New Sovereign Web Page -

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Re: New Sovereign Web Page -

Post by eric »

Hey it was a "crowd" - a crowd of seven, of which three got tickets as being the organizers. Since all government communications and main stream media reports are fake news none of them believed that outdoor social gathering rules have changed and they thought they were safe since their group was less than ten people which was allowed under the old rules. As far as I know, only one member of the group has gainful employment, all of the rest seem to have the time to spend during the normal work week to attend these little affairs.
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Re: New Sovereign Web Page -

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

These people see themselves as leading mighty armies, when in reality they lead squads of losers.
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Re: New Sovereign Web Page -

Post by eric »

Actually a bunch of losers who can't get along with the rest of society, let alone amongst themselves to build a coherent strategy. UnifythePeople don't get along with The Line who don't get along with Ruddi Bruce who doesn't get along with anybody. It's pretty simple, all the competing groups have a single anti-covid message but since they spend all their time arguing about who should be in charge and methodology that you have competing demonstrations. Anyways, in a month or so, our lovely weather will put an end to this foolishness. Besides, the local constabulary have lost their patience with this idiocy and are now enforcing the rules.
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Re: New Sovereign Web Page -

Post by eric »

I'm angry and upset!!! You know the old expression "What if they had a parade and no-one came?". Well, yesterday was the perfect example of it. First some background is required. Due to covid restrictions in the province of Alberta, restaurants and bars are closed except for takeout. Of course the financial loss to many of them has been quite large. One of the local places in my village decided to break the law on Wednesday and open for dine-in. Side note - they have good coffee, but the food sucks and is over-priced IMHO.
Of course Canada's best purveyor of extreme right wing silliness, Rebel News, decided to feature it with typically breathless reporting by their Alberta stringer:

So why am I angry? Well non other than members of Chris Harrod's little group (Izzy and Elizabeth) decided to show up yesterday and I was sitting at home having a beer and missed them.

I really wanted to talk to them and ask them why Chris Harrod is making such an effort to remain incognito, having even changed his facebook.
Oh well, from what I can see, minimal support from the locals for breaking the law except from the small but very vocal group of covid deniers. Some of them still haven't figured out that they're losing business because people don't trust them to follow sanitation regulations if they're all over facebook denying the existence of covid. Oh and all the vehicles parked outside - it's a small town Alberta thing. If three members of your family are going to the same place they each have to bring their own vehicle "just in case". More seriously, it's the last business day of the month so the registry office next door is doing a roaring business renewing licence plate stickers and the post office is on the other side so all the pensioners are picking up their cheques.
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Re: New Sovereign Web Page -

Post by eric »

Feeling a little bit bored today, hiding out in my house in minus 35 weather, so I thought I would just feature a short interlude with a couple of friends of Chris Harrod., “We're Not Nazis” Robert and Misty. They're a little bit upset because of this:
“The people we’re seeing at a lot of these different marches are not your typical old-school neo-Nazi skinheads marching down the streets with Swastika flags. People are showing up with Trump flags, they’re trying to mainstream right-wing populism,” said Galloway. ... t-experts/
Well of course this results in a call for action from Robert. BTW, what is it about Canadian OPCA types and unusual head gear?
Robert Lupkowski was live.
4d · 
Fake News CITYNEWS Nuthin but Fake FUGGIN NEWS!!
Click below to join the Fight!

And if that doesn't work, Misty and Robert have another plan:
Misty Wind
 was live with 
Robert Lupkowski
3h · 
What is it when the DICTATOR OF A SERVICE CORPORATION “Canada” will not allow MEN AND WOMEN of THIS LAND to NOT RETURN back to their HOME country?! (Besides Racketeering, gansterism, coercion and extortion)
editWhy is the expression "dictator of a service corporation" (insert name of government entity) so popular with Canadian sovereign types?
And here are the details of THE PLAN..... sounds good to me. We start a gofundme as mentioned above, and we advertise it like this:
Robert Lupkowski
Stop the Imprisonment of Innocent Canadians detained against their own will, and their Section 7 Charter, Legal Rights. Marriott Int’l has made themselves culpable, and liable in their contract with the Government of Canada, to detain and imprison Canadian citizens and foreign travellers against their own will. If you or someone you know has been falsely imprisoned, by this hostile government detention program, call 403.404.1867. You may be eligible to Compensations as part of this CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT! If you have means to help fund this Lawsuit, and are looking for significantly better than average R.O.I., all while helping fight the cause of freedom. Call 403.404.1867
Robert Lupkowski
Bring me an investor with more than $10k to invest in this project and I will compensate you 8% of the investment value on the backend out of a successful court awarded judgement!
Somehow I don't think they understand how class action suits work in Canada. And yes, that is Robert's real phone number, I phoned it just for fun. So he puts his real phone number out for all to see but hides his real name (Robert Van Voort) from facebook.
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Re: New Sovereign Web Page -

Post by JamesVincent »

Can you actually file a class action suit against a government entity? That seems kinda off.
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Re: New Sovereign Web Page -

Post by eric »

Yes you can in Canada - I got 243 hits for Crown Liability in the Canadian Bar Association Class Action Database going back to 2016:
Note the year - 2016, and some of them from 2016 still haven't been certified to proceed. IANAL but it sounds like a battle of who has the deepest pockets.
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Re: New Sovereign Web Page -

Post by wserra »

You can maintain (upon compliance with the usual class certification rules) a class action against the U.S. govt as well. Several are reasonably well known: medical pot, equal separation pay for vets honorably-discharged per don't-ask-don't-tell, numerous suits over the treatment of Native Americans, others.

Perhaps the best known is the suit by certain "interned" (ah, euphemisms) plaintiffs of Japanese descent who were left out of the Congressionally-mandated compensation. Mochizuki v. United States, 43 Fed. Cl. 97 (1999). The decision/order of former Chief Judge Loren Smith of the Court of Federal Claims approving the class settlement is notable for its compassion.

The shameful Korematsu v. United States, 323 U.S. 214 (1944), was only 55 years before that. Lest we forget.
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Re: New Sovereign Web Page -

Post by eric »

Anyways, stumbled upon this on twitter today. It's one for the history nerds who may be interested in the theoretical underpinnings of the "New Constitutionalist" movement in Western Canada, even with some explanation as to why they have historic links to the extreme far right. I can't really add anything to it, except to say that you can read Ho Canada here if you like off the unifythepeople site. ... nada-1.pdf
And here's the thread: