Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by aesmith »

I don't think this update from 29th March was posted before. Supposedly it shows the documentary evidence he's filed to support his prosecution. All it really shows is a series of photos of folders, and a receipt showing he paid £26.75 in postage.

And he's upset by someone apparently writing “The PCP is a fantasy – completely made up – just like everything else he claims to have achieved.”

https://www.thebernician.net/pub-v-hanc ... ce-bundle/
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by longdog »

I saw those pictures the other day. Not that the court is going to wade through all of it but it's going to make a repeat performance of "We didn't have enough Primark Facescrub evidence so we are going to get more and have another go" hard to sustain.
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SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by John Uskglass »

If the quotes he cites from 'Common Purpose shills' are genuine, either there's quite a few folk even nuttier than him, or people are doing a fine job of winding him up.

I note in passing that he claims to be working class. Which is a bit rich, seeing as how as far as I can tell, he's never had a proper job. And weren't his parents some species of rentier?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

John Uskglass wrote: Tue Apr 06, 2021 1:30 pm I note in passing that he claims to be working class. Which is a bit rich, seeing as how as far as I can tell, he's never had a proper job. And weren't his parents some species of rentier?
He's a trust baby. Which means he feels that he has great affinity with the unemployed.

However, unlike the actual unemployed, I bet he hasn't had spaghetti and butter as the main meal of the day. He's the male subject from Pulp's "Common People". He lives the life of the poor vicariously.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by JamesVincent »

I always thought one of the greatest ironies in our world is that people who talk about what the "poor" goes through really have no clue what being poor is. They grew up in middle class or higher families and a hard day for them was deciding what outfit to wear. Yet, somehow, they can tell you all about what's going on in Skid Row.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Hercule Parrot »

That ring-binder is hilarious. His case is literally "here's some press articles and research papers, which I will now misrepresent to construct a lunatic conspiracy theory." The idiot has wasted months drafting this opus, which will fail instantly when it encounters reality. But as others have said, Waugh doesn't mind because he's a trust fund LARPer. He can waste his whole life constructing grand follies which achieve nothing, because he never puts his own comfort or property at stake.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by aesmith »

Does someone have to read all that stuff before throwing his case out?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by longdog »

aesmith wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:48 am Does someone have to read all that stuff before throwing his case out?
I very much doubt it. As far as I know you are supposed to submit an outline of of the case saying X did Y contrary to law Z and you will produce evidence from A, B and C to that effect. Some short précis of the evidence listing the main and strongest points is probably advisable. He seems to think the case is going to be tried at this level rather than the Chief Magistrate just looking at whether there is a case to answer. Given that the whole thing is wrong in law from the get-go we can all guess where the three files of bollocks will end up.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by exiledscouser »

This was posted back in October 2020
John Uskglass wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 11:46 pm Shit just got real, folks...

https://www.thebernician.net/mps-served ... mic-fraud/
Here lies the Notice of Intended Private Criminal Prosecution, which was served upon every serving MP by email this morning, for and on behalf of the British people.

<drivel, drivel, scribble, drivel>

This notice represents the last opportunity that every serving MP has to put right their wrongdoings against the People and was served upon them all this morning, as they prepared for a Parliamentary debate about whether the unlawful and void Coronavirus Act 2020 should be treacherously applied for another two years.

In the event that enough MP’s do not rise in opposition to block the de facto government’s attempt to perpetuate its own unaccountability until next spring, by midnight on 02/10/2020, a top QC will be engaged and the charges will be laid in a criminal court against every serving MP.

Let’s hope that enough consciences are sufficiently agitated to make sure that the tyrannous act is struck out as void and unlawful, with those responsible for crimes against the People being prosecuted with the full force of the Common Law.

Because the most likely alternative is that the People will hold them all jointly and severally liable for every one of those crimes, in Common Law courts and genocide tribunals.
So, we must assume the 'top QC' is even now preparing a case that will bring the establishment to its knees. Bit strange that St Michael hasn't rushed to tell a waiting world who it is, but given his long string of legal triumphs, I'm sure there's a good reason. The fact that such a momentous move in an already febrile political atmosphere hasn't made the papers just shows the establishment MSM cover up for what it is.

Any suggestion that this is going to be another job for HHJ Smith's dress up box is completely unfounded, and if repeated, will result in an obligation to pay the Common Law Court eleventy squillion Eileens.
Whatever became of the “top QC” and the dedicated pro-bono army of tireless legal underlings said to have been driving this all forward?

Why given the preponderance of overwhelming evidence MoB claims to have gathered and which is now before the court are they no longer at the helm?

Or even mentioned?

I think we should be told!
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by JamesVincent »

exiledscouser wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:37 am “top QC”
Head of Quality Control stepped in?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by exiledscouser »

On the subject of Private Prosecutions before the criminal courts my eye was drawn to this case;

Alison Chabloz has anti-Semitic songs conviction upheld https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-d ... e-47230443

This person was given a suspended sentence for writing and broadcasting anti-Semitic songs. Despite this she went on to make further hateful remarks against Jews and eventually heard the clang of the cell door as she was finally sent down. Free speech is given a broad licence to allow folk to be offensive to one another but reading the article Ms. Chabloz stepped well over the line.

I mention it as it was originally started off as a private matter which the CPS took over and ran. It also deals with a very real problem here in the UK - a vocal minority pumping out anti Semitic hate, a trait in common to some who are posted about on Q.

I simply cannot comprehend what motivates this type, you’d think with events throughout the Greater German Reich in WW2 that we’d have been cured of this malaise forever.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by longdog »

exiledscouser wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:28 pmI simply cannot comprehend what motivates this type, you’d think with events throughout the Greater German Reich in WW2 that we’d have been cured of this malaise forever.
Events that she claims to believe never happened. Whether or not she genuinely believes that or simply thinks that it was a good thing I wouldn't like to say. These scumbags do have a tendency to both deny The Holocaust and praise it so who knows what's going on in whatever they have in lieu of a brain.

Eighteen months in chokey is satisfyingly harsh.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Wakeman52 »

You can find anti-semitic tropes on M O'Waffle's website without too much effort, despite the distracting volume of his valueless musing and rants. Raising his profile by repeatedly blanket e-mailing MPs with threats may not attract the type of attention he wants from them, but something entirely different.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by John Uskglass »

It looks as if MoB has stopped updating his 'Bernician' site, as his most recent update only appears to be on the 'Peoples Union of Britain' one.

Which is a shame, because exciting and momentous things have happened since I last checked in!
We just received confirmation that the case files are with the court's listing department, who expect a hearing will soon be listed, after final checks by their legal team.

It has also been moved to the court which deals with all PCPs, so we are anticipating the fireworks will start going off very soon.

The waiting masses are then referred to this link:
https://highlylikelynews.com/2021/04/12 ... e-victory/

This doesn't appear to be an MoB production (the English is much poorer) and whoever is behind it isn't quite with the program, as they say
There are many side cases going on yet this one in the High Court, probably the Old Bailey, the Common Law court of the Land due to a jury of 12 good men and women true, will be the show stopper of all showstoppers. The brilliant point is that its huge impact will force by every rule book the BBC, ITV, SKY and others to report truth for the first time in decades. It will destroy the curtain they have used to cover up so much criminality.

There is a squiddling’s chance of the judge being nobbled in the High Court, unlike the lower civil court that is rampant and built on criminal practices.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by hucknallred »

The latest instalment, we're off to Bromley Magistrates Court, because reasons. Hopefully a magistrate will green light the digging up of a few thousand corpses soon.

https://www.thebernician.net/pcp-set-to ... tes-court/
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Hercule Parrot »

John Uskglass wrote: Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:14 pm This doesn't appear to be an MoB production (the English is much poorer) and whoever is behind it isn't quite with the program, as they say
There are many side cases going on yet this one in the High Court, probably the Old Bailey, the Common Law court of the Land due to a jury of 12 good men and women true, will be the show stopper of all showstoppers. The brilliant point is that its huge impact will force by every rule book the BBC, ITV, SKY and others to report truth for the first time in decades. It will destroy the curtain they have used to cover up so much criminality.
Some interesting echoes of the MAGA/QAnon cult there. The great storm which will overthrow tranny, etc. I suspect it can't be long before they join up.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by CrankyBoomer »

Well according to this lady's tarot reading we are wrong to be sceptical about M O'Bonkers...ah bless!. I think she's well-meaning lady but totally mistaken.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by notorial dissent »

CrankyBoomer wrote: Mon Apr 26, 2021 2:02 pm Well according to this lady's tarot reading we are wrong to be sceptical about M O'Bonkers...ah bless!. I think she's well-meaning lady but totally mistaken. snippity snip
Blithering, feeble minded, doddering, new age hack you mean. Inhaled way too much patchouli I think. Not just wrong, but fractally wrong. A two year old with a deck of playing cards could do better.
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by Wakeman52 »

Shows he thinks he's on really solid ground.... :sarcasmon:
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Re: Michael (of Bernicia) Waugh, UK bankster-buster

Post by notorial dissent »

Wakeman52 wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:26 pm Shows he thinks he's on really solid ground.... :sarcasmon:
Nothing says sure fire legal case like relying on a poorly done, hazy fazy, new age gibber jabber card reading.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.