts or intends to exercise any power under this Act, the provisions of this Act shall prevail; and, notwithstanding anything in the settlement, any power (not being merely a power of revocation or appointment) relating to the settled land thereby conferred on the trustees of the settlement or other persons exercisable for any purpose, whether or not provided for in this Act, shall, after the commencement of this Act, be exercisable by the tenant for life or statutory owner as if it were an additional power conferred on the tenant for life within the next following section of this Act and not otherwise.
(3)If a question arises or a doubt is entertained respecting any matter within this section, the tenant for life or statutory owner, or the trustees of the settlement, or any other person interested, under the settlement may apply to the court for its decision thereon, and the court may make such order respecting the matter as the court thinks fit.
I strongly recommend reading s.109, due to the sensitive information being posted, I will no longer deal with the actual modern settlement, but will continue with the point of the post confused capacities to confused agreements in which creates the capacity..

by following the law how it is written along with the grants creating the current law based on law of repeal
Of the Absolute Rights of Individuals
The objects of the laws of England are so very numerous and extensive, that, in order to consider them with any tolerable ease and perspicuity, it will be necessary to distribute them methodically, under proper and distinct heads; avoiding as much as possible divisions too large and comprehensive on the one hand, and too trifling and minute on the other; both of which are equally productive of confusion.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by wserra »

That's not right. It's not even wrong.

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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by Burnaby49 »

the basics to English law is a person with a right to a thing, why there is a capacity (person) and the equitable right as fee simple to act as assumed owner under a trust of law.
the thing is the hereditaments, corporeal and incorporeal, and is what is in trust.

as we can see, confused capacity and agreements is the issue for the citizen, and those playing freeman, or sovereign citizen, due to not understanding the history and how the uses and trust was implemented in its current form.

fee-simple and citizens only have an equitable right as assumed owners, and The Statute of Limitations is a law of extinctive, not of acquisitive prescription. It operates to bar the owner out of possession, not to confer title on the trespasser or disseisor in possession.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

My study of the basis of English property law is that it is based on "See that land? See this sword? That's mine that is."

I believe US property law is based on the same English principle, although being a later creation it was modified by delete "sword" replace with "gun".
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