UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by TBL »

Arthur Rubin wrote: Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:53 pm
longdog wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:55 pm
Radiation sickness is far more worrying than Corona bullshit!
God forbid any of these morons should spoil their delusions by spending a whole minute looking up what radiation sickness actually is :snicker:
Sunburn? :shrug:
I mean, technically you could call sunburn a radiation sickness... I love it. Next time I get a sunburn, I'll constantly call it a radiation sickness. My wife will hate you when she asks why. :P
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

It's A radiation sickness in the sense that it's a sickness caused by radiation I suppose but then by the same token so is my reaction to watching POTUS speak.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Anyone else notice that Princess Lala has gone uncharacteristically quiet on all topics apart from Assange and Swissindo?

I think she may have had a warning whilst certain cases are subjudice about having her felt collar, er, I mean collar felt. :wink:
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Normal Wisdom »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Mon Oct 12, 2020 4:47 pm Anyone else notice that Princess Lala has gone uncharacteristically quiet on all topics apart from Assange and Swissindo?

I think she may have had a warning whilst certain cases are subjudice about having her felt collar, er, I mean collar felt. :wink:
I doubt she has any time to pursue her other 'interests' as she is producing a video almost every day about Swissindo. She is being assisted by that towering genius Lee Cant and on occasions by a couple of rather shifty looking characters from Indonesia called Hadison Manonorang and Andy Kasman.

In the videos, Neelu gets rather worked up at times and when she gets into ranting mode she takes the opportunity to conflate the full panoply of her 'ideas' into one big conspiracy theory. So we have "Ashtar on the Road" spiritualism (one for long term followers of Neelu), child trafficking and abuse mixed with alien reptiles under the ground, illegal house possessions and taxes mixed with hidden Swissindo gold, persecution of 'whistleblowers', mental health frauds, Julian Assange and most recently the assertion that Barack Obama is gay, his wife is a man and their children are actors used to portray a normal family but where the real parents are sueing Obama because they didn't realise that their children would be living in a "gay" environment. It's impressive how she weaves it all together.

The recent series of recent Swissindo videos have launched a couple of petitions (again). First a petition to claim our $6 million share of the gold. That's only attracted 315 signatures at last check but this was soon usurped by another attempt at the White House petition website that offers consideration of discussion in Congress for petitions that reach 100,000 signatures. Last time the petition got 1,024 signatures but this time it has already attained over 4,000 so only needs another 95,000+ by 7th November. It's not like Congress will be thinking about anything else in early November.

However the most interesting development is the revelation that all is not well in the world of Swissindo. In the seventh video in the series, Neelu's Indonesian contacts suddenly announced that they wanted people to donate funds. It's not quite clear what these are for but in the eighth video Neelu actually talks about funding a militia! This attracted the interest of another much larger group of Swissindo promoters known as WKE-UNS which appear to be led from the US by someone called Kinmarie Teter. This group flooded the comments section in the seventh video with admonishments that the dear leader, MI / Mr Sino etc, would never ask for donations. Apparently Neelu's new associate Hadison was kicked out of WKE-UNS a few years ago. Neelu has not reacted well to the challenge. I am awaiting developments with mildly baited breath.

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Thanks for doing the dirty work.

I suspect the last thing Mr Sino would want right now is any suggestion that he is behind the funding of a militia. Indonesia doesn't take too kindly to that sort of thing.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

Cheers Normal for an entertaining write-up.

I dive in now and again into planet Neelu but I’m starting to develop mental health issues as a consequence. The above video for instance is the stuff of nightmares with Lee Cant looking like a well known ex-UK preacher with hooks for hands, someone now residing rent-free in a US Supermax.

The other videos feature equally distrustful and shady chancers chipping in from time to time with “Ramola D” acting as ringmaster to the craziness.

All of Neelu’s videos start with a cheery “well hello ev-ree-body” after which she smiles and gurns away throughout despite the rather dark nature of her monologues.

She can’t seem to decide if Trump is a saviour or one of them there Lizards. Was everything declared bankrupt in 1933? Or 1921? Or 1066. Something something 1947. She isn’t ever consistent in her ramblings and TBH once you’ve heard one Neelu rant you’ll have heard them all.

Best I learn of her antics 2nd hand as I end up shouting at the telly when she’s on one.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by aesmith »

I'm amazed that nearly 10,000 people are bonkers enough to believe her nonsense and sign that petition. Even if half that number are just having a laugh, that's still a lot of nutters of Woman Neelu's calibre. I almost hope it gets to 100,000 just so we see the response.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Normal Wisdom »

aesmith wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:56 am I'm amazed that nearly 10,000 people are bonkers enough to believe her nonsense and sign that petition. Even if half that number are just having a laugh, that's still a lot of nutters of Woman Neelu's calibre. I almost hope it gets to 100,000 just so we see the response.
Even if they do get to a 100,000 they'll still be behind the petitions that want the President of S. Korea arrested for smuggling the "China Virus" into the US (1,033,917 signed), investigation of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for medical malpractice and crimes against humanity (658,700) and even consideration of the conservatorship and civil liberties of Britney Spears (136,410).

Still I'm please to say that the appeal for donations is no longer to fund a militia but to pay the fare for Mr M1 Sino to fly home from Jakarta now that he has apparently been released from house arrest. Quite why the King of The World and President of The United Nations who is sitting on millions of tons of gold, platinum and precious stones can't rustle up a couple of thousand dollars without crowdfunding is not entirely clear.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by noblepa »

aesmith wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:56 am I'm amazed that nearly 10,000 people are bonkers enough to believe her nonsense and sign that petition. Even if half that number are just having a laugh, that's still a lot of nutters of Woman Neelu's calibre. I almost hope it gets to 100,000 just so we see the response.
IIRC, the 100,000 signature threshold does not guarantee any action.

When the petition page was created on the WH website, during the Obama administration, the only promise made was that, if the petition garnered 100k signatures, the WH would RESPOND. As with prayer, the response may well be NO. There is no assurance that Congress will even be aware of the petition, let alone discuss it.

I don't know if the Trump administration has continued the policy of responding or not.

Even if the US Congress, for some unfathomable reason, passed legislation, and President Trump signed it, why would Neelu care? As a British citizen and resident, nothing the US Congress does can affect her, either for good or bad.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by aesmith »

Well I was assuming any response would be dismissive, scathing being too much to hope for. But it would be fun to see Woman Neelu's reaction to such response.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Normal Wisdom »

noblepa wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 5:21 pm
.... Even if the US Congress, for some unfathomable reason, passed legislation, and President Trump signed it, why would Neelu care? As a British citizen and resident, nothing the US Congress does can affect her, either for good or bad.
Well it might if you believe Neelu's assertion which is something along the lines that the Federal Reserve Bank under the direction of Obama and now Trump is holding one quintillion US dollars of Mr Sino's money which should be distributed to us all.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

I can never read about this Swissindo crap without thinking of the Golgafrinchans adopting the leaf as currency and having to burn down all the trees as one ship's peanut cost three deciduous forests.

It's quite literally one of the first things we did in O Level economics 40 years ago. If I, as a poor pleb who left school at 16, can grasp concepts like the relationship between money supply and inflation how can Princess Nutbag who (presumably) went on to A Levels and a degree not understand it?

Rhetorical question of course... She's utterly delusional.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by hucknallred »

longdog wrote: Fri Oct 16, 2020 4:19 pm I can never read about this Swissindo crap without thinking of the Golgafrinchans adopting the leaf as currency and having to burn down all the trees as one ship's peanut cost three deciduous forests.
Just started HGTTG on Britbox, last saw it 40ish years ago. I didn't remember the naked Douglas Adams Cameo doing a Reggie Perrin.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

hucknallred wrote: Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:27 pm I didn't remember the naked Douglas Adams Cameo doing a Reggie Perrin.
It was far more explicit on the original Radio 4 broadcast. They had to cut it for for subsequent radio repeats.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by TheNewSaint »

noblepa wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 5:21 pm When the petition page was created on the WH website, during the Obama administration, the only promise made was that, if the petition garnered 100k signatures, the WH would RESPOND.
A petition to build a Death Star got the required 25k (not 100k) signatures, and a pretty great response:
  • The construction of the Death Star has been estimated to cost more than $850,000,000,000,000,000. We're working hard to reduce the deficit, not expand it.
  • The Administration does not support blowing up planets.
  • Why would we spend countless taxpayer dollars on a Death Star with a fundamental flaw that can be exploited by a one-man starship? ... reasons%3A
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by hucknallred »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Fri Oct 16, 2020 6:21 pm
hucknallred wrote: Fri Oct 16, 2020 5:27 pm I didn't remember the naked Douglas Adams Cameo doing a Reggie Perrin.
It was far more explicit on the original Radio 4 broadcast. They had to cut it for for subsequent radio repeats.
I never did the radio back then, but they did release a book of the radio scripts that I bought about 35 years ago. I no longer have it though. I must seek out the radio episodes.
Interesting comparing it to the 2005 movie, which I think did a good job.

Before t'internet I was a subscriber of a UK online service called PRESTEL, Adams did a sort of online Q&A on there & answered a couple of my questions. One was about the film rights at the time that Ivan Reitman had, I think he said he'd decided to let it lie fallow.
Another was a nerdy one why we hadn't hadn't seen the attempt on Arthur's life on Stavromula Beta in any of the books.
He gave a jokey reply about having to read the book in UV light or something. Imagine my surprise years later when it became part of the story of the fifth book in the trilogy. Was it because of my question? Who knows.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

hucknallred wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:33 am Interesting comparing it to the 2005 movie, which I think did a good job.
That's fighting talk!

Okay, if I'm being fair it wasn't as bad as some make out and probably as good as any Hollywood budgeted version would be allowed to be. And it did have Zooey in it, so there's that.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by hucknallred »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:40 am That's fighting talk!
I only said good job, not superb or excellent.
Stephen Fry was good as the book.
Seeing the whale's whole life was funny.
Other bits too.. I don't love it, but don't hate it either.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Wakeman52 »

THHGTTG - my order of preference:

1) the first 2 Radio 4 series - an absolute classic;
2) the TV series - even allowing for the uneven effects, wobbly sets and wayward direction;
3) the 3rd & 4th Radio 4 series;
4) the film - which has some good parts, but disappoints in far too many;
5) the 5th radio series.

The 6th book and related radio adaptation are not worth any effort, as the attempts to emulate Adams' unique style fall horribly flat.

Just my Altairian $'s worth.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by noblepa »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:40 am
hucknallred wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 7:33 am Interesting comparing it to the 2005 movie, which I think did a good job.
That's fighting talk!

Okay, if I'm being fair it wasn't as bad as some make out and probably as good as any Hollywood budgeted version would be allowed to be. And it did have Zooey in it, so there's that.
Yes, Zooey was pretty good in the movie.

The rest of it was lousy.

The HHGTTG series was, in reality, a continuous stream of jokes. Like "Jumping through hyperspace is a little bit like being drunk. That's no so bad. Oh yeah, say that to a glass of water" (insert drum rimshot here). That's one of the things I love about it.

My complaint with the movie is that, IMHO, in many cases, they left out either the setup of the joke, or the punchline. This made the jokes completely incomprehensible.

I also found Sam Rockwell as Zaphod Beeblebrox to be unbelievable, if such a character can be said to be believable, at all. I wasn't too crazy about Mos Def as Ford Prefect. Martin Freeman was good as DentArthurDent, but not good enough to save the movie.

IMHO, the producers and directors just didn't get the book, at all. At the time, I remember reading that the director claimed to be a big fan, but it didn't come through in the movie, at least to me.

Its too bad. I would have loved to see them make "So Long, And Thanks for All The Fish", or "Restaurant At The End of The Universe", but in Hollywood, when a movie flops financially, it almost never gets a sequel.