Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by longdog »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 9:23 am Of interest is that there doesn't appear to be any reported public disturbances or walk outs.

However, you missed out this gem :snicker:
Citizen Mr Paterson has the disadvantage of being in prison.
Is he still in clink?

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving citizen.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

longdog wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 12:51 pm Is he still in clink?
Yes. He's on remand and has been for around 9 months. The case was scheduled for December, but I've not had a tip off for when it is going to be heard. I don't want to say anything that might prejudice the trial... but I'll have another look.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Custody Time Limits are being extended all over the place right now, it's not good. Lower court capacity causes higher population of remanded defendants, when the prison service is also struggling. And of course, there will be some poor innocent blighters who are jailed for a year before being acquitted. That's a life-changing impact, they may have lost their jobs, homes, families and savings.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by Normal Wisdom »

I thought that Paterson was in a secure mental health unit.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Normal Wisdom wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 9:11 am I thought that Paterson was in a secure mental health unit.
Not unless he was readmitted. He was in one for a short period but he was moved back to Chelmsford prison. The application to extend his remand period was on 15th April. Sorry, I should probably have updated his thread with that. He's only mentioned here because EWE seems to have brought it up during his "trial fraud".

Before MRS JUSTICE CUTTS Friday, 18th December 2020 At 2 o’clock

Covid-19 Protocol: This judgment will be handed down by the judge remotely by circulation to the parties’ representatives by email and release to Bailii. The date and time for hand-down will be deemed to be 2 o’clock on 18th December 2020. A copy of the judgment in final form as handed down can be made available after that time, on request by email to the judge’s clerk at QBJudgesListingOffice@justice.gov.uk

QB-2020-000286 HM Solicitor General v Ellis
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by exiledscouser »

Thanks for the update Owl.

So what’s the thoughts on the outcome?

Judge might of course throw out the application and restore EWE to the Roll.

But in the real world what actual sentencing options might the court have? Fines? Prison? Perhaps (yet another) injunction against passing himself off as a lawyer?

My own view is that he finds himself in court because judicial patience has (at last) run out with a final recognition that if they continue do nothing the time-wasting filings, hopeless appeals and gibberish applications will also continue. Behind the nonsense are his misguided ‘clients’ who need protecting from EWE. I’m thinking of a period of imprisonment suspended if he, in Neelu’s favourite vernacular agrees to ‘cease and desist’.

If he does get sent down for Xmas then he’s my hot contender for freeman of the year.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

exiledscouser wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:28 pm So what’s the thoughts on the outcome?
I need to read it first... but before I do here's the judgement hot off the press!

Ellis Judgement
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by MRN »

exiledscouser wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:28 pm So what’s the thoughts on the outcome?
Unless I'm completely off my beam on dates he tried to get Witness Protection for Sabine McNeill either while she was being tried or after she was found guilty.

That's...ballsy. I guess.

ETA That was impressively thorough. Were I in his shoes I'd be frantically trying to work out how to simultaneously plead youth and inexperience and long and faithful service at the same time when sentencing came on. While dressed as Oliver Twist for extra pathos.

Since he is is his shoes, I expect it's going to be Corruption and Fraud, Corruption, Remedy and Fraud, Corruption, Remedy, Proof-Sets and Fraud, Fraud, Corruption, Proof-Sets and Fraud...
Last edited by MRN on Fri Dec 18, 2020 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

It's this that made me giggle!
These beliefs would have just been sad had Mr Ellis not acted upon them or if his “philosophy” (his word) had not attracted adherents. But he has acted, unceasingly and voraciously over many years, and persons with grievances against the justice system have been attracted and recruited.

The result is that claim forms, application notices, appeals are issued and documents purportedly filed or served at various courts, bearing all the hallmarks of Mr Ellis’ unmistakable drafting. These are prolix, tendentious, mostly incomprehensible screeds, making the same assertions of fraud and corruption again and again.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by exiledscouser »

That's...ballsy. I guess.
Not ballsy, just sad. The court identified that EWE “recruited” vulnerable clients as vehicles for his “world-view” rightly identifying that all nine of the alleged contempts to be proven.

But, there’s an appeal there somewhere (against an earlier ruling by HHJ Goose) so this judge stays the nature of the punishment until after it is determined. EWE won’t take any notice of this and will simply continue. He’ll appeal every judgement and this will be allowed to rumble on for years. The court will rail but do nothing.

Who pays for all this legal shenanigans? Not EWE that’s for certain.

We know he lurks in the shadows; always waiting, always watching. Passing judgment all his own, ready to ridicule English justice. And he now can gleefully gorge his Canuck chops on yet more dithering and sheer incompetence in our courts beloved by Burnaby.

The shame :oops:
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

exiledscouser wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 6:17 pm The shame :oops:
I take a dissimilar view. Yes, he may squeeze an extra (at most) two years out of this, but the game is up. The judge is pretty damning in the judgement. EWE is entitled to appeal according to court rules, but you can clearly see that the gig is up for him. It's over for the loonies.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by exiledscouser »

I can’t agree that it’s all over. It was supposedly over in 2008 when he was disbarred. Then in 2012 when his appeal against said disbarment went south it was business as usual for Eddie. Then a GCRO (which sounds like a gong some civil servant might get for running libraries) in 2018. Which he ignored and carried straight on in contempt. Then the GCRO gets renewed and extended for another two years earlier in 2020. And now this farrago.

I’d like to believe that you are right, that some judge will finally put the kibosh on the Equity Trusts and the Prince Bishops. But EWE just tweaks their tails, drags some other poor sap into hopeless court appearances and the court simply watches on. It costs a fortune to run a court for a day, a day when they could be doing something far more constructive. Judges, counsel, clerks, heating, lighting, subsidised canteen - it all adds up.

Today is all the proof you need that no one wants to (or in my opinion ever will) get a grip of things, to call this nonsense to a close.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by MRN »

exiledscouser wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 6:17 pm
That's...ballsy. I guess.
Not ballsy, just sad.
Fair. I was somewhat taken by the notion of asking the courts to protect someone presently in custody due to the order of the courts from ... the courts. Or does witness protection work differently over there?

I'm a noted bleeding heart and I'm definitely sympathetic to most of the people EWE has suckered into his orbit in the past few years, but McNeill ... yeah, no.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by mufc1959 »

The decision opens with:
The Applicant applies for an Order of Committal against the Respondent for contempt of court. This application is brought with the permission of Goose J, following a hearing on 17th June 2020.
and a few paragraphs later, it's explained that:
There has been a development in the time between the last listing of this case and the proceedings before me. The Respondent has received a letter from the Court of Appeal Office dated 12th December 2020 which acknowledges his lodging of an appeal notice against the permission decision of Goose J. The letter states that "the appellant's notice will be treated as filed in the Civil Appeal's Office on 22nd June 2020…" There is no explanation for the delay of six months. There is no suggestion that the Respondent is at fault. On the Respondent's application I have considered whether an adjournment should be granted to allow consideration of the application for leave to appeal before these proceedings take place. I have decided that I can continue to hear the case and determine the question of liability. I recognise that if the Respondent were to be granted leave and to be successful in any appeal then these proceedings may be void. For that reason, should I find any of the breaches proved I have decided that the question of penalty should await the disposal of the application to appeal.
and ends with:
I am satisfied so that I am sure that the Respondent procured each of the documents relied upon by the Applicant, that the nine alleged breaches of the GCRO have been proved and contempt made out. As I indicated at the start of the proceedings I do not consider it appropriate to continue to sanction before the appeal against Goose J's decision on permission is resolved. These proceedings are therefore adjourned to a date to be notified. I remind Mr Ellis that he is still the subject of a GCRO. He must adhere to it. Any further breach is likely to make a material difference to the eventual sanction imposed.
Am I alone in thinking that the likelihood of EWE adhering to the clear warning in the final paragraph is very small indeed?
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

mufc1959 wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:04 pm Am I alone in thinking that the likelihood of EWE adhering to the clear warning in the final paragraph is very small indeed?
Whilst the wheels of justice turn very slowly, I'm convinced by today's stayed judgement that EWE's "Goose" would have been cooked without this procedural fly in the ointment. I view it as a minor irritant, as it's clearly fair for the judge to say that if the admin has screwed up before pronouncing final sanction, the benefit of the doubt should be given to the defendant in relation to other proceedings.

However, It's clear that his ongoing social media posts are being used against him. The Solicitor General has clearly finally linked Paterson, Berry, McNeill et al together and views it as a whole. I don't think EWE will be able to help himself :wink:
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

MRN wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:07 pm Since he is is his shoes, I expect it's going to be Corruption and Fraud, Corruption, Remedy and Fraud, Corruption, Remedy, Proof-Sets and Fraud, Fraud, Corruption, Proof-Sets and Fraud...
Why is it that when I read this recitation of EWE's various types of fraud, I start to visualize a tawdry cafe in Bromley with a chanting chorus of fur-clad gents with horned helmets and a menu involving Spam, egg and Spam; egg, bacon and Spam; egg, bacon, sausage and Spam; Spam, bacon, sausage and Spam, etc., ad infinitum.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by Dr. Caligari »

That's egg, bacon and spam fraud.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by MRN »

JohnPCapitalist wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 9:59 pm
MRN wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:07 pm Since he is is his shoes, I expect it's going to be Corruption and Fraud, Corruption, Remedy and Fraud, Corruption, Remedy, Proof-Sets and Fraud, Fraud, Corruption, Proof-Sets and Fraud...
Why is it that when I read this recitation of EWE's various types of fraud, I start to visualize a tawdry cafe in Bromley with a chanting chorus of fur-clad gents with horned helmets and a menu involving Spam, egg and Spam; egg, bacon and Spam; egg, bacon, sausage and Spam; Spam, bacon, sausage and Spam, etc., ad infinitum.
Probably because I did a straight-up find and replace. :)
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by SpearGrass »

I yield to none in my enthusiasm for imprisoning sick old men suffering from mental illness, but we do live in a society which is quite keen on due process for that sort of thing.

One interesting fact about EWE reported in the judgement (para 2) is that he appears to have held off litigating while he was under threat of a suspended commitment for contempt. That implies that he can stop himself. It may, combined with his state of health, persuade a judge not to commit him this time, but to impose a suspended commitment. It might do exactly the opposite. A suspended commitment might stop him, or it might kick the can down the road, as it can’t be suspended for ever. But then, nobody lives forever …

The problem is, there is no other way to stop him but imprisonment. He contacts people, he’s put in touch with them, they find him on the internet, and he writes their response, so each case is under their name, not his. Obviously everyone in the RCJ can spot his distinctive prose, but in the absence of an Edward William Ellis Act 2021 (perhaps allowing strike-out if any court process uses the word “fraud” more than 15 times), that can’t be a ground for instant dismissal, in a way it could if he sued under his own name.

However my reading of the runes is that the judge is gearing up to commit him and is moving along with deliberate speed. Hence she cracked on and did the fact finding, even though an appeal is pending. That strongly implies that she doesn’t think much of the chances of an appeal, and wants to be ready to go when it’s dismissed. But there would be a clear irregularity if the case was finalised despite an appeal having been lodged, simply because the court office had lost it.
They might have lost it because people lose things, but my guess is that the office at the Royal Courts of Justice has had so much garbage from EWE that they didn’t spot a document which finally had something in it, and that’s a classic problem with pseudo-lawyers, they do work so hard to ensure they lose, when a litigant with more humility might have got somewhere.

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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by Dr. Caligari »

The world’s first official vexatious litigant was also a lawyer. Died in the workhouse.
Who was that? Sounds like an interesting story.
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