UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

John Uskglass wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:10 pm
I think a simple link to his website would be sufficient!
The latest posting there includes a copy of an application form which was presumably sent to the court today, in which he clearly identifies himself as an 'Equity Lawyer'. If the courts are incapable of acting in the face of such an obvious provocation, I can't see them acting on any information received to be honest.
Someone has to report it with evidence. They will not find it otherwise.
“The Attorney General does not have investigatory powers and relies on the applicant to provide evidence that proves contempt to the criminal standard. If available, please provide any independent evidence or report supporting your referral”.
I can't. I am a witness in a stabbing case and although the alleged stabber in on remand, two of the alleged attackers are on bail and I don't want to draw attention to myself in any shape or form until the trial is over. I don't think they'll accept an anonymous notification.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Six months jail, suspended for two years.

Still waiting for the official judgement from QB admin. What I am not sure of is whether this is civil or criminal contempt. My understanding is that if she breached her restraining order, then that would be civil. However, this was related to contempt during the Sabine McNeill trial, so I believe it is criminal. But then again contempt has a special status when it comes to convictions and I can find nothing about it related to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

Known colloquially as a “bender”.

I think this is probably fair and based on her FB it seems to have shocked her. She could well have gone down and I’m guessing she was warned just how near she came to climbing aboard the Group 4 jolly trolley.

She may well yet.

The authorities now at least have some sort of hold against Neelu, especially given her unwise and often libellous YT output. Keeping her gob shut is not in Nelly’s nature.

Sadly and after the dust has settled she may well return to type and I’m sure one or two on her will delight in bubbling her to plod and rightly so.

To quote her, “We are winning!”
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

What we don't know is whether there are any further conditions. I suspect appearing on a channel with Angela Power-Disney, Andy Devine or Ramalamadingdong where they repeat the contempt would be sufficient for her to be hauled off to join Sabine.

And, as I said, she is entitled to an appeal.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by aesmith »

She seems to think that appealing, or even just saying that she is going to, sets aside whatever she is appealing against. However apart from that, is it correct that her appeal would be to the Supreme Court? Wouldn't it be the Appeal Court first?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by John Uskglass »

Going back to EWE for a moment.
They will not find it otherwise.
I defer to your expertise in these matters. I do find it astonishing that despite the fact he's under a suspended prison sentence for precisely the behaviour he's indulging in now, at the same court (iiuc), no mechanism exists that would pick this up. You'd have thought his antics would be so conspicuous as to jog someone's memory!
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

I have now received a copy of the judgement. It's 11 pages long so I will just post the highlights. It's not turned up on Bailii yet.

It does answer my previous query as to process. Yes, the Solicitor General does have to apply for permission, but that is an "Application for Permission" hearing. An "Application to Commit" hearing means that permission has already been given.
Permission to bring the application was granted on 20 February 2020 and we heard the application on 10 February 2021.
The court fleshes out EWE's assertion of health "frauds"
Ms Berry again represented herself. She applied at the outset for an adjournment because her application for permission to appeal against the order of 21 July 2020 had not been determined and she said that she had health conditions and had sustained a fall on the previous Sunday. We refused that application for the reasons given orally at the time. In brief summary, we were satisfied that the application for permission to appeal the case management order made on 21 July 2020 was not a sufficient reason to delay the hearing and there was no medical evidence supporting the suggestion that Ms Berry was unable to present her case. In fact, Ms Berry did remain in court, she did make numerous applications during the course of the hearing, and made her submissions on the committal application. The rulings made are set out in the order made on 10 February 2021 and reasons for each ruling were given orally at the hearing.
Any medical defence for adjournment was shot down by this observation:
It is appropriate to record that, initially, Ms Berry sought to interrupt Mr Eardley every time he said something with which she disagreed. Eventually she understood that Mr Eardley needed to be allowed to speak without interruption, but only after she had been (metaphorically) told to sit down (she was in fact allowed to sit or stand as she wished), necessarily firmly and loudly at one stage. Ms Berry’s initial behaviour before she settled down, and afterwards whilst making applications and submissions, did not demonstrate any inability to represent herself or otherwise indicate to the court that an adjournment on medical grounds was in fact necessary.
Then, if you need further proof that she is a moron:
We explained that if Ms Berry admitted the allegation that was likely to reduce the seriousness of any punishment that might be imposed. The allegations were then read out by the Associate and Ms Berry was asked whether she admitted or whether she did not admit the allegations. She said that she did not admit them. The hearing then proceeded.
But where are the jokes I hear you say. It was a serious matter, but you could always rely on EWE to provide levity.
Ms Berry chose not to give evidence. She had not served any evidence on which she proposed to rely in accordance with the order made on 20 February 2020.

She had sent an electronic bundle, entitled ‘draft bundle’, which appeared to encompass this application and, it appears, two other matters and largely comprised pleadings, orders, and transcripts of hearings. Ms Berry did not in fact seek to rely on any of the material in that bundle during the hearing.

She applied to call a Mr Edward Ellis to give evidence about what she described as the criminal justice system, whistleblowers being put in jail, false prosecutions and the attempts to stop a cycle of frauds. Mr Ellis is, we understand, a person who has been struck off the roll of solicitors. We did not consider that the proposed evidence would be relevant and refused permission for him to be called.

Ms Berry also applied to call counsel for the applicant and the solicitor who had conduct of the case for the applicant, so that she could cross-examine them on matters which we did not consider relevant to the application before us and permission was refused.

Ms Berry also applied to call as witnesses the current Attorney-General and Solicitor-General, and a former Attorney General so that she could question them but again about matters that did not appear to us to be relevant to the application before us so permission was refused.

Towards the end of the afternoon, when Ms Berry was making submissions, she applied for an adjournment to obtain legal representation. A number of matters were referred to by her including that the hearing should be adjourned pending an appeal in matters involving her and Mr Ellis, and, principally, for the reasons in a statement written for her in court by Mr Ellis which she read out.

That statement indicated that the hearing should be adjourned for reasons connected with what Ms Berry described as an application for a “legal representation monopoly enforcement prohibition against the law authorities”. We refused that application and gave our reasons for doing so orally at the hearing.

This is only a summary of the hearing. Ms Berry made other applications which were dealt with and reasons given at the hearing on 10 February 2021. These included an application that we recuse ourselves on the grounds of bias or predetermination: no substantive reason was put forward and it appeared to be no more than a reaction by Ms Berry to the fact that other applications had been refused and, possibly, that she had been made to allow Mr Eardley to make his submissions without interruption. The application that we recuse ourselves was one of three applications made at the hearing that we considered to have been totally without merit.
The charge:
In summary, it was alleged that Ms Berry had published a post on a Facebook page in the name of Ved Chaudhari which was likely to identify the father of A and B as a witness at the trial in breach of the order of HHJ Beddoe. Secondly, it was alleged that Ms Berry permitted a post placed by a third party on the Facebook account of Ved Chaudhari which identified the father as a witness to remain on that account.
The findings:
In our judgment, the respondent’s conduct gave rise to a real risk that the administration of justice would be impeded and was sufficiently serious to amount to contempt.
We do not find that the respondent committed a contempt by permitting a post made by a third party identified as Barbara Bradbury to remain posted on the Respondent’s Facebook account.
It's an interesting finding on count two (the Barbara Bradbury post), as it hinges on the fact that Neelu didn't "Like" it and therefore:
Likelihood, even strong likelihood, is, however, not enough to satisfy the criminal standard of proof...
However, I'd suggest that all her allowing the post to remain on Facebook demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt is that she was clearly guilty of publishing material that would lead to identification, because it did.

Not sure if it is normal in judgements, but there is no mention of the sentence given, although I suspect that that is because even though dated 22nd, this is the written version of the 10th Feb hearing, whilst the sanction hearing on the 22nd will be a separate document.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Burnaby49 »

Not sure if it is normal in judgements, but there is no mention of the sentence given, although I suspect that that is because even though dated 22nd, this is the written version of the 10th Feb hearing, whilst the sanction hearing on the 22nd will be a separate document.
In Canada sentencing is an entirely separate issue from the trial and a separate sentencing hearing is held after both parties have given submissions into what they consider to be an appropriate sentence.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Burnaby49 wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:17 am In Canada sentencing is an entirely separate issue from the trial and a separate sentencing hearing is held after both parties have given submissions into what they consider to be an appropriate sentence.
Whilst undoubtedly true in this case, Matt Taylor was sentenced immediately at his "Application for Committal" hearing, so I guess "it depends".

If anyone wants to read the whole crunchy goodness: Neelu Berry - Contempt of Court Judgement
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »

The Hoaxted gang have, since the making of the order prohibiting publication of anything likely to identify five witnesses at McNeill’s trial, repeatedly, defiantly and with full malicious intent ignored this. The poor children at the heart of this appear on YT over and again in police interviews leaked by McNeill.

Devine, Power-Diddly and our own Neely to name but three of the chief offenders. The first two are perhaps outside the jurisdiction of the court as they live in Greece and Eire respectively. But with Berry feeling the full force of a suspended sentence maybe it’ll give others pause for thought. Yeah, right.

I’d have thought that the judgement you have kindly linked to Owl would have some reference to the actual punishment imposed. She was after all dealt with that same day. I hope they imposed a ruinous order for costs too.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

exiledscouser wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 1:46 pm She was after all dealt with that same day. I hope they imposed a ruinous order for costs too.
She wasn't dealt with the same day. If you read it, although it is dated the 22nd, it refers to the hearing on the 10th February. This is why I made a comment about the sentence hearing requiring another document. However, in this case, I think her posting of a sentence of 6 months, suspended for 2 years is probably accurate, so I'm not going to chase it down.

In any case, costs cannot be awarded above the legal aid rate and have to be proportionate. The QB cannot make a punitive costs order. Neelu didn't mention a fine.
An order should be made where the court is satisfied that the defendant or appellant has the means and the ability to pay. The order is not intended to be in the nature of a penalty which can only be satisfied on the defendant’s release from prison. An order should not be made on the assumption that a third party might pay.
We know she'd have qualified for Legal Aid if she had chosen to, so it is highly unlikely that costs would have been awarded anyway.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by exiledscouser »


The police are busy handing out £11k fines for Covid breaches which we all suspect will never be enforced. From reading the transcript it looked towards the end of the afternoon hearing that Neelu feared the worst, she tried to adjourn the proceedings in order to receive (proper) legal advice but the court was having none of it. As it turned out she should have been safe in the knowledge that she was before some toothless tiger.

Neelu does however have finances very much in mind as she discloses (in and amongst some anti-Semitic nonsense about the Rothschilds) her latest evil plan;
I am waiting to receive yet another Restraining Order from my Sentencing on 22 February 2021 so I can appeal it to the Supreme Court with Swissindo offer of $1 Quintillion
That's a ten with 18 zeros following. It also suggests that the court might not have finished with her yet. Given the state of the country's finances I'd be tempted to say to Nelly, done, make the cheque out to HMG.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

exiledscouser wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 5:05 pm
I am waiting to receive yet another Restraining Order from my Sentencing on 22 February 2021 so I can appeal it to the Supreme Court with Swissindo offer of $1 Quintillion
Ooh. that's new. Looks like in addition to the sentence she has been hit with an additional restraining order, which I suspect is being drafted.

Before you get all cynical about it. "Oh why haven't they picked her up before?", her two current restraining orders do not cover her online behaviour in relation to the Sabine McNeill trial.

(2004): She is not allowed to harass or post defamatory material about the people or organisations who treated her niece. This she has breech several times, BUT (and although I suspected it was so, I only came across the legal procedure for this today). The court does not monitor its orders and it is up an applicant to notify police to bring proceedings for breach of an order. No doubt the staff and hospital concerned from 2000 do not think she is a current danger to them and I don't think others have standing to bring it on their behalf.

(2016): This is only related to the staff and clergy of the church/school. Everyone knew this was a massive oversight at the time.

Whilst she has clearly been egging on others in the case of the illegal video, it was Sabine who published it not her. I don't think Neelu has directly done it herself (although happy to be corrected). As we can see from the second count in her contempt charges, proving she caused others to post it is a little more difficult to a criminal standard.

I hope that this restraining order will be a little tighter than the last one and include "cause to publish by proxy".
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 2:20 pm We know she'd have qualified for Legal Aid if she had chosen to, so it is highly unlikely that costs would have been awarded anyway.
I'm pretty sure I have heard from a vaguely credible source that Citizen Neelu is not short of a few bob and owns quite a bit of rental property. I seem to recall the expression "slum landlord" being used.

I'm not sure about this but I'm happy to repeat it as she doesn't have a reputation capable of being defamed.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

longdog wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:13 pm I seem to recall the expression "slum landlord" being used.
You recall, but not accurate enough to avoid defamation :wink:

It was her sister and brother-in-law who were the "slum landlords" and, as has been well established under English law, you cannot libel the dead :naughty:

Yeesh. I was aware of this nutjob way before her satanic stupidity when she was a malicious abuser of hospital staff on the newsgroups (long time ago, that might not be the actual group but it is close). What started off as a laughing at flat earthers; isn't the Touchy-Girrafe a moron?; sniggering at Hope Girl etc. took a dark turn when a common name I recognised led me to Hoaxtead.

I need another hobby!
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:38 pm
longdog wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:13 pm I seem to recall the expression "slum landlord" being used.
You recall, but not accurate enough to avoid defamation :wink:

Ah... But as I said she doesn't have a reputation capable of being defamed. Even if she did then there's no legal aid for defamation cases and I'm not worth suing.

Of course she could always instruct Equitylawyeredwardwilliamellis to start a case at The Queens Bench.... Oh!.. Hang on a minute... :snicker:
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Juisarian »

Pretty sad it took a year from the application to the hearing.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Juisarian wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 5:26 pm Pretty sad it took a year from the application to the hearing.
There are reasons, and not all bogus. But in principle I agree.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by rosy »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 11:07 am
If anyone wants to read the whole crunchy goodness: Neelu Berry - Contempt of Court Judgement
Thank you for sharing this so we don't have to wait for BAILII.

I think Neelu was lucky to avoid jail but she may struggle to keep her nose clean for two years.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by aesmith »

longdog wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:13 pmI'm pretty sure I have heard from a vaguely credible source that Citizen Neelu is not short of a few bob and owns quite a bit of rental property.
The various references to rental from N were all about her sister, usually something about being fined serious amounts of money for breaching HMO licensing requirements, or for planning breaches. With Neelu "helping" I wonder how much of that property remained. Anyway, surely if Neelu had any sort of income herself she'd have paid her mortgage. And wasn't she on benefits of some kind, I recall a prosecution for failure to declare something.