PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by LordEd »

wserra wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:50 am
Burnaby49 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 7:55 amshe was standing in the doorway of a dirt floor shack and hanging on to a huge twisted staff with a globe on top that would fit right into a scene with Frodo and Gandalf at Rivendell
Gandalf wouldn't be caught dead with that fleamarket knick-knack.
... I am Gandalf the purple. And I come back to you now because my white robes got mixed in with colors and my Tide ColorGuard didn't work.
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by eric »

In the U.K. the stick she is carrying may be considered something unusual/mystical but it's not difficult to find one in North America as many boy scouts can testify. Right along the US/Canadian border swamp oak hybridizes with bur oak and the suckers exhibit unusual twisted growth patterns, often multiple suckers will grow up twisted together.
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by Burnaby49 »

Suffering Succotash! Skulduggery is afoot!!! A traitor in Jacquie’s group has been sabatoshing all of her efforts right from the start of her tour!
Jacquie Phoenix
7h •
Attention Group Members.

This is an important group announcement !

It turns out that Stacey Wilkinson is controlled opposition that has been sabatoshing the push for Redress from the start.

I was completely unaware that she was turning down venues, giving out the wrong venue details and making demands on hosts to suite her.

I was also unaware that she has been telling people that it will be 4 to 5 years before we get Redress. That is 100% not true. We WILL have Redress this year as long as you keep supporting and participating in the People's Push for Redress.

My deepest apologize to everyone for her outlandish behaviour. Especially to those who worked so hard to find venues, transportation and accomadations and were told no.

Please bare with me as I make the necessary changes needed in order to do this tour properly professionally and safely so we are not infiltrated again.

To those who tried to host events and were told no please contact me directly once I am ready to hit the road again. I would never deny a venue. Your Freedom is way to important !

Again I am so sorry for this. I knew David had a lot of resistance but I didn't realize how bad it truly was until now.

Please know that I take this very seriously and I will not let anything interfere with getting Redress.

No matter what.

I am glad that we found out now as we can rectify this now and take measures so it doesn't happen again.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
This is getting better and better, a traitorous mole planted by the powers that be! I always expected things to collapse during the tour but because of Jacquie's unbearable personality, not treason. it's like a badly written soap opera. Poor Jacquie, things were going so well. I checked her FB sites yesterday and it was all congratulations about her birthday, no dark clouds on the horizon, then this.

There were almost 300 comments just eight hours after Jacquie's posting. Lee-Ann is concerned about possible misuse of all of the priceless personal information Stacey has acquired;
Lee-Ann Macdonald
So what will she likely do with my address and other details I’ve trusted her with?
Then things take an unsettling tone as Lee-Ann starts questioning Jacquie too;
Lee-Ann Macdonald
Or you Jacquie for that matter. Why are people outing you on this thread and what do you plan on doing with my address and phone number along with the others who attended the meeting at my home?
Unfortunately for Jacquie Stacey has a solid base of supporters;
Nikkie Wilson
Sounds more like egos are getting in the way. Stacey has done nothing but fight for the cause. Perhaps it’s a misunderstanding opposed to opposition. I don’t respect pulling her down on sm at all.
Natalie Kazanchi
I’m sorry but this is pure,utter BS.
Stacey is one of my best mates. I’m a mum of 3 kids. And let me tell you all something,she treats them all like her own. She spent over a month with my eldest son in Portugal. My other 2 kids love her to bits and we spend so much time with her.

Anyone,feel free to message me and I will give you straight facts!!

As for you Jacquie,you are really showing your true colours by slandering Stacey when you no damn well she cannot defend herself publicly on here.
Jemma Swainston-Rainford
This is bullshit I know her and she’s loyal as hell the the cause
Regina Dolce
Ok, so most of the people on here kind of prove the fact that they are just sheep, and need a lot of learning to do. Just so quick to jump in drama, and pour dirt all over a person you have met maybe once, just because Jacquie said so.
Vovan Vovanoff
I got in to this whole movement because of Stacey, she helped us out and I am sure most of the people from Manchester can say the same. Yes, she might be a bit snappy sometimes, but aren't we all?

Regarding opposition, well that just makes me laugh. Seems like teenage drama, that should have been resolved in private, and for sure not in a group where the opposed party is blocked.
Ego much?
I go with the Occam’s Razor hypothesis. Why ascribe problems to malevolent actions that can more easily be explained as resulting from incompetence?

Then they started turning on Jacquie;
Michael 'Weasel' Clements
Dissension in the ranks... Didn't see that coming.

Also find how comments have now been turned off.

This is all one massive con. See how many sheep jump on other people.

A vast majority in this group aren't in it for restoring some clause that went out of the MG in the space of a year... They're in it to get out of paying their way in life.
Jonothan Wright
You have just destroyed all davids work here well done Jacquie on dividing people this is not what I was taught about magna carta
Karlie Meadows Laud
I smell bull
When someone consistently blames others... thats a pattern! And the same constant.
At this point, with the tide turning against her, Jacquie bravely confronted her accusers. Or not;
Jacquie Phoenix turned off commenting for this post.
So it’s all turning to shit, apparently because of Jacquie’s inability to get along with anyone who doesn’t kiss her ass or completely agree with everything she babbles and rants away at. A fitting conclusion to David’s legacy.

But I have to be fair, sometimes Jacquie makes some quite astute points. I have to completely agree with one of her comments;
I was also unaware that she has been telling people that it will be 4 to 5 years before we get Redress. That is 100% not true.
I can't argue with that 100% not true assessment. Four or five years? Redress this year? I have a diferent take. Estimating the most likely date of their eventual “Redress” reminds me of the joke about someone refusing a lunch meeting 'How about never? Does never work for you?'
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by eric »

Personally I'm going for the incompetence theory combined with Jacquie being off her meds. I may be a bit of a masochist but I've at least skimmed through all her vids and in the most recent Gandalf stick in a shed one she looks and sounds different than before.
edit to add: I may be influenced by the fact that the Alberta crew that I follow have become even battier than normal, although it was a pleasure to watch Chris Harrod being roughed up by the police.
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by mikethrow »

As a longtime follower of this particular group, it's all very lovely to see.

Fascinated by the number of people who are concluding that Stacey is "controlled opposition" because she has photos with Richard Branson or Simon Cowell on her profile. Whatever works for them, I guess.

Interesting to see how many people are saying "Boy I hated her aggressive 'If you're not with us, you're the enemy!' rhetoric and attitude" now, when this is essentially the rally call and attitude being taught by Jacquie herself.

It's also interesting seeing the ones who decide to speak up louder, and try to rouse support in the group - saying things now like WE CAN ONLY HELP OURSELVES!

But I'm still looking forward to the month of March. That's when a lot of things will ostensibly be hitting the fan for Jacquie, relating to her Canada and Alberta benefits and so on, as discussed previously.
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by The Observer »

Jacquie Phoenix wrote:Please bare with me as I make the necessary changes...
No, I am not willing to take my clothes off while you take your clothes off. In fact, Jacquie, I don't want you baring yourself either.
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, shuckety derns, imagine that. :snicker: :haha: :haha: A traitor in their midst, a PLD nutjob Quisling, what ever is the world coming to????? :snicker: At least Wilkinson is marginally more honest than the Fauxnix, what she really should have said is that they will get their "redress" NEVER, which is actually the truth.

Is it the cold, or the isolation, or something in the water, that brings out the weird in these people? I've been trying to figure it out with some of my relatives for years and still don't have a working hypothesis.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by wserra »

Jacquie Kleenex wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:16 pmIt turns out that Stacey Wilkinson is controlled opposition that has been sabatoshing the push for Redress from the start.
Whew. At least she wasn't sabotaging it.
I was completely unaware that she was turning down venues, giving out the wrong venue details and making demands on hosts to suite her.
Disgraceful! Why, a regular room should do just fine.
We WILL have Redress this year as long as you keep supporting and participating in the People's Push for Redress.
So if we don't, it's your fault.
Please bare with me
Not a chance. What a disgusting idea.
Your Freedom is way to important !
I never knew that "important" could be a verb.
Please know that I take this very seriously and I will not let anything interfere with getting Redress.
Then I guess we're golden.

Not even 10 dollar words. Just a 10 cent mind.
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by notorial dissent »

wserra wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:56 am
snippety snip

Not even 10 dollar words. Just a 10 cent mind.
Methinks thou art over generous.!!!! :snicker:
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by Burnaby49 »

The wheels seem to be coming off the bus carrying the Revolutionary Redress Tour.
Jacquie Phoenix
Due to unforseen circumstances beyond my control I will have to reschedule my event list. I will be contacting venue hosts personally and all future events will be scheduled through me directly as we can't have last minute changes and guests thinking that I am not showing up for events. This is your freedom at stake and the people's push for redress is extremely important and we can't have anything getting in the way of that. I will need a week to make the necessary changes so we can kick off round 2 properly and stronger than ever. Again I apologise to all those who tried to attend the Nottingham event and were unable to attend. I will be back and from now on only I will be in charge of the events. So there will not be anymore issues. I take this very seriously. David's work is way to important your freedom is way to important and the future of your children is way to important. I will not let anything get in the way of Redress.

Tonight's event is postponed so please do not try to attend as I won't be there.

Thank you for understanding and your continued support.

Which triggered this batch of hostile comments. Don’t bother looking for them they’ve already been deleted. And comments for the above message are closed.
Dawn Ripley
Are you going to address the videos I've been sent of you doing harm to another? Which goes against the oath?. Are you going to address your saying your "arrest" that did not happen as I've FACTUAL evidence it didn't. Shall we ADDRESS and REDRESS You? You've gone to people's homes and abused them?
Dawn Ripley
What is going to be? You want a court then it is happy to held. You're the one who is giving these people hope yet you won't take part in your own court de? Who are you Phoniex? David never bothered with you you just took up his work. I know this and so do many others. Where are those donations going you've taken?
That's actually a good question. Since you're not spending anything but sponging off your followers what happened to the money Jacquie?
Dawn Ripley
Jacquie Phoenix you have broken your oath. If you ever did oath.... Which your actions, your behaviour to people here in the UK who have given you hospitality . You have shown your own self. Court De or please GTFO. No other option for you and I personally will have you removed from this country.
Then the posts shifted into Welsh (translated);
Arwyn Evans
Samantha Mcphail
something busy with this

See Original (Welsh)
Samantha Mcphail
Arwyn Evans
is true, or she wouldn't have taken what I said. He was true, my daughter and my best mate said a thing because they were here world. True still coming out. Is it obvious not like to hear it, but I'm not watching while trying to see people who have helped her under bus. I have morals. I have a screenshot, so if it takes this, I'll put it again.
See Original (Welsh)
Samantha Mcphail
Defo, he took it again. She doesn't like the truth.
o •
See Original (Welsh)
However Jacquie seems to still have a solid core of support. Perhaps it’s significant (at least to me) that they appear to be mostly people who haven’t met her yet;
Ras Tafaree
I am privileged to be apart of your group.I wholeheartedly thank you for your wisdom knowledge innerstanding and your willingness to share it amongst us.Together we shall rise and claim what is ordained for us by default and that is the right to be a free sovereign people.Thank you so much in advance
Bea Morrison
I really suggest we all stay on track, and push forward with why we are all here in the first place. Let continue to honour David Robinson's work and not undue any of Jacquie's committed hard work! Once again the offer of accomadation and lift is still present for the Bournemouth event, if you have any idea on numbers intererested night now we could ask about for a venue! Lee and Bea Morrison
Margaret Norwood
Thank you so much , I missed the Nottinghamshire meeting but will keep a look out incase I am able to attend any others xx
Anne Galvin
Bless you Jacquie, unfortunate but I am sure not unforseen by you, and certainly armed with warnings from David. So, better upheaval than going with a flow that ain't right. Still very much looking forward to catching up with you
Alexandra Domin
you are doing a fantastic job and need to go to a meeting you mentioned Exeter that would be frate for us since we live in Cornwall
Then we hit the wall;
A moderator turned off commenting for this post.
And, a few hours ago, Jacquie had an Alberta acolyte post a video from Jacquie whers she tells us that she’s been cut off from Facebook until the end of the month;
Thank you for your patience and understanding. As you know we’ve had some very serious infiltration into the group and I’m still receiving complaints so I apologize to all those group members who have been affected by this and all the venue hosts that were turned down I am so, so, so sorry. Please know that this is not going to bring the group down, this is not gonna slow us down, this is not going to stop our push for Redress. I am going to need a few days to change things around a little bit so that we can start off this tour bigger, stronger and (with emhasis) better than ever before and I promise you I will fight a hundred and ten percent harder for Redress and your freedom and the freedom of your children. So please bear with me while we make these changes but get ready boys and girls, cause we’re going to win this war!!! ... 621582698/

Having been burned by hurtful comments in prior postings Jacquie makes a pre-emptive strike in this one;
Mariete Lz turned off commenting for this post.
But posts are disappearing fast! Some quotes from above are already gone and a large number of message threads have been locked down. Damage control is underway!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds like the Fauxnix is meeting and influencing people right and left, just not in a good way. Kind of sounds like her past dirty laundry is coming back to haunt her. Trés triste.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

I was thinking of setting up a burner Facebook account to find out the venues in advance to arrange an honour guard of plods waiting for her to turn up... but watching her trash and destroy the PLD from the inside is far better entertainment. :snicker:
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by grixit »

I just realized: after you bare with someone, you have to redress.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by Burnaby49 »

It’s like Billy Sunday has arisen from the grave and is on tour again!
Jenny Essery
1d •
I have just had the pleasure of spending 6 days with Jacquie Phoenix on the road providing transport. This is the 3rd time I have spent time travelling, going to redress meetings & staying with her . My husband came with me on the previous 2 trips.

I just wanted to give an account of my experience of time spent with Jacquie for the benefit of anyone who may have any doubts of her commitment or dedication to this movement since some meetings had to be cancelled this week through no fault of her own.

I have seen with my own eyes some of the very shocking attempts to sabotage this movement but I can honestly say that Jacquie is beyond passionate about never giving up until we have redress. Her focus is undoubtedly on giving back the rightful power to the people & restoring the rule of law so we can put a stop, once and for all, to the high treason which is robbing us of our Sovereignty & has been doing so for hundreds of years. She talks often about the importance of not letting our children be robbed of their future & how, ultimately, we have to do this for them & the future of humanity. I have seen how so many people have gone from feeling hopeless to feeling excited & motivated to do what they need to do to contribute to making this happen. I have never left a single meeting where people have not been inspired, happy, & full of hope once again after hearing the message Jacquie has to give. I feel privileged to be a very small part of it!

The uplifting meetings are amazing for sure, and the more we can have the better. However, we must also understand that it is far from easy to be in a foreign country, living out of a suitcase, sleeping in different places constantly, not eating too well because there's limited choice when you're constantly on the road, especially during a lockdown. It is extremely stressful & intense at times & takes an enormous amount of grit & tenacity to continue to drive forward. I have seen Jacquie looking exhausted at times. There have been times when she really could do without going to another redress meeting but she pushes herself because there literally is NOTHING more important to her. After the meetings she too is uplifted & motivated & inspired to push on regardless because she sees & hears what people have to say. Some have cried because they have felt hopeful again after feeling utter despair & hopelessness.


This is our chance to literally win the war and change the world. We NEED to remain fully united and focused on the end goal of bringing to justice the treasonous criminals who have already robbed us of our freedom & are committing genocide and worse before our very eyes!!!

We can do this!!!! But not if we allow anything to divide us in any way. We CAN stay united whilst not agreeing with everyone about everything.

Remember, every one of us are SOVEREIGN PEOPLE and, by default, we are going to have differences of opinion, different ideas & disagreements. But, UNITY is the ONLY thing that will allow us to win this war as divided we fall.

I am very humbled and grateful for the sacrifices Jacquie makes to bring us together to make this happen. Without her this movement wouldn't be gathering momentum and without ALL of us her efforts would be in vein.

So, let us stay focused, determined, excited, united, as together WE ARE GOING TO WIN THIS WAR!!!!
However many of her followers aren’t looking at the big picture, freeing Britain from the bondage of slavery from an oppressive government. They’re caught up in their own little dramas and think article 61 a convenient bludgeon against everyday problems, generally self-inflicted;
Nadia Mcdonald
Hello - can someone point me in the direction of the Conditional acceptances in the files so I can advise son's school of Article 61 and the high treason issue.

I would also like to put the head teacher on notice of Lawful objection can someone assist please to find in the templates / files section? Thank you so much x
So her kid’s school problems can be solved by ranting about high treason under article 61! Bet that will terrify the school board.

Some are running into procedural problems;
Juliette Alt Ashmore
I signed the common law notice back in Manchester some weeks back, but still not received it back,even though it was sent recorded delivery..So great someone has my signature now and has not bothered to reply..Anyone else had this problem?? Thanks
Red Willow
February 17 at 6:41 AM •
Hello all members and admin. I sent my first notices 3 weeks ago and the tracking for the police notice says it hasn't been signed for yet. Do I send another first notice? Stuck and confused! Thanks!
Wanda Bernabe
I'd like to ask a question. In the notices, we usually say that the person involved will be comiting treason. How would I Sue them if there is no common law courts. This is what I was told. Hope someone can help me please.
Juliette Alt Ashmore
I sent my very first one about six weeks ago, signed deliv,but still not received anything back..Confused now
Cheryl Shollack
Hello everyone. Does anyone know where the thing about this is treason to deny my human rights and anyone who tries to enforce this on me is committing treason and will be tried for treason and executed? (I thought I screen shot it, but I don't have it.
And the usual traffic issues. It always comes down to traffic issues. That's how Robert Menard, the man himself, was finally defeated;
Leah Marliese
2d •
I shop at aldi and the car park has been taken over by a private company. If I don't comply and put my registration number into a system in the store they will send me a fine of upto £70 . What is the best way I can deal with this being under oath please?

Do I send notice process now as it states in letter if my details have been fraudulently misused or should I wait till I receive a fine?

Thank you..

Prince Charles somehow got on the wrong side of them too;
Laura JE Hamilton
He needs to be put on notice of A61 and convicted of crimes against hue-manity if he chooses to continue to now knowingly support treason as we'll have served him his notice that he was fired March 23, 2001 when A61 was invoked. Now it's time for us to all stand behind it. The question is, will we? I am willing and many others are too - so join us for the new PEACEFULL INNER Warriors United Lawfully Organized Summits so that we can all unite in the name of a laser like focus that can uplift and inspire us all! What do you think? Is it possible or too optimistic or idealistic, and why? Let us instead say why not? And if not us then who? Let us unite now!
And all threads are ending the same way nowadays;
An admin turned off commenting for this post.
This kind of self-interested thinking doesn’t bode well for Jacquie’s future prospects. While she’s flogging pie in the sky world salvation it’s apparently easy to feed her gullible followers endless bullshit cloaked as profundity. But when they start failing at using it to solve their own specific problems they may start re-thinking why they’re wasting time on this nonsense. That was how it went in Canada. The gurus generally tried to be non-specific which would work for a while but when the suckers couldn’t get anything out of scams like 96 Is Your Fix or Menard’s magic Freeman credit card interest dropped rapidly. You had the same story with Tom Crawford. He was golden for a time with all his senseless blathering about how he could deep-six his mortgage but once he lost his house and was evicted all of the parasites who wanted a free ride moved on too. But, then again, maybe a purple-haired loon from Canada is exactly what you Brits need to break the shackles of tyranny! Feel free to keep her as long as you want. We’ll somehow make that sacrifice for the mother country.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by The Observer »

grixit wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:26 am I just realized: after you bare with someone, you have to redress.
I have to admit, this is something I had not considered when I mocked Jacquie for not knowing the difference between "bear" and "bare." But now I have to believe that this movement is actually stripping down and getting dressed again as a way of getting out of slavery to the government. Not sure how or why this would work any better than anything else that has been tried before, but I hope they keep it behind closed doors.
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

The Observer wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:28 pm Not sure how or why this would work any better than anything else that has been tried before, but I hope they keep it behind closed doors.
This could get bad. Hasn't she already threatened to expose everything? :snicker:
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by Burnaby49 »

A paranoid Jacquie is going batshit crazy!
Jacquie Phoenix
8h ·
We have kept the details of what happened quiet out of respect for those involved.

You're seriously worried about Stacey getting a court De jure ?

What you should be worried about is getting our court De jure to have the TREASON evidence heard instead of trying to disrupt this movement !

Oh believe you me she WILL stand before the Jury ! Along with the rest of the traitors to your FREEDOM !

This discussion is Over ! You were given witness testimony verifying my claim ! Leave it at that or leave this group it's that simple !

Get back to fighting for your freedom and Future of your Children or move along.
The simple fact that you are still discussing it shows I am right !

Look at the division you're allowing it to bring 🤔

Number 1 rule of warfare people Divide and Conquer !

I'm not the one still causing problems and complaining I'm not the one on the attack !
I know that the fight is way more important.

Get it together people where are your priorities ?
Jacquie Phoenix
7h ·
Anyone who does not like my decision to the put the movement and the group above 1 person can leave Now. I am not joking you are just causing more division not knowing the whole story. I made my decision and that's final. Your future is at stake and if you want to throw your freedom away for 1 person that's your choice. But again this discussion is OVER !
Read group Rules ALL Admin decisions ARE FINAL ! It's that simple I did what was necessary for the betterment of the group as a whole. If you want to leave than leave. But this discussion is OVER ! David handed the touch to me so I take your freedom very seriously simple.
Your Freedom was at risk so I got rid of the problem Simple ! Deal with it or find the door we don't have time for bs.
Jacquie Phoenix
5h ·
Attention Group Members it has been brought to my attention that files and topics are missing. I now have to spend the day finding out what is missing so I can replace it, as this is all vital information that you need. Please bare with me as I correct this issue.
I have had a stressful couple of weeks dealing with some very serious realities and making vital changes in order to protect the Peoples Push for Redress.
This is not a personal falling out, this is protecting your Sovereignty and that of your Children and that of All Future Generations.
Now I find out that on top of everything I have to waist time fixing the Files, when I should be finishing organizing the tour properly so we can Reach maximum People in Less time with Less traveling.
I especially don't need to be hassled for Defending Your Freedom,
That is what I am supposed to DO !
That is WHY David handed me the Baton he knew I could do the Job.
There will be a mass Trial upon Redress where all people throughout the commonwealth will be asked to submit their Evidence.
Everything Will come out THEN. Until then this discussion is over because we have a war to win !
The fact that I have to spend the day going over the files should be enough of a confirmation.
Comments for all posts were turned off before anyone had a chance to reply.

I particularly like the comment;
The simple fact that you are still discussing it shows I am right !

She's used that one before. She's always right no matter what lunatic garbage she spews out because if you agree with her that proves she's right and if you disagree with her that's also proof that she's right. With that kind of evidentiary basis all those projected treason trial are guaranteed convictions.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by eric »

Forgive me for sounding a little paranoid, but IMHO the current disarray may be purposely being stoked. Unless Jacquie suddenly wins the lottery she's going to be even more pennyless than she allready is very shortly. She can then stomp off back to Canada claiming that nobody was listening to her so she's returning home to regroup. Right now she's staring at no AISH and no medical benefits so it's time to withdraw while blaming her misfortunes on everyone else..
Frater I*I
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by Frater I*I »

Burnaby49 wrote: Mon Mar 01, 2021 8:44 am But, then again, maybe a purple-haired loon from Canada is exactly what you Brits need to break the shackles of tyranny! Feel free to keep her as long as you want. We’ll somehow make that sacrifice for the mother country.
Most noble of you good sir :haha:
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Re: PLD Get's It's Ass Handed To It At Alberta's Queen's Bench

Post by Burnaby49 »

Britain got the PLD freedom from tyranny movement started then generously shared it with Canada. We're just returning the favour by sending Canada's greatest PLD leader and scholar back to the source to resurrect your shattered movement. It's the least we can do to show our gratitude.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".