Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Driving without a licence, as opposed to driving whilst disqualified, normally results in points that if a licence is actually sought comes with them pre-applied. I don't think under normal circumstances you are arrested for it unless you refuse to co-operate.

Similarly driving without insurance is not an arrestable offence, especially as the law states that you have 7 days to produce the documentation. However, if the police believe it has no valid insurance they will recover it from the roadside and not allow you to drive it.

So I guess she's complaining about not being arrested when there was not a chance of her being arrested unless she refused to co-operate. It would seem that apart from spouting FotLer crap, she must have told them her name and address which is all they require before they kick you out and cart off your car.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by exiledscouser »

That woman is a careering train heading for the broken down bridge. At full speed. And of course without ill-will, frivolity and all that.

A train-wreck is a’comin and we are helpless to intervene.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by aesmith »

She's posted a further diatribe on a different group. Not sure I'm any the wiser but it appears she's being prosecuted for a fairly serious matter. Here it is in case anyone can decode the gibberish ..

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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by exiledscouser »

This time next year Rodmell we’ll be millionaires!

Well, maybe not you.....
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by exiledscouser »

Good to see Dismal Dave has crawled out from under his bridge promoting his new baby, We the People. Well more like We a few malcontents. This crew has been busy serving plod with their notices, here they are, serving away;

That’ll learn em! seems to be the message but like every other notice they’ve ever served - on anyone - they will be landfill before breakfast.

But good to see old Dismal is back in the chair, game on again.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by John Uskglass »

And there I was thinking that we were going to run out of people to point at and laugh.

I went to the new website

As one might expect, it is a fine collection of wrongness and ignorance. For some unfathomable reason, they are still exercised about the EU's dastardly influence on the UK. My absolute favourite bit was this -
The treasury department of the European Community has never allowed an independent audit by professional accountants of their books. One year of non- publication is a criminal offence. In fact, its financial accounts have been disapproved by the E.U's own court of auditors. This crime has already been reported to the UK Serious Fraud Office by former MP Ashley Mote. They are in possession of the evidence and have confirmed to him that the remittance of English taxpayer's funds into the hands of this criminal enterprise is, of course, a criminal offence.
Now, I'm fairly well up on UK politics, but Ashley Mote MP was not someone I was previously aware of. Turns out he was an MEP, and wait for it -
Ashley Mote (born 25 January 1936) is a former Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for South East England from 2004 to 2009. Elected representing the UK Independence Party, he became a non-inscrit one month into his term after UKIP withdrew the whip from him due to investigation into his expenses.

A vociferous critic of fraud in the European Institutions, he himself was convicted of benefit fraud in 2007 for which he served a nine-month prison sentence and was described by the trial judge as "a truly dishonest man". The scandal ignited a debate as to how an MEP could receive a prison sentence, yet keep his seat in the European Parliament; there are moves afoot to review the legislation. In 2015, Mote was jailed for a further five years for fraudulently claiming nearly £500,000 in European Parliament expenses.

Is that brilliant or what?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by JimUk1 »

exiledscouser wrote: Wed Oct 28, 2020 6:22 pm Good to see Dismal Dave has crawled out from under his bridge promoting his new baby, We the People. Well more like We a few malcontents. This crew has been busy serving plod with their notices, here they are, serving away;

That’ll learn em! seems to be the message but like every other notice they’ve ever served - on anyone - they will be landfill before breakfast.

But good to see old Dismal is back in the chair, game on again.
I’m sure I recognised a few of those faces from the White Pendragons? The blonde haired lady (1:35) in particular looks similar to the one who helped crash the Fabian Society AGM.

Oh they do enjoy getting the crayons out and trying to spell big words, acting all knowledgeable and like saviours of the people.

I wonder if any of them are aware of Dave’s successful siege of Glastonbury town hall?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

aesmith wrote: Wed Oct 28, 2020 4:46 pm She's posted a further diatribe on a different group. Not sure I'm any the wiser but it appears she's being prosecuted for a fairly serious matter. Here it is in case anyone can decode the gibberish ..

I'm not sure if I'm parsing this gibberish correctly but she appears to be under the impression that you can only be prosecuted for conspiracy if you actually do the thing you were conspiring to do.

I fear she has not fully grasped either the legal or the ordinary meaning of the verb "to conspire".

Given these fruitcakes' total inability to understand the nature of reality in general and the law in particular I'd put my shiny shilling on the charge being one of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Her case number is T20207033

Court 2 T20207033 LISA RODMELL
Plea and Trial Preparation - Case Started 13/03/2020 11:11
Plea and Trial Preparation - Resume 13/03/2020 12:42

Court 1 T20207033 LISA RODMELL
Plea and Trial Preparation - Case to be listed for Further Mention/PAD on 17 27/03/2020 11:21
Plea and Trial Preparation - Case adjourned until 11:35 27/03/2020 11:24
Plea and Trial Preparation - Resume 27/03/2020 11:42

Court 2 T20207033 LISA RODMELL
Plea and Trial Preparation - Case Started 17/04/2020 10:26
Plea and Trial Preparation - Hearing finished for LISA RODMELL 17/04/2020 10:31
For Review - Case Started 15/05/2020 10:39
For Review - Hearing finished for LISA RODMELL 15/05/2020 11:04
For Mention (Defendant to Attend) - Case Started 02/09/2020 11:21
For Mention (Defendant to Attend) - Hearing finished for LISA RODMELL 02/09/2020 11:26

Court 3 T20207033 LISA RODMELL
For Execution of Bench Warrant - Case Started 23/10/2020 15:54
For Execution of Bench Warrant - Hearing finished for LISA RODMELL 23/10/2020 16:32
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by exiledscouser »

Here’s a novel way to way to get your car pulled.

Has no one learned from the great Allegedly Dave and his adventurous tours of police car impound lots?

I would have loved to shown the actual photo but I don’t have the IT skills but is is a fmotl “tax disc” advertising the fact that the driver is in fact a traveller and as such is therefore exempt from insurance, MOT, having a licence etc.

It will attract plod like curry to a piss-head.

In fact it’s a great idea and I’d make this mandatory to be displayed on all cars owned and operated by the PLD crew. They could serve some notices after walking home. It warns plod of life in prison and having all their assets taken from them if they dare try and enforce any act etc.

I don’t know about you but if I were one of those guys driving a marked 3.0 litre BMW, wearing a white cap with a slashed peak and with my sense of humour surgically removed on joining I’d see this as a sign of encouragement.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by hucknallred »

exiledscouser wrote: Thu Oct 29, 2020 5:19 pm Here’s a novel way to way to get your car pulled.

Has no one learned from the great Allegedly Dave and his adventurous tours of police car impound lots?

I would have loved to shown the actual photo but I don’t have the IT skills but is is a fmotl “tax disc” advertising the fact that the driver is in fact a traveller and as such is therefore exempt from insurance, MOT, having a licence etc.

It will attract plod like curry to a piss-head.
IT skills sorted.

From your username I suspect you aren't suffering from Tier 3 lockdown & now reside offshore?

If this is the case you may have missed the news that the Tax Disc has gone like Tom Crawford's bungalow. Around the same time actually.
Now all online, no queuing at the Post Office with Insurance in hand on the 1st of the month.

Point being the actual disc won't bother plod, but an ANPR ping for no tax will.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by exiledscouser »

I am indebted to you and your IT skills. I am sadly still in the UK just not in the land of stolen hub caps. You might know it as Tier 3 land.

It’s the very fact that the tax disc is no more which will gain this thing an extra look if only for its novelty.

Someone asked the OP whether this had had the magic effect of warding off plod. “I dunno” she says “I’ve only had in on a day”.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by grixit »

I wonder, when one of these folks tries to trade in their Magna Carriage for a newer model, do they insist that it's worth more, since it has never been "driven" only "traveled"?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by exiledscouser »

Dismal Dave is a man of unshakable conviction. Once he's given his support for something then its there for life.

Oh yes.

But actually...erm...oh no.

Here he is demonstrating how a "seemingly homogenous crowd can splinter and fragment at the slightest whiff of political opportunity and barest tug of predictable human nature" to pinch a well-written quote.

So, his initial position on the 27th October;
Dismal Dave wrote:Good evening Sovereignty Defenders.

If you are in agreement with the Notice of Obligation on the We The People website (link to site) and would like to be apart of the movement, there are a number of things you can help with.
He goes on to promote We The People and the serving of notices on paramedics and firefighters too. Let there be no doubt, for and on the record, ring the church bells etc. We The People deserve all of Dismal's weighty, invaluable support. Whilst "a part" and "apart" have two very different and opposite meanings, this is a mere detail, you get the drift that he's firmly on board with WTP.

Fast forward to 1st November and its time for a blistering vein-popping polemic, an all CAPS LOCK ranty apoplectic one at that;
They always are with this lot.

Apparently we learn that someone linked with We The People called Greg Hallet has only gone and had himself proclaimed himself King, aided and abetted by all the worthies and courtiers at the CLC. Blimey, that's one coronation I would have liked to have had an invitation to, I'd at least have had the opportunity to buy a tasteless royal mug. As we know Dave HATES the CLC with a passion although we don't ever discover why (unless someone can cast a light on this schism). The post continues to bluster and accuse, there's a long (AND VERY SHOUTY) post about who said what to who in a text, sounds very handbags at dawn.


So, who is our new monarch?

The CLC website has promoted someone called Joseph Gregory Hallett to some exalted position by way of "Elevation with Sword of the Duke of Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha". Ooooh, sounds very regal. Since then he has smoothly ascended to the throne as King John III of England. Greg, a barmy Kiwi also known rather modestly as "The Chosen Son of Man" and "Christ, Messaiah, since his birth" has a strong following amongst the troof community. The QAnon nutters are Royal fans it seems, they believe that 'is Majesty is working wiv the saintly Donald Trumpton to see off a satanic cabal yadda yadda. The "Hope not Hate" site covers the basics in a well written article.

The Monarch himself has a balanced view of his new subjects, advising that terror attacks are all staged and advising his admiring citizens that;
“Crypto-Jews (....) are in place in Governments to sabotage their Governments in favour of the Jewish Administrators”.

Nice yer Maj, nice. Someone has been throwing talmud in the royal eye I think. That pretty much sets the scene for King John's world-view, reaching out as he does to build bridges with the jewish community of which he is the greatest of admirers.

Back then to PLD and something (almost) less crazy than King John the Turd. The comments below Dismal Dave's latest philippic reveal disquiet and confusion has been sown in the fuckwittery department;
Darren White wrote:Does this mean all their notices to the police are useless?
No Darren, they are of the same status and power as those served by the PLD gang. Get with the programme FFS.
Ra Logos wrote:So John Smith whose responsible for the Common Law courts UK and the international common law courts is really working for the globalists?
I think John Smith's area of jurisprudence is limited to the UK; the International CLC is of course the domain of His Honour Judge Longdog esq.

But I do suspect they both have the same employer.......
Sharon Andrews wrote:I'm confused.... who's good and who's bad? Sheesh this is a whacky rabbit hole
Who knows Sharon, who knows. But its fun to be along (or should that be a long) for the ride!
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Burnaby49 »

I mentioned His Royal Highness the Mashiach-Christ-Messiah King of England here;

viewtopic.php?f=48&t=12152&sid=1af481eb ... 80#p286463

Please note that when you mock him you are mocking my king too although, apparently, not Jacquie Phoenix's king. Your so-called Queen was executed for treason years ago (must be a double doing the royal rounds) and there is currently no monarch. After the Article 61 revolt has reached it's successful conclusion we all get to vote on our new royal overlord.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by exiledscouser »

When I come across some random newly crowned king of England I thought I’d be safe posting about him here in the quaint tea-room that is the UK site.

I should however first learn before posting to do a quick subject search too - if I had I’d have found that Burnaby had Trumped my King in an entertaining piece all about another PLD offshoot site run by some blue-haired harpy in Canada. Not so good King John the third also has you under his “tyrannical yoke” as you delicately put it. So that makes me feel a lot better.

From the panopticon of Burnaby’s gaze, is there nothing he does not see?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

I quite fancy being King Longdog The Oneth but as a republican (in the English English sense of the word) I feel it would be a tad hypocritical.

I fancy a title that is sufficiently Idi Aminian... Lord Longdog of England, omnipotent ruler for life, protector of the weak, font of all knowledge, order of the bar, hammer of the Scots, screwdriver of the Welsh, pokey-downy-thing of the Irish, messiah and maker of very good fried chicken. PhD, MRHS, VC. AC/DC, HTML, EIEIO.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

longdog wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 6:04 pm ...but as a republican (in the English English sense of the word)
For anyone from the colonies. an English re-publican is a former licenced victualler who has returned to the profession.


I'll get my coat.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by John Uskglass »

Hang can elect kings now? Please, nobody tell that Mr Trump.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Burnaby49 »

John Uskglass wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 8:19 pm Hang can elect kings now? Please, nobody tell that Mr Trump.
It's all in Jacquie's video. She's successfully invoked Article 61 world-wide and is in the process of eliminating statutory law and making common law supreme. This can't be stopped because Article 61 is, as she's said, the supreme law and overrides all laws world-wide. Once the process is complete we will, as she stated, elect a monarch (king or queen, I'm guessing that Jacquie has a purple-haired candidate already lined up) but there's a bit of a snag. She's already dissolved all the world's governments and courts, a necessary step to competing the Article 61 program, but those criminal treasonous governments refuse to recognize this and continue on as if nothing whatever has happened. Until she can get the governments to recognize that they no longer exist, and all nations put themselves under her orders as stipulated in the Article 61 process, the entire program is stalled. She's getting very frustrated.

As far as Trump goes Jacquie said specifically in the video that Article 61 dissolved the United States government in 2001 so Trump is not president, America no longer has one. Any Americans who vote on November 3rd will be, as Jacquie tells us, committing treason.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".