Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

aesmith wrote: Fri Apr 23, 2021 12:10 pm For those who know, would he now be appealing his sentence only, or the whole thing ie conviction?
I'm probably no more in the know than you. I read his garbage, compare it with court documents and the legal process and try to make some sort of sense of it.

For contempt you have an automatic right of appeal against the sentence and conviction. Whilst (unlike normal cases) you will automatically get permission, you still have to go through the formality of asking for it.

As far as I know, the only appeal that has been refused was his filing for Neelu because he filed it in the wrong court (on her behalf), evidenced by it getting a new case number.

He still hasn't run down the clock on his own. He has submitted it within the time period (which I believe is 21 days from sentencing).

Technically Neelu could still get her appeal as it's in the discretion of the court. However, the letter to her from the State's solicitor does seem to indicate that he, er sorry, Neelu was told exactly what she had to do and failed to do it so they may take a dim view of it.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by aesmith »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Fri Apr 23, 2021 1:13 pmHe has submitted it within the time period (which I believe is 21 days from sentencing).
I'm not sure he has, although of course happy to be corrected. He's submitted a form N244 which is some sort of generic application for "things" relating to cases in the County Court and High Court. He's not actually said in his form what he's applying for, just accompanied it with one of his drivel documents. Unknown (to me), is N244 the correct form to apply for appeal? Where has he filed it, it says the High Court, is that the correct place? Will anyone take the trouble to read and try and make sense of his drivel.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by longdog »

At question 9 he seems to be confused as to who is the claimant. Either that or he wants the claim served on himself.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by John Uskglass »

EWE has seen fit to publish his correspondence with one of his 'clients'.

https://equitygovernance.uk/wp-content/ ... eneral.pdf

Hard to say if it's a case of they deserve each other or EWE exploiting them.
The two law firms i.eCOMPTONS, the lawyers of the resident's association and WALKER MORRIS, the lawyers of the mortgage company and my previous lawyer, Roger Hardwick, from BRETHERTONS are collaborating together in order to evict me because I have EQUITY and they know I am also VULNERABLE as I am a litigant in person.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

aesmith wrote: Fri Apr 23, 2021 2:10 pm Unknown (to me), is N244 the correct form to apply for appeal?
Don't think so. I think it is a statement of claim for civil stuff. I'll look it up.
Close :shrug: (Okay I wasn't) https://www.gov.uk/government/publicati ... ion-notice
Use this 'application notice' to ask a court to set aside or vary a judgment, or suspend an enforcement process.
So could actually be the right one. Needs a fee most of the time too.

(What I was thinking of is this is the form to ask please don't repo my house.)
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by Hercule Parrot »

John Uskglass wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 8:53 am EWE has seen fit to publish his correspondence with one of his 'clients'.

https://equitygovernance.uk/wp-content/ ... eneral.pdf

Hard to say if it's a case of they deserve each other or EWE exploiting them.
This new 'client' has quite a history in her own account. EWE's shocking disregard for confidentiality easily leads to identification. It appears she has been waging a querulous dispute about complex lease charges for over a decade, and I imagine the accumulated legal costs will have effectively bankrupted her.

Remarkably, she actually won on a particular point which Shelter think important enough to cite in their advice pages (https://england.shelter.org.uk/legal/ho ... d_property). Important to note that she was represented by real lawyers at that time.

I don't understand the Byzantine world of leasehold, and hope to maintain this ignorance until I achieve room temperature, but here it is anyway - https://www.bailii.org/uk/cases/UKUT/LC/2015/221.html
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by Tinkle Bucket »

" On 16th April 2021the Contempt Fraud Appeal 2020 000286 got a Penalty Hearing Audio Record of the Equity Lawyer giving Oral "

Steady on there Edward.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by exiledscouser »

He’s been on a suspended sentence before has EWE and this latest one gets the same approach - just ignore it safe in the knowledge nothing will happen.

What does his still live injunction require of him?

Don’t take on clients
Don’t pass yourself off a a solicitor
Don’t file nonsense on their behalf with competent courts

Take today. There is a mountain of legal gibberish to plough through. He yet again publishes stuff that “real” briefs would never consider putting on the interweb. He recruits and represents clients. He betrays everyone’s confidence.

Of course Neely says it’s all right because he’s pro-bono (not a U2 fan - means for nothing) but as his clients find themselves the recipients of orders for costs, well, uthey are discovering that lunch ain’t free.

Which hugely frustrate me because the courts could step in and stop all this filing and poncing about, his pretending he’s part of the Royal Commission, that he has the backing of Prince Bishops and King Arthur etc. Instead the courts indulge his fantasy world, fail to properly deal with him and more’s the point, don’t step in to protect the interests of the vulnerable and those misguided enough to use his services.

It’s fucking incredible that he’s still doing exactly the same stuff that got him the Civil injunction NOT to do all this bollocks in the first place.

/Rant. Annnnd breathe.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

exiledscouser wrote: Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:15 pm He’s been on a suspended sentence before has EWE and this latest one gets the same approach - just ignore it safe in the knowledge nothing will happen.
Are you sure about that? He's been on restraining orders, yes, but they are not the same as an actual criminal suspended sentence as they are civil.

Have you got details?

And I've read his latest tosh. Yes, he's interfering, but his new mark has an actual lawyer. He' s just messing with her head rather than the courts. And the "Royal Commission" crap is just an email address. There is no suggestion that he is actually being taken seriously given his complaints about being ignored or representing anyone to them other than sending spam.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

The latest posting by EWE is a useful primer on his legal philosophy gibberish, and I hadn't realised he was a new age Nostradamus in predicting vacuum fitness. When he finds out about Boris Johnson's texts to and from James Dyson, I bet we'll get a vacuum fraud post :lol:
The Equity Lawyer is not aware of Unfitness Rebuttal Evidence against any of them that validates a Leadership Vacuum Fitness Review. In addition, there are Leadership Vacuum Fitness Findings for MP Mr Iain Duncan Smith and MP Mr David Davies. It does not matter whether Vacuum Leadership Enquiries get Service Refusals by any or all of them.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by longdog »

It does not matter whether Vacuum Leadership Enquiries get Service Refusals by any or all of them.

I assume that parses into English as "I never get any reply to the green crayon gibberish I send".
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by exiledscouser »

Hi Sage
AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:19 pm
exiledscouser wrote: Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:15 pm He’s been on a suspended sentence before has EWE and this latest one gets the same approach - just ignore it safe in the knowledge nothing will happen.
Are you sure about that? He's been on restraining orders, yes, but they are not the same as an actual criminal suspended sentence as they are civil.

Have you got details?
I found it in HM Solicitor General V Edward Ellis [2020] EWHC 3505 (QB) at paragraph 2, emphasis mine;
The Applicant alleges that the Respondent is in breach of a General Civil Restraint Order (GCRO) imposed upon him on 22ndFebruary 2018 by Mrs Justice May for a period of two years which was subsequently upheld by the Court of Appeal. The GCRO was imposed at the conclusion of committal proceedings when the judge found the Respondent to be in contempt of court for which she sentenced him to 3 months imprisonment suspended for 1 year. This application alleges nine separate instances of breach against Mr Ellis in 2019 arising from his behaviour since the imposition of the GCRO but after expiry of the suspended sentence order.
He really has gone into overdrive in the link you have just posted to Eddy's World. If we just remind ourselves what the GCRO says;
the Respondent be restrained from issuing any claim or making any application in the High Court or the County Court without first obtaining the permission of May J or any High Court or Deputy High Court Judge. The order makes clear that the reference to issuing any claim or making any application extends to procuring any other person to issue any claim or to make any application and sets out features of a claim form or application notice which would result in it being deemed to be a claim or application notice procured by the Respondent. The references are to phrases characteristic of the Respondent's drafting style** as described in the passages from the judgment of May J set out at [4] above.
** i.e. his unique and highly idiosyncratic form of legal-sounding gibberish.

Recently he appears to gone into total EWE meltdown with the solicitation of clients, of filing further gibberish on their behalf under his nom-de-guerre The Equity Lawyer (operative word here being ...err... Lawyer!) whilst doing his best to thumb his nose at the courts and his new suspended sentence.

Still, that's nothing that another suspended sentence would not cure. :(

As Billy Joel might say (in what is a truly great and overlooked song of his);

And so it goes....
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by exiledscouser »

I saw this case from 2008 which indicate that even back then he was well on path to ruin. It appears to relate to a probate issue between Ellis family members although I can't work out if Mrs. Ellis is a long-suffering wife or a sister. This judgement makes it clear there is a large financial order awaiting EWE (£85,533.31 - ooof!) and, in the final paragraph this rather stinging rebuke for the fearless Equity Lawyer;
I record that this application is wholly without merit. I do so in the light of the immoderate approach which Mr Ellis has taken to this application in attacking the Government, Parliament and on a wholesale basis, the judiciary as he has done on previous occasions.
Oh dear, they (the judicial cabal secretly conspiring against him) were well aware of his antics even then. The judge continued;
In that context, I observe that, in the course of his submissions, Mr Ellis referred to an appeal which he is making to the Court of Appeal from a decision of the Divisional Court. This relates to an application brought by him concerning his permanent suspension from the Roll of Solicitors as the result of Law Society disciplinary proceedings against him. As it happens, I had a copy of the decision of the Divisional Court which I myself had been intending to raise with Mr Ellis at some time during his application but he raised the matter first. He appeared to find it suspicious that I should have had a copy of this decision, no doubt regarding me as part of the judicial conspiracy against him. I suspect that I was already guilty of this conspiracy in his eyes even before he discovered that I possessed this judgment. Be that as it may, it can be seen from the judgment of Leveson LJ in the Divisional Court, whether or not the actual decision is upheld on appeal, that the present case is not the first time when Mr Ellis has adopted the immoderate approach which I have described and explains why I say "as he has done on previous occasions" in the first sentence of this paragraph.
He was appealing, appealing, endlessly appealing even then.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Cheers for that. The main things I'd point out that that suspended sentence expired in 2019; and that the court does not monitor and investigate its own orders unless they are brought to their attention.

It would take someone to report him to the police or to Contempt.SharedMailbox@attorneygeneral.gov.uk for him to face action.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by John Uskglass »

In January 2021 the ruin Fraud Conspiracy against Citizens Mr and Mrs Nkrumah used a Drug Crime Framing Fraud + Shea Butter for Suspicious Substance Misrepresentation Frauds
Even by EWE's standards, that's a corker!
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by grixit »

"Leadership Vacuum Fitness" is the title of my new beat poetry anthology.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

EWE has posted more of his nonsensical gibberish, but is the net closing in on another of the anti-Semitic morons?
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

In his latest gibberish, he has posted one new fact. Apparently he was diagnosed with kidney problems that warranted constant monitoring in 1980. His kidney treatment fraud has been meticulously planned by TPTB for decades.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

To be fair "constantly monitored" on the NHS could amount to an annual urine test.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by longdog »

You can be "constantly monitored" one minute and out of the door the next. It's not necessarily and open ended thing.

If you attend A&E with a head-wound you can be "constantly monitored" after they have stitched you up just to make sure you don't have concussion... For an hour or so.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?