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Post by The Observer »

Imalawman wrote:This thought occurred to me last night. I don't know if its been discussed before, but how does the libby actually work as currency? Specifically, to my knowledge they have no breakdown of the Libby dollar. I believe the smallest denomination is a paper dollar. But most people only own the coins. If something costs 12 libbys. But you only have a $20 libby, how could you get change in libbys? Do participating stores carry change in libbys? Also, is everything just even dollars? What about sales tax? There aren't any penny, dimes, or quarters in libbys are there? It seems like the whole thing is designed in some way to exchange the libbys for FRNs. Its seems less like a currency and more like a novelty payment system that wasn't very well thought out. I would have thought it would have been better to start with lower denominations and work up rather than the opposite. And until the stores start carrying change for libbys, it wouldn't be a functional currency, you'd have to have part of every transaction contain frns. Just more evidence this whole thing was a half-baked fraudulent scheme.
I brought that up earlier in another thread when Stevesy was arguing that the Libby scheme was not fraudulent. If Nuthouse was really trying to craft an alternate currency format, my question was the same as yours: What were merchants supposed to tender in the form of change to their customers when they overpaid with Libbys? If FRNs are so bad and evil, then surely any paytriot would demand their change be issued in an acceptable alternate currency. But there is limited denominations available from Nuthouse, so it appears paytriots would be out of luck.

In truth, the scheme was to pass the Libbys to gain assets and FRNS in excess of the relative value of the Libby.
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notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

Got it in one.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

notorial dissent wrote:On a personal note, I think the defacement statute should be extended to the outlets who gild, color, or otherwise change the appearance of legal tender coins, for any purpose whatsoever, but that is just my personal gripe.
You think because of what happened with the Liberty V Nickel it would be illegal. (The nickel had no denomination other than a "V" and was gold plated and passed as a $5 coin. The word "cents" was quickly added to the design. )
Section 331 of Title 18 of the United States code provides criminal penalties for anyone who “fraudulently alters, defaces, mutilates impairs, diminishes, falsifies, scales, or lightens any of the coins coined at the Mints of the United States.” This statute means that you may be violating the law if you change the appearance of the coin and fraudulently represent it to be other than the altered coin that it is. As a matter of policy, the U.S. Mint does not promote coloring, plating or altering U.S. coinage: however, there are no sanctions against such activity absent fraudulent intent.
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Post by . »

They're all morons.

The issuer, because VonNutBag, the "monetary architect" doesn't understand anything other than how to scam his purchasers, the purchasers because they're too dumb to understand that they've been scammed, and the vendors, because they don't understand any of it.

Since one LD is allegedly equivalent to one ounce of silver, any vendor accepting this stuff would have to maintain prices in both LDs and FRNs.

If silver goes from $10 to $15, the vendor would have to cut his LD prices by 1/3 before it would make any sense to the owner of any LD to use it for payment.

Without that, the entire scheme is totally and entirely useless to the consumer of LDs, since LDs are priced on their face in terms of FRNs, the amount which vendors supposedly will accept them for.

I have yet to hear of a single vendor who "accepts" LDs who sells anything PRICED in LDs.

I won't get into the idiocy of paying a 30 to 50% premium for the privilege of buying silver via VonNutBag in the first place.
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Post by Demosthenes »

From: Liberty Dollar []
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 7:22 AM
Subject: Alert #8: Liberty Dollar to Move Up!

Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters:
FLASH: I just receive the first 2008 Liberty Dollars! And they are terrific! Check out the images and order HERE! With silver over $16 per ounce, please read this whole Alert and then place your order to support the Liberty Dollar and protect your purchasing power with the new hallmarked, "inflation proof" 2008 Liberty Dollar.
PAYPAL: If you ordered via PayPal, please be sure to read the update below.
TAKING THE HEAT: We have received a few calls asking if we can make new Dollars, why can't we fill the old orders. The simple reason is because we don't have the product and to make matters worse, the bank account is frozen so we can't return the money. New orders are financed by donations or from new orders. I would like nothing better than fill or at least return all your money. We are seeking to retain an attorney to do just that ASAP! But even that has proven problematic as all the funds are frozen.
BIG NEWS: Silver is UP! Liberty Dollar is set to Move Up to the $50 Silver Base!
Get ready to double your money… again!
Please read this important statement: Doesn't it just make sense that when the underlying commodity that backs the currency increases in value, shouldn't the purchasing power of that currency also increase in value? Of course! And isn't that the essence of an inflation proof currency? Absolutely! In fact, when you think about it, the only way the Liberty Dollar can accommodate higher commodity prices is to increase its Face Value. And that is why the ALD Moved Up to the $20 Silver Base, on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 24, 2005.
We are preparing now to Move Up from the $20 to the $50! WOW! Whereas the first Move Up was only a ten dollar difference (20-10=10), this second Move Up will provide a thirty dollar difference (50-20=30). This will give the currency a much wider window of operation and much larger margin of profit for you. And while early Liberty Dollar supporters doubled their money on the first Move Up, this time your purchasing power will increase two and half times! Or 500% if you started with the $10 Base. Is there anybody who does not want to double his or her money? If so, please continue to use the depreciating US dollar.
With such a dynamic currency model, there is usually a bit of confusion as newbies retrofit their economic heads around the free market Liberty Dollar. Of so, please re-read the "important statement' above. Usually, it's the "educated" economists that have the most difficulty and especially anybody with a PhD. But I am happy to report that most Americans, like myself, simply understand that the price of gasoline is not going up, it is the value of the US dollar that is going down, and want to protect their purchasing power. Please don't over intellectualize the money problem. You are being ripped off, clear and simple. Either you want to take action or don't.
As stated when the Liberty Dollar econometric model was first introduced on October 1, 1998, the Liberty Dollar would Move Up to the $50 Silver Base when the 30 day moving average for silver stayed over $16 for 45 consecutive calendar days. Now with the spot price of silver over $16, this is the currency's first test to Move Up to the $50 Base.
Will it happen? That's anybody's guess. When the Liberty Dollar Moved Up to the $20 Base it happened the third try. But as government spends money like a drunken sailor, and more of your purchasing power is stolen (deceptively labeled "inflation" by the government)… prices will "rise" and you will be poorer… unless you take action. Trust me, sooner or later, the Liberty Dollar will Move Up to the $50 Silver Base.
But the currency will not Move Up until the 30 day moving average for silver has stayed over $16 for 45 consecutive calendar days. With silver over $16 and the 30 day moving average already at $14.71 last Friday, January 11, the Liberty Dollar could conceivably Move Up within 75 days or about April 1, no joke!
As the Move Up Point is very important, the Liberty Dollar uses an independent, third party source for its 30 DMA so there is a definitive point that is readily available and easily verifiable by everyone. The Liberty Dollar provides total transparency for this econometric stability-inducing feature that protects it from the erratic actions of a free silver market. The 30 DMA is available from ScotiaMocotta, a division of the Bank of Nova Scotia in Canada, at: The 30 DMA is listed at the bottom of page 3.
For more info and history on the Liberty Dollar Move Up and its disciplined econometric features, please visit: ... oubles.htm
And ... twenty.htm.
The Move Up to a new base could be painful as we enter "No Man's Land". Why is it called "No Man's Land"? Because nobody wants to be there! As the Liberty Dollar is a "free market currency" it's pricing is market driven. So while the spot silver price is over $16 per ounce, the MSRP for the $20 Silver Liberty will be spot plus $5. Discount and commissions for Liberty Associates will return after we pass through "No Man's Land" and Moved Up to the $50 Silver Base.
Now, as we experienced during the first Move Up, some people thought that the time just prior to the Move Up was the worst time to get a Liberty Dollar. Exactly the opposite! NOW is the best time to get the Liberty Dollar. Do you want 2.5 times your money? If you were going to buy a stock, would you want to buy it before or after it split? Before, of course. Ditto with the Liberty Dollar! Now is the best time to get the Liberty Dollar.
Want to get the best deal? Open a Regional Currency Office and get the $20 Liberty Dollar at only $3 over spot. Plus you can regionalize your Libertys with a custom Hallmark with the name of your town, business, family, organization, almost anything! Hey, are you serious about returning the country to the original founding principles… or not?! Liberty Dollar provides you that vehicle with a profit!
Do you think we will have inflationary times in the future? Were you aware the United States had 5,000% inflation over two hundred years ago?
It's true - when the Continental Congress declared war on England, it had no means to pay for the American Revolution because it had neither money nor the power to tax. America began with little more than the hope and a prayer by a few strong willed people who wanted to be free at any cost. The American war effort was largely financed by inflation and meager contributions from the States. In 1775, when the Revolutionary War began, the total money supply in the United States stood at only $12 million. In June of the same year, the Continental Congress started printing "paper" and said it was "money". By the end of that first year, Congress had printed $6 million in "paper money" called "Continentals". In total, $425 million was issued in just five years that expanded the money supply more than 3,500%. Plus the States printed their own currency, bringing inflation in America to over 5,000%!
To America's credit, it was the only country to recover from such an inflationary hardship without bloodshed. Will our current country "fathers" measure up to the original Founding Fathers? Will YOU hold them to the same standard? Will the United States come back from this precipice? We so pray!
As Ron Paul stated on December 13th when he introduced the, Free Competition in Currency Act, H.R. 4683, that would protect the Liberty Dollar and competing currencies, Paul said, "Investors around the world are shunning the dollar, and millions of Americans see their salaries, saving accounts, and pensions eroded away by rising inflation. We stand at the precipice of an unprecedented monetary collapse, and as a result many people have begun to look for alternates to the [US] dollar."
A precipice indeed. I have mentioned this "precipice" many times in my presentations. It would appear that those damn "bellybuttons" at the Federal Reserve have no idea what they are flirting with. Of course, they need only read "Fiat Inflation in France" by Andrew Dickson White to learn what hell their money can create.
For more info on "Inflation through History" please click HERE.
NEW exciting way to support Ron Paul and save money too… with your own Ron Paul Card! Joby Weeks, RCO for Denver, has created the RON PAUL REWARD CARD.
Joby asks, "If you could save between $80-$150 a month at places you are already shopping, would you pay $20 a month, knowing that a portion of that money goes to finance Ron Paul Revolution campaign efforts?" Joby says that when you become a Ron Paul Rewards card member you can save up to 50% off at over 175,000 stores around the country plus you can earn money as a single tier affiliate program.
Please check it out at HERE and see if it is right for you. Initial cost is $49.00 for the card and the first month, then $19.95 per month, so you would want to use this card enough to cover your monthly service fee.
How to order the 2008 Liberty Dollar? Since the FBI Raid on November 14, it would seem everything is conspiring to make it as difficult as possible for the Liberty Dollar. Certainly the government, their handmaiden banking institutions, and now PayPal are making orders more difficult. So I am happy the resolve of Liberty Dollar supporters and the staunch RCOs have refused to let the Liberty Dollar die. Remember the harder it is to protect your money, the more you need real money like the Liberty Dollar! THANK YOU for your support and your orders!
As mentioned, the new one ounce $20 Silver Liberty with MSRP and PVBC is available at silver spot plus $5. But with prices changing daily, if not hourly, we simply ask you to send in your order based on the spot price on our web site: plus shipping of $6 Up to 12 items, $1 each additional item. If the silver price has moved outside of range by the time we receive your order and we cannot fill your order, we will return your money. If the silver price is a bit less, we will keep the difference as a donation.
Orders for the 2008 Liberty Dollar, with the custom Tenth Anniversary hallmark, are available by check or money order made out to BERNARD. We have the new $20 Liberty in stock and orders are usually filled within three weeks AFTER we receive your order. Please send all orders to: Liberty Dollar. 225 N. Stockwell Road. Evansville. IN. 47715. Please note the office is understaffed, and your call may not be returned. If you have a question, an email would be best, please. For more information on ordering the 2008 Liberty Dollars Click HERE!
During these difficult times, you may get better/faster service from a RCO. Please contact any RCO regardless of where you live. Now, RCOs are not regionally bound. If you wish to open your own RCO, please email me with RCO in the subject field.
PayPal freezes Liberty Dollar account
Unbeknown to us, PayPal does not allow its system to be used for currency exchanges. So when we attached PayPal to our shopping cart, they froze our account and informed us that they would not refund the money for 180 days! After careful negotiations PayPal was willing to refund all your money on unfilled orders. I just spoke with PayPal again and it now seems that all the problems have been resolved and you should have your money in the next couple of days. Actual time of funds transfer vary as ACH transfers vary from bank to bank. So if you placed an order on our shopping cart using PayPal, please check your account, as you should receive your money by Friday. If not, please send an email to: Then we would hope you would order directly with the Liberty Dollar office in Evansville via check or money order.
WOW!!! You should have been at the Liberty Forum! Of course Ron Paul was there for a Keynote address on Sunday and it was a rousing time. I was supposed to give the Keynote address on Friday but at the last minute was replaced by Cap't Roughseas, a Revolutionary War officer who appeared at the request of the Founding Fathers. It was a HOOT! Just watch one of these videos… Get involved… Plan to come next year!!! ... 1237747138 ... 9772&hl=en ... iat-money/
PLEASE NOTE: We are just too busying dealing with all the legal issues and added demands, so no more Liberty Dollars will be accepted for hallmarking. Many thanks to all the associates and RCOs who took advantage of the unique offer and got their Libertys hallmarked. This offer is now discontinued.
NEW COLLECTOR SPECIAL: As you may recall, we issued a two ounce $20 Silver Liberty Piedfort as a numismatic item shortly before the Liberty Dollar Moved Up to the $20 Base. I am pleased to announce that a special two ounce $50 Piedfort will be issued shortly. This special Limited Numbered Edition will feature the $50 design in Proof condition with a serial number. This LNE is limited to only 1000 Piedforts and only before the Liberty Dollar Moves Up to the $50 base. Initial price is only $50 but that is sure to change as the market advances. Limit five per order, please.
The $20 Arrest Dollar for $30 is SOLD OUT. We have a few left for $40 each. After they are gone it will be much more. The $10 Arrest Dollar is still $20 and the $5 Arrest Dollar is still only $15…. But not for long.
My Lawsuit against the US Mint and DOJ was dismissed without prejudice and can be re-filed at any time. This was the best course of action given the criminal investigation.
Remember you can become a Liberty Associate for FREE by signing up for the Wrongful Seizure Lawsuit. Just click HERE to sign up.
To say that 2007 was a hell of a year is an understatement! Record sales, lawsuit against the US Mint, the FBI Raid and all the banking problems made Liberty Dollar a hot news item with many many articles and thousands of Americans discovering the truth about money and how to protect their purchasing power while returning America to its original founding ideals. Liberty Dollar was also voted one of the Top Ten Stories in 2007 by Coin World.
2008 promises to be another "great" year. Will I be arrested? Most likely. But as federal grand juries often take a year or more, we certainly have time and intent to provide as many Liberty Dollars as possible. We have a country to save and greatly appreciate your support, orders and donations… we can't do it without you!
As Cap't Roughseas mentioned in his presentation at the Liberty Forum, while money is the common denominator to restrain the government within the US Constitution… it is not the key. YOUR action is the key. Desire without action is folly.
That's all the news. Thanks again for your orders, donations and support!
For more information on ordering the 2008 Liberty Dollars Click HERE!
Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect/Editor
FYI: The Treasure Hunter's Take:
Last night at 11:15, my wife and I were walking the dog through a park about two miles from home and I spotted a late-night treasure seeker sweeping his metal detector in one of the playgrounds.
I veered towards him and engaged him in conversation regarding his midnight craft. I inquired as to whether he had found anything special? To which he enthusiastically replied, "Yes!"
He emptied his pocket, and amongst a pile of quarters, dimes and nickels was a large metal object with the unmistakable obverse image of our own Liberty Lady. With that one glance, I told him that it was a 2007 Copper Liberty, and one I was sure I had handed out as change at my shop.
Somewhere out there is a little kid who lost a Copper Liberty, and a grown man who is very pleased with his newfound treasure.
The Liberty Dollar is my treasure, and that is a true story.
Matthew Pitagora RCO

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notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

So let me get this straight. They now have a $50 Libby, which at current silver prices means they are paying a 300% premium for the silver, and that in order for them to break even the price of silver is going have to hit $50 and ounce, and who knows what the inflation rate will be by that point, and in the meantime they won’t have had access to the $34 they gave von Nuthouse, and this is somehow anti-inflationary and good investment? I somehow doubt that there is going to be too much acceptance for a $50 Libby that is only worth $16-maybe, I foresee a lot of them sitting in drawers somewhere. Why is it so hard to see that the only one making out in this deal is von Nuthouse from the people giving him a $300% profit on his tokens. Then there is that pesky little use of the term “currency” that he insists on using, that got him in trouble in the first place. I just don’t see this playing out too well at either his trial or sentencing hearing. And the dumb just keep getting dumber.
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Post by Lambkin »

Demosthenes wrote:
With that one glance, I told him that it was a 2007 Copper Liberty, and one I was sure I had handed out as change at my shop.
Somewhere out there is a little kid who lost a Copper Liberty, and a grown man who is very pleased with his newfound treasure.
Somewhere out there is a little kid who had this coin, and with one glance he could tell it wasn't money and threw it as far as it would fly.
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Post by LPC »

The $20 Arrest Dollar for $30 is SOLD OUT. We have a few left for $40 each. After they are gone it will be much more. The $10 Arrest Dollar is still $20 and the $5 Arrest Dollar is still only $15…. But not for long.
The new $20 "fraud dollar" is now available for $50.

But they won't last long at that price.
Dan Evans
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Post by grixit »

So let's see:

1. Trade $20 in FRNs for a coin valued by its maker at $20.

2. The coin's maker declares that its value is now $50.

3a. Hug yourself with delight at the knowledge that you made a 150% profit.
3b. Buy $50 worth of goods with the coin.

Sure. How do you get to 3b again?
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Post by webhick »

grixit wrote:So let's see:

1. Trade $20 in FRNs for a coin valued by its maker at $20.

2. The coin's maker declares that its value is now $50.

3a. Hug yourself with delight at the knowledge that you made a 150% profit.
3b. Buy $50 worth of goods with the coin.

Sure. How do you get to 3b again?
Yeah. I wonder that myself, since the coin still has $20 stamped on it. I suppose there's a step in between where you have to send the coin back to NORFED/Liberty Dollar for them to trade it for a $50 coin. I assume that there's an additional fee for that.
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notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

All the while hoping you don’t get arrested for passing counterfeit coins. Two for one, they can nail you for fraud and counterfeiting now.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Post by wserra »

grixit wrote:Sure. How do you get to 3b again?
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Post by The Operative »

grixit wrote: 3b. Buy $50 worth of goods with the coin.
By convincing some poor clerk to accept the $16 worth of silver for the $50 worth of goods. When the owner or manager tries to deposit it in the bank, the bank rejects it as counterfeit. In order to get as much value out of it as he can, he either has to pass it off to another poor clerk at another shop, or he has to waste his time to take it to a coin dealer and pray he gets $16 for it.

I'd still like to know how this is supposed to be so great when the price of silver starts dropping. For example, in 1987, silver went over $10.80 an ounce, so it would be safe to assume that Von Nutbag, would have started issuing $20 liberties. By 1991, the price of silver not only dropped, but it had dropped to $4 an ounce. How is that inflation proof?
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Post by webhick »

The Operative wrote:I'd still like to know how this is supposed to be so great when the price of silver starts dropping. For example, in 1987, silver went over $10.80 an ounce, so it would be safe to assume that Von Nutbag, would have started issuing $20 liberties. By 1991, the price of silver not only dropped, but it had dropped to $4 an ounce. How is that inflation proof?
From what I can tell, the most basic flaw in the Libby scam is not that its backed by silver, but that it bases its value in the price of silver in US Dollars - an inflatable currency. As a result, its just as inflatable as the US Dollar. In my mind, when he "steps up" the price he's basically saying, "This one ounce of silver cost you $20 yesterday, and now costs $50 today." And just like you can't get penny candy for a penny anymore, you can't get one ounce of Libby silver for $10 FRN anymore. I guess that would be fine if it was an investment, but the Liberty Dollar site specifically says that it's not an investment.

Now, on the Libby site: "Be it a sudden currency devaluation or the continued loss of purchasing power of the US Dollar, the Liberty Dollar protects your business because it is backed by silver and operates separately from the banking system." It appears that they want everyone to believe that it operates independently of the US Dollar, but it is impossible for the Libby to exist without it. I'm not an expert in this stuff, but if the US Dollar collapsed, then the price of silver would show it and the Libby would be forced to either denominate in something like the Euro or step down the Libby to accommodate - making that $50 Libby a $1 Libby.

What I find funny is that according to their site, "the silver market is a study in volatility". So why base a currency on something volatile? Wouldn't you want to base a new currency on something solid and reliable? Like llamas?
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie

Post by silversopp »

I don't really understand it either. Why not just invest in actual silver, or some precious metal ETFs?

Trying to barter with silver, assuming it can be done in a legal manner, is too much hassle. When I shop, the last thing I want to do is lecture a clerk on why he should accept precious metals. He'd end up having to get his manager, since he can't make that decision, I'd have to repeat the conversation. He'd run it past his accountant, who would not see any advantage in the extra bookkeeping. After 30 minutes to an hour, I'd pay with FRNs.

Let's suppose that the business does end up taking it, after understanding exactly what they would be receiving. How does that hurt the FED? I still have to pay FRNs for the Libbies.
Evil Squirrel Overlord
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Post by Evil Squirrel Overlord »

silversopp wrote:I don't really understand it either. Why not just invest in actual silver, or some precious metal ETFs?
Because they are not usually round and stamped with a denomination that maeks you feel like a REAL American MAN.
Trying to barter with silver, assuming it can be done in a legal manner, is too much hassle.
I did it once in the late 80s. Traded two silver bars for some Three cent pieces. Hassle? yes, good deal? Maybe.
After 30 minutes to an hour, I'd pay with FRNs.
Stalinist lackey!
Let's suppose that the business does end up taking it, after understanding exactly what they would be receiving. How does that hurt the FED? I still have to pay FRNs for the Libbies.
It hurts the FED by undercutting the power of it's phony money. By taking $50 out of circulation: the whole world banking system collapses and the people are back in charge....

Post by Disilloosianed »

I had to have a kid get his manager to tell him what a Suzanne B. Anthony dollar was once. I just can't imagine a Libby doing any better.
notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

I’m amazed you could find one that could make change. Most of them it just confuses. Nothing funnier than watching them try and make change when the cash registers aren’t working, or heaven forfend that the card machine ever goes down and they have to do it manually, unless you happen to be next in line waiting for this all to happen.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Did Nuthouse claim that the FBI had auctioned off the seized items?
January 30. 2008
Dear Liberty Dollar Supporters:
FLASH: I am pleased to announce that we are in discussions with a noted attorney in Boise, Idaho to secure the return of the material seized by the FBI at Sunshine Mint, Fulfillment office in Evansville, printers in California and material in Asheville, North Carolina. We will announce this development asap.
Please note it now appears that we will pursue a Class Action Lawsuit. If you have any paper certificates or digital Liberty Dollars you were damaged. Please sign up for the Class Action Lawsuit at: This will also entitle you to be a Liberty Associate for FREE when we move up to the new $50 Silver Base.
The new 2008 Silver Liberty Dollar with a face value of $20 is HOT!!! Seems like with all the added publicity from the Raid and sharply higher silver prices, the market is hot for Liberty Dollars. Of course, I never wished for the Raid, but we are certainly making lemonade out of that lemon! And you should too. In fact, many people are making a lot more than lemons or peanuts on eBay with the Liberty Dollar.
PRICING: As silver is over $16 per ounce and we are quickly advancing into the 45 day slot to Move Up to the $50 Silver Base, the one ounce $20 Liberty Dollar is currently Spot + $5. While this pricing is for everybody at this time, after the Liberty Dollar Moves Up, only Liberty Associates and Merchants will receive the commissioned rate and profit. All non-Associates will exchange at face value without the commission. You are strongly urged to take a stand for value and become a Liberty Associate for FREE by joining the Class Action Lawsuit as the cost to become a Liberty Associate at the $50 base will be $500!
Announcing the 2008 Arrest Dollar. Thank you for your interest and orders for the specially hallmarked Arrest Dollar on previously issued Liberty Dollars. As that material is now exhausted the price has risen from $30 to $40 and will probably be $50 soon. So as I have not been arrested…. yet… and I still need to raise money for our legal expenses, I am pleased to announce the 2008 Arrest Dollar - a new 2008 Liberty Dollar with the famous "Handcuff" hallmark is now available at the introductory price of $30 each. Please mail your order with your check or money order made out to BERNARD to 225 N. Stockwell Road. Evansville. Indiana. 47715. This offer is for a limited time… limited until I am arrested… or will be re-priced as silver rises. Please order now at only $30 each and help support our legal defense fund.
So what is a regular Brilliant Uncirculated 2008 Silver Liberty Dollar worth? Would you believe $41.00?! Just ask Dave Gillie because that is what he got on eBay! The Liberty Dollar is now trading over face value! Check out Dave Gillie's eBay store at: ... rty-norfed for more high-end Liberty Dollars.
But you don't have to pay $40 bucks for a $20 Silver Liberty Dollar! Order direct from the National Fulfillment office for only $5 over spot. Spot is published and updated hourly on the Liberty Dollar home page at Print out this Order Form and mail your check or money order made out to BERNARD to Liberty Dollar, 225 N. Stockwell Road, Evansville, Indiana. 47715. Shipping and Handling is $6 (up to 12 items) $1 of each additional item. Also consider becoming a Liberty Associate before the currency Moves Up to the $50 Base.
WAIT… GOOD NEWS: The Shopping Cart is back up with AlertPay, PayPal's chief competitor. It is now easier to get the Liberty Dollar! Unfortunately at this time they are upgrading their card services. So to use AlertPay, you need to open an account and link it to your bank account. This is easily done but takes a couple days to verify your bank account. So please go to
Unfortunately, with only Sarah on hand, the phone service is seriously limited so we cannot take phone orders…. very easily. If you wish to order by mail, please send a check or money order made out to BERNARD. We will ship asap… currently about three weeks. Order Form should be included and can be downloaded HERE.
To PayPal's credit, they finally returned all funds for Liberty Dollars ordered on our shopping cart using PayPal… except for the eight people who filed a dispute. It only took two weeks, countless emails and eight long phone callsL! We are working to get the last eight disputed claims paid ASAP.
So, with higher metal prices, is this the worst time to get Liberty Dollars? NO!!! This is the best time! This is the time to bet the farm on silver and get as many Silver Libertys as possible. The Liberty Dollar "brand" has broken out of the "currency" mode and become "bullion" with a Mission… to return our country to value… the same values established by our Founding Fathers… the same values that Ron Paul campaigns on… the same value that made America great… and hand you a fortune!
Best time or worst time to get Liberty Dollars? Just look at the 30 day moving average (30 DMA) for silver. On Friday, January 25 it was $15.29. Check it out for yourself at: The Liberty Dollar will Move Up to the $50 Silver Base when the 30 day moving average stays over $16 for 45 consecutive calendar days. Liberty Dollar could enter that slot in less than 30 days!
Doesn't it just make sense that when the underlying commodity that backs the currency increases in value, shouldn't the purchasing power of that currency also increase in value? Of course. And isn't that the essence of an inflation proof currency? Absolutely! Tell a friend about the Liberty Dollar… let the fun begin!
Bottom line… this IS the best time to get the Liberty Dollar… BEFORE it Moves Up!
Have you ever wished you had lived during the American Revolutionary War? Yes, it was an exciting and historic time. But very few Americans actually participated then and it is not much different now. But if you ever yearned to be a part of American history… this is your opportunity. "What is that?" you ask. Opening a Regional Currency Office (RCO) and actively distributing the Liberty Dollar. Currently, 15 brave men have taken the stand to have their own Hallmark made and are actively distributing the Liberty Dollar. All across the country, "Good Americans" are doing what is right to get America back on track with the ideals of our Founding Fathers. Will you be one? Would you have joined the first American Revolution? Will you open a RCO and help return American to value - one Liberty Dollar at a time? I so pray.
Click HERE to see the Original 15 Hallmarks by the brave men who have chosen to stand for value at this dark moment of the Liberty Dollar. Please consider opening a RCO and getting a custom Hallmark for your town, family, business, church, organization, almost anything and use the Liberty Dollar today. Or collect all 15 Hallmarked Liberty Dollars by contacting one of the RCOs. For the serious collector a Limited Numbered Edition is also available. You can collect one or all 15 by contacting a RCO or the Evansville office. Prices for the special LNE vary. This is a limited time offer. Please take action now.
The federal government is accused of gold-price manipulation in a full page ad past Thursday in the Wall Street Journal by my friends at GATA: ... &From=News
Looking for a good source for unbiased info about the coin collecting and the metals market? Of course we all go to but I also prefer to read "Liberty Outlook" by Pat Heller. Liberty Outlook is published by Liberty Coin Service, a bullion and numismatic coin dealer in Lansing, Michigan. 800.527.2375. Please mention the Liberty Dollar when you call and encourage them to find some courage and start dealing in Liberty Dollars! To their credit, Pat recently mentioned the Liberty Dollar as the Ninth Factor supporting the precious metals boom.
Check out two very short but incredible videos with Hitler and Ron Paul at: ... &From=News
Understandably tempers run high, especially when you send in money and don't get your order. I certainly understand! As I have said before, my number one job is getting your money back and filling your order. So I am very happy to announce that PayPal recently returned over $30,000 to people who ordered Liberty Dollars from our shopping cart using PayPal. But that does not stop the flood of angry emails asking about their orders. Often this spills over into the public ALD Forum users group. Here is an unsolicited, typical inquiry and response by Dave Gillie who operates a RCO in Michigan:
QUESTION: Why would you support an organization (LIBERTY DOLLAR) that steals from the so called people it wants to help? My reason, I purchased from them (LIBERTY DOLLAR) and they have not delivered my order, refuse to contact me, return my calls or e-mails, and are now they (LIBERTY DOLLAR) wants to sell me and everyone else more, give me a break.
RESPONSE: IN CASE you really want an answer, here it is:
I agree that Liberty Dollar is responsible for delivering what they were paid for (or refund). I strongly *disagree* that when a FORCE completely outside of their control forcibly and illegally interferes with their business that it constitutes "stealing" in ANY way.
I DO support LD in their effort to get their and yours and MY STUFF back. I'm not so naive to think that they are a magic turnip that can possibly replace the material now that their product AND money was all been seized.
Remembering the SERENITY PRAYER, there ARE some things they can do (hence the legal defense fund) and some things that are absolutely impossible (fill orders and/or refund them at this time).
The contact problem is understandable IMO, but I agree that they should at least post more info on their website. Note, there IS a TON there now. So all their past and current customers really should know what's going on.
As to currently selling more material? I can see how that would irritate a past customer who didn't get the stuff they paid for. However, ya gotta keep in mind that they are NOT using money that should be refunded (IMO) because (1.) the new 2008's don't even involve LD (other than they allow use of copyrighted material). RCOs get them *directly* from the mints scattered around the country. (2.) Hallmarked items LD is selling have been DONATED back to LD to raise funds for their LEGAL fight to get theirs and mine AND YOUR stuff back.
In fact, a fraud WOULD occur if they took donations for legal fund and used it for other purposes, like refund past customers, as you seem to want.
Hope this answers your question. And I hope you will support the Liberty Dollar, they need our help to get everything back.
Thank you Dave for coming to Liberty Dollar's defense. I couldn't have said it better.
Chick HERE for a great little sermon on Dishonest Scales by Rev. Larry Beane.
As we prepare to Move Up to the $50 Silver Base… the "Collectors Special" two ounce $50 Pietfort is in the works with a custom Hallmark. Please let me know if you are interested in this special, limited issue. The obverse die will feature a special "deep dish" ultra high relief portrait of Lady Liberty. This specimen will be a showstopper!
Please order a 2008 Silver Liberty Dollar online today. We have no idea when an indictment will be issued and the Liberty Dollar will be silenced. Please take action before it is too late. We need your support now, please. Only $5 over spot plus shipping.
Thanks again for your support, donations and orders - Liberty Dollar lives!
Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect/Editor
Grand Exalted Keeper of Esoterica
Posts: 5773
Joined: Wed Jan 29, 2003 3:11 pm

Post by Demosthenes »

February 08. 2008
Liberty Dollar Set to DOUBLE+

BINGO!!! Yesterday, February 7. 2008, the 30 day moving average (30DMA) for silver closed at exactly $16.00 for the first time…. And catapulted the Liberty Dollar into the 45 day slot to Move Up to the new $50 SILVER BASE!
Buckle UP! Silver is going to the moon and we want you all to come along. This is without a doubt - the third most important event for the little currency that could… Of course the first was its birth on October 1, 1998 and second was its serendipitous Move Up to the $20 Silver Base on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 2005.

Liberty Dollar will Move Up on Easter Sunday, March 23 if the 30DMA for silver stays over $16 for 45 consecutive calendar days. Behold a new monetary system arises just as the US dollar descends into a pit of debt. Serendipity may strike again!
If you were onboard for the first Move Up then your money DOUBLED! This time it is even better! Now you can TWO AND HALF TIMES (2.5XY$) your money!!
Just imagine… In the same timeframe that Bushwacked has been president, the $10 Base Liberty Dollar will have Moved Up to the $50 Base and increased 500%…while the US dollar has lost 50%! What would you rather have? A currency that has increased FIVE TIMES or one that has lost HALF its purchasing power? Do you need a calculator?
Is there anybody opposed to doubling your money? Isn't 'protecting your purchasing power' one of the key benefits of the 'inflation proof' Liberty Dollar? Absolutely! Just imagine what it could do for your family, your business, or your community! Just image what it could do for our great country!!
Is the Move Up some wild wacky idea to defraud you of your hard earned US dollars? Hell No. The Liberty Dollar defrauds nobody. It is the government money that is defrauding you!!! Since the day the Liberty Dollar was introduced on October 1, 1998, I have specified the exact monetary structure for the new currency to respond to higher silver prices and published the "Move Up" points:
Move Up point from the $10 to the $20 Silver Base is $7.50 30DMA completed
Move Up point from the $20 to the $50 Silver Base is $16.00 30DMA pending
Move Up point from the $50 to the $100 Silver Base is $41.50 30DMA future1
Move Up point from the $100 to the $250 Silver Base is $84.00 30DMA future2
Move Up point from the $250 to the $500 Silver Base is $211.50 30DMA future3
When the Liberty Dollar Moved Up to the $20 Silver Base all Liberty Dollars DOUBLED. Now, when the 30DMA for silver stays over $16 for 45 consecutive calendar days the Liberty Dollar will Move Up to the $50 Silver Base and all Liberty Dollars that you have will increase TWO AND HALF TIMES!!
Now for the mechanics: It would be beneficial for you to understand that time is a critical factor when designing or even considering money. Just as $20 today does not buy the same twenty gallons of gas as it did ten years ago, I incorporated time into the Liberty Dollar model twice. First by using the 30DMA instead of silver spot rate and second by lengthening the time the 30DMA must be maintained to Move Up to each new Silver Base. Whereas the Move Up to the $20 Silver Base was achieved after the 30DMA was maintained for 30 days, the Move Up to the $50 Silver Base now requires 45 days. The Move Up to the $100 requires 60 days and an additional 15 days per each Move Up.
As the Move Up point is so important, the Liberty Dollar uses an independent, third party source for its 30DMA. This definitive information is readily available, total transparent and easily verifiable by everyone. The 30DMA is one of the econometric stability-inducing features that protect the Liberty Dollar from the erratic actions of free market silver. You can check the 30DMA by simply going to ScotiaMocotta, which is a division of the Bank of Nova Scotia, a Canadian Bank, at: The 30DMA is listed at the bottom of page 2. And just above the List of Moving Averages, please note the chart for silver. All averages are up and the 100 day moving average is up very sharply. Double since March 2006! There is no doubt silver is headed to the moon and the US dollar is… well we all know… headed down.
And on the technical side, please note the Commentary on page one that states: "Silver's outlook is more bullish than gold's as it didn't break its short-term up trend and most studies have yet to turn outright bearish. In addition, open interest has increased, which implies that the market remains somewhat confident on further upside in silver. Support comes in at the upward trend line of $16.44, while resistance comes in at intraday congestion of $16.93." (Please note that both figures are well over the $16 Move Up point.)
Do you want to 2.5XY$? Get some Liberty Dollars… BEFORE it Moves Up. The last day may be Friday March 21 at 5:00 PM CST... as the Office will be closed on Saturday and Easter Sunday.
Remember: Doesn't it just make sense that when the underlying commodity that backs the currency increases in value, shouldn't the purchasing power of that currency also increase in value? Of course. And isn't that the essence of an "inflation proof" currency? Absolutely! In fact, when you think about it, the only way the Liberty Dollar can accommodate higher commodity prices is to increase its Face Value.
The Liberty Dollar is a private voluntary barter currency. It is specifically designed to function dollar-for-dollar with the US dollar - regardless of how much it depreciates or how much silver appreciates - so you can protect your purchasing power in the market place. Does that mean that the Liberty Dollar should be used as "Legal Tender", "Current Money" or "Coin"? No! Absolutely not! It is only to be used between consenting adults. You cannot pay taxes with it. Nobody is forced to accept the Liberty Dollar. But why would you want to use anything else?
So you don't have to use the Liberty Dollar? Of course not! You can keep your head in the sand and your money in depreciating US dollars and lose your ass, your home, your business, everything that is denominated in US dollars. Is the Liberty Dollar opposed to the US dollar? Absolutely not! We love the US dollar as defined by the Mint Act of 1792. We love the US dollar that made the United States the greatest economic power in the world. We love the US dollar that represented real value and maintained its purchasing power. We are opposed to any money that is made out of thin air and rips off The People. That is morally wrong. And for the government to use that fiat money primarily for a 'war of aggression' is a sin against The People and an assault against world peace.
So what are We The People supposed to do? PROTECT YOUR PURCHASING POWER! Don't sit around and watch your nest egg, retirement funds, college saving account, or even your weekly allowance disappear. You have no obligation to go broke to save the country, or the government money that is ripping you off!
Sure buying silver is the best thing possible. Yes, it is much better than gold. Sure it will be good for you and your family. But it will do nothing for our great country. Our country needs a value based currency and it needs it damn quick. That is why I designed and developed the Liberty Dollar in spite of being under criminal investigation by the FBI. So if you think I am a criminal, please do NOT get any Liberty Dollars!
CLOSING: A lot of great things are happening with the Liberty Dollar. Walk-in customers are way up. Two new RCOs just joined and others are in the wings. A new digital Liberty Dollar will be available soon so it will be easy to 2.5XY$ BEFORE it Moves Up!!! Amir Hirsch is closing out the last Ron Paul Chocolate Dollars for Valentine's Day. Please order from before Saturday and they should arrive by Thursday the 14th.
Can you type? You are invited to the Move Up Party!!! The biggest problem with the Move Up to the $20 Silver Base was keeping up with the orders. Seems like everybody wanted to DOUBLE their money. We anticipate this will happen again and are looking for about six people to come to Evansville for the Data Entry Party... Come for a day or two or more during the last two weeks of the 45 day slot: from March 10 to March 21. Your costs will be covered and you may even get a few 2008 Liberty Dollars to boot. Please email with PARTY in the subject field for particulars if you are interested in partying with the Liberty Dollar Team. Karen, no undercover agents need apply.
My fellow Americans: It is critical that we address the monetary problem in this country. But how? The government does not listen. All the politicians are a bunch of CFR "bellybuttons" except for Ron Paul. The IRS is a criminal gang. I am even under criminal investigation for trying to return America to value - one Liberty Dollar at a time!
The simple solution is for you to take your monetary matters into your own hands. After all - it IS your money. The quicker the better!! Buy silver if you want to protect your ass-ets. Get some Liberty Dollars if you want to return our great country to value. Just don't sit there! Either change your money or lose it!
I know not what course you may take, but for me -
give me Liberty (Dollar) or give me death!
Bernard von NotHaus
Monetary Architect / Editor