Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

hucknallred wrote: Wed Dec 11, 2019 10:03 pm Pretty sure O'B junior is already in school according to one of his tales. He managed to convince them no birth cert was needed.
I hope O'B junior never wants to play any sport then, because they will invariably need a birth certificate or passport to verify their age.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Whilst it is entertaining to contemplate the consequences of dumb parenthood for a minor, I'm not sure that it's appropriate to speculate. However, the consequences for the moron of a parent are fair game. You must have a birth certificate to claim child support or tax credits, so :haha:

(I'm inclined to think that this is just more bullshit from O'Bonkers. Anything he has claimed has, when subject to independent scrutiny, shown up to be a pack of lies.)
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by mufc1959 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote: Thu Dec 12, 2019 6:54 am [I hope O'B junior never wants to play any sport then, because they will invariably need a birth certificate or passport to verify their age.
And will also be unable to go on any school trips abroad.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Comrade Sharik »

Oh dear. Another scammer is trying to muscle in on MoB's territory, and he's not happy about it.
For those of you who don’t already know, here is the reason why an individual called Steve Knight is selling snake oil to void mortgagors, defaming the characters of Michael O’Deira and I, as well as claiming the TGBMS Grounds are hopelessly misconceived.
https://www.thebernician.net/mortgage-f ... rom-fraud/

Interestingly, at the end of the rant, MoB says
On a related matter, some people have recently been asking why we need the mortgage details of as many mortgagors as possible for the class actions, so here is the simple reason for it.

To establish that every UK mortgage is illegal and void on the TGBMS Grounds, we need to show that the frauds are endemic.

In other words, we may need up to 500 sets of illegal mortgage documents to prove that, in accordance with the latest case law on representative actions.

Once the required threshold is met, the high court will have the jurisdiction to rule that all registered UK mortgages are fraudulent and that the Land Registry must cancel them, indemnifying 11.2 million void mortgagors for their losses.

Could it possibly be that he's preparing the his mug punters for the possibility that the whole TGBMS con is going to get them precisely nowhere? 'We would have succeeded, if only we'd managed to get jus a few more documents'.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by longdog »

Once the required threshold is met, the high court will have the jurisdiction to rule that all registered UK mortgages are fraudulent and that the Land Registry must cancel them, indemnifying 11.2 million void mortgagors for their losses.
I'm pretty sure the correct legal term for that is "bollocks".

Leaving aside the trivial detail that the "TGBMS grounds" add up to nothing more than "mistakes on mortgages can be corrected" a court ruling could not possibly void all mortgages unless all of the mortgages and circumstances were identical and even then a void mortgage wouldn't have any effect at all on the validity of the underlying loan. It would still remain payable.

As for The Land Registry indemnifying borrowers for their losses... What losses? They borrowed money to buy a house and bought a house with the money they borrowed. They achieved exactly what they set out to achieve... Where's the loss?
In other words, we may need up to 500 sets of illegal mortgage documents to prove that, in accordance with the latest case law on representative actions.
"May need up to 500" = Setting a figure he knows he'll never get so he never has to do anything. And if he does get 500 it will suddenly go up to 50000.

"The latest law" = I just pulled this out of my arse.

I agree... He's getting in his excuses early.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by NYGman »

So if all mortgages are illegal, and should be voided, I guess that means there will be a lot of properties on the market for sale, so as to recoup the funds to repay the illegal loans, as I doubt most people with a mortgage could afford to pay for their home in full.

As they are a big believer in equity, would not equity require the funds to be returned, if the basis for their loan is no longer valid, putting everyone back where they were before the illegal contract would be the equitable thing to do. How this would help anyone with a mortgage is beyond me. I just hope there is an opt-out. I would certainly not be happy if I woke up one morning to a call from my bank explaining how some guy invalidate all their mortgages, so they need their money back now.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Comrade Sharik »

we may need up to 500 sets of illegal mortgage documents to prove that, in accordance with the latest case law on representative actions.
Looking further at this, and IANAL, so stand to be corrected...

Advice given on Thomson Reuters website dated October 2019 says:
High Court claims. There is no maximum number of claimants for joint proceedings or a representative action, and a minimum number of two (CPR 19.1 and CPR 19.6(1)). Similarly, there is no threshold for a GLO save a requirement for a "number of claims" (note to CPR 19.11).
https://uk.practicallaw.thomsonreuters. ... c.Default)

So, as m'learned friend below states - MoB would appear to be talking bollocks
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by longdog »

NYGman wrote: Fri Dec 13, 2019 5:18 pm I would certainly not be happy if I woke up one morning to a call from my bank explaining how some guy invalidate all their mortgages, so they need their money back now.
I suspect the bank would be only too happy to come to some sort of legally binding arrangement whereby you give them some sort of charge over your property and in exchange they allow you to pay off the loan in instalments. It would probably be a very popular arrangement for the vast majority of the 11.2 million people in the same position.

I'm sure somebody will come up with a name for this sort of financial contract.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

longdog wrote: Fri Dec 13, 2019 6:07 pm
NYGman wrote: Fri Dec 13, 2019 5:18 pm I would certainly not be happy if I woke up one morning to a call from my bank explaining how some guy invalidate all their mortgages, so they need their money back now.
I suspect the bank would be only too happy to come to some sort of legally binding arrangement whereby you give them some sort of charge over your property and in exchange they allow you to pay off the loan in instalments. It would probably be a very popular arrangement for the vast majority of the 11.2 million people in the same position.

I'm sure somebody will come up with a name for this sort of financial contract.
Massachusetts has a version of this... whatever-it-is, under which, as security for your loan, you grant the bank legal title to your real estate. As long as you are current with your loan, the bank cannot take possession of your property. However -- and the bankster-busters will love this part -- as you pay off your loan, you gain, in proportion to the amount of the loan repaid, an EQUITABLE TITLE to your property!!!

Given how much these numbnuts are hung up on EQUITY!!!!!!, I can't understand why they would not love to have something like this. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by SoLongCeylon »

Latest from O'Bonkers emailed to anyone on the mailing list for his class action:

Please accept our sincere apologies about the time that has elapsed since our last TGBMS Class Actions update, as we have both been extremely busy assisting void mortgagors is various ongoing court battles against the UK banks.

Having said that, we are nevertheless delighted to announce that, subject to attaching a comprehensive list of defendants, which includes every UK illegal mortgage provider, the first draft claim form is now ready to be served.

Currently, we are in the final stages of ascertaining that all the banks which received Letters Before Claim are on the list of defendants.

In the event we can achieve that this afternoon, the claim forms will be served before the end of the day, alleging the first of the TGBMS Grounds, for and on behalf of every UK mortgagor, past and present. If not, they will go on Monday at the latest.

This will soon be followed by draft Particulars of Claim, which will allege that every mortgage concerned is illegal and void because it was granted before the proprietary right to do so arose with ownership.

Once those documents have been served upon all of the defendants in each of the UK's three jurisdictions, we will repeat the process on the second TGBMS Ground, which will cover every UK re-mortgagor.

The second claim will allege that every mortgage concerned is illegal and void on the ground that none of them arose out of a preceding mortgage contract that complies with section 2 of the LPMPA 1989.

Once these draft claim forms and particulars have been served, which they will almost certainly be before the festive period begins, we will file them into the High Court and end the year knowing that we have our adversaries in a state of blind panic and butt-clenching fear.

That fear is that judges are now becoming too scared to continue their decades long protection racket for the banks, simply because our well-crafted and hard-won legal arguments can only be overcome by yet more judicial corruption.

This comes at a time when the Treasury Select Committee, Anthony Stansfled, the National Crime Agency and the Serious Fraud Office are now all engaged in doing whatever is required to to put an end to all forms of banking crimes.

All the more reason for us all to feel extremely optimistic about how the TGBMS Class Actions to end mortgage fraud and the Forged Signature Campaign will be the final nails in the coffin of such wrongdoings on these shores.

Expect to hear more from us this weekend about what we need from you to assist us in sustaining the claims with enough evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the entire mortgage industry has engaged in decades of institutionalised frauds and signature forgery.

As well as the truly breathtaking news about the remarkable progress made by our great friend and fellow bankster-buster, Anthony Carlin, this week in a Belfast High Court and the forthcoming TGBMS Conference Calls for everybody who has signed up to be a claimant at forgedsignatures.com/tgbms-claim.

Have a great evening.

All the best,

The Michaels of Bernicia and Deira
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by longdog »

Applying a Mr Ebert like forensic analysis to that, whilst keeping in mind I had a little too much home made wine and a lot too much of the devil's lettuce last night, I conclude it doesn't actually say anything at all.

It adds up to "If something happens I might send some letters to some people but I might not".

So he's going to draft a draft of a draft claim is he? So what? Drafting a claim doesn't prove anything at all and what the hell is this "file them into the high court" crap? Is this the Princess Nutbag / ELEWE method of launching court action? Hand a load of crap to the person on reception and pretend you have launched a case even though your drivel goes straight into the small-pet-bedding-machine.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by SoLongCeylon »

O'Bonkers is still struggling to get the numbers he needs. For someone who thinks his stupid film has been a huge hit and got the establishment quaking the silly sod can't gather 500 people willing to become mortgage free ( and maybe homeless ).

This email was from 15th Dec:

We trust you have had a great weekend.

In order to establish enough evidence to prove our allegations of institutionalised mortgage fraud in the TGBMS Class Actions, we may need to raise at least 500 sets of illegal mortgage documents, for the purposes of which we really need your help.

Whether you have signed up to the actions already or not, if you have or have had a UK mortgage and one or more of the TGBMS Grounds applies to it, please gather together all your mortgage deeds and all related documents, scan them and make a PDF file [no more than 10 megs], then reply to this email stating that you are ready to upload them to our secure site.

Once we receive your email, we will send you a link at which you will be able to upload your mortgage documents, which will be used for the sole purpose of filing into evidence in the High Court claims.

We very much look forward to hearing from you at your earliest opportunity, as we progress to the next phase of the TGBMS Class Actions this coming week.

All the best,

The Michaels of Bernicia and Deira
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by SoLongCeylon »

and this email from yesterday :

Following up on our newsletter of a couple of days ago, which included a call to action regarding our endeavours to collect at least 500 sets of illegal mortgage documents for the TGBMS Class Actions, we have had a few questions.

Which Documents Are Required?
The mortgage documents required are all those referred to in the TGBMS Grounds:

1. Mortgage deed.

2. Mortgage contact [signed offer and acceptance letter].

3. Mortgage related letters from your conveyancing solicitor, instructing you to execute the deed before ownership and/or leave the date blank [if available].

What If I Don't Have The Mortgage Documents?
In the event you do not yet have your mortgage or remortgage documents in your possession, you need to take the following steps:

1. Pay a small fee to the Land Registry for copies of all the entries made in the Charges and Proprietorship Registers in relation to your property, as well as copies of any of your mortgage documents held on file. This is also known as an Office Copy Entries.

2. Serve both your mortgage company and the conveyancing solicitors who carried out the illegal transaction with a Data Subject Access Request [DSAR], asking for copies of every document relating to your mortgage, including the deed and the contract.

Where Do I Upload My Documents?
For those of you who are ready to upload your documents:

If you have a mortgage, click here.

For remortgages, click here.

Please don't send any documents to us via the A-FP Publishing address at the bottom of the page, as we simply don't have the space to file hard copies.

What Happens Next?
Once uploaded, your documents will automatically be sent to the email admin for your region of the country, who will then make an assessment of the evidence received.

Provided your documents show that you qualify as a TGBMS Claimant on at least one of the grounds we are relying upon, they will be filed as evidence in the appropriate class action.

We trust that answers your questions. At least for now, anyway. :)

Expect more exciting TGBMS news to follow soon.

In the meantime, have a great day.

All the best,

The Michaels of Bernicia and Deira

This time last week he was bragging about getting all the class action stuff in to court for this Monday. I suspect he is sitting in his tiny 3rd bedroom office in some unremarkable house near Newcastle beginning to realise he doesn;t have the support of 11million mortgage holders.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

longdog wrote: Sat Dec 14, 2019 11:37 am Applying a Mr Ebert like forensic analysis to that, whilst keeping in mind I had a little too much home made wine and a lot too much of the devil's lettuce last night, I conclude it doesn't actually say anything at all.

It adds up to "If something happens I might send some letters to some people but I might not".

So he's going to draft a draft of a draft claim is he? So what? Drafting a claim doesn't prove anything at all and what the hell is this "file them into the high court" crap? Is this the Princess Nutbag / ELEWE method of launching court action? Hand a load of crap to the person on reception and pretend you have launched a case even though your drivel goes straight into the small-pet-bedding-machine.
I say that he is drafting a draft of a daft claim.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by notorial dissent »

O'Waugh is definitely still pitching but I don't think the punters are lining up in droves, rather like cattle, to be taken. I would say to use a vernacular term, that his message is NOT resounding with the masses.

I can just see SO many many things wrong there in those emails, aside from possibly losing your home I mean, like identity theft and other types of fraud for having all your documentation and personal material in the hands of totally "unknown" people and sending then all over the place.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Or maybe once they've read all the Land Registry blurb, they get to this bit and think to themselves "Bugger. Even if we shell out the cost of the documents and we prove legal chicanery, we're going to lose our houses anyway."
Equitable Charges
An equitable charge will be created for one of two reasons. Firstly, there could have been a previously unsecured debt which means a court order has been issued; or, a legal charge was attempted but wasn’t dealt with in the correct manner.

If someone holds an equitable charge it does not give them the power to sell the property but based on this charge, they could potentially go to court to achieve an order of sale.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Considering the question of equitable charge versus legal charge was at the core of Mr. Waugh's legal proceedings a few years ago, you'd think he'd see fit to mention it.

Of course he wouldn't.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by notorial dissent »

They/he just don't seem to get that the "equitable" charge, and aren't they all about "equity" law to begin with, stands if money changed hands, however and in whatever form it did, that the equitable charge stands regardless of the legal one. They still owe the money they borrowed regardless of whether they think the paperwork was done right.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by aesmith »

From a mailshot a couple of days ago ..
Fantastic News!

Following our call to action for you to help us collect at least 500 sets of void mortgage documents for the TGBMS Class Actions, we are delighted to announce that we have already hit our target!

In other words, we now have more than 500 TGBMS Claimants, each of whom has already submitted or is in the process of submitting their illegal mortgage documents as evidence of mortgage fraud.

This means that we head into the festive period knowing that we will have all evidence required to prove endemic mortgage fraud, when the TGBMS Class Actions proceed to the High Court in the New Year.
Meanwhile on his web site he's posted (1) the infamous "Kuwait" case, god knows why he thinks that relevant. Hands up anyone whose mortgage was secured solely by depositing title deeds with the bank. Maybe he doesn't know that "title deed" is a different sort of "deed" (in fact not a deed at all).
https://www.thebernician.net/united-ban ... aw-report/

And (2) another one of his losses.
https://www.thebernician.net/nelson-tru ... ared-void/
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

aesmith wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2019 6:44 pm...god knows why he thinks that relevant.
O'Bonkers is a good case study into why inheritance tax needs to be increased to 100%. If he had to pay his own way in the world on the basis of his endeavours, he'd be screwed!
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