Uncle Cheeto

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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

NYGman wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 9:47 am No panic, and which God are you referring to.
As a good Catholic boy myself, it's not my one. When BZ Riger was praying for Touchy-Giraffe and the Bean over her birth bond fraud case, so was I. Guess what? I won!!! :wink:

That Sov Cit bingo card is filling up, however, I'm sticking with my bored kiddy with too much time on his hands explanation.
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by wserra »

Uncle Cheeto wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 12:14 pmThe Great awakening is happening. Over 190,000 indictments are waiting. The great reset to a gold backed system is coming. The monarchy was taken down = Harry & his transgender looking for shelter. The courts will be completely changed, & wrongs will be righted.
Dr Ray Stantz: What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath-of-God type stuff.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Exactly.
Dr Ray Stantz: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies. Rivers and seas boiling.
Dr. Egon Spengler: Forty years of darkness. Earthquakes, volcanoes…
Winston Zeddemore: The dead rising from the grave.
Dr. Peter Venkman: Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together – mass hysteria.
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by NYGman »

It is sad in away, I thought Uncle Leo had promise, but he has descended into a Q rabbit hole, and is spouting stuff, only those who have immersed themselves in this crazy, can understand. He may as well post random characters grouped into clusters of 1-8 letters, as that would mean about the same. It is a sad day, For those of us grounded in reality, this Q business is laughable, and pointless. As I said before, no better than Nostradamus, who at least was entertaining, and literate. I think this whole Q thing is an elaborate Prank, pulled on the gullible society as to offer. The mental gymnastics you need to do to make sense of it, along the level of secrecy needed to maintain any large conspiracy the Q Promoters want you to believe in, makes this whole thing a joke, a scam, and likely a prank. I am sure this started as a bet to see how many follwers someone could get, and has, with the professed Gurus offering translations, a large a money making racket, fleecing the true believers for donations, and selling merch.

The Q is nothing more than a fiction that gullible people, with a complete lack of understanding about laws, government, and even science done for teh amusement of some, and for monetary gain for others. Want to talk about fake news, look no further than Q. When has Q predicted anything correctly, in advance of it happening, where only Q predicted it correctly? No where to be found.
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by AndyK »

Uncle Cheeto wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 12:14 pmThe Great awakening is happening. Over 190,000 indictments are waiting. The great reset to a gold backed system is coming. The monarchy was taken down = Harry & his transgender looking for shelter. The courts will be completely changed, & wrongs will be righted.
The indictments will have to wait a bit longer until all the Denny's reopen.
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by notorial dissent »

Burnaby49 wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 9:08 am A brief coherent statement!
Only because he copied from somewhere.
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Uncle Leo wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 1:19 am Tick Tock, one by one, I can smell the panic............GOD WINS
I can smell the bullshit, and YOU LOSE.

Can we give Uncle Leo a special title, to befit his erudition and accomplishments? I'm thinking of something like "Pitiful Possessor of a Pathetically Puny Penis."
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

How about "Clueless Copypasta Compiler" or "Clueless Copypasta Chef"?
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 10:40 pm How about "Clueless Copypasta Compiler" or "Clueless Copypasta Chef"?
Less juvenile than my suggestion. :oops:
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by Uncle Leo »

Logical thinking
Why is this site here in the first place?
What symbolism do "they" use?
What information do "they" feature?
Why do "they" have puppets with puppet masters?
What are the masters afraid of?
"They" wouldn't be here if they weren't panicking?
Common sense.
Q says these people are stupid.

If you are not willing to learn no one can help you,
If you are determined to learn no one can stop you.
God gave you a brain to use, if you don't use it others will.

Try Vincent Vendetta site too

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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by Frater I*I »

Uncle Leo wrote: Sat May 23, 2020 7:47 pm
God gave you a brain to use
And your's seems to be jammed in neutral....
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Uncle Leo wrote: Sat May 23, 2020 7:47 pm Why is this site here in the first place?
I'd like to think there was some higher purpose... but it's mostly because taking the piss out of idiots like Uncle is very entertaining.
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by notorial dissent »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Sat May 23, 2020 8:29 pm
Uncle Leo wrote: Sat May 23, 2020 7:47 pm Why is this site here in the first place?
I'd like to think there was some higher purpose... but it's mostly because taking the piss out of idiots like Uncle is very entertaining.
Yes, it is definitely a fresh meat attractant, although the quantity and more important the quality has gone way down in recent years, as witness Uncle Bunkum.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by NYGman »

Uncle Leo wrote: Sat May 23, 2020 7:47 pm Logical thinking

Ah, logic, I love logic, when all else fails, logic prevails. But logic would exclude the supernatural, would not allow one to believe the impossible, would discount sources that are consistently wrong, back science over gut feelings, and generally would pull to shreds conspiracy theories, and their purveyors. By all means let's use logic, and provable facts, to help fuel the logic. After all, false facts and fictional information can influence the outcome. Logic dictates we look at only verifiable facts that can be either proven, or supported by independent sources.

Why is this site here in the first place?
for entertainment mainly, and to share information. Although look at our name, does it start with a letter you may recognize. I can't really say more, it is all there for you to see.
What symbolism do "they" use?
which they are you referring too. We can sometimes abbreviate our website name with one letter, but I can't say more or they will not be happy.
What information do "they" feature?
the truth, verifiable truth

Why do "they" have puppets with puppet masters?
I have Wavy dinosaur, Brandy the koala bear, and Katty the cat, if I don't stick my hand up their asses they would be very silly unstuffed animals. Someone has to voice them and animate them. Would be a terrible puppet show for my kids if I didn't play the puppet master.
What are the masters afraid of?

Catching this virus, that would be bad, and should make everyone a little bit affraid. It brings uncertainty, which isn't good for anyone. But generally not affraid of mich

"They" wouldn't be here if they weren't panicking?

Who said panicking, I see job panic, more wait and see

Common sense.

Yes please, or maybe Occam's razor would be more appropriate here. There should be no mental gymnastics necessary to understand something, and human nature is such that if enough people know, the secret will get out. I believe the number is 67, but could be less. So these grand conspiracy theories, not true, use some of that common sense.

Q says these people are stupid.
did we now, or is that what we want you to believe

If you are not willing to learn no one can help you,
If you are determined to learn no one can stop you.
God gave you a brain to use, if you don't use it others will.

Who is the unwilling one here, we are waiting to learn, but teaching needs knowledge, and facts must be verifiable.we should know, I have said to much and given enough hints, don't 'Q'uestion

Try Vincent Vendetta site too

That sounds totally legitimate to me, must be a fountain of truth, wonder what's in it for him? I see the mighty Dollar as the answer to that question and no altruistic purpose whatsoever.
Don't stay here too long, it's evil

Where is this evil you speak of. I think we have all been quite civil to you although we might be taking the piss, so to speak, but then you really can't blame us, you really are not making a lot of sense.

I just hope this is an act, and that you are trying to get a reaction of some type, and that in reality you are a productive member of society, working hard to provide for yourself and family.
The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Logical thinking A concept of which Uncle is unaware.
Why is this site here in the first place? Because of fools like you, for one thing.
What symbolism do "they" use? See our masthead.
What information do "they" feature? Read our various threads.
Why do "they" have puppets with puppet masters? What puppets?
What are the masters afraid of? Not you, for one thing.
"They" wouldn't be here if they weren't panicking? We AREN'T panicking, Bucko.
Common sense. Another concept of which Uncle is unaware.
Q says these people are stupid. Doesn't give anyone much cause to believe anything said by Q.

If you are not willing to learn no one can help you, Look in the mirror.
If you are determined to learn no one can stop you. If your mind is closed, we can't help you.
God gave you a brain to use, if you don't use it others will.You clearly aren't using yours.

Try Vincent Vendetta site too I find myself less than compelled to follow any of your recommendations.

Don't stay here too long, it's evil Only if you hate the thought of having to abandon your delusions.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by Uncle Leo »

Glad the puppets cleared that up. In red too. wow more red panic
John Kerry comes into view.
Skull & bones 322
Never pay a fine = means you stand under "their" law.
Uranium one right around the corner.
Live birth = long form= get it authenticated from the province your born in, then send it to Ottawa for authentication.
If you leave it in your car "they" will break in & steal it so make many copies.
Any contract can be cancelled with a contract rescission. Corporations can only deal with other corporations through contracts, & offer to contract. Watch all eternally aware videos. Learn from freemen not slavemen.
A company is going to cut into the Titanic & retrieve the telegraph box. Looking for what really sank it. Tru Reporting site
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Oh dear. I was hoping for so much more. He's a loony. :roll:

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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by AndyK »


Can we open a new sub-forum, a level below word salad: verbal/mental diarrhea?

I realize there's a major shortage of toilet paper, but we can only hope his diaper holds.
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

We don't need to waste electrons on a new forum. I'm on the point of warning Uncle Leo that his posts might be moderated, if he continues to waste our time with posts like his last few.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Uncle Cheeto really ought to stop embarrassing himself.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Sun May 24, 2020 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Uncle Cheeto

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Uncle Leo wrote: Sun May 24, 2020 8:06 pm Glad the puppets cleared that up. In red too. wow more red panic Who's panicking? Not us.
John Kerry comes into view. You're hallucinating.
Skull & bones 322 So?
Never pay a fine = means you stand under "their" law. You're the Dunning-Krueger of legal scholarship.
Uranium one right around the corner. Beating a dead horse, are we?
Live birth = long form= get it authenticated from the province your born in, then send it to Ottawa for authentication.
And Ottawa (or Washington) will send it right back to us, with a letter saying essentially "why are you wasting our time with this?
If you leave it in your car "they" will break in & steal it so make many copies. I don't know anyone who keeps their birth certificate in their car; and they could get a genuine example if needed, anyway.
Any contract can be cancelled with a contract rescission. Corporations can only deal with other corporations through contracts, & offer to contract. Watch all eternally aware videos. Learn from freemen not slavemen. Again with the Dunning-Krueger legal scholarship.
A company is going to cut into the Titanic & retrieve the telegraph box. Looking for what really sank it. Tru Reporting site
Ummm... we already know what sank the Titanic; and in 1912, telegraphs didn't have "little black boxes" which would tell us, after 118 years, why the ship sank. More like "Fals reporting site".
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Sun May 24, 2020 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: duplicate
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools