confused capacities & agreements

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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by parzival »

wserra wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:25 pm
Dnatural wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 5:34 pmI assure you the second a lawyer utters one word in chambers he has lost
I am in the process of retiring after a forty-four-year career as a litigator. A medmal trial coming up right after Labor Day, two more medmals and an automotive products case through the middle of next year, then I'm done. I'm fortunate to be able to retire, especially since our youngest is starting in two weeks at an Ivy League school.

Whatever would I do without some anonymous zlub assuring me that, as soon as I open my mouth, I lose?
when in contrast with the setlor to the strict land settlement, I am sure he means,
from system of conveyance in canada, link available upon request,

and is based on this,,,
A Readable Edition of Coke Upon Littleton pdf page 53
A lawful or pure inheritance] Here it is well put in the disjunctive lawful or pure, for every fee-simple is not lawful. A disseisor, abator,intruder, usurper, &c. Have a fee-simple, has it either by purchase or descent. If by wrong, then either by disseisin, intrusion,abatement,usurpation, &c.
Pg 511 pdf
But since Littleton wrote, all uses are transferred by act of parliament into possession, so that the case which littleton here puts is thereby altered. Yet it is necessary to be known what the common law was before the making of the statute, [otherwise the application of the statute could not be discovered]
nota. A use is a trust or confidence reposed in some other, which is not out of the land, but as a thing collateral thereto and annexed in privity to the estate of the land, and to the person touching the land, scilicet, that Cestui Que us shall take the profit, and that the ter-tenant shall make an estate according to his direction. So that cestui que use had neither jus un re nor jus ad rem, but only only a confidence and trust, for which he had no remedy by common law, but for breach of trust his only remedy was by subpena in chancery.
Pg 590 No remitter if one estate be at common law and other under stat of use.
The reason is no folly can be attributed to the infant in accepting the feoffment at the time it was made. Hence therefore, in this case the law respects the time of the foeffment, and not the time of the death: and albeit the infant might have waived the estate at his full age, yet [seeing that would be to his loss and prejudice, he shall have the benefit of the feoffment till his ancestor's death,when] the right of the estate tail descending on him either within age, or of full age, shall work a remitter[to his estate in tail]. But since littleton wrote, there is a great alteration in remitters by the statute of uses H.8.c.10; for if a tenant in tail now make a feoffment in fee to the us of his son (within age) and his heirs, and dies, and the right of the estate tail descends to the son within age, yet he in not remitted, because the statute executes the possession in such plight, manner, and form, as the use was limited; [ whereby the issue is in, not of the estate discontinued, but of a new use under the statute]. But if the issue in tail in this case waives the possession, and bring a formedon in the descender, and recover against the feoffees, he shall thereby be remitted to the estate tail; otherwise the lands may be so incumbered that the issue in tail would be at great inconvenience; but if no formedon be brought, and that issues dies, his issue shall be remitted; because an estate in fee-simple at common law descends upon him. ... df#page=53

equity is not lawful unless you accept the statute of use title that is now law of property...
Part I
General Principles as to Legal Estates, Equitable Interests and Powers
1 Legal estates and equitable interests.
(1)The only estates in land which are capable of subsisting or of being conveyed or created at law are—
(a)An estate in fee simple absolute in possession;
(b)A term of years absolute.
(2)The only interests or charges in or over land which are capable of subsisting or of being conveyed or created at law are—
(a)An easement, right, or privilege in or over land for an interest equivalent to an estate in fee simple absolute in possession or a term of years absolute;
(b)A rentcharge in possession issuing out of or charged on land being either perpetual or for a term of years absolute;
(c)A charge by way of legal mortgage;
(d). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F1 and any other similar charge on land which is not created by an instrument;
(e)Rights of entry exercisable over or in respect of a legal term of years absolute, or annexed, for any purpose, to a legal rentcharge.
(3)All other estates, interests, and charges in or over land take effect as equitable interests.
(4)The estates, interests, and charges which under this section are authorised to subsist or to be conveyed or created at law are (when subsisting or conveyed or created at law) in this Act referred to as “legal estates,” and have the same incidents as legal estates subsisting at the commencement of this Act; and the owner of a legal estate is referred to as “an estate owner” and his legal estate is referred to as his estate.
(5)A legal estate may subsist concurrently with or subject to any other legal estate in the same land in like manner as it could have done before the commencement of this Act.
(6)A legal estate is not capable of subsisting or of being created in an undivided share in land or of being held by an infant.
(7)Every power of appointment over, or power to convey or charge land or any interest therein, whether created by a statute or other instrument or implied by law, and whether created before or after the commencement of this Act (not being a power vested in a legal mortgagee or an estate owner in right of his estate and exercisable by him or by another person in his name and on his behalf), operates only in equity.
(8)Estates, interests, and charges in or over land which are not legal estates are in this Act referred to as “equitable interests,” and powers which by this Act are to operate in equity only are in this Act referred to as “equitable powers.”
(9)The provisions in any statute or other instrument requiring land to be conveyed to uses shall take effect as directions that the land shall (subject to creating or reserving thereout any legal estate authorised by this Act which may be required) be conveyed to a person of full age upon the requisite trusts.
(10)The repeal of the Statute of Uses (as amended) does not affect the operation thereof in regard to dealings taking effect before the commencement of this Act.

wonder if we need to review law of repeals and subject matter, since once again law of property and settled land act is 2 different subject matters, one is under a trust of land, the other is the GIFT of land to join the group.................. :snicker:
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by parzival »

i do find it interesting and is turning into fact, that the lawyers and majority of subjects a tenant for life have no idea how they are subject to a free society of men and women, then are implying there is no way out, and once born into the English colony territory you are enslaved by the law of domicile.

lets look at a treatise on law of domicile, the law of dominion under a statute of use, now law of property (in some states/provinces) now land (settled estates) Act. :lol:

everyone within english law is bound to law of dominion as the common law of the group, and is unvoluntary

for municipal subjects (life tenants)

now this next photo deals with the 2 different capacities,

I am sure ill have to point them out more defined, since in law a period is a dead stop, and a comma acts as an or.
Domicile is a combination of two factors namely, residence and intent to remain. As the term domicile includes residence, the scope and significance of the term domicile is larger than the term residence. An individual may have several residences whereas; s/he will have only one domicile. Domicile is more used in reference to personal rights, duties and obligations[ii].
Distinctions Between Domicile And Residence ... residence/

subject matter of life tenants is as life tenant and the RESIDENCE......LAW OF PROPERTY..
the subject matter of the settlor is the land settlement.. SETTLED LAND ACT......domicile......and a seperate one, a true title, possession and the seisin......
Last edited by parzival on Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by wserra »

Dnatural wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:14 pmSo why is a lawyer never trained either in absolute ownership (droit, droit) vs. assumed ownership and one's right to chose.
For the same reason that a chemist isn't trained in alchemy.
Enjoy your retirement and would entertain the day to pick your brain. Best wishes. I mean this sincerely.
Thank you.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by HardyW »

You have already been told that (for obvious reasons) the law of property is based on the territory where the property is located, NOT on nationality/citizenship or domicile. So if the property is physically located in BC then it is BC law that applies.

NONE of those ancient-looking page prints even mentions property ownership and why would they because property rights in general do not depend on nationality/citizenship or domicile. As I told you before, this is why much of London can be bought up by Russian oligarchs and the families of Arab sheikhs. Even if they have never visited England and never intend to live there.

There are some cases where the local government has legislated to stop this, and laws do indeed provide that only residents or others with a specified local connection may own real property in the specified territory. But this is not the general case and your general quoting of - probably outdated - considerations of domicil(e) has no relevance to law of property.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by parzival »

HardyW wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:26 am You have already been told that (for obvious reasons) the law of property is based on the territory where the property is located, NOT on nationality/citizenship or domicile. So if the property is physically located in BC then it is BC law that applies.

NONE of those ancient-looking page prints even mentions property ownership and why would they because property rights in general do not depend on nationality/citizenship or domicile. As I told you before, this is why much of London can be bought up by Russian oligarchs and the families of Arab sheikhs. Even if they have never visited England and never intend to live there.

There are some cases where the local government has legislated to stop this, and laws do indeed provide that only residents or others with a specified local connection may own real property in the specified territory. But this is not the general case and your general quoting of - probably outdated - considerations of domicil(e) has no relevance to law of property.
funny how everything your stating is territory based, BC is a CROWN CORPORATION, and a PROVINCIAL TERRITORY bound the the COMMON LAW rules of PROPERTY,

once again, why is BC property within the law of bc? LAW OF DOMICILE..............
why does a judge ask 3 questions to establish jurisdiction. who are you? and WHERE DO YOU LIVE? what do you DO FOR A LIVING?

why, the who states your DOMICILE, based on a residence that one HOLDS AS PROPERTY FROM THE CROWN CORPORATION. and established the territorial law for that individual.

where do you live, is the residence, the municipal jurisdiction you RESIDE IN.........

what you do for a living, if your life tenant or police, or judge, attorney general etc. these are capacities.

capacities are established by the issue at hand.....

jerry is a police officer on duty in tor onto Canada, while on duty Jerry punched George that is from a non English colony.

George will have to make issue in Toronto Canada, terry being a police officer has extra rights and duties over and above the life tenants as citizens,

the judge would have to determine if Jerry by the law of Toronto had the right to punch George, based on the law terry is bound by not the law George is bound by,,,

which once again is a different topic, yet finding the seat in law for the individual is also ignored...........

if one takes the time to read private international law and the conflict in law, the law of succession to land and also how the seat in law is found based in law of domicile.....
Private international law, and the retrospective operation of statutes; a treatise on the conflict of laws, and the limits of their operation in respect of place and time
by Savigny, Friedrich Karl von, 1779-1861 ... t/page/n11

the best part is, the case law and scholars and reforms footnote all the scholars and books, yet are completely ignored and why you dont truly understand why the senior courts make the orders they do....

this is the best evidence one could ask for, to prove the ignorance of those within the law societies, and i thank you for that.

so as we can see, combining the personal and the subject matter is incorrect, since the subject matter being that of a life estate or a LAND SETTLEMENT are 2 very different subject matters and 2 different capacities, just like a police officer vs citizen,,,, and why they are different yet the same,

this is basic law, and sure makes me wonder what is going on here.........

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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Dnatural wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 5:34 pm
What is it about the law that makes ignoramuses believe they're scholars?
I think that it's the fact that the Internet has made it possible for pissants like parzival et al. to find scraps of real lawyer-talk, and decide that they are Quite the Legal Genius. Their complete ignorance of how to do actual legal research is dismissed because that's elitism, or something. Confirmation bias weighs heavily, here, as is the "research method" involving starting with a desired conclusion, and then mining quotes to "support" that conclusion.

Haha... why in hell would anyone with knowledge of the law then demote themselves into being a lawyer? Perhaps research who created Cambridge and Oxford so to arrive at what a lawyer is and what he was/is trained to do... he deals with a part of the law without knowledge of the whole. Read about the hatred between the Inns and the Universities.

I assure you the second a lawyer utters one word in chambers he has lost as the law destroys equity when one is acting in his true capacity. We are not speaking equity so if you read what I or Parzival is trying to convey we are not speaking or trying to speak from a mind of a lawyer. I mean a lawyer only can speak fact about abstract not truth. Simple really.

As usual, you are spewing out a barrage of words which mean absolutely NOTHING. You know NOTHING about what it is to be a lawyer. I don't give the south-facing end of a north-facing rat about who created Cambridge or Oxford, because that has NOTHING to do with the profession of law in North America or the UK. I also don't care about "the hatred between the Inns and the Universities" -- that subject did not come up, ONCE, in my entire college, law school or lawyer years. IT MEANS NOTHING AT ALL.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Dnatural wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:16 pm Sorry not following your train of thought here. What is the subject matter of the 18th amendment whereby the 21st repealed.
Easy, Blackstone -- Prohibition. If you looked at the U.S. Constitution, instead of wasting hours parsing ancient and obsolete legal tomes, you could have found that out yourself.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"The only question I would ask, a reflection of what I stated, did you ever have the opportunity to be involved in a chamber meeting whereby the plaintiff was no longer acting in the right of a person, under the laws of equity, but instead brought in the laws which substantiated his or her right to be noticed as settlor to the Settled Land Act?"

Neither Wes, nor I, or any other American lawyer gives a damn. For one thing, this Settled Land Act (whatever it is, and assuming that it is still in force) has no applicability in the United States; and for another, there is no longer a distinction, in law, between law and equity, except in three of our states.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by parzival »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:19 am
Dnatural wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:16 pm Sorry not following your train of thought here. What is the subject matter of the 18th amendment whereby the 21st repealed.
Easy, Blackstone -- Prohibition. If you looked at the U.S. Constitution, instead of wasting hours parsing ancient and obsolete legal tomes, you could have found that out yourself.
1. this is abvously about canada, yet the common law rules to property make the common law rules apply to all ENglish colonies by RECEPTION,,,,

2. wrong prohibition LMFAO.... really.....
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by parzival »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:29 am "The only question I would ask, a reflection of what I stated, did you ever have the opportunity to be involved in a chamber meeting whereby the plaintiff was no longer acting in the right of a person, under the laws of equity, but instead brought in the laws which substantiated his or her right to be noticed as settlor to the Settled Land Act?"

Neither Wes, nor I, or any other American lawyer gives a damn. For one thing, this Settled Land Act (whatever it is, and assuming that it is still in force) has no applicability in the United States; and for another, there is no longer a distinction, in law, between law and equity, except in three of our states.
:haha: ... la/page/n5 ... la/page/iv

ignorance of the history to equity is obviously the issue and is explained in great detail by many scholars why not read it...
In this maxim is found one of the most fundamental
characteristics of equity jurisprudence. Equity
was created to supplement the common law, and for
this purpose only. The result is that equity is bound
by the established principles of law. It might be said
that equity is addition and not subtraction.
it is defined, modern equity assumed it and is written within the act as future interest, by reversion and remainders in common law, yet is the exact same trust format as in equity.....

equity is the icing, common law is the cake, if you take the cake, there is nothing for the icing :Axe:
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by parzival »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:29 am "The only question I would ask, a reflection of what I stated, did you ever have the opportunity to be involved in a chamber meeting whereby the plaintiff was no longer acting in the right of a person, under the laws of equity, but instead brought in the laws which substantiated his or her right to be noticed as settlor to the Settled Land Act?"

Neither Wes, nor I, or any other American lawyer gives a damn. For one thing, this Settled Land Act (whatever it is, and assuming that it is still in force) has no applicability in the United States; and for another, there is no longer a distinction, in law, between law and equity, except in three of our states.
its intersting how you dont give a damn, yet lets look at why your dont give a damn, yet would if a settlor was claiming your fee simple estate being held by a tenant in common :haha:
16 Enforcement of equitable interests and powers against estate owner.
(1)All equitable interests and powers in or over settled land (whether created before or after the date of any vesting instrument affecting the legal estate) shall be enforceable against the estate owner in whom the settled land is vested (but in the case of personal representatives without prejudice to their rights and powers for purposes of administration) in manner following (that is to say):— :shock:
(i)The estate owner shall stand possessed of the settled land and the income thereof upon such trusts and subject to such powers and provisions as may be requisite for giving effect to the equitable interests and powers affecting the settled land or the income thereof of which he has notice according to their respective priorities;
(ii)Where any person of full age becomes entitled to require a legal estate in the settled land to be vested in him in priority to the settlement, by reason of a right of reverter, statutory or otherwise, or an equitable right of entry taking effect, or on the ground that his interest ought no longer to be capable of being over-reached under the powers of this Act, the estate owner shall be bound, if so requested in writing, to transfer or create such legal estate as may be required for giving legal effect to the rights of the person so entitled; :naughty:
(a)any principal sum is required to be raised on the security of the settled land, by virtue of any trust, or by reason of the exercise of an equitable power affecting the settled land, or by any person or persons who under the settlement is or are entitled or together entitled to or has or have a general power of appointment over the settled land, whether subject to any equitable charges or powers of charging subsisting under the settlement or not; or
(b)the settled land is subject to any equitable charge for securing money actually raised and affecting the whole estate the subject of the settlement;the estate owner shall be bound, if so requested in writing, to create such legal estate or charge by way of legal mortgage as may be required for raising the money or giving legal effect to the equitable charge:
Provided that, so long as the settlement remains subsisting, any legal estate or charge by way of legal mortgage so created shall take effect and shall be expressed to take effect subject to any equitable charges or powers of charging subsisting under the settlement which have priority to the interests or powers of the person or persons by or on behalf of whom the money is required to be raised or legal effect is required to be given to the equitable charge, unless the persons entitled to the prior charges or entitled to exercise the powers consent in writing to the same being postponed, but it shall not be necessary for such consent to be expressed in the instrument creating such legal estate or charge by way of legal mortgage.
109 Saving for additional or larger powers under settlement.
(1)Nothing in this Act precludes a settlor from conferring on the tenant for life, or (save as provided by the last preceding section) on the trustees of the settlement, any powers additional to or larger than those conferred by this Act.
(2)Any additional or larger powers so conferred shall, as far as may be, notwithstanding anything in this Act, operate and be exercisable in the like manner, and with all the like incidents, effects, and consequences, as if they were conferred by this Act, and, if relating to the settled land, as if they were conferred by this Act on a tenant for life. ... ection/109

what you really mean is you hope your not bound to it, and hope no one claims your estate you hold in trust for the settlor, when he chooses he wants it back......
106 Prohibition or limitation against exercise of powers void, and provision against forfeiture.
(1)If in a settlement, will, assurance, or other instrument executed or made before or after, or partly before and partly after, the commencement of this Act a provision is inserted—
(a)purporting or attempting, by way of direction, declaration, or otherwise, to forbid a tenant for life or statutory owner to exercise any power under this Act, or his right to require the settled land to be vested in him; or :whistle:
(b)attempting, or tending, or intended, by a limitation, gift, or disposition over of settled land, or by a limitation, gift, or disposition of other real or any personal property, or by the imposition of any condition, or by forfeiture, or in any other manner whatever, to prohibit or prevent him from exercising, or to induce him to abstain from exercising or to put him into a position inconsistent with his exercising, any power under this Act, or his right to require the settled land to be vested in him;that provision, as far as it purports, or attempts, or tends, or is intended to have, or would or might have, the operation aforesaid, shall be deemed to be void. :shock:
(2)For the purposes of this section an estate or interest limited to continue so long only as a person abstains from exercising any such power or right as aforesaid shall be and take effect as an estate or interest to continue for the period for which it would continue if that person were to abstain from exercising the power or right, discharged from liability to determination or cesser by or on his exercising the same. this is the life tenant.... :beatinghorse:
(3)Notwithstanding anything in a settlement, the exercise by the tenant for life or statutory owner of any power under this Act shall not occasion a forfeiture.

so like the lawyers have always done, your trying to keep a forced hold by assumption from the people your paid to protect, and play ignorant so you can not be in breach of that duty..... same as a rouge trustee, .....nothing different.....
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by parzival »

why does common law rule over property?

land settlements created after 1688.....
it be a law of local policy, adapted solely to the country in which it was
made, or a general regulation of property, equally applicable to any
country in which it is by the rules of English law that property is
common law statute.
1 What constitutes a settlement.
(1)Any deed, will, agreement for a settlement or other agreement, Act of Parliament, or other instrument, or any number of instruments, whether made or passed before or after, or partly before and partly after, the commencement of this Act, under or by virtue of which instrument or instruments any land, after the commencement of this Act, stands for the time being—
(i)limited in trust for any persons by way of succession; or
(ii)limited in trust for any person in possession—
(a)for an entailed interest whether or not capable of being barred or defeated;
(b)for an estate in fee simple or for a term of years absolute subject to an executory limitation, gift, or disposition over on failure of his issue or in any other event;
(c)for a base or determinable fee [F1(other than a fee which is a fee simple absolute by virtue of section 7 of the Law of Property Act 1925)] or any corresponding interest in leasehold land;
(d)being an infant, for an estate in fee simple or for a term of years absolute; or
(iii)limited in trust for any person for an estate in fee simple or for a term of years absolute contingently on the happening of any event; or
(iv). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F2
(v)charged, whether voluntarily or in consideration of marriage or by way of family arrangement, and whether immediately or after an interval, with the payment of any rentcharge for the life of any person, or any less period, or of any capital, annual, or periodical sums for the portions, advancement, maintenance, or otherwise for the benefit of any persons, with or without any terms of years for securing or raising the same;creates or is for the purposes of this Act a settlement and is in this Act referred to as a settlement, or as the settlement, as the case requires:
Provided that, where land is the subject of a compound settlement, references in this Act to the settlement shall be construed as meaning such compound settlement, unless the context otherwise requires.
(2)Where an infant is beneficially entitled to land for an estate in fee simple or for a term of years absolute and by reason of an intestacy or otherwise there is no instrument under which the interest of the infant arises or is acquired, a settlement shall be deemed to have been made by the intestate, or by the person whose interest the infant has acquired.
(3)An infant shall be deemed to be entitled in possession notwithstanding any subsisting right of dower (not assigned by metes and bounds) affecting the land, and such a right of dower shall be deemed to be an interest comprised in the subject of the settlement and coming to the dowress under or by virtue of the settlement.Where dower has been assigned by metes and bounds, the letters of administration or probate granted in respect of the estate of the husband of the dowress shall be deemed a settlement made by the husband.
(4)An estate or interest not disposed of by a settlement and remaining in or reverting to the settlor, or any person deriving title under him, is for the purposes of this Act an estate or interest comprised in the subject of the settlement and coming to the settlor or such person under or by virtue of the settlement.
(a)a settlement creates an entailed interest which is incapable of being barred or defeated, or a base or determinable fee, whether or not the reversion or right of reverter is in the Crown, or any corresponding interest in leasehold land; or
(b)the subject of a settlement is an entailed interest, or a base or determinable fee, whether or not the reversion or right of reverter is in the Crown, or any corresponding interest in leasehold land;the reversion or right of reverter upon the cesser of the interest so created or settled shall be deemed to be an interest comprised in the subject of the settlement, and limited by the settlement.
(6)Subsections (4) and (5) of this section bind the Crown.
[F3(7)This section does not apply to land held upon trust for sale.] :shock:
2 What is settled land.
Land which is or is deemed to be the subject of a settlement is for the purposes of this Act settled land, and is in relation to the settlement referred to in this Act as the settled land.
3 Duration of settlements.
Land [F1which has been subject to a settlement which is a settlement for the purposes of this Act] shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to remain and be settled land, and the settlement shall be deemed to be a subsisting settlement for the purposes of this Act so long as—
(a)any limitation, charge, or power of charging under the settlement subsists, or is capable of being exercised; or
(b)the person who, if of full age, would be entitled as beneficial owner to have that land vested in him for a legal estate is an infant.
this is very simple...

i find it interesting how everyone has taken on the English law of property by reception, yet continue to say the English law of property has no foundation, yet then where is the jurisprudence for your equitable law of property come from?
every law book takes you the the English law pre 1925, where the current system is under settled estates, based on the 1925 grants, and the reforms of the common law....

2 levels of system is confusing, yet as lawyers and those that are to be above average intelligence should be able to comprehend a 3 level system, common law by the monarchy, creates a crown corporation as govt by a grant of law, and the citizens at birth grant dominion, and of age by not terminating the land settlement constitute the trust by an express trust, the settlor becoming a trustee........................... agency by ratification...

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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by parzival »

parzival wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:35 am
Pottapaug1938 wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:29 am "The only question I would ask, a reflection of what I stated, did you ever have the opportunity to be involved in a chamber meeting whereby the plaintiff was no longer acting in the right of a person, under the laws of equity, but instead brought in the laws which substantiated his or her right to be noticed as settlor to the Settled Land Act?"

Neither Wes, nor I, or any other American lawyer gives a damn. For one thing, this Settled Land Act (whatever it is, and assuming that it is still in force) has no applicability in the United States; and for another, there is no longer a distinction, in law, between law and equity, except in three of our states.
:haha: ... la/page/n5 ... la/page/iv

ignorance of the history to equity is obviously the issue and is explained in great detail by many scholars why not read it...
In this maxim is found one of the most fundamental
characteristics of equity jurisprudence. Equity
was created to supplement the common law, and for
this purpose only. The result is that equity is bound
by the established principles of law. It might be said
that equity is addition and not subtraction.
it is defined, modern equity assumed it and is written within the act as future interest, by reversion and remainders in common law, yet is the exact same trust format as in equity.....

equity is the icing, common law is the cake, if you take the cake, there is nothing for the icing :Axe:
let me define this further
it is defined, modern equity assumed it and is written within the act as future interest, by reversion and remainders in common law, yet is the exact same trust format as in equity.....
this is the reason for my post confused capacities to confused agreements,

each estate and settlement in engish law of property is a equitable interest.
the different agreements one makes creates rights and duties attached to that agreement,
these agreement create capacities, in conjunction with the agreement,

now as we can see there is 3 main estates in english law.

these are also in the modern system of law of TRUST within property.

as I hope we can all agree, when dealing with property and trust, the settlor/donor/(usually the creator) of the trust has always a right of reversion of what was granted in trust, due to retaining a right to revoke, or due to fraud etc....

this is the exact same in the common law, yet the individual to the common law agreement (sla) is not a life tenant and can not be a life tenant.

same with a trust in property in fee simple, if the settlor creates a trust of land then takes those same lands in trust from the trustee as an agent of the trustee, the settlor is no longer the settlor, but is not acting as the quasi trustee and agent to the original first trustee, and not a subsequent right created from a trust with full notice of the trust.

these are the rules of common law, if one takes the time to read them as posted, yet common law is only between the grantor of dominion and the grantee....

as we can start to see by ignoring the laws (grants) and ignoring who those powers are granted to vs who is subject within the law one would see the common law was only granted to the parliaments by grant of law not a trust,

then since the constitution of the government the people of those territories are now subject to a legislative trust as agents of the municipal corporation created by common law that are now crown corporation in right of the monarchy.

and for all those that are going to flip out and say i am not from Canada or common wealth countries... if your country is using life tenants and law of property based on English law, your are also bound to the common law of the English law.......

on the flip side....
YOUR ABSOLUTE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE TO LEAVE THE GROUP IS FACT OF LAW.... yet see it as subject, and not as the warranty it is....

and why both the freeman and those in law society and citizens are confused capacities to confused agreements......... :whistle:
Last edited by parzival on Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by morrand »

parzival wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:35 am it is defined, modern equity assumed it and is written within the act as future interest, by reversion and remainders in common law, yet is the exact same trust format as in equity.....

equity is the icing, common law is the cake, if you take the cake, there is nothing for the icing :Axe:
Never mind cake. Have you got any croutons?
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by parzival »

morrand wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:53 am
parzival wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:35 am it is defined, modern equity assumed it and is written within the act as future interest, by reversion and remainders in common law, yet is the exact same trust format as in equity.....

equity is the icing, common law is the cake, if you take the cake, there is nothing for the icing :Axe:
Never mind cake. Have you got any croutons?
how would you describe equity then?
In this maxim is found one of the most fundamental
characteristics of equity jurisprudence. Equity
was created to supplement the common law, and for
this purpose only. The result is that equity is bound
by the established principles of law. It might be said
that equity is addition and not subtraction.
once again, go for the moot, and dodge subject matter :shrug:
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

parzival wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:30 am how would you describe equity then?
Is it someone who looks after a gentleman's horses?
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by noblepa »

Dnatural wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:16 pm Sorry not following your train of thought here. What is the subject matter of the 18th amendment whereby the 21st repealed.
As I stated in my post, the 18th Amendment to the US Constitution prohibited virtually all alcoholic beverages in the US. You may have heard of "prohibition". It was in all the newspapers and it featured in a lot of American gangster movies.

Prohibition proved extremely unpopular and the 21st Amendment was passed to repeal prohibition.

My point was to refute your claim that a repealed law is still active if the replacement does not address the subject matter.

The 25th said simply that the 18th was repealed and little more. It did not address the subject matter in any substantive way, other than that.

According to your claim, since the 25th didn't "address the subject matter", then prohibition must still be the law of the land in the US. Tell that to all the liquor stores, brewers and distilleries that are thriving.

I realize that this is not British or Canadian law, but, as American law is based on basically the same fundamental principles as British law, your claim should be equally applicable to both.

I still haven't found any discernable point in your long, unreadable and unattributed posts.

If you are going quote a source, whether a person, statute or publication, it is customary and intellectually necessary to provide proper attribution.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by notorial dissent »

That is the point, the ENTIRE discussion is pointless and without point, form, or value, just wasted, useless words signifying nothing.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

parzival wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:31 am
Sorry not following your train of thought here. What is the subject matter of the 18th amendment whereby the 21st repealed.
Easy, Blackstone -- Prohibition. If you looked at the U.S. Constitution, instead of wasting hours parsing ancient and obsolete legal tomes, you could have found that out yourself.

1. this is abvously about canada, yet the common law rules to property make the common law rules apply to all ENglish colonies by RECEPTION,,,,

2. wrong prohibition LMFAO.... really.....

You are as wrong as you can be, on both counts. We have not been "an English colony" since 1783; and our laws are governed by the U.S. Constitution. English common law, after that date, is of no legal relevance in our American system of common law.

As for "Prohibition" -- here is the entire 18th Amendment:

Section 1. After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all the territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.

Section 2. The Congress and the several States shall have concurrent power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Section 3. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the States by the Congress.

And, here is the 21st Amendment, which gave individual states the right to determine Prohibition within their borders:

Section 1. The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.

Section 2. The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited.

Section 3. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by conventions in the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the States by the Congress.

The verbal shorthand for the period between the ratification of the 18th and 21st Amendment is "Prohibition".

You really ought to stop trying to match wits with real lawyers, because it's clear that you have none.
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Re: confused capacities & agreements

Post by HardyW »

parzival wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:46 am this is the exact same in the common law, yet the individual to the common law agreement (sla) is not a life tenant and can not be a life tenant.

same with a trust in property in fee simple, if the settlor creates a trust of land then takes those same lands in trust from the trustee as an agent of the trustee, the settlor is no longer the settlor, but is not acting as the quasi trustee and agent to the original first trustee, and not a subsequent right created from a trust with full notice of the trust.

these are the rules of common law, if one takes the time to read them as posted, yet common law is only between the grantor of dominion and the grantee....

as we can start to see by ignoring the laws (grants) and ignoring who those powers are granted to vs who is subject within the law one would see the common law was only granted to the parliaments by grant of law not a trust,

then since the constitution of the government the people of those territories are now subject to a legislative trust as agents of the municipal corporation created by common law that are now crown corporation in right of the monarchy.


and why both the freeman and those in law society and citizens are confused capacities to confused agreements.........
Now I know why this new forum was named WORD SALAD.