Here to start the Apocalypse

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Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by namelessone »

I'm the Antichrist - Humor me at least please:) Now before I begin my spew or pew pew stuff, I hope we can arrange to be quite sharp at your end! Cut me to ribbons please! I am here for the great change or reveling.

Now before I begin This is for Canada Law I need to know how the Courts or bar lawyer association Who is the authoritative behind how the "Court" is defined. My point will be from the Cornerstone or building block to which all law applies.

How officially is the word "Court" defined in technical words? and is this definition applicable to all courts and nation wide and federal etc... someone could define Court for me plz.
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by notorial dissent »

Puure bubby, did you bang your head, repeatedly??? Besides, your appointment and entrance interview isn't until next Thurs, Webhick is otherwise occupied with interns until then. The blood letting alone is a 24/7 job. The cleanup is a whole other matter entire.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

namelessone wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2019 4:41 am Who is the...
Who is on third base.
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by wserra »

Does anyone believe that the latest troll has the chops to "start the Apocalypse"? One would expect someone who could at least use a dictionary.
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

wserra wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2019 10:57 am Does anyone believe that the latest troll has the chops to "start the Apocalypse"? One would expect someone who could at least use a dictionary.
... or to write in literate, comprehensible English; or to be able to state, comprehensibly, the reasons for "just asking questions".
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by The Observer »

It's always a sign when someone starts their post with "questions" about or requests for definitions of terms that don't require a definition or clarification of what the terms mean. And that sign typically indicates that we will be dealing with someone who has come up with their own special interpretation that is the opposite of what 99.99999999% of society believes the term to mean. In this case, I am presuming our intrepid troll believes that the word "court" has been incorrectly and illegally defined, that this has allowed courts to gather unlawful powers to themselves and are issuing rulings and decrees that we should be ignoring.

So I am officially announcing that this thread is already heading downhill as of the first post. And the end will not be apocalyptic, but more in line as T.S. Eliot envisioned - with a whimper.
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by NYGman »

I wonder if nameless1der is looking for the definition of Court as the building that houses either a criminal or civil trial overseen by a Judge, or the actual trial, but I can't help but wonder how the definition of Court has any relevance to any "legal argument" to invalidate the legal system. My only guess is that we can expect nameless1der to only accept a definition in the way they want to define Court, rightly or wrongly, so that they can then go down a long and convoluted faulty logic path to connect their faulty dots, as part of an exercise that nameless1der wants to walk through, that somehow proves to nameless1der that the "Courts" do not meet the definition of courts, and somehow this leads to the total collapse of the legal system, and the start of the apocalypse?

So lets save some time as you will only want to accept your definition, or the one you expect us to provide so lets cut the dramatics, and why don't you tell us, Nameless1der, how you want to define courts, and how does this "correct" definition, based only on your understanding and belief, likely with some contorted logic thrown in, lead to the Apocalypse, which i assume is an end to the legal system as we know it? Looking forward to this one....
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by notorial dissent »

wserra wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2019 10:57 am Does anyone believe that the latest troll has the chops to "start the Apocalypse"? One would expect someone who could at least use a dictionary.
Oh, please, he's cute and fresh meat and all, but he isn't going to make it through day one of Webhick's waterboarding onboarding.

Just for fun, let's pick stupid questions for $5000, what is a
Curium Rex? Wherever the Rex, that's The King to the illiterates playing along at home, decided to set his sorry, or maybe that was weary, horse back riding wasn't any more fun then than it is now particularly with the saddles of the era, behind down and listen to complaints, again that's legal criminal charges for the IPAAH, against the offending peasants, and weren't all peasants offensive at lest according to MP, or nobles who'd annoyed/crossed the line/killed the King's deer/fill in the blanks, and then do summary/that's King's Justice, which usually consisted of flogging and/or hanging depending on how bored he was or how creative he was feeling at the moment, and creative REALLY wasn't something you wanted when the King was passing sentence. Note again for the IPAAH this was pre pre pre jury of your peers, not that you would have ever ever ever qualified for one anyway, right of counsel unless maybe you could get the local priest to pray for your misbegotten soul, unified sentencing guidelines, no cruel and unusual, equality before the law, well some were more equal-nobles, depending on what they done and how much they paid to get out of it, the whole buying and selling of justice not even a dream in some distant Baron's eye, all that and so much much more. So in summary, curium, that's court again for the IPAAH's was wherever the King happened to feel like it. Now the fancy happy kind where everyone milled around and ate and drank a lot, since let's face it, other than staying warm there wasn't a whole lot else to do other than the f-thing, and we don't discuss that in polite company, if you got invited to one of these life was sweet, or at least as sweet as it got in those days, if it was the other kind with the grumpy looking guy wearing a tin hat and sitting on a big chair, again throne for the IPAAH's, then not so sweet and you were probably not in for a good time of it. Eventually the Rexes got bored and started fobbing the duty off to lesser mortals, sometimes at least in England called Justiciars as in King's, who got to wander around out in the cold and wet and uncivilized and went out from place to place and held curium/court in the King's name, still no juries. Somewhere along the way English started being the lingua franca of well England as opposed to either Latin or Norman French and they started calling them courts, so that is where the name and entity Court came from.

Basically a
court is the King/Sovereign/gov't holding court, a get together, hearing, trial at whatever place they had so designated to do court things.

Now, let's go on to the next majik wurd,
Common Law, which has two definitions, a real world definition meaning "the law of the court" and the alternate reality one of the sovcits. The definition the sovicts adhere to is the old one meaning quite literally the "law of the place", which in real world terms translates to a bunch of the local old geezers getting together and saying "well this is the way we've always done it" and that is the law of that place. The problem is that whatever the "common law" is/was in Lower Under Buckle Bite isn't the same as it is in Greater Under Buckle Bite. That in a nutshell is the "common law" that the sovcits/fotls worship. No conformity, unanimity, or consistency. They don't know what it is, but it is absolute and irrefutable and immutable, or in other words, whatever I say it is at the moment. That is the sovcits/fotls "common law". An example being that in some states the lowest legal age of marriage for girls is 10-12 because that is what the local "common law" was and is still enforceable in court since it has never been overturned by statutory law.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by Chaos »

wserra wrote: Wed Oct 30, 2019 10:57 am Does anyone believe that the latest troll has the chops to "start the Apocalypse"? One would expect someone who could at least use a dictionary.
Looks like it was a struggle just to start a thread.
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by namelessone »

I figured to get rid of the un-wanted slag first to why I posted as I did. Those who laugh first.. yea

It was just a simple question I'm not a Lawyer or into the current legal system.
This has to do in part with Something Marc Boyer was doing, God rest his soul!
Marc in a vid mentioned something about the "Court" as in a definition by the bar association, He started and than got distracted and never finished it.
This what I'm seeking is the Bona-fide "Court" definition. The system in which the trial takes place "IN" not the court room or the court house nor the judge or crown attorney etc...
Since Marc was from BC I wanted to know was this a BC definition or is it a standard for Canada.

"legal argument" to invalidate the legal system

I would not say I'm trying to Invalidate the legal system but too correct a definition, but it may impair the legal system for a short spell, this just a stepping stone of the Apocalypse change one definition and you can cause a great shift or revealing.

And that sign typically indicates that we will be dealing with someone who has come up with their own special interpretation that is the opposite of what 99.99999999% of society believes the term to mean.

Special interpretation 99.99% of what society believes yes lets not oppose the flat earth people as at one time your fore father ahem! was one of those type of people?

For those that are into grammar spelling policing great job! I'm more of a Henry Ford type I'll hire the experts that's what their for!

I'm an Introvert INFJ, perhaps a bit savant as well, death experiencer as well, Intuition galore absolutely! Perhaps a misfire on the fractal chaos as I was developing ~ will call it a misprint on the Limited DNA Blueprint, one cell goes adrift and instant dyslexia - i gotz that too :)

Since I'm only 1% of the worlds population in other words I'm the odd man out naturally of coarse, the rest of you belong to the extrovert matrix of the 99.99% - I see what you don't see naturally :) I spy with my little eye.

I also play with Infinite of Infinity that thing the Borg are always fanatic's over - Death Experienced yes me and death we have a love affair of sorts, I can easily read between the words that you write and lick the sweat from your eyebrows, instantly.
And I don't know who wrote the crap about the Antichrist, I would guess the same people from Waco Texas, there off there bleeding rockers!

I over come my Intervertness by extracting 1% from a 100 extroverts that amuse me and make me a Frankenstein extrovert
Oh yes I smoke cigs and hash and sip the good Dr. McGillicuddy's butterscotch rum for that little cough I have from time to time chase it with my coffee of coarse, great for ice cream as well!

Least I hope to provide peeps with some amuse :)
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by notorial dissent »

Lot of wurdz, no actual thought or information value content.

Nope, never make it past the first day.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

namelessone wrote: Thu Oct 31, 2019 3:42 am For those that are into grammar spelling policing great job! I'm more of a Henry Ford type I'll hire the experts that's what their for!
If you are going to say things like that, at least hire the expert like you said you will... although I'm sure this will be re-purposed as a faux post-ironic "I meant to do that".
namelessone wrote: Thu Oct 31, 2019 3:42 am Least I hope to provide peeps with some amuse :)
If nothing else, I think we're going to set the benchmark for From first post to Word Salad Bar timescale for others to beat.
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I'll humor namelessone, by stating that the word "Court" has many different meanings, depending on the context. I will also say that a fool who tries to play word games with the word "Court" to try to escape the consequences of adverse court proceedings/decisions/judgments is whistling past the graveyard, and is doomed to disappointment, and to never understanding why "they" acted as they did.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by notorial dissent »

More to the point, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE??? Call it the sacred places where bovines lactate for all that it matters.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by The Observer »

namelessone wrote: Thu Oct 31, 2019 3:42 am It was just a simple question I'm not a Lawyer or into the current legal system.
No, it was not a simple question. It was a leading question, framed to support your crack-pot theory about the illegitimate power of courts.
This has to do in part with Something Marc Boyer was doing, God rest his soul!
Marc in a vid mentioned something about the "Court" as in a definition by the bar association, He started and than got distracted and never finished it.
This what I'm seeking is the Bona-fide "Court" definition. The system in which the trial takes place "IN" not the court room or the court house nor the judge or crown attorney etc.
And this proves my contention. The fact that you were listening to Boyer tells us all we need to know.
I would not say I'm trying to Invalidate the legal system but too correct a definition, but it may impair the legal system for a short spell, this just a stepping stone of the Apocalypse change one definition and you can cause a great shift or revealing.
And again, you admit that my theory about your theory is on-target. Yes, you imagine that with the correct "definition" of court, you will be able to reverse hundreds, nay thousands, of years of oppression. A "stepping stone" that all others have missed over the last 3 or 4 millennia of human history. And only you have thought of it! Imagine that!
Special interpretation 99.99% of what society believes yes lets not oppose the flat earth people as at one time your fore father ahem! was one of those type of people?
Given the fact that the belief of a round world started back around 550 B.C., I don't think I can say with any honesty what my forefather believed. But I can say that you think yourself to be another Galileo in relation to the definition of "court." But Galileo at least had some scientific observations and calculations to back up his theory of heliocentrism. So far, you have presented us nothing, other than to ask us to provide you with a definition.
I'm an Introvert INFJ, perhaps a bit savant as well, death experiencer as well, Intuition galore absolutely! Perhaps a misfire on the fractal chaos as I was developing ~ will call it a misprint on the Limited DNA Blueprint, one cell goes adrift and instant dyslexia - i gotz that too :)
You also have a bad case of Dunning-Kruger effect. Not that you would recognize that.
Since I'm only 1% of the worlds population in other words I'm the odd man out naturally of coarse, the rest of you belong to the extrovert matrix of the 99.99% - I see what you don't see naturally :) I spy with my little eye.
I am a INTJ/INFJ (borderline on the T vs F) so I fall into the 1%-2% as well. And it would be remarkable if the "rest of you" were E's; after all E's only make up 49% of the general population. So I guess your little eye needs to be looked at by your ophthalmologist.
And I don't know who wrote the crap about the Antichrist, I would guess the same people from Waco Texas, there off there bleeding rockers!
I guess you are suffering from short-term memory loss, cognitive dysfunction and/or illiteracy. Anyone looking back over the posts to the thread can see that you - and only you - made a reference to the Antichrist. In case you are having problems locating it, I will give you a hint: check the first post. Still not seeing it? Here's another hint: check the first sentence.
Oh yes I smoke cigs and hash...
Ok, you are doubling down on potential throat/lung cancer and long-term brain damage. Does that sound like a wise thing to do?
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

The Observer wrote: Thu Oct 31, 2019 5:06 pm Ok, you are doubling down on potential throat/lung cancer and long-term brain damage.
Objection - Assumes fact not in evidence.
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by notorial dissent »

I think that should be facts evidenced, but anyway.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by namelessone »

No no no I'm not here for the things you seem to apply onto me, that would be your doing from the (Extrovert Matrix) which I already know your perception, yes you have made that quite clear "The Observer".
Your not very intuitive in skill of being introverted if that's your main trait. Unless your trying to hide behind a given wall systems for safety, I don't really bother with those types of thoughts for entertaining my self.
I'm not much into your merry go round system of playing in your extroverted matrix "sandbox".
You see me and assumed I already know you did!
ohh look a zombie ~ than you went off all on your own and started battle crafting for that scenario, getting all the gear out of the ultimate zombie truck, has everything in it, swiss army knife of zombie trucks.

But were not even entertaining that scenario, thats what happens when you ass/u/me Make an ass out you and me!
If you don't know what the Bona~fide bar association definition for "Court" is than just say so!
Which seems to be the case here. Than I'll just have to find another form that can. Than I;ll come back here and tell you the answer I got.
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Re: Here to start the Apocalypse

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Have you been drinking?
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