Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by NYGman »

exiledscouser wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 6:39 pm
NYGman wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 6:20 pm That is a plug for:

https://www.spankthebankerfilm.com not TGBMS
But shamelessly appropriated by the TGBMS crew nonetheless- that’s far more representative of the demographic promoting this doomed farrago.
not sure if he intercut any of his video into this clip, but in my skip through, I see a clip of a woman recounting stories of fake bailiffs ejecting them from their home. I doubt that would be in a legitimate documentary. If it isn't his clip, then that may be worth a watch to see who shows up.

Edit: just watched the trailer, 1:24 in was the lady I think (no sounds right now). I do wonder what that's really about. I know there was some fraud in lending, but fake bailiffs hired by a bank, I can't believe that. However, I am sure there is more to the eviction than what's on the trailer.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by longdog »

Whilst Edmunds was genuinely shafted by the bank it's important not to forget he's barking mad, thinks disease is caused by "negative energy" and thinks he's followed around by 1000mph invisible orbs that look like planets (no? I don't know either) that are really the spirits of his mum and dad.

JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by longdog »

JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Zeek »

:haha: :haha: :haha:

You lot are far more indoctrinated than i first thought !

I cant believe you spend so much time out of your life looking at blinkers !

I personally will buy you some pie as there is certainly not enough humble to go around :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall:
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Zeek wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:44 pm :haha: :haha: :haha:

You lot are far more indoctrinated than i first thought !

Yeah; we like to deal in truth, and with facts supported by real law, not someone who got their law degree from Internet University.

I cant believe you spend so much time out of your life looking at blinkers !

We don't spend that much time, really; I'm retired, so I check in perhaps more often than others. Still, it's worth it, if we can keep people from falling down rabbit holes like yours.

I personally will buy you some pie as there is certainly not enough humble to go around :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall:
Buy just what you can eat yourself, because it's you who will be eating it.
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Post by Hercule Parrot »

Zeek wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:09 pm Diana is now going after the bankster for multiple acts of fraud upon the court, on the TGBMS Grounds.Their chances of successfully defending her claim are looking reassuringly bleak.
Narrator: Diana lost.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by daveBeeston »

Zeek wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:44 pm :haha: :haha: :haha:

You lot are far more indoctrinated than i first thought !

I cant believe you spend so much time out of your life looking at blinkers !

I personally will buy you some pie as there is certainly not enough humble to go around :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall:
Oh the irony of your post, if only you could see it...

Can I ask you a question or two Zeek, do you honestly believe that TGBMS tactic will ever win a case at court?
And if there is even an ounce of truth to TGBMS how come all cases using it have resulted in the defendant losing?

On another point you may want to look up the meaning of indoctrinated, but in case you can't be bothered I'll post it here,

"to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., especially to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view."

Now we here do not deal in biased belief or points of view, we deal in facts and proof.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:54 pm not someone who got their law degree from Internet University.
Or claims to have taught Josie Long. Now I like Josie and have seen her many times... but she is a little barking.

Coincidentally, there's an classified advert in this fortnight's Private Eye from another comedian offering lessons in comedy improv claiming she taught Paul Merton. I saw her in 1986. She was dreadful and although I would never condone it, as it does take a good amount of courage to get up on stage with only your wits, she was booed off. I doubt Paul learned much from her apart from turn up in time for your spot and make sure you get paid cash up front.

So the moral of this tale is beware of comedians offering advice! :snicker:
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by aesmith »

Zeek wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:44 pmYou lot are far more indoctrinated than i first thought !
So please enlighten us. The 28 days that you gave the banks are now up, how's the court action getting on?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Comrade Sharik »

However, the solicitors, following a meeting of their firm's partners, elected to withdraw the application and have stated that they will be no longer be representing their clients in the action.
It seems rather unlikely that lawyers acting for one party would volunteer this level of information to the other party, rather than just saying that they were no longer acting in the case. In any event, presumably the decision to stand down was communicated in writing, and therefore there will be some evidence for this claim.

Care to share it with us Zeek?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by longdog »

Comrade Sharik wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:39 am It seems rather unlikely that lawyers acting for one party would volunteer this level of information to the other party
About as likely as Boris Johnson winning a vote in parliament I would think :mrgreen:

That's what I love about these morons. They're so lacking in critical faculties they can't see that their lies are obviously complete bullshit and make them look ridiculous. :snicker:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by AndyPandy »

daveBeeston wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 6:50 am
Zeek wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:44 pm :haha: :haha: :haha:

You lot are far more indoctrinated than i first thought !

I cant believe you spend so much time out of your life looking at blinkers !

I personally will buy you some pie as there is certainly not enough humble to go around :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall:
Oh the irony of your post, if only you could see it...

Can I ask you a question or two Zeek, do you honestly believe that TGBMS tactic will ever win a case at court?
And if there is even an ounce of truth to TGBMS how come all cases using it have resulted in the defendant losing?

On another point you may want to look up the meaning of indoctrinated, but in case you can't be bothered I'll post it here,

"to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., especially to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view."

Now we here do not deal in biased belief or points of view, we deal in facts and proof.
Don’t bother asking Zeek any questions, as already proven he simply doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to answer any of them.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by JimUk1 »

Zeek wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 8:44 pm :haha: :haha: :haha:

You lot are far more indoctrinated than i first thought !

I cant believe you spend so much time out of your life looking at blinkers !

I personally will buy you some pie as there is certainly not enough humble to go around :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall:
Will you be buying some for Mr Tom Crawford too?

Or will you buy him his house back that he lost so valiantly after that massive “win” in court circa 2015?
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Post by Penny Wise »

Zeek wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:09 pm Hope you lot are getting ready for your large helping of humble pie :haha: :haha: :haha:

MAJOR TGBMS NEWS: Whilst good people are still being unlawfully evicted every day, the news I have just been told might well be an indication of a major shift in the way the legal professions are now having to deal with the TGBMS Grounds.

A courageous woman called Diana Boyiakis has been fighting her mortgage bandit for eight years. Her case was that the bank had illegally capitalised her mortgage and she had all the evidence to prove it.

Somewhat predictably, her arguments were thrown out in court and a possesses order was issued, which the bankster was seeking an order to enforce this week.

Crucially, the possession order was given against her before she applied the TGBMS Grounds to her case, after seeing the film and being inspired into formidable action, arguing that the bank had committed fraud upon the court on those grounds.

Diana re-framed all her arguments accordingly and served the new TGBMS-charged papers on the bank's solicitors, prior to a hearing of the bank's application to enforce the possession order.

However, the solicitors, following a meeting of their firm's partners, elected to withdraw the application and have stated that they will be no longer be representing their clients in the action.

In other words, my friends, a firm of lawyers who have previously sneered, as they aggressively dismissed the TGBMS Grounds as totally without merit, has terminated a lucrative job because they see the writing on the wall for the entire fraudulent mortgage industry.

That writing proceeds as follows:

"Give up your criminal practices now, cease and desist in assisting banksters in illegal mortgage possession proceedings, signature forging and fraudulent registrations at the Land Registry, before it's too late."

They certainly can't claim they haven't been warned of what the consequences will be, in the event they oppose the swift and decisive termination of institutionalised mortgage fraud we are seeking in the class actions.

Massive credit is due to Diana for forcing the lawyers into submission. She held her nerve in the most difficult of circumstances and has more than proven herself to be a force to be reckoned with.

The man who skillfully mentored her through the process of applying the grounds, Ian Thornily, is also worthy of high praise, along with Jamie Upton, for the support he provided Diana at just the right moment.

Diana is now going after the bankster for multiple acts of fraud upon the court, on the TGBMS Grounds.Their chances of successfully defending her claim are looking reassuringly bleak.

Carsberg don't do bleakness, but if they did...:)
Given that MOB also claimed Tom Crawford (not back in his home is he) had won and all of his own personal claims of success have been disproven, forgive me if I don't rush out to a humble pie just yet.

Zeek you appear to over look that MOB's theories have already been tested in Court, in his own case and in another case of a 3rd party. His theories were found to be wrong.

This is documented fact.

Even when later tested in the Property Chamber tribunal, his theories were again found to be wrong.

Again documented fact

Each and everytime, his theories have been put to the test he has lost.

Again documented fact

MOB and MOD are frauds, little more than snake oil dealers trying to make money off of people in desperate circumstances. They are the lowest of the low.

They are scum

If you are not either MOB or MOD, you are fool and an idiot.

Ask MOB to prove any one of his claims of success. Any one will do, he has made so many, he has lots to choose from.

Just prove one
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Post by hucknallred »

Penny Wise wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2019 9:16 am
MOB and MOD are frauds, little more than snake oil dealers trying to make money off of people in desperate circumstances. They are the lowest of the low.
We know all about M'OB's antics, but little of his partner in crime, real name Michael Julian Kaye. I don't think there's enough to warrant his own thread though.
One bored evening I took snapshots of all the graphics popping up on TGBMS. Right around the time O'B was waffling about promissory motes & money out of thin air, up popped this little gem:


Yes folks, that's what he tried to pay off his mortgage with. I like the little added touch of the 1st class postage stamp that he has actually got stamped in a post office.

He also used one when doing the usual, prove the debt nonsense prior to being thrown out on his arse:


They worked a treat didn't they?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by longdog »

I love it when they use Civil Procedure Rules to demand a load of old shit that probably doesn't exist and they wouldn't be entitled to anyway :-D
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Zeek »

More lies being spread by trolls that frequent this site no doubt, suck up the rebuttals trolls :haha:

https://www.thebernician.net/lies-lies- ... tory-lies/
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Lies? Please -- do explain what you mean by lies.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by longdog »

Zeek wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2019 10:04 pm More lies being spread by trolls that frequent this site no doubt, suck up the rebuttals trolls :haha:

https://www.thebernician.net/lies-lies- ... tory-lies/
Yeah... That's the same shit and half truths trying to paint a small and completely pyrrhic victory as a major breakthrough.

He did lose the overall case and he did lose the property and he is out of time for any appeal that would have any effect whatsoever.

If that's defamatory he can sue me. Ask him to give you the email address of his lawyers for a service address.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by TheNewSaint »

O'Bonkers' Blog wrote:It goes without saying that those allegations are the very opposite of the truth, which is:
a. It was I who made it public that Ashquorn House [and 8 other properties] were fire-sold by the bank; and that we were fighting the registration of a new void charge over the same property, which ultimately failed. This resulted in the fire-sale going ahead, as is well documented on this blog.
I can't even parse that. What is that, a septuple negative?