Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

NYGman wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:16 pm Hey now, some of us are not even 50 and are losing their vision due to these things. Having mine done May (Right) then June(Left), so I will be able to see properly again. But I do agree, modern technology and materials will make it so I will not need glasses anymore. Really am amazed at how these things can impair your vision. My prescription went up +5 in one year, and that was a few months ago, and now I can't even correct to 20/20. I know it has gotten worse since, I am missing the details.
I had both eyes done 6 years ago when I was 50. Gradual degradation over the years does mean you are not always aware of how poor one's vision is. I was driving quite happily with no idea until a routine trip to the optician revealed that I was legally blind in one eye and very close to it in the other.

You might still need glasses as it depends on what kind of lens they fit. I understand that newer technologies means that it might no longer be necessary do but I need to wear glasses for really close up work.

I won't go into details about the operation!!! :mouthshut:
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by AndyK »


Be prepared for a much brighter, less yellow world.

Had mine done about a year ago and was astonished at how yellow the cataracts made everything.

Wait for it

You will have a much brighter view of the world.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by Burnaby49 »

Exactly what happened to me. Cataracts are insidious, sneaking up on you an imperceptible bit at a time until you're nearly blind and hadn't realized the deterioration.

As far as future glasses are concerned the surgeon says I'll still need reading glasses but shouldn't need distance. A huge step up because my distance vision has been crap all my life. I've worn glasses since I was six when they figured out in grade one why I couldn't learn to read. It will be strange not needing glasses apart from reading.

I agree with Observer that the judge seemed somewhat naive about Millar's idiotic arguments. She said that she couldn't believe that he actually believed in them because they weren't rational but, after almost five years of watching him, it's my opinion that he's a true believer.

The Templeton was out regardless of how tight a ship the judge ran. Normally court starts between 9 and 10 and breaks for two hours for lunch at noon or so depending on events. Plenty of time for a leisurely lunch. However we started about 12:30 so a two hour break might have resulted in the hearing running to late to be finished that day. During his trial Millar was quite happy to drag things out as long as possible but this time he'd spend the night in jail if time ran out. I think, with his overwhelming self-confidence and arrogance, that he thought he'd get bail so he probably wanted the hearing done too.

Debbie Anderson's similar hearing was finished in about half an hour but she made no arguments apart from a short incoherent rant. Millar's burning resentment about how he was arrested after he refused to cooperate with the police and his defense of his Notice of Fiduciary Appointment and Presentment made for a longer day.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by Burnaby49 »

AndyK wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 6:39 pm Cataracts:

Be prepared for a much brighter, less yellow world.

Had mine done about a year ago and was astonished at how yellow the cataracts made everything.

Wait for it

You will have a much brighter view of the world.
Eagerly looking forward too it. I only realized how bad things were about six months ago when I drove to the airport at night to pick my wife up. Scared the hell out of me, I could barely make sense out of what was going on. A huge relief when I parked at the airport. I told my wife I was done driving, if she needed another ride home from the airport she could take a cab.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by grixit »

The Observer wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 4:35 pm

Has this judge had any knowledge in the past of how far off the beaten path tax protesters and sovruns will go in search of their Camelot?
Hey, Camelot refers to somewhere that archaeologists have a chance of finding an antecedent for. What these folks are looking for is Brigadoon.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by The Observer »

grixit wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 8:00 am
The Observer wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 4:35 pm

Has this judge had any knowledge in the past of how far off the beaten path tax protesters and sovruns will go in search of their Camelot?
Hey, Camelot refers to somewhere that archaeologists have a chance of finding an antecedent for. What these folks are looking for is Brigadoon.
Or Shangri-La.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by notorial dissent »

I 'd go more with Brigaloon. Brigadoon and Shangri-La sound like nice pieces of real estate in comparison to where this bunch wants to live.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 8:41 pm I 'd go more with Brigaloon. Brigadoon and Shangri-La sound like nice pieces of real estate in comparison to where this bunch wants to live.
Ok, another piece of real estate identified for the map of Frickintardistan. The capital is now officially Brigaloon.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by Burnaby49 »

We're all getting jerked around by the coronavirus but, just for one brief moment, I thought there might be a plus side I could salvage from the wreckage of my various rapidly collapsing plans.

I'd noted in my last posting on Millar's bail hearing that I was not going to attend his sentencing appeal hearing because I had cataract surgery scheduled for the same day as the hearing. Given that I'm heading towards functional blindness I considered that of somewhat more importance. But also with a bit of a regret because when Michael's sentencing appeal hearing is concluded it will mark the end of my years of Porisky/Paradigm reporting. Michael, through interminable delays, was the last man standing.

However yesterday, three days before my surgery, the province of British Columbia cancelled all elective surgery starting immediately to clear hospitals for the anticipated coronavirus tidal wave.

But, on the bright side, it meant I was now free on the 19th. Call me an irresponsible fool (my wife substitutes 'senile' for 'irresponsible', feel free to supply your own adjectives) but I couldn't pass up the sudden opportunity and, ignoring the prophecies of doom, planned to take public transit downtown to attend Millar's last hearing. Until I got this from The British Columbia Court of Appeal website this afternoon;
Appeal Hearings and Chambers Applications Currently Scheduled to occur between 18 March 2020 and May 1, 2020

All appeal hearings, chambers applications and other matters currently scheduled to occur between 18 March 2020 and 1 May 2020 are adjourned unless designated by the Chief Justice as matters that must proceed.

The Court is examining its docket and creating a list on an ongoing basis of matters that must proceed (for example, urgent criminal, family law or child protection matters). Litigants to an appeal designated as a matter that must proceed will be contacted by the registry and the matter will be presumptively heard remotely by teleconference or in writing.

For matters that are not designated as matters that must proceed, parties who consent to have their appeal, chambers application, or other matter heard by teleconference or in writing may contact the registrar in writing to request the permission of the Chief Justice, or his delegate, to proceed by alternative means.

Further information will follow regarding the rescheduling of adjourned appeals, chambers applications and other matters.

Millar's sentencing appeal hearing is manifestly not one of those "matters that must proceed". Although Michael might think otherwise this delay in no way adversely prejudices him since he has no chance of getting his jail sentence reduced or eliminated. He'll be serving out his current sentence regardless of when, if ever, he gets a hearing date. As I've reported he's already had a sentencing appeal hearing, I was there, but he skipped and did not advise the court that he wasn't attending resulting in the court issuing an arrest warrant. So he might share my opinion of his chances.

However what this might mean is that once the courts start functioning again and Michael finally gets his hearing I may be able to attend. I'm looking forward to one more chance to witness his brilliant legal analysis.

One more point. A mea culpa about a blindingly stupid comment I made in my write-up of Millar's bail hearing that I was oblivious to until I just re-read the posting. I wrote;
Crown moved on to grounds 3, the administration of justice. "He does not have a strong sentencing appeal. There is no principle that would affect sentence. His sentence was on the low end of sentencing range. In my opinion there is no chance he will serve a significant portion of his sentence before the appeal is heard. All sitting dates in March are available."

A bit of an explanation here since this issue came up again later. This refers to the possibility that if Millar is held until his sentencing appeal he may end up serving more time than he would have served had he just started his actual sentence without appealing it. This could happen two ways which can act separately or together;

1 - An appeal could result in a reduction of his custodial sentence. Currently he is to sentenced to 30 months in jail which, with a mandatory reduction, will only come to 20 months. If his sentence is reduced at the appeal hearing this might be even less. In the very unlikely event that an appeal eliminated his jail time altogether or his sentence was changed from custody to a conditional sentence to be served at home any jail time incurred from now to the appeal decision would be in excess of his final sentence.

2 - The time he serves from now until the sentencing appeal hearing might exceed his sentence time even if it is not reduced on appeal. As I noted above Millar can anticipate serving 20 months in jail. If bail is refused and he is held for over 20 months while waiting for a hearing date he will have served excess time.
The issue was the possibility that if Millar was not granted bail he might end up serving more jail time waiting for his appeal than he would serve if he didn't appeal or if a sentencing appeal granted him some relief.

Point 1 above is valid. If he is allowed a conditional sentence on appeal (effectively spending his sentence at home) then any jail time he serves waiting for his hearing is excessive to his sentence. But point 2 is just idiotic. I was saying that he could (theoretically) spend more time in jail waiting for his appeal than he would have spent just serving his sentence without an appeal. That's clearly impossible. If he was still waiting for his day in court when his effective sentence of 20 months was up he'd be released because he'd have already served his full sentence. I have no idea why I thought otherwise.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by eric »

I understand where you are coming from. Court matters have been put on hiatus in Saskatchewan so Travis Patron's trial scheduled for next week will probably be put on hold. I guess PLD Canada will claim it as a victory.
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Similarly, the Lord High whatever, Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Chilcotin, has a matter coming up next week in BC Supreme Court that I expect will be punted. I am carefully skirting the rules that there is a publication ban in place, however the file numbers are a dead giveaway. :mouthshut:

With respect to your cataract surgery - easy-peezy, dramatic improvements should result. I've had both my eyes done, plus some more major work done. A cautionary note or two:
1. Do not break out into laughter when your doctor drops your carefully folded replacement lense (they're inserted into your eyeball folded up and should spring apart):
Oh well... :shrug:
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm eager to get it done but getting a touch discouraged. This is my second cancellation. The first was done by the surgeon two weeks before my initial scheduled surgery. Given the severity of the current situation minor issues like cataract surgery (not minor to me but of no importance whatever given the expected major medical crisis they're clearing the decks for) could easily take a year or so to get back on schedule and caught up.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by grixit »

If you have to make do with audio entertainment for a while, i heartily recommend BBC Radio 4. They have a lot of content you can download for free. I especially like "In Our Time", a 45 minute discussion recorded live and not edited. You will hear every cough and stutter the same as the broadcast audience heard it. Each week a single topic is chewed over by the moderator and 2 or 3 experts. The topics are drawn from the fields of history, art, literature, math, philosophy, physics, astronomy, biology, and engineering. And each show has so much presence, you'll find yourself wanting to join the conversation.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by Burnaby49 »

Thanks but I'm not short of entertainment options. I've got a huge number of unwatched television programs copied in high quality on my computer (Adventures of Brisco County, Jr., your time has come!) hundreds of movies and a virtual library of books. Additionally I subscribe to more magazines than I can actually read and four daily newspapers, two delivered to my door and two on-line. When I download content from the net it tends to be You Tube videos of aircraft museums I've been to.

Apparently I've been inadvertently planning for social isolation for decades. We even have at least a six month supply of toilet paper stored in the basement. I bought it on a whim during a Costco trip well before any of us knew about the coronavirus or the irrational hoarding frenzy it would trigger. It just seemed really cheap and I have storage space. Prescient hoarding!
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by NYGman »

AndyK wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 6:39 pm Cataracts:

Be prepared for a much brighter, less yellow world.

Had mine done about a year ago and was astonished at how yellow the cataracts made everything.
Know it's OT but, surprise of surprises my surgery went ahead and Ho Lee Fuk* the world isn't sepia. Got my less dominant Right Eye done yesterday, and Wow. I didn't realize how yellow everything had become. Saw true white again and it is very bright. Still adjusting to it, but now looks like almost 20/20 vision in one eye. Still healing and was told it will only get better over the next week, and will be perfect once the other eye is done. Right now I can't seem to wear one eyed glasses and dealing with a perfect less dominant eye over a dominant crappy one it's a bit of a challenge. I seem to be walking around with one eye closed a lot. One month to go for the other.

* Was using Google dictation and I guess it preferred a name to a curse word, was going to edit but felt it was somewhat entertaining so left it.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by Burnaby49 »

Congratulations! I keep hearing about the wonderous effects of cataract surgery but am waiting for that first-hand hit, my ongoing quest to get it done continues. I was originally scheduled for February. Surgeon cancelled that and rescheduled to March 19th. On March 16th the province of British Columbia cancelled all elective surgery. In late April British Columbia re-opened elective surgery starting May 1. Since I'd just missed before and because the world is getting to be just a vague haze for me I was put at the head of the line and scheduled for May 5th. However within a week of allowing elective surgery British Columbia cancelled it all again.

Elective surgery was cancelled to free hospital beds for the anticipated tidal wave of critical virus cases which hasn't materialized. British Columbia clamped down hard quickly and the virus hasn't become a major health issue outside of care homes. So the hospitals are essentially empty and people are beginning to die from lack of necessary (but considered elective) medical treatment they can't get. I have a friend who needs cancer surgery but, since he won't die tomorrow without it, it's considered elective. After a month an a half of the surgery ban there is a lot of pressure on the government to ease up and allow elective again. There's a big announcement scheduled for tomorrow on British Columbia's plans to ease out of some virus restrictions. I anticipate surgery being in there in some measure.

An example of how my eyesight deteriorated without my knowing. Someone recently gave me a red bathrobe. A neighbour comment about how vivid and bright the colour was. My wife confirmed this but it was news to me, it's a dingy dull medium red as far as I can tell. Thinking about it I realized there are no bright colours any more and true white is just a memory.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by wserra »

Burnaby49 wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 4:55 pmThinking about it I realized there are no bright colours any more and true white is just a memory.
That will all change. The red-ink thumbprints will be vibrant again.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by Burnaby49 »

AndyK wrote: Tue Feb 25, 2020 6:39 pm Cataracts:

Be prepared for a much brighter, less yellow world.

Had mine done about a year ago and was astonished at how yellow the cataracts made everything.

Wait for it

You will have a much brighter view of the world.
I had one eye done today. The change was astounding. Things still blurry but I had no idea how my world had turned into a dim yellow haze until I was actually able to see real white again. I've been going around all day doing A/B tests between my untouched eye and the fixed one. Everything had a yellow-brown tinge to it like old dirty ivory, I'd actually forgotten what true white looked like. Next up some vision clarification.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Glad to hear. Stay safe, and get better.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by JamesVincent »

I went to an optometrist a few months ago as part of my disability process since I went from 20/10 vision to needing reading glasses and some really weird vision effects. So it turns out that at age 48 I'm developing cataracts in my right eye and I have scar tissue in my left from having a piece of metal removed from it about a decade ago. The visual effects are from opthamalgic? migraines. Really pretty blue and red swirls in my right eye before losing half of my vision temporarily. Doctor said I'll have to have them checked until the cataracts are large enough to be operable and then possibly some sort of corrective surgery for the scar tissue. So I guess I'm happy that as I continue to lose vision that there is a bright spot in the future somewhere.
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Re: Michael Millar - Detaxer & Poriskyite's tax evasion trial

Post by Burnaby49 »

JamesVincent wrote: Wed May 27, 2020 3:18 am I went to an optometrist a few months ago as part of my disability process since I went from 20/10 vision to needing reading glasses and some really weird vision effects. So it turns out that at age 48 I'm developing cataracts in my right eye and I have scar tissue in my left from having a piece of metal removed from it about a decade ago. The visual effects are from opthamalgic? migraines. Really pretty blue and red swirls in my right eye before losing half of my vision temporarily. Doctor said I'll have to have them checked until the cataracts are large enough to be operable and then possibly some sort of corrective surgery for the scar tissue. So I guess I'm happy that as I continue to lose vision that there is a bright spot in the future somewhere.
Cataract surgery is nothing, just fifteen minutes staring at a bright light. Slightly painful in a few parts when the doctor said she was increasing pressure, whatever that means, but trivial. I actually had no idea what was going on until surgery was done.

I'd said in the prior post;
Next up some vision clarification.
Well that's already happening. I can see much clearer than a few hours ago.
The visual effects are from opthamalgic? migraines.
I've been getting ocular migraines for over 20 years. First time was pure technicolour madness where I was essentially blind at the end, couldn't make sense out of anything, then it suddenly disappeared. I still get them frequently but they're now harmless, far less intense, short duration, and just black zig-zags.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
