Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by aesmith »

SteveD wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:39 amSo was sold for less than the price of the average flat, and well under the market price for a similar house... 50 thousand quid less in fact...
To me it seems amazing that anyone would have paid £150K for a repossessed property, with no prior viewing and presumably no survey or inspection. It could easily cost well over £50K to get it up to scratch, and maybe nearly a year. And that's even without the Crab infestation.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

aesmith wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:18 am To me it seems amazing that anyone would have paid £150K for a repossessed property, with no prior viewing and presumably no survey or inspection.
Guess you've never watched 'Homes Under the Hammer' then? Happens almost every episode!

I have my suspicion that the 3 Peel Drive auction had a HUTH camera crew there. You can see it in the background of Neelu's protest footage. Wonder why they didn't show it!
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by AndyPandy »

mufc1959 wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 10:14 pm It's a public group, so you can just use a different browser where you're not logged into Facebook. That's what I do, I was blocked from there a long while ago.


Is this one of Crabbies repossessed buy to let’s or is it just a random repossessed house and they are just trying to prove that any can ‘retake’ their repossessed property ?

If I were the Police reading his Facebook page and already having first hand experience of him, I’d issue a warrant for his arrest on suspicion of breaking and entering. That way they’re more than free to kick the door in, haul him off and let the High Court Enforcers secure the premises.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Any public minded citizens may feel obliged to send a link to the video to CrimeStoppers
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by mufc1959 »

s this one of Crabbies repossessed buy to let’s or is it just a random repossessed house and they are just trying to prove that any can ‘retake’ their repossessed property ?
I think it's another one of Kent's finest FOTL's properties, which was repossessed after he read on the internet that mortgages are a fraud, your signature creates the money so you've already paid for it when you sign the mortgage deed. Which is also a forgery in any event. Or something. Anyway, it's appears to be a fellow-traveller of Crabby's.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by longdog »

mufc1959 wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 4:13 pm I think it's another one of Kent's finest FOTL's properties, which was repossessed after he read on the internet that mortgages are a fraud, your signature creates the money so you've already paid for it when you sign the mortgage deed. Which is also a forgery in any event. Or something. Anyway, it's appears to be a fellow-traveller of Crabby's.
There was some rambling, incoherent gibberish on his page yesterday about that favourite trope of the freeloading parasites with zero understanding of economics... Reintroduce the Bradbury Pound.

I'm not exactly sure of the "theory" but I think it goes... If they reintroduced the Bradbury Pound then there would be unlimited free loans (or possibly free money) for everybody. This apparently is because there is no interest payable on a Bradbury Pound in contrast to the common or garden Pound Sterling twenties, tenners and Lady Godivas we carry around which... Errr... Oh hang on... They don't either do they because that's not how things work.

Quite why the banks would choose to lend unlimited quantities of non interest bearing currency to people rather than that boring old interest bearing stuff that is the entire basis of their business model I have yet to work out. Because reasons I assume.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by JimUk1 »

Quite why the banks would choose to lend unlimited quantities of non interest bearing currency to people rather than that boring old interest bearing stuff that is the entire basis of their business model I have yet to work out. Because reasons I assume.
I suppose it depends which side of the political spectrum they identify.

I’ve always thought of FMOTL a confusing mix of ultra-far-right libertarianism and ultra-far-left Stalinism that is to suggest the don’t want government intervention but they want the government to also give them services and houses for free


Confusing people.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by aesmith »

aesmith wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:18 am
SteveD wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:39 amSo was sold for less than the price of the average flat, and well under the market price for a similar house... 50 thousand quid less in fact...
To me it seems amazing that anyone would have paid £150K for a repossessed property, with no prior viewing and presumably no survey or inspection. It could easily cost well over £50K to get it up to scratch, and maybe nearly a year. And that's even without the Crab infestation.
Here's an example, the house opposite which is also a two bedroom end terrace sold for £199K. I really can't see £150K for a trashed version being any sort of bargain. ... ry=england
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

aesmith wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 7:57 am I really can't see £150K for a trashed version being any sort of bargain.
Without giving away that my daily routine is a diet of Homes Under The Hammer and Judge Judy ( :oops: ) £20k for a complete internal renovation by a developer with existing trusted contractors would be about the going cost, leaving £20k+ profit. The only risk is whether there are structural problems but you see developers taking that risk all the time on the show.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by mufc1959 »

As I understand it, Crabby's defence to his upcoming criminal trial for offences committed during the first eviction was that the eviction was illegal for all the usual FOTL bollocks we're all familiar with so he was acting in self-defence, lawfully, yadda yadda yadda ... So how's that going to stand up against the backdrop of another eviction pursuant to a court-ordered Warrant of Restitution? :thinking:
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by Gregg »

mufc1959 wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:04 pm As I understand it, Crabby's defence to his upcoming criminal trial for offences committed during the first eviction was that the eviction was illegal for all the usual FOTL bollocks we're all familiar with so he was acting in self-defence, lawfully, yadda yadda yadda ... So how's that going to stand up against the backdrop of another eviction pursuant to a court-ordered Warrant of Restitution? :thinking:
It'll make a great story to tell his cellmate.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gregg wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:27 am
mufc1959 wrote: Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:04 pm As I understand it, Crabby's defence to his upcoming criminal trial for offences committed during the first eviction was that the eviction was illegal for all the usual FOTL bollocks we're all familiar with so he was acting in self-defence, lawfully, yadda yadda yadda ... So how's that going to stand up against the backdrop of another eviction pursuant to a court-ordered Warrant of Restitution? :thinking:
It'll make a great story to tell his cellmate.
What cellmate? Surely, Crabby will create some piece of utter rubbish Great Writ, done in the true Common Law style such as Blackstone himself might have created, have it ratified, sealed, stamped, bent, folded, spindled, and mutilated by some Common Law Court, and walk free into the country air... RIGHT?
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by TBL »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:46 am What cellmate? Surely, Crabby will create some piece of utter rubbish Great Writ, done in the true Common Law style such as Blackstone himself might have created, have it ratified, sealed, stamped, bent, folded, spindled, and mutilated by some Common Law Court, and walk free into the country air... RIGHT?
I was going to make a joke about the free country air during yard time, but given the UK judiciary's charging and sentencing of similar offenders like Neelu, I'm just not sure justice will be done.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by exiledscouser »

I think that Neelu is a bit different to the Crab. She may be nuttier than squirrel shit but she’s never violent. If anything she’s a persistent litigant fixated on the death of her niece and all the craziness thereafter but she’s not waiting behind a door with a baseball bat to club some unfortunate plod or bailiffs or out breaking into some property unrelated to her. Maybe if she were to get half a dozen or so cats she’d be more fulfilled and sod off back into obscurity.

Just like Earth’s entry in THHGTTG I’d say that my initial assessment of “harmless” has just been bumped up to “mostly harmless”.

I’ve been reading through another pile of crazy, EWE’s very own website. You can go see it for yourself. The meandering prose could only be Ellis in full flow. I might pick out some gems and elevate Edward to his very own page if you can bear it.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by TBL »

While I agree that Neelu isn't violent, has there been any activity that shows Crabby is? So far, if I recall, his talk of assault is all bluster so far. Talking of attacking someone with a bat is still a far cry from actually doing it. I've arrested quite a few who talked really big and aggressive until the "plod" (I think I'm using the correct UK slang) showed up.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

TBL wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:23 pm While I agree that Neelu isn't violent, has there been any activity that shows Crabby is? So far, if I recall, his talk of assault is all bluster so far. Talking of attacking someone with a bat is still a far cry from actually doing it. I've arrested quite a few who talked really big and aggressive until the "plod" (I think I'm using the correct UK slang) showed up.
Crabby is being prosecuted for actual assault of police officers not just threats.

But you have to bear in mind that I'm biased. I sat though the first day of sentencing of Sabine McNeill. It was heartbreaking. The damage that Neelu has done to children's lives with her vendettas and obscene targeting of families is not a minor matter. She has destroyed childhoods. She is far more dangerous than Crabby.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by John Uskglass »

EWE’s very own website. You can go see it for yourself....
I might pick out some gems and elevate Edward to his very own page if you can bear it.
After dipping my toe into that box of frogs, I for one think it's time EWE was elevated to the elect.
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by exiledscouser »

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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by TBL »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:32 pm Crabby is being prosecuted for actual assault of police officers not just threats.

But you have to bear in mind that I'm biased. I sat though the first day of sentencing of Sabine McNeill. It was heartbreaking. The damage that Neelu has done to children's lives with her vendettas and obscene targeting of families is not a minor matter. She has destroyed childhoods. She is far more dangerous than Crabby.
Good to know, does that mean current unspent (again trying to remember the US vs. UK lingo) convictions that might impact the future possible conviction sentencing?
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Re: Robert 'Crab Bait' White consents to losing his houses

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

TBL wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 5:39 pm Good to know, does that mean current unspent (again trying to remember the US vs. UK lingo) convictions that might impact the future possible conviction sentencing?
Not sure whether you were referring to Crabby or Neelu.

Crabby's convictions for his driving offences will be spent. It would be near impossible to bring them up as previous bad character as the type is not related to his current case.

Neelu, as far as I'm aware, does not have a criminal conviction.

In both cases I'm just stating known facts and not implying any guilt or otherwise in their current appearances.
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