Proving the Earth is flat

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Re: Proving the Earth is flat

Post by AndyK »

Take a deep breath, step back, and apply Occam's razor.

If a theory requires so many assumptions, all of which contradict observed facts, it most likely is less valid than the simplest theory.

But remember, it's turtles all the way down.
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Re: Proving the Earth is flat

Post by Chaos »

it's only flat on the bottom

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Re: Proving the Earth is flat

Post by JamesVincent » ... flat/

The World Record for the Greatest Distance with a Zoom Lens Proves yet Again the Earth Is Flat

WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING AT IS THE CURRENT WORLD RECORD for the greatest distance captured with a zoom lens. 443 kilometers. Or precisely 275 miles. That’s the measured space between Pic De Finestrelles in the foreground to Pic Gaspard in the rear. At 275 miles the Alps should be nearly 11 miles below the horizon, arched from stage left to right, and leaning away from the viewer, as the curve of a globe earth dictates. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the earth is flat and the picture is real. And it was recently captured by Marc Bret using a 1200 mm – f./2.8 zoom lens.
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Re: Proving the Earth is flat

Post by bmxninja357 »

i really really do wish i could turn my brain/common sense/reality observing off. i wish i could hold a belief so very deeply that all rhyme reason facts or reality can completely be blocked in every way so no differing anything may penetrate the armour of my belief. if only i could achieve this level of cognitive dissonance, intellectual arrogance and absolute scientific certainty.

gosh would it make life so damn easy. it would be majorly frustrating trying to share this nobel quality mastery of all things intellectual, scientific and academic. it cannot be told as lies if i truly in my soul of souls believed it. its simple; if i only accept what most agreed with me. the fewer believe the better. its proof in itself. most people are stupid. the vast majority. ergo the less people believe it the more likely it is to be true.

if only i could self moron. second amendment luger, and an overweight load of dunning-kruger.
they may be right. i am jealous. if only i could be so selfishly assured of everything.

"i dont really miss god, but i sure miss santa clause"-courtney love/hole/gutless

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Proving the Earth is flat

Post by NYGman »

Turtles all the way down
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Re: Proving the Earth is flat

Post by fortinbras »

One of the Flat Earth articles of faith is that the notion of a round earth is a hoax perpetrated by all the governments on Earth to deceive the public. Exactly why it is thought necessary to deceive the public is never made clear. Nor is the question of when did the governments decide and agree to this hoax - especially since the notion of a round earth predates Columbus and even predates the Crusades. And we might ask why an enemy country, such as Germany in WW 1 or 2, or North Korea, didn't spill the beans on the hoax, etc.

By most Flat Earther suppositions of the configuration of the planet, there is considerable territory - perhaps enormous stretches of territory - beyond what is known to human exploration; this territory may contain valuable resources - or at least arable land or living space - and yet no country has made the effort to explore/conquer/cultivate it. It would also seem logical that, if the surface of the earth is flat, there is "over the edge" side to the planet (not to mention an underside) and this side to the planet may have resources and even forms of life that are completely new to us and deserve exploration and exploitation.

So far the Flat Earthers haven't even come up with anomalous measurements that dispute the notion of a round earth, much less tangible and undeniable proof that the planet is flat.
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Re: Proving the Earth is flat

Post by JamesVincent »

Everyone knows that if the earth was flat then cats would have knocked everything off by now. Infallible logic prevails.
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Re: Proving the Earth is flat

Post by GMac »

My favorite flat earth revelation is that all satellites are really lofted by balloons and the rockets launch empty and crash out at sea. Sure, you'd not only need the government in on the conspiracy AS WELL AS private launch companies, satellite manufacturers, and all the companies that use satellite data, as well as however the hundreds of balloons float by every day & are never seen, but that's a mere bagatelle for the Illuminati. All those millions of dollars spent on rockets actually go for bribes, and the $1000 or so that should be given out to all the people needed to keep their silence should work wonders. :roll:
However, their version of science is flawed because real science predicts no survivors left alive on earth if my father's Vatican endorsed food process is not revived and frankly immediatly is none too soon! -ERASMUS OF AMERICA
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Re: Proving the Earth is flat

Post by Gregg »

GMac wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:08 pm My favorite flat earth revelation is that all satellites are really lofted by balloons and the rockets launch empty and crash out at sea. Sure, you'd not only need the government in on the conspiracy AS WELL AS private launch companies, satellite manufacturers, and all the companies that use satellite data, as well as however the hundreds of balloons float by every day & are never seen, but that's a mere bagatelle for the Illuminati. All those millions of dollars spent on rockets actually go for bribes, and the $1000 or so that should be given out to all the people needed to keep their silence should work wonders. :roll:

Have you ever wondered how much it costs the Illuminati to train Dachshunds to fly helicopters? Hell, the US Army paid upwards of a million bucks to teach me in 1983 dollars, and I have thumbs!

It has to come from somewhere!
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Re: Proving the Earth is flat

Post by JamesVincent »

I recently was made aware of a movie that had been made by Flat Earthers several years. How I missed it I have no clue. Anyway the name of the movie is Behind the Curve.

The original article I read about the movie basically said that the producers went about making a movie proving the world was flat and ended up proving that it was round. Several of the reviews I read also support that opinion.
I have mixed feelings about his documentary. On the one hand, it is pretty clear that these folks are being presented as what they are - well meaning but maladjusted individuals who have bought into a down the rabbit hole idea with zero scientific support.

OTOH, it is also unfortunate to give exposure to such utterly bogus ideas. That is probably a disservice to the the rest of humanity.
Came into this hoping to hear rational perspectives on flat-earth theory. What we get instead is an inside view of how cultists think and behave.

They believe they have discovered some grand truth that nobody else can see. Then they prescribe to the idea with such reckless conviction that they either outright reject any evidence that disproves their theory, or they contort it until it fits into their distorted view of reality. They then point at the rest of society and say that the truth will be revealed to us as long as we adopt their view of reality. And anyone who refuses to believe them suddenly becomes the enemy. At one point, they even go so far as to claim "it is a battle between good and evil." This all shares stark similarities with other cults, like Scientology.
This documentary is absolutely preposterous. I laughed out loud multiple times. It's pretty bad.
Flat Earthers confirm round shape with costly experiment
A researcher's attempt to prove the flat Earth theory backfires, providing evidence to the contrary in a viral experiment.
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