Bill Benson shut down

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Bill Benson shut down

Post by Demosthenes »



William J. Benson Sold Bogus “Defenses” to Criminal Tax Prosecution

WASHINGTON - A federal court in Chicago has permanently barred William J. Benson, of South Holland, Ill., from selling a fraudulent tax scheme. The permanent injunction order was signed by U.S. District Judge Samuel Der-Yeghiayan.
The court held that Benson falsely told customers they did not have to file federal income tax returns or pay tax. Additionally, he falsely told them that by buying Benson’s products they could be shielded from criminal prosecution. The order notes that Benson had reason to know his statements about the tax laws were false because of his prior federal convictions for tax evasion and failure to file tax returns.
The court order requires Benson to send copies of the order to his customers and post a copy of the order on his website.
Since 2001 the Justice Department has obtained injunctions against more than 305 tax-fraud promoters and tax preparers. Information about these cases and about the
Justice Department’s Tax Division is available on the Justice Department website.
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Post by Demosthenes »

Judge Roy Bean
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Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Why isn't Benson in prison?

Or is he and I'm just not up to speed?
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Post by Famspear »

My understanding is he is not in prison.
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Post by LPC »

A review of the docket shows that the government did indeed move to alter the judgment of the court in order to grant the government's request for a customer list, but the court denied the motion (and Benson's motion to alter the judgment as well) before entering the permanent injunction and closing the case.

I suspect the government will appeal. Any contrary thoughts?
Dan Evans
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Post by Famspear »

From Bill Benson's web site:
On January 10, 2008, the Federal District Court in Chicago issued a permanent injunction against me on the grounds that I was falsely telling people the 16th Amendment was not ratified. The Court refused to look at the evidence of the non-ratification of the 16th Amendment, deciding the facts to prove my statement was true were "irrelevant," What has America come to when the government can accuse you of lying and prohibit you from presenting a defense in a so called court of law? My attorney, Jeffrey A. Dickstein, will be filing an appeal to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. I urge you to review the pleadings filed in this case so you can see for yourself the tyranny being practiced in our courts.
(bolding added).

Benson displays the injunction on the web site.
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Post by Famspear »

Based on a quick check of Benson's web site, it looks like he may have removed the references to the "Reliance Defense Package" per the permanent injunction. (I haven't checked every page.) He is, however, still offering "The Law that Never Was" for sale. See: ... efault.asp
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Post by jg »

Famspear wrote:From Bill Benson's web site:
On January 10, 2008, the Federal District Court in Chicago issued a permanent injunction against me on the grounds that I was falsely telling people the 16th Amendment was not ratified. The Court refused to look at the evidence of the non-ratification of the 16th Amendment, deciding the facts to prove my statement was true were "irrelevant," What has America come to when the government can accuse you of lying and prohibit you from presenting a defense in a so called court of law? My attorney, Jeffrey A. Dickstein, will be filing an appeal to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. I urge you to review the pleadings filed in this case so you can see for yourself the tyranny being practiced in our courts.
But he did already present his arguments and was told he is wrong. From ... _reply.pdf quoting the prior decision.
“Benson is wrong.” United States v. Benson, 941 F.2d 598, 607 (7th Cir. 1991). Binding precedent makes it abundantly clear that the ratification and validity of the Sixteenth Amendment is conclusive upon the courts. Consequently, as the Seventh Circuit told defendant in 1991, the Amendment’s ratification is “beyond review.”
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Post by Famspear »

Until now, Benson's web site had also stated: "After serving time in federal prison for not paying his United States income taxes, Bill Benson still does not pay income taxes and yet our federal government chooses not to arrest him. Why? Because now he can use this book, which he has written : 'THE LAW THAT NEVER WAS' in his defense." (bolding added by Famspear). The statement had been found at the caption near Benson's picture at bottom of web page, at:

This language apparently has been removed.

As I have previously noted in another forum, the Benson web site entry did not disclose that the book had been written before Benson's arrest and conviction, and that he actually tried to use the arguments from the book unsuccessfully in the criminal tax prosecution that resulted in his prison term.

Must have just slipped his mind all these years.
"My greatest fear is that the audience will beat me to the punch line." -- David Mamet