He does feature elsewhere on this site but I think he deserves his own 15 minutes of fame, particularly as Hoaxtead appears to have closed for now.
He's something of an underworld spiv is JP, he will 'send the boys raaaaaaand' at any sleight, real or imagined (well, mostly all imagined but there we are) and, the ultimate sanction for his most hated enemies, he will feed you through the wood-chipper. Ouch!
He is in possession of information of NATIONAL IMPORTANCE with all the forensic documents to prove a massive conspiracy, the most massive conspiracy ever know. Tony Blair, David Cameron (list continues....). But in true Footle style we never get to hear exactly what it is old JP is so excised about. But it's big, oh yes, it's massive.
Paterson is a full-blown Footler having drunk deeply from the cup of woo. He would have you believe that he is a prominent member of the "Royal Commission" on something or other and consequently a 'Protected Person', a true saint amongst men, beset with difficulties caused by the forces of satanic darkness yadda yadda.
His various enemies include but are not restricted to;
Jews of all types
Karen Irving, the Blogger
The Jews
All police but particularly Sussex Police
The Hoaxtead Crew
All Jews, even small ones.
(I did mention the Jews earlier but I think I got away with it).
But JP has a special place in hell reserved for them, every last one.
He is aided and abetted in all of this by two men known only as 'Bill and Ben' and other shadowy and equally sinister underworld figures.
JP tries to garner support on social media but his sites keeps getting taken down. I mean, who could possibly take offence at this as your masthead?
Someone (Daltonrumbo in fact) pointed out that he himself has a close, very close resemblance to offensive stereotypical anti-semitic memes. I'll let you be the judge of that but I must quote what daltonrumbo actually said;
I'm not as generous as this and simply think JP is, well, a bit of a twat.I suppose when someone who isn't Jewish but looks almost identical to the stereotypical Jewish caricature in every anti-Semitic meme since time began, a dislike for Jews to a certain extent is understandable. He has probably been in the past been the victim of assumed anti-Semitism and from this grew his hatred of Jews.
He is given to spelling his name with spurious colons thus :jon :paterson as if this conveys some sort of extra-special and extra-secret protection against the forces of darkness.
He has been filmed being slotted by various un-named individuals, usually outside some court or other, incidents which are described as attempts on his life.
I do not condone acts of physical violence, even against an anti-semitic POS like JP but I can probably understand why folk have taken the law into their own hands on occasion.
He is on a mission this one, a big friend to MI5 and 6, the cops and the illuminarity generally. Which is why I find it strange, a man in his position defending society and a 'protected witness' is no stranger to the loony bin. He spent some time there earlier in the year.
According to the latest youtoob video by his big mate and fervent admirer
He is on a ward somewhere having been re-kidnapped by the police. Interestingly each and every police officer he comes into contact with, all of them, no exceptions, DOES NOT EXIST. So there.
Devine spent much of this morning fruitlessly ringing some ward demanding to speak with JP.
'He's not here' says a charge nurse.
"I will ring and ring and ring until I speak with him".
Devine, oozing self-entitlement goes off on one in his latest video even though it's clear that the hospital has long-since hung up on him.
So, here he is, his own thread at last. He clearly has some mental health issues but I think he deserves a mention given the harm his vitriol and bile might have on impressionable minds.
As for :andrew :devine, he's probably beyond salvation but he hides away in Greece, supported by the earnings of the long-suffering Mrs. from where he pumps out nonsense to the gullible.