Baron David Ward

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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by hucknallred »

John Uskglass wrote: Fri May 14, 2021 9:55 am Laws on burial in the UK are surprisingly flexible. Essentially, providing you meet some basic public health requirements, and complete the paperwork, you can bury a corpse on any land you own.
Indeed. I wonder if the owners of Bodenham Manor are aware that Guy Taylor Snr. is buried in the grounds?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by John Uskglass »

Perhaps a friend of Baron can actually give him a permanent home in their garden.
Ideally in his van, surrounded by his paperwork, dressed in full regalia, for future archaeologists to wonder at.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by exiledscouser »

Torch the van with him laid within, a proper Viking end.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by SteveD »

hucknallred wrote: Thu May 13, 2021 4:30 pm It's sort of known as a paupers funeral in the UK. Local authority will instruct a funeral director to drive the corpse to the crematorium as cheaply as possible, I'm not sure if there is a service of any sort or straight into the oven.
As long as the battery in the van isn't flat and it starts (and the Baron left the keys handy)- well there's your cheap transport...
Alternatively a box of matches and a tin of petrol- bring the crematorium to him...
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Burnaby49 »

There’s one person that doesn’t miss the Baron. Jacquie Phoenix is busy crapping on him at Practical Lawful Dissent International. Apparently her God, her “Beloved Founder and Mentor” David Robinson, disdained the Baron as a false guru so Jacquie has followed in the master’s footsteps;
Jacquie Phoenix
1d •
Who ever that Martha is you tell her that David Robinson and David Ward are 2 different People and David Robinson did not support him either. How dare she slander me ! David Robinson would Never use a Title let alone Baron ! David had nothing but contempt for the Barons, because they are not Leading The People !
Jacquie Phoenix
Richard Georgia oh I know exactly why he did it he wanted the People to think he was on the Barons Committee he came into my Canadian group and tried to convince me of that then tried to claim that Magna Carta was null and Void and that his affidavit was the only way forward I booted him from the group. He purchased that title while in my group.
The Baron does have supporters;
Adam Freeman
Breaks my heart to see David ward being slandered on this group that man put his neck on the line to reveal the truth he may of been a little unorthodox in his manner but his affidavit deserves a lot respect
The rebuttal to that comment was from one of Jacquie's sycophants with a refreshing lack of any sense of irony;
Miranda Bodo
Adam Freeman sorry mate, no one is above anyone! We are all one and equal BUT if one dares to belittle another adopting unorthodox ways, that’s NOT ok and has NO EXCUSE! If that one expects to be respected, he must respect himself first (looks like he must’ve missed that class ) by admitting the truth and acknowledging the others vs. cheap manipulative low level ways with hidden purpose... no one is against anyone, we are all standing by the truth and there is NO room or purpose for any such unorthodox behaviour particularly during such unprecedented times when one should never dare to adopt unorthodox ways against anyone. That says a lot about his ways and one gets as per his inner side... perhaps he’d need some inner cleaning/mea culpa and an apology to start with would be nice. Why don’t you better put your energy in helping him to see and fix his problems than fighting here against people who’re clearly reacting to something NOT right?! Food for thought. Excuses BeGone & better replaced with some inner spiritual growth
No unorthodox ways allowed? They send gibberish letters to some minor lord in Scotland based on the belief that this will absolve them from all laws and societal obligations because of some obscure, long forgotten and revoked clause in the Magna Carta. Do they consider this a basic four-square foundational legal principle of British law?

According to Jacquie the Baron was no better than a criminal for not kissing her ass;
Jacquie Phoenix
Adam Freeman he wasn't helping anyone. He was aiding and abetting I told him that so did David Robinson and Lazarus Laurence so there is no slander involved mate. Facts are facts. Maxim in Law Ignorance of the Law is NO Excuse. Once you have Told you are Commuting a CRIME if you continue to do so you are doing so in FULL Knowledge of the Facts !
As is usually the case on this FB page this quickly devolved into incoherent nonsense;
Adam Freeman
Miranda Bodo He never claimed to be above any one he simply stated the truth and that truth is that we have never consented to be governed,you may disagree with the man's personality but what he says in his affidavit cannot be rebutted and I welcome any one on this group to point to point refute it,it cannot be done and that makes it the most powerful tool us peasants/citizens have had in over 800 years
Apparently that comment was proof that Adam was committing sedition although it isn’t clear who he was committing it against since sedition is defined as;

"conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch."

Which, as far as I can tell, is exactly what Jacquie and her motley band are trying to do with their lawful rebellion. According to the comments below sedition now appears to be defined as the oposite of its old meaning. It's now defined as someone supporting the state rather than the old superseded definition of rebelling against it.
Jacquie Phoenix
Adam Freeman David Robinson only ever used 1 Afidavit and he states that he Doesn't recommend using them.
Diane Vernon Astbury
Adam Freeman you know a Foreign military Regime are not going to care about an affidavit.
Diane Vernon Astbury
Adam Freeman your sedition and allegience to the regime as was David Frauds us showing.
Diane Vernon Astbury
Adam Freeman no im very clear and so is the only Rule of Law. A61 and Magna Carta is our Constitution and it undeniably exists. You are being called out for sedition.
Diane Vernon Astbury
That ain't what Id be wirried about if I were you. Article 61 is real and deals with treason and sedition.
However Debbie Sue finds it distasteful to pick over the bones of the recently deceased although she’s pretty damn long-winded about it;
Debbie Sue Owen
Isnt it unfortunate to now see people arguing over to men who chose to research and dedicate their lives to exposing to the world the lies deception corruption thats being ongoing for 800yrs..
With respect to both David Robinson and David Ward both warriors in their own right.
When David chose to be a Baron that was his right.."A Baron has many meanings"
Without both men where would you/we be today...
Can you please let both men RIP. They didnt want this vile nonsense they worked to educate people. They formed their groups to unite people in the truth..
2012 for David Robinson and 2015 for David Ward
And well within their right to choose their direction as we as Gods people were given that right when born to Gods earth.
When infighting begins problems arise..both men didnt want that..
A61 is treason which applies to the government kings Queen..
When people make their personal stand against the treason whether that be in their corrupt system or not they too have a right to do so.
Why I say this..those people are not committing treason as some claim, they are standing up against the treachery tieranny and terrorism perpetrated against them in the treasonist corporate regime and well within their right to do so. As we all are..
I ask WHY are people admin/moderators in Baron David Ward groups When they preach the Magna Carta..?? I know why ive witnessed comments within SBWofL groups.
Yep im disgruntled with this group I didnt come here to be dictated to and told to remove my comments..turning off comments is a bad sign of dictatorship. We were born to express our opinions and beliefs.
unalienable rights and do not per magna carta
Ive witnessed comments re Common law we dont discuss CL we must restore the rule of law first..then why are CLC people in this group..I addressed that and named them on messenger then told to remove my comment on this page..
We are individuals we have our mind to think for ourselves and choose our own path in life. Not to be dicated to.
Just remember admins/moderators we doing the ground work we to have the right to know when the redress will be..there are ways to let people know than keeping them in the dark.
You cannot condemm your fellowman/woman/spiritual being when preaching Rule of Law Gods Law, law of the Land by name calling condemnation of another is not Godly...
Let the truth be told. Im done with this disrespectful behaviour as thst is what it is..Disrespect..
You can condemm me for making my rightful stand across groups behind the scenes im a better person I can rise above that behaviour.
And on and on. It’s a wonder they have the energy to plod over to the police station to file their oaths or whatever they’re doing after all these online battles.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

I looked in on the PLD group for the first time in ages last week and it hasn't changed at all. They are still more interested in designing hoodies and logos than anything else as far as I can tell.

I couldn't help but contrast it with the stand off going on in Glasgow at the time. The PLDers have been squabbling about the same things and achieved fuck all in five years... Or is it ten... And yet at the drop of a hat a few hundred Glaswegians managed to face-down the Home Office and win. Temporarily at least. ... ation-raid

Regardless of your politics it's a fine contrast between all talk and getting shit done.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by wserra »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sun May 16, 2021 3:42 amAs is usually the case on this FB page this quickly devolved into incoherent nonsense
Doesn't the use of "devolve" imply that at some point it isn't incoherent nonsense?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

wserra wrote: Sun May 16, 2021 10:14 am
Burnaby49 wrote: Sun May 16, 2021 3:42 amAs is usually the case on this FB page this quickly devolved into incoherent nonsense
Doesn't the use of "devolve" imply that at some point it isn't incoherent nonsense?
Your pedantry does you credit :mrgreen:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Burnaby49 »

wserra wrote: Sun May 16, 2021 10:14 am
Burnaby49 wrote: Sun May 16, 2021 3:42 amAs is usually the case on this FB page this quickly devolved into incoherent nonsense
Doesn't the use of "devolve" imply that at some point it isn't incoherent nonsense?
I stand corrected but, in my defense, she can be coherent when self-interest is involved. She was certainly coherent enough when she was begging for money for her UK excursion. Granted that was a trivial incident in a vast sea of gibberish but evidence that she can momentarily make sense when there's money on the table.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by exiledscouser »

Despite the demise of The Baron his foolish adherents continue regardless with his doomed techniques.

Here’s the latest nutcase Ady James tilting at windmills, writing demands to HMRC. I’m assuming he’s a spotty youth, that he’s yet to comprehend the truth behind the phrase “death and taxes”.
This is an instruction to cease collection of any tax, national insurance or other financial deduction made illegally, without my consent or indeed the consent of the circa 67.5million alleged governed of this country.

We would note that no one can create law and impose that law onto another by an act of force.

This would be recognised as an act of force without any formal or legal agreement, and as such, is a recognised act of terrorism. To this observation of fact, we would note that there is a mandatory requirement for a formal agreement as to what law is, and in the absence of this formal agreement of any valid, material evidence to this formal agreement, signed by the many, then there is no material evidence that there is any such thing as law, government or governed.
I’ve snipped a host of gibberish content but towards the end, he isn’t happy with just not paying tax or NI, he wants it all back, every last penny;
Angry Ady wrote:This is a very serious matter, and all of the officers of the STATE have an obligation to the STATE to resolve this situation. To this end, there is a clear obligation for Mr James Alan HARRA, in the position of Secretary and Chief Executive Officer, to instruct Director of Finance to make restoration and to return any funds collected under any Act of Parliament (such as INCOMEl tax, National Insurance ), which has been transferred to HMRC by employers of Mr Adrian JAMES of (redacted address - I see no need to dox this chap)

For Mr James Alan HARRA, in the position of Secretary and as the Chief Executive Officer for HMRC, to fail in this clear obligation to the STATE, Mr James Alan HARRA, In the position of Secretary and Chief Executive Officer for HMRC, would be in direct violation of his obligations in the office of the STATE. We therefore recommend that Mr James Alan HARRA, in the position of Secretary and Chief Executive Officer, to make restoration of these funds with immediate effect by way of transfer of funds (or a cheque in the name of Mr Adrian James to the address (redacted).

It would also be appropriate to include in this calculation the 8.5% compound interest and to give a full breakdown as necessary. We would expect this within seven (7) days of the date of this correspondence. “An employer is vicariously liable for the wrongful or negligent acts of his or her employee committed within the Scope of their authority
I can imagine the response
The Tax Man wrote:Dear Mr. James.


Yours unpleasantly
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

We would note that no one can create law and impose that law onto another by an act of force.
I do wish these cretins would buy a dictionary and look up words like "govern" and "law". Maybe also the words "suggest" and "ask" and then compare and contrast with the first two.

I'll never cease to be amused by the way they totally fail to grasp the meaning behind such simple words.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
Hercule Parrot
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Hercule Parrot »

exiledscouser wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 5:55 pm Here’s the latest nutcase Ady James tilting at windmills, writing demands to HMRC. I’m assuming he’s a spotty youth, that he’s yet to comprehend the truth behind the phrase “death and taxes”.
formal agreement, signed by the many..
Is he saying that art 61 isn't valid because the mass of common people didn't assent to it?

This is like horseshoe theory in action, he's gone 'round the bend' so far that he's nearly back at representative democracy.
"don't be hubris ever..." Steve Mccrae, noted legal ExpertInFuckAll.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by exiledscouser »

Despite his untimely departure to go “shake hands with Elvis” the crazies at his feet still cling to the shade of the Baron, now lead tenor with the Choir Invisible.

Here’s one bloke’s lien for £60m against some police civilian who sent him an NIP.

Baron Doyle of the House of Doyle (keeper of the Keys no less) is in no mood to trifle with bureaucratic minions and has sent a 124 page smorgasbord of insanity based on his late hero’s templates. What must he think will be achieved? The dearly departed Dear Leader had hundreds of these things and was so skint when he shook a seven they had to have a whip round to get him planted.

Mr. Doyle’ own diatribe does a fine job of doxing himself and an associated company. Does anyone know what the cops do if an NIP in the name of a company (in this case the vehicle’s registered keeper) gets tossed in the bin unanswered? Who gets the points?

I read on this forum that like Dismally Deceased Dave his standing within the fuckwittersphere is greatly enhanced by crossing the rainbow bridge. The Baron’s flock want him elevated to sainthood, Dismal Dave has resulted in Canada visiting the harpy from hell upon us. This posthumous pair continue to create difficulties for their adherents.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Burnaby49 »

She's Canada's generous gift to the old country. You're welcome.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

exiledscouser wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:47 pm Mr. Doyle’ own diatribe does a fine job of doxing himself and an associated company. Does anyone know what the cops do if an NIP in the name of a company (in this case the vehicle’s registered keeper) gets tossed in the bin unanswered? Who gets the points?
I can't see the Facebook post, I think Baron Doyle is one of the loons who has blocked me, but as I understand it and assuming it's speeding the routine is along these lines.

NIP arrives (at chez registered keeper) with three options... 1) Admit the offence and take the offered penalty. 2) Say you'll see them in court or 3) Claim it wasn't you driving and name the miscreant.

If you bin it then you get busted both for the speeding offence and the additional offence of refusing to name the driver.

This usually results in a ~£1000 fine and 6 points instead of ~£100 for an SP30 plus 3 points or a speeding awareness course.

Not only is it vastly more expensive to fuck about, your insurance company will get vastly more upset about it and up go your premiums.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by rosy »

exiledscouser wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:47 pm

Mr. Doyle’ own diatribe does a fine job of doxing himself and an associated company. Does anyone know what the cops do if an NIP in the name of a company (in this case the vehicle’s registered keeper) gets tossed in the bin unanswered? Who gets the points?

If the RK is a Ltd Co and nobody answers the NIP/S172 then the company will be prosecuted for Failing to Furnish. No points can be awarded, but the fine will be up to £1000.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

rosy wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 9:01 pm
exiledscouser wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:47 pm

Mr. Doyle’ own diatribe does a fine job of doxing himself and an associated company. Does anyone know what the cops do if an NIP in the name of a company (in this case the vehicle’s registered keeper) gets tossed in the bin unanswered? Who gets the points?

If the RK is a Ltd Co and nobody answers the NIP/S172 then the company will be prosecuted for Failing to Furnish. No points can be awarded, but the fine will be up to £1000.
Sorry... I missed the bit about it being a company.

What you say is true of course but there's a bit of a caveat to it. A company I worked for got an NIP (after I had left) and decided to go down the ignore it and it'll go away route because the driver was a director and thought he could just let the company pay up saving him the three points. It didn't work out that way as TPTB decided to follow up on the no response with a reminder and things escalated from there. I don't know the full details but the court decided that "don't know" wasn't good enough, it had to be "had no way of knowing" and that the company knew damned well who was anyway. Driver / director and managing director both convicted of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

So yeah... It might end up being the company that gets the fine and nobody get the points, or ban, but if TPTB decide to push the issue it could get very nasty. Short of being caught speeding during a sandwich run close to base I don't think I've ever driven a company vehicle that couldn't very easily be traced to me at a certain time in a certain place. If nothing else a look through the delivery notes would have said I was in a certain area on a certain day.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Philistine »

Burnaby49 wrote: Thu Jun 10, 2021 7:08 pm She's Canada's the Commonwealth's generous gift to the old country. You're welcome.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by aesmith »

I don't see legally how inaction, in failing to respond to an S.172 request could constitute conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. As far as I can see that requires a positive act. But look on the bright side, perverting the course of justice is a Common Law offence so they should be pleased about that.

Back at a more mundane level the Road Traffic Act includes provision for company officers to be personally prosecuted for failure to identify under some circumstances ..
(5)Where a body corporate is guilty of an offence under this section and the offence is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to be attributable to neglect on the part of, a director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate, or a person who was purporting to act in any such capacity, he, as well as the body corporate, is guilty of that offence and liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly. ... ection/172
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

aesmith wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:06 pm I don't see legally how inaction, in failing to respond to an S.172 request could constitute conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. As far as I can see that requires a positive act. But look on the bright side, perverting the course of justice is a Common Law offence so they should be pleased about that.

Back at a more mundane level the Road Traffic Act includes provision for company officers to be personally prosecuted for failure to identify under some circumstances ..
(5)Where a body corporate is guilty of an offence under this section and the offence is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to be attributable to neglect on the part of, a director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate, or a person who was purporting to act in any such capacity, he, as well as the body corporate, is guilty of that offence and liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly. ... ection/172
I think where they went wrong was in ignoring it, then claiming that they couldn't know who was driving the vehicle when it was quite simple for them to find out who it was, and then changing their story again when it became obvious they weren't going to get away with it. One of those "when you are in a hole stop digging" moments coupled with being very bad liars.

They certainly never had any problem at all finding out who was using a vehicle when it was one of the proletariat, including me, but when it was director it suddenly became an impossible task. You wouldn't have to be Sherlock Holmes to realise it was bullshit and I suspect that one of the said proletariat grassed them up. It was no secret what was going on and there was no shortage of disgruntled employees to do the grassing.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?