David Lindsay Exposes Coronavirus SCAMDEMIC!!

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David Lindsay Exposes Coronavirus SCAMDEMIC!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

David Lindsay is not a stranger to this website. Our ex-poster Mowe was besotted by him, a true fanboy who even set up a fan club page for him;

http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtop ... b98e3b683c

Ah, the bittersweet sadness of unrequited love. Mowe had promised to post;

32 Quatloos Vignettes About David-Kevin: Lindsay

but had finished only seven of them when he disappeared without warning in mid 2015 and has not posted here again.

What seemed to impress Mowe about Lindsay, what made him unique amongst Canada's sovereigns, was that while he had the same fantasy beliefs as other sovereigns he approached his trials and lawsuits in a businesslike manner, respecting court protocols and following court procedures. There were none of Michael Millar's wild endless rants and idiotic demands on the court in Lindsay's hearings. Lindsay spent the time and effort to learn court rules and requirements and worked within them. Mowe appreciated good court behavior. Also, unique amongst sovereigns, he did legal research and tried to connect the issues he was arguing to actual statutory law rather than just ranting about sovereign rights.

Lindsay was an instrumental part of perhaps the most important of all of Canada's sovereign court cases, Kennedy v. Canada.

Kennedy v. Canada (Customs & Revenue Agency)
2000 CanLII 22837 (ON SC)

Kennedy, heard in 2000, was an attempt by Thomas Kennedy to get out of paying income tax by declaring himself to be a natural person and therefore not a "person" as defined in the Income Tax Act. Lindsay represented him at the court hearing and presented all the arguments. Kennedy lost, badly. Since this exact same argument was the heart of the Paradigm tax evasion scheme dreamed up by Russell Porisky it should have killed the entire Paradigm scheme then and there but Porisky, Michael Millar, Keith Lawson, and other promoters ran it for another eight years in defiance of Kennedy, eventually at great cost to the scheme's participants. We've got a short discussion on Tom Kennedy himself here;

http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtop ... 7&p=284080

His obsession with detaxing himself didn't work out well for him. He ended up divorced and impoverished.

Like other sovereign gurus, Lindsay faded into irrelevance when all of his legal fantasies were proven to be totally worthless in court. But he's resurfaced as a fearless champion of the sovereign right to die of coronavirus! This whole pandemic bullshit is just a scam perpetrated on us by our governments;

Lindsay organized a protest to be held at Kelowna, British Columbia (his home town) on May 6th and advertised it with a poster replete with his love of wildly erratic font and colour choices. .

When Communist Trudeau states: “If you want life to get back to the way it was exactly before, it won’t.”, you know these are code words that the State is planning more spying and privacy invasions, more restrictions on our fundamental rights and freedoms, and using this flu virus as the basis for the destruction of our way of life and standard of living.
As a Lindsay follower said;
"Take us into communism yes," said a woman who would not provide her name. "100 %. Right down the road to communism."
People need FACTS.

As we show in our attached Information Circular, there have been massively and admittedly false predictions from the very beginning to frighten everyone into compliance.

Gov’ts around the world have admitted to purposely falsifying the numbers of deaths by including everyone who dies with the virus, as opposed to those who die because of the virus. So, if someone catches the flu virus, goes for a walk and gets hit by a bus, it is recorded as a COVID death!
And that's true! I've not as yet seen a single study giving the numbers of deaths, purportedly from the ravages of coronavirus, which were actually the result of people walking in front of busses, not to mention deaths by lightning strikes, snake bites, bear attacks, drunken hot tub drownings and choking on fish bones. WHERE ARE THESE NUMBERS??? WHY ARE THEY BEING SUPPRESSED??? Clearly a massive government cover-up is going on here right in front of us! What else aren't they telling us?

The world's governments have shut the entire planet into a lockdown knowing a simple cure is out there;
And for a flu virus that is demonstrably controlled by mega-doses of Vit C and/or Hydroxychloroquine.
However Dave is a bit behind the times. He doesn't seem to be aware that humanity's greatest expert on communicable diseases has recommended guzzling everyday household bleach. The Chlorox Cure is available right now for just pennies a dose! No wonder big pharma stomped on it.

Overall grand Stuff! But I have a problem with this comment.
Join us on May 6, 2020, 11:00 a.m. at Stuart Park in Kelowna, B.C., to voice your concerns and our demands upon Premier Horvath, and Communist P.M. Trudeau.
Last I knew John Horgan was the premier of British Columbia. Apparently that cunning commie prime minister Trudeau has replaced Ol' John with some servile lickspittle called Horvath. It wasn't even in the news!

Unfortunately the response to the call to arms was somewhat underwhelming with less than 20 people showing up;

https://www.kelownanow.com/watercooler/ ... /#fs_85924

But let's not judge success by mere numbers. It worked! Our provincial government, terrorized by the bold re-emergence of David-Kevin:Lindsay: immediately collapsed in abject surrender! This protest was held at 11:00 AM on Wednesday May 6th. At 3:30 PM the same day, a scant few hours after the protest ended, John Horgan, now apparently somehow returned to the position of premier of British Columbia, provincial Health Minister Adrian Dix, and Bonnie Henry, the provincial Health Officer, gave a joint new conference and outlined a plan to reopen the economy starting in mid May!

https://vancouversun.com/news/local-new ... f8e328110/

Now some skeptics will point out that the press conference was scheduled days before the protest but that's easily answered. They were probably going to clamp down even harder on our freedoms as part of their vile commie plot but the announcement of The Unlicensed Man's grass-roots protest had them suddenly scrabbling in panic to make a 180d change in direction and accommodate his demands. They tried to salvage a little dignity by phasing in our freedoms over time but that’s just face-saving.

There's one part of Dave's call to arms that strikes home for Burnaby49;
Tens of thousands of people are suffering because their elective surgeries and testing have been needlessly cancelled. This has to STOP now.
As I've related elsewhere on Quatloos I've had cataract surgery scheduled and cancelled three times, twice as a result of the pandemic. On Thursday, May 7th, Adrian Dix capitulated on that too;
The first step in resuming non-urgent surgeries will be to call people on waiting lists during the next 10 days to ask if they are comfortable having a procedure during the pandemic. The risk of transmission on the operating table is low and rapid screening is now in place, health officials said Thursday.

B.C. will give priority to patients who need surgeries in fewer than four weeks, patients who had their surgeries postponed and people who have waited more than twice the benchmark for their procedures.
https://vancouversun.com/news/covid-19- ... b3e579179/

Dix released the new of the new surgery program at 3:30 on the 7th and at 10AM on the 8th I got a phone call to tell me that my cataract surgery was scheduled for May 26th. Not bad considering that elective surgery doesn't resume until the 19th. Thanks Dave!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: David Lindsay Exposes Coronavirus SCAMDEMIC!!

Post by LordEd »

Looks like our local news has picked up on Mr. Lindsay's activities. Looks like they've got a decent summary, although not to a Burnaby standard.

https://www.castanet.net/news/Kelowna/3 ... sts#319195
When hundreds of people gather in Kelowna’s Stuart Park each week to protest COVID-19 restrictions, it’s a familiar group of faces who take the microphone.

But no face is more familiar than David Kevin Lindsay, the man who has been leading Kelowna’s anti-mask and anti-lockdown movement since its infancy.

While COVID-19 is less than a year old, this is familiar territory for Lindsay, who for decades previously made a name for himself within fringe groups by arguing that taxes are unconstitutional.

Lindsay has lost dozens of civil and criminal court cases and has been declared a vexatious litigant in B.C., meaning he cannot initiate a lawsuit without a judge’s permission. He has served prison time for failing to pay taxes.

Previously, he charged for access to his seminars on how to challenge tax law and at one time advertised himself as “Canada's foremost freedom expert on the secrets of laying criminal charges against government officials.”

It is a business model he had adopted to cater to COVID-19 conspiracies, charging $25 for an online seminar on Sunday where he promised to provide “today’s answer to the COVID-19 insanity.”

Lindsay was profiled in Meads vs. Meads, a 2012 ruling from the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench, which was an unprecedented 736-paragraph decision from a judge that has acted as a guide for courts across the country on how to deal with “Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments.”

The judgment lists Lindsay one of Canada’s top OPCA “gurus,” a prominent member of the OPCA community who sells their ideas in seminars or acts as an agent in court to make bogus arguments to avoid paying taxes, child support or paying speeding tickets. Lindsay, while not a lawyer, represented dozens of people in court making such arguments.

“This is a business where secret ‘cheat codes’ and ‘get out of jail free’ cards are marketed to a gullible, often conspiracy-driven, customer base,” wrote Donald Netolitzky, complex litigant management counsel for the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench, in the Alberta Law Review about OPCA gurus generally.

At an anti-mask and anti-lockdown event in the summer, Lindsay was introduced as appearing in court more than 300 times in seven provinces.

When he was hauled into court in 2008 after not filing a tax return in more than a decade, he tried to argue that Queen Elizabeth II did not correctly complete her coronation oath in 1953, resulting in a lack of constitutional authority in Canada’s Parliament and, as a result, the Income Tax Act.

He also unsuccessfully challenged the authority of the judge and demanded to cross examine him.

Lindsay was sentenced to 150 days in jail and fined $5,000. The BC Court of Appeal would lower the sentence to 30 days in jail while maintaining the fine. He tried to take the case to the Supreme Court of Canada, but the court refused to hear it.

He would serve 60 days in jail in December 2012 for failing to follow the ensuing court order requiring him to file his taxes for the years 1997-2001.

Lindsay has also attempted to argue in court that the relationship between the state and a person is a contract that can be opted out of and that an aspect of the 1931 Statute of Westminster meant all post-1931 government legislation and action is unauthorized.

When he was caught driving without a driver’s licence, without insurance, and without displaying proper licence plates in 2001, he tried to argue that King John’s Magna Carta of 1215 supersedes modern law.

Lindsay started his OPCA activities in the late 1990s in Manitoba, but eventually settled in the B.C. Interior where he became “ubiquitous” in the detaxer movement and founded his “Common Law Education And Rights” (CLEAR) Initiative."

Under that brand he has hosted and charged for entrance to seminars on how to “avoid being a natural person,” on how “all taxes are voluntary” and “how to file criminal charges when the police won’t.” COVID-19 is just the latest seminar topic for Lindsay under the CLEAR banner.

It’s under that same brand that Lindsay has spread pamphlets across the Okanagan containing misinformation related to COVID-19, held protests at news outlets and outside schools, and become the leader of weekly anti-lockdown rallies in Stuart Park.

The Kelowna RCMP says it issued the organizer of Saturday’s large downtown protest a $2,300 ticket. Longtime ally of Lindsay and white nationalist, Paul Fromm, identified Lindsay as the receiver of the penalty on his website Sunday night. Lindsay confirmed Monday he received the ticket, suggesting he will fight the penalty in court.

White supremacist Paul Fromm at a Kelowna rally in August
Fromm has appeared at multiple of Lindsay’s rallies in Stuart Park, promoting them on his channels and attending early in the movement when they attracted just a few dozen people.

Lindsay’s association to Fromm is not new. Lindsay was one of many fringe characters who travelled to Quesnel to attend the 2015 trial of Arthur Topham, who was convicted of communicating online statements that wilfully promoted hatred against Jewish people.

Outside the Quesnel courthouse, Lindsay complained to Fromm in an interview about the routine searches of attendees carried out by sheriffs at the courthouse, falsely claiming they were illegal.

With several hundred people from across the B.C. Interior attending the last few Kelowna anti-lockdown rallies, the views of Fromm — one of the Canada's most prominent white nationalists — do not reflect the vast majority of attendees. But Lindsay has refused to answer questions on his relationship with Fromm.

"As you can see, there are a significant amount of angry people in relation to the COVID CON," said Lindsay in a lengthy email to Castanet that attacked the provincial statistics on COVID-19 as "completely false and misleading" while threatening additional protests at Castanet's Kelowna offices.

"For every person in attendance, there are many thousands not in attendance due to fear of losing their jobs and other public retribution and fear for their families. Canadians are living in fear of the state – that is not freedom – that is tyranny," Lindsay continued.

"What you should be focusing upon is the nature and accuracy of the information we possess (as do many others) that confirms that there is no pandemic," he said, while rejecting the term "conspiracy theorist."

Lindsay also refused to answer questions about whether he now files taxes, or if he will return to the detaxer movement when the pandemic ends.

Most of Lindsay’s speeches at anti-mask and anti-lockdown rallies remain focused on the pandemic rather than his previous legal adventures, but some of his followers remain under the impression that he is a lawyer.

“The man David Lindsay the head of C.L.E.A.R in Kelowna. Is a lawyer by the sounds of it a really good one,” said one of Saturday’s rally attendees, Marjorie Paulson, on Twitter. “A wealth of knowledge and information is on our side.”

While he may be very familiar with the inside of a courtroom, the BC Court of Appeal ruled in 2007 when it declared Lindsay a vexatious litigant “that almost all of the applications Mr. Lindsay has made on his own behalf have been without any merit and so found by the courts who have considered them.”
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Re: David Lindsay Exposes Coronavirus SCAMDEMIC!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

All in all a good review of Lindsay's past actions. He's finally getting the attention he deserves! However I do take issue with one comment in the article;
The man David Lindsay the head of C.L.E.A.R in Kelowna. Is a lawyer by the sounds of it a really good one,” said one of Saturday’s rally attendees, Marjorie Paulson, on Twitter. “A wealth of knowledge and information is on our side.
A "really good" lawyer wins in court, at least occasionally.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: David Lindsay Exposes Coronavirus SCAMDEMIC!!

Post by LordEd »

I'm using the wealth of quatloos history to cross post into my local forum to explain Mr. Lindsay to those (blisfully) uneducated about the world of freemanism.
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Re: David Lindsay Exposes Coronavirus SCAMDEMIC!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

David's been revived by his new prominence, he's giving courses again. Can't beat the price!
Freedom Free For All
5d ·
Are you tired of the Covid propaganda, lies and fear mongering from the government?
Are you living life without a mask, but afraid of the "authorities" and getting fined?
Do you want to know your common law rights surrounding Covid "mandates" so you can be free and confident talking to others about your position?
If so you NEED TO REGISTER FOR THIS ZOOM EDUCATION CLASS with David Kevin Lindsay and C.L.E.A.R. (Common Law Education and Rights) on December 13, 2020 @ 1:00pm PST
This important event will be about two hours.
Pre-registration is required. Cost is $25. Email transfers are now available:
Email: clearadmin2@pm.me
Password answer: FREEDOM
Topics Included in This Educational Zoom Call:
-Our C.L.E.A.R. history, goals and objectives
-Our Hidden Constitution
-Defining and explaining the common law
-The real solution to the unlawful COVID-19 restrictions
-Reviewing the real COVID-19 stats
-Mask related issues.
Gather with your family, your "bubble" or your freedom friends and equip yourself with knowledge that will take your freedom to new heights.
Pre-registration is required. Cost is $25. Email transfers are now available:
Email: clearadmin2@pm.me
Password answer: FREEDOM
Freedom Free For All is Lindsay's very infrequently used FB page and C.L.E.A.R. is his personal sovereign organization.

https://www.facebook.com/freedomfreefor ... 4301942575
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: David Lindsay Exposes Coronavirus SCAMDEMIC!!

Post by grixit »

LordEd wrote: Tue Dec 15, 2020 2:57 pm Looks like our local news has picked up on Mr. Lindsay's activities. Looks like they've got a decent summary, although not to a Burnaby standard.

At an anti-mask and anti-lockdown event in the summer, Lindsay was introduced as appearing in court more than 300 times in seven provinces.
Did anyone ask him how many of those appearances were wins?
... he has hosted and charged for entrance to seminars on how to “avoid being a natural person,”
Um, what? I thought the goal was to *assert* being a natural person and avoid being a *CORPORATION*.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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Re: David Lindsay Exposes Coronavirus SCAMDEMIC!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dave's still marching away protesting covid but it's getting expensive for him. He's been fined $2,300 three times for his covid protests;
The organizer of Kelowna's weekly anti-COVID-19-restriction protests has been issued two $2,300 fines to date, but that hasn't deterred him yet.

David Lindsay was in Stuart Park again Saturday afternoon, giving a speech to a crowd of roughly 100 people. Any kind of gathering is in contravention of health orders put in place Nov. 19 by Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry. The order lasts until Feb. 5.
https://infotel.ca/newsitem/shes-a-liar ... ry/it80168
VANCOUVER -- Kelowna RCMP say they have issued a fine to the organizer of an anti-lockdown protest for contravening provincial public health orders.

Last week, Castanet News reported that RCMP issued a fine to protest organizer David Lindsay for holding an event in contravention of COVID-19 measures. At the time, it was his second ticket for contravening the public health orders.

Police would not name him directly as the person they issued a fine to Saturday, but said the fine was given to someone who has now received three tickets for this offence.
https://bc.ctvnews.ca/rcmp-issue-third- ... -1.5270017

$6,900 is big for Dave, it's about a quarter of his annual income, at least it was about five years or so back. Dave was involved in a private lawsuit where he sued another Kelowna resident for $600,000 and won! Sadly it was reversed on appeal. I didn't report it because it wasn't anything to do with Quatloos topics, it related to a real estate deal. however, out of personal interest, I spent an afternoon at the Vancouver court registry rummaging through the file. Dave commented in one filing how he lived off of about $25,000 a year of provincial welfare. The $600,000 would have made him financially independent of government handouts, a goal he desperately wanted to attain. Since welfare hasn't gone up much in the interim I assume that he's still getting in the $25,000 - $30,000 range.

If nothing else Dave has a spiffy sign but he's yesterday's news, superseded (as just reported on Quatloos) by the new boy in town, the Sovereign Republic of British Columbia fighting the same anti-covid battle. Unlike Dave the Republic has taken the legal route and is issuing orders to the mayor of Vernon (quite close to Dave's Kelowna) to kiss ass and drop all covid restrictions, amongst other things. Sorry Dave, you had your day in the sun but the circus has moved on.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: David Lindsay Exposes Coronavirus SCAMDEMIC!!

Post by LordEd »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:24 am $6,900 is big for Dave, it's about a quarter of his annual income
I wonder how many times the collection hat has been passed around to cover these fines?

I mean he wouldn't ask for money to pay them, then just pocket it would he?
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Re: David Lindsay Exposes Coronavirus SCAMDEMIC!!

Post by ultimateok »

I checked out the latest 'mega rally' this past weekend organized by Lindsay and the crew. They were hoping for 800-1000 people like they got in December...but it would be a stretch to say there were 300 people there. A bunch of conspiracy theory mumbo-jumbo.

The local CBC station has been covering the movement and did a piece on one of the rallies. This is also for December a week or two after the first large rally

Daybreak South with Chris Walker - Dec. 21, 2020: Kelowna Unmasked: Misinformation, conspiracies, and threats at Kelowna protest https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1- ... p/15815369
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Re: David Lindsay Exposes Coronavirus SCAMDEMIC!!

Post by LordEd »

Seems David-Lindsay has had yet another course success.

https://www.castanet.net/news/Kelowna/4 ... ult#462377
Kelowna COVID protest leader convicted of two counts of assault

David Lindsay was convicted of two counts of assault Wednesday morning, and he's now facing possible jail time.

After several days of trial through much of this year, Judge Cathaline Heinrichs convicted Lindsay Wednesday of the Aug. 19, 2021 assaults against two security guards during a protest outside the downtown Interior Health building on Doyle Avenue.

Lindsay was one of the main people behind the weekly COVID-19 protests that were held for years in Kelowna's Stuart Park. More than 30 of his supporters packed the Kelowna courtroom Wednesday morning.

Lindsay has been representing himself during the criminal proceedings. But after many months of trying out his unusual legal arguments, including arguing that Canada's RCMP Act is unconstitutional, he came up wholly unsuccessful Wednesday.
Seems that one of his complaints is that the judge didn't help him win.
He even called for a mistrial, saying Judge Heinrichs did not assist him enough through the trial and showed bias against him, but the judge flatly refused.

“I am not Mr. Lindsay's lawyer and cannot offer him legal advice. This is made clear in the self represented criminal template ... which we reviewed in court on the first day of trial,” Judge Heinrichs said.

“Mr. Lindsay had plenty of time since August 19, 2021 and the commencement of trial to obtain legal advice.”
Probably more of an issue is that the judge had trivial things she wanted answered, like what actually happened. To which the supporters of the defendant provided with video evidence.
Judge Heinrichs laid out the main issues to be determined in the assault matter: did Lindsay intentionally apply force to the security guards without their consent?

Relying largely on a video of the incident taken by Lindsay supporter Leo Beauregard, Judge Heinrichs said Lindsay announced to the guards “I have a right of access,” before he tucked his head down and walked into the two guards who were blocking the doorway. Interior Health had previously banned Lindsay from entering the building.
As is tradition for FMOTL, add contempt of court. Reasoning: "strategy".
In addition to the conviction on the assault charges, Judge Heinrichs also found him in contempt of court for telling her back in June that he refused to provide written closing submissions by her deadline. During their discussion on June 16, he told the judge three separate times that he would not follow her directions.

“I'm not doing that, I'm telling you right now. If you want to cite me for contempt or whatever, that's up to you but I'm not doing it," Lindsay told the judge.

Lindsay eventually filed his closing submissions “just prior to the hearing” Judge Heinrichs said. She noted Lindsay's reason for not wanting to file his closing submissions, because he did not want to “give away his defence,” made no sense.

“The closing argument is exactly the time when he needs to provide his defence, that is what the written submissions were meant to be,” Judge Heinrichs said.
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Re: David Lindsay Exposes Coronavirus SCAMDEMIC!!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Seems that one of his complaints is that the judge didn't help him win.
Exactly what Keith Lawson, one of my Poriskyites, whined about. One of his grounds for appeal was that the trial judge should have acted as his lawyer since he was self-represented. Some of her claimed duties included giving him possible defense strategies that he wasn't aware of and helping him in cross-examination.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: David Lindsay Exposes Coronavirus SCAMDEMIC!!

Post by LordEd »

Not only did the judge not help him win, the judge was ordered to convict him.

https://www.castanet.net/news/Kelowna/4 ... sault-case
Judge Heinrichs gave Lindsay an opportunity to “purge” the contempt conviction by writing an unconditional apology for his behaviour, which Lindsay agreed to. But during Thursday's hearing, Crown prosecutor David Grabavac played a video in court of Lindsay taking part in an online interview, where he tells the host that Judge Heinrichs “did not know what she was doing at all” and was “controlled” by the Crown and witnesses.

“She was ordered to convict at all costs,” Lindsay says in the video, although it's not clear who he alleges made the order.