Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

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Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by k1w1 »

Where the heck is Ayrader? Wha've ya done with him? Burnaby, have you got something to do with Ayrader's doom here? Dear god, I fear so.

Last I seen o' poor ol' Ayrader, he'd hatched a cunning plan to entrap one o' them dirty Freeman gurus, to hoist the sod on his own petard as it were. He'd knowingly purchased some sort o' bogus financial instrument from said guru and was gonna fly up to Toronto to see a lawyer about suing the ass off the scruffy Freeman. Yep, ol' Ayrader was planning to knock two birds off with one stone -- for one, he'd give his guru nemesis his just deserts and, for two, he'd be able to rub my nose in it for how I was always tellin' 'im it wouldn't work, for tellin' 'im that them gurus be immune.

Oh, my, how I laughed when I saw all that! I almost came back then just to start a dope clock in his honour. But I bet only the guru and the lawyer profited much from his cunning plan, eh. Am I right, Wes, just the guru and the lawyer? lol

[sigh] Now I see he's been altogether exterminated from these forums. Oh, well, such is fate, eh, but a shame nevertheless.

Heya ninja me ol' shipmate, hope ya keepin' well out there on the choppy seas what is life. I still have fond memories about that time we sank a ship together with the rev. It was all Karma, man. lol Fun times...

Anyway, I'm off to read an interesting looking paper about sovereign citizens and magical thinking. I'll be disappointed if they don't at least once use the word homunculus which is just the funnest word to say three times. Try it. See ya soon, shipmates!
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by Burnaby49 »

A voice from the past I'd forgotten and certainly hadn't missed. I'd also forgotten that pigpot (banned long ago, as was Arayder) had started a discussion berating my moderating style and k1w1 had eagerly joined in;

http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtop ... 479bdf1767

I'd also mercifully forgotten wes's horrendous pun;
No one expects the Pottish Inpigsition.
Until memories of piggy and k1wi seared it back into my memory.

As far as Arayder goes, yes, I had a large part in his banning, but only a part. As much as I might wish it nobody gets banned from Quatloos because of the decision of a single asshole moderator. If that were the case k1w1 would have been long gone.
Anyway, I'm off to read an interesting looking paper about sovereign citizens and magical thinking. I'll be disappointed if they don't at least once use the word homunculus which is just the funnest word to say three times. Try it. See ya soon, shipmates!
At least k1w1 is reading Donald's articles. That's a step up. Unfortunately he's going to be disappointed about Donald's lack of love for "homunculus". However Donald is a big fan of tardigrades;


Sadly that's not the same thing. But that shouldn't stop k1w1 from chanting homunculus three times if that's how he amuses himself in these dismal times. In the covid era every little bit helps.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by k1w1 »

Hey there, Burnaby, I see you're still the same tedious, bitter and twisted former accountant I knew from more joyous times past, lacking as usual in both style and humour. Are you still an unproductive member of society? No, wait, I'm thinking of Wes. lol

Anyway, I remember how you always proudly boasted that no one ever gets banned from this forum. I guess you were wrong about that, eh. I see you're singing a different tune about that now. But what'd Ayrader do, call someone a nasty name three times?

That being said, me old china, what do ya reckon about how a sov-cit-type moron got to be the leader of the freakin' Free World for four years? That could've been pigpot himself! There's me thinkin' the good folk at Quatloos had these clowns all wrapped up and next moment Info Wars is being given White House press room credentials while the nation's biggest tax dodger is kicking up his heels on Air Force One and imagining he's above the law just like every good Freeman does. Farken crazy hilarious! You sad lot must have been in despair... or at least more so than usual.

As for your mate Donald, I didn't see him use the word tardigrade even once in his paper on OPCA and magical thinking but he did use the word doppelganger at least three times. I can only imagine how poorly you reacted to that. Tardigrades, indeed, you tragic wee homunculus.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

One minor quibble, k1w1: "wherefore" is not a synonym for "where". When Juliet asks "wherefore art thou Romeo", she is asking "why are you Romeo (Montagu)". Read the rest of her speech, and she is lamenting that he is a Montagu, while she is a Capulet, making their romance problematic for their families.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by eric »

Might I suggest this thread be moved over to the word salad thread since it's nothing more than a drive-by trolling attempt.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by Burnaby49 »

Anyway, I remember how you always proudly boasted that no one ever gets banned from this forum. I guess you were wrong about that, eh. I see you're singing a different tune about that now. But what'd Ayrader do, call someone a nasty name three times?
No need to make up fake comments from me, you already have a rich trove of entirely authentic Burnaby49 blather to work with. I said people rarely got banned from Quatloos, not that it never happened. You of course already knew this from pigpot's banning.
As for your mate Donald, I didn't see him use the word tardigrade even once in his paper on OPCA and magical thinking but he did use the word doppelganger at least three times.

Again twisting comments to serve your convenience. I didn't say (just last night, are you getting as senile as I am?) he'd mentioned tardigrades in his paper, I said he liked them.
Hey there, Burnaby, I see you're still the same tedious, bitter and twisted former accountant I knew from more joyous times past, lacking as usual in both style and humour. Are you still an unproductive member of society?
Guilty as charged to all of the above. The most productive thing I do is post on Quatloos. A sad indictment of my complete lack of any value to society.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by k1w1 »

LOL Look at this. I knew it wouldn't take much to stir up this sad, musty little corner of the web which smells like old man and urine. And great to see you're all as tedious, irrelevant and small-minded as ever. Some things never change, eh.

Burnaby, is there anything else you'd like to mention that your mate Donald is interested in that's completely unrelated to his paper about OPCA and magical thinking? Or was it just the tardigrades you thought somehow important in order to make whatever point you were trying to make?

And, Burnaby, please stop whining at me about the bee in your bonnet.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by k1w1 »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: Fri Mar 12, 2021 3:18 pm One minor quibble, k1w1: "
Just the one quibble? I remember when you used to have at least three quibbles per post. But I'm gonna leave the wherefore as it is in the hope it continues to gnaw at you.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by Burnaby49 »

LOL Look at this. I knew it wouldn't take much to stir up this sad, musty little corner of the web which smells like old man and urine.
I don't recall inviting you into my home.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

k1w1 wrote: Fri Mar 12, 2021 8:30 pm
Pottapaug1938 wrote: Fri Mar 12, 2021 3:18 pm One minor quibble, k1w1: "
Just the one quibble? I remember when you used to have at least three quibbles per post. But I'm gonna leave the wherefore as it is in the hope it continues to gnaw at you.
Sorry, but no deal. I can't recall anything which you've ever said which had any real value; and you're not worth enough of my time to let anything of yours gnaw at me.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by k1w1 »

Pottapaug1938 wrote: Sat Mar 13, 2021 12:08 amI can't recall anything which you've ever said which had any real value...
Yeah, I've noticed you're not as sharp as you used to be. I'm sure nowadays you struggle to recall what you had for breakfast this morning let alone what anyone said four years ago. Don't feel too bad, it's not your fault. Even ol' Burnaby can't recall things he boldly stated here just a few short years ago.

But I remember you as if it were just yesterday, P, clearly remember you as a snivelling wretch who quibbled a lot. And I'm sure there's real value to be found in that around here.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by k1w1 »

Ah, like I said previously, 'tis a crying shame what happened here to poor ol' Ayrader. And to dear gentle pigpot, too! They was my mates, my cobbers, my boon companions -- they was mine olde friends -- and now they're gone, gone, gone, taken from us too soon by the merciless seas o' fate, snatched from our bosom by the fell hand o' Burnaby, damn his cruel eyes!, to be hard cast and wreaked 'pon the reefs of oblivion. Woe unto them!

I wonder, how many other souls suffered doom here before ol' Burnaby started wantonly laying about him, first with my dearest pigpot and then later with poor ol' Ayrader? Or were mine olde friends the first to be banned from Quatloos?
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

No meaningful contribution. I concur with eric that it should be moved to the word salad thread.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by Burnaby49 »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Sat Mar 13, 2021 1:46 pm No meaningful contribution. I concur with eric that it should be moved to the word salad thread.
And the general opinion concurs with you. I've been chastised by my fellow moderators for being too soft-hearted to a ranting offensive lunatic and telling me to do my damn job. The truth is I'm a lazy indolent bastard who just couldn't be bothered given that k1w1's rants amused me.

But I've been given my marching orders so here's a warning for kiw1, any more posts totally devoid of any meaningful comments except invective will be deleted. Don't bother with another rant saying it's unfair because you don't know what the parameters are. You know exactly what you're doing. I'm not going to bother moving them to word salad or anywhere else, you're not worth the trouble. I'm assuming that you want to be banned to join the illustrious ranks of piggy and arayder but you're not worth the bother.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by k1w1 »

Ouch, you bunch o' mean old men.
Ah, but Burnaby, I'm only wondering how many people were banned before pigpot, just wondering if it rarely happened before or never happened before. Just a small quibble, as it were.

But don't worry, I won't be disturbing your sleepy peace here any more. See ya.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by wserra »

The entire alphabetical list of the not-so-dearly departed:

Calgary scam watch
David Merrill

Less than one per year.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by Burnaby49 »

Some of those take me back. Jackroe, joinder, lawyerdude, a roster of infamy. Of course it doesn't include the 2012 bloodbath. Departed but not mourned.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

k1w1 wrote: Sat Mar 13, 2021 6:20 am
Pottapaug1938 wrote: Sat Mar 13, 2021 12:08 amI can't recall anything which you've ever said which had any real value...
Yeah, I've noticed you're not as sharp as you used to be. I'm sure nowadays you struggle to recall what you had for breakfast this morning let alone what anyone said four years ago. Don't feel too bad, it's not your fault. Even ol' Burnaby can't recall things he boldly stated here just a few short years ago.

But I remember you as if it were just yesterday, P, clearly remember you as a snivelling wretch who quibbled a lot. And I'm sure there's real value to be found in that around here.
Given the quality of your (ahahaha) memory and perception, I feel no need to take any of your juvenile insults seriously.
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

wserra wrote: Sat Mar 13, 2021 8:48 pm The entire alphabetical list of the not-so-dearly departed:

Calgary scam watch
David Merrill

Less than one per year.
What? No Harvester?
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Re: Wherefore Art Thee, Mine Olde Friends?

Post by wserra »

Harvey was never banned, he was moderated. He then didn't post for sufficiently long that the board de-activated him.

'Course, his brain was pretty much inactive while he was still posting.
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