If your child faces life in prison, do you crack jokes?

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If your child faces life in prison, do you crack jokes?

Post by Demosthenes »

From: Jose M.
Date: Jan 6, 2008 4:19 PM
Subject: Free ride to NH trials !
Body: Hola y'all,

I just figured out how we can ALL catch a free ride to the Freedom Four's trial in New Hamphire.
Everybody wanting to attend just post on MySpace that you were at the Browns' house 'on or during the period between January of 2007 and September of 2007. Make sure to include having done something totally illegal like...oh...let's say you made Ed a sandwich or applied polish to Elaine's toe nails.

Here is MY bit....

"I, Jose M. Gonzalez, was a guest in Elaine & Ed Brown's home some time between January and September of 2007. While there, I admit to having washed dishes in the kitchen of my own free will. Also, once, the toilet was not flushed and I actually flushed it to prevent the potential for the spread of disease."
This ends my statement.

keep the faith

:{ jmg
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Re: If your child faces life in prison, do you crack jokes?

Post by webhick »

Subject: Free ride to NH trials !
At the taxpayer's expense.
I just figured out how we can ALL catch a free ride to the Freedom Four's trial in New Hamphire.
Not quite.
Everybody wanting to attend just post on MySpace that you were at the Browns' house 'on or during the period between January of 2007 and September of 2007. Make sure to include having done something totally illegal like...oh...let's say you made Ed a sandwich or applied polish to Elaine's toe nails.
Yeah, like the government's going to waste our money and their time going after such minor bullshit.
"I, Jose M. Gonzalez, was a guest in Elaine & Ed Brown's home some time between January and September of 2007. While there, I admit to having washed dishes in the kitchen of my own free will. Also, once, the toilet was not flushed and I actually flushed it to prevent the potential for the spread of disease."
OHMIGOD! Arrest him! He flushed a toilet! Holy moley! I flush them, too! My world is crashing! I'm a serial flusher!

This ends my statement.
Whew, thank God you ended that before admitting to doing anything like handling the weapons, assisting making bombs, threatening authorities, beating an endangered species with a loaded Pez dispenser, etc. You know, stuff they'd actually care about.
Or if you expect a free ride to the NH Trials of the Futile Four, lie on the ground with your hands behind your back. But don't assume you'll show up in NH on time since it takes time to find the evidence and get the warrant, etc. Maybe if you admit to doing things that the government actually cares about, perhaps you'll be able to see one of the Futile Four sometime by the end of the year. In the common room. In prison. You can watch Jon & Kate + 8 together and discuss knitting sweaters. Then maybe later, the other boys can get together and tattoo "My Other Boyfriend is a Taxpayer" on your forehead after they knock you out.
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Re: If your child faces life in prison, do you crack jokes?

Post by LPC »

Jose Gonzales wrote:I just figured out how we can ALL catch a free ride to the Freedom Four's trial in New Hamphire.
Everybody wanting to attend just post on MySpace that you were at the Browns' house 'on or during the period between January of 2007 and September of 2007. Make sure to include having done something totally illegal like...oh...let's say you made Ed a sandwich or applied polish to Elaine's toe nails.
He *wants* to be arrested for aiding and abetting a fugitive?

Or does he see no difference between makings sandwiches and buying weapons?

Either way, it's bizarre.

And Gonzales's message establishes that he was definitely *not* aiding and abetting, because it's clear that he was a net drain on the Browns' resources.

Way to go, Jose!
Dan Evans
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Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Aside from a really poorly executed attempt at black humor, what the fool doesn't realize is they wouldn't go from wherever it is they are directly to New Hampshire.

"Hey - let's have some fun by touring the US in handcuffs and shackles!" :roll:
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Post by webhick »

"Hey - let's have some fun by touring the US in handcuffs and shackles!" :roll:
Oh, like married couples on road trips?
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