Karl Burden-El Bey - Moorish Tax Preparer (and Nonfiler)

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Karl Burden-El Bey - Moorish Tax Preparer (and Nonfiler)

Post by jcolvin2 »

Convicted by federal jury of preparing false tax returns and failing to file personal income tax returns:
https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/virginia ... -tax-fraud

Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Monday, July 12, 2021

Virginia Return Preparer Convicted of Tax Fraud

A federal jury in Newport News, Virginia, convicted Karl Burden-El Bey (aka Carl L. Burden) Friday of aiding and assisting in the preparation of false tax returns, theft of government funds and failing to file federal income tax returns.

According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Burden-El Bey, of Hampton, prepared false tax returns for clients from at least 2013 through 2019. On his clients’ returns, Burden-El Bey claimed false dependents, residential energy credits, gifts to charity, deductions, and child and dependent care expenses in order to inflate refunds obtained from the IRS. Burden-El Bey also stole $5,000 by directing a portion of his client’s refund into his personal bank account. As to his own taxes, Burden-El Bey did not file individual tax returns for 2013 through 2017 with the IRS, despite being legally obligated to do so.

Sentencing is scheduled for Dec. 7 before U.S. District Judge David J. Novak.

Burden-El Bey faces a statutory maximum sentence of 10 years in prison for theft of government funds, three years in prison for each count of aiding and assisting in the preparation of a false tax return, and one year in prison for each count of failing to file a tax return. He also faces substantial monetary penalties, supervised release and restitution at sentencing.

Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Stuart M. Goldberg of the Department of Justice’s Tax Division and Acting U.S. Attorney Raj Parekh of the Eastern District of Virginia made the announcement.

IRS-Criminal Investigation investigated the case.

Trial Attorneys Grace Albinson and Francesca Bartolomey of the Tax Division and Assistant U.S. Attorneys Brian Samuels and Lisa McKeel of the Eastern District of Virginia prosecuted this case.

Additional information about the Tax Division and its enforcement efforts may be found on the division’s website.
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Re: Karl Burden-El Bey - Moorish Tax Preparer (and Nonfiler)

Post by wserra »

Burden is an unusual Moor in several respects. First of all, he doesn't plaster his documents with pictures of himself in a getup that belongs only on someone driving a go-cart in a Shriners' Parade. Second, he actually types his documents from scratch; he doesn't, for example, make a copy of rote nonsense and scribble Moor nonsense in the Moorgins. (Alright, alright, I'll knock off the Moor-stuff.) Finally, he doesn't limit himself to blather about how they're the original Israelites and therefore own the world, by damn. No, indeed. Instead, he adopts virtually every sovrun myth known to idiots.

One court document illustrates all three points. In this piece of epic, Burden makes the following claims (page numbers refer to pdf, since document is numbered inconsistently):
  • He is not a "person". Instead, he is "a free born sovereign individual . . . under the jurisdiction of God". P 1.
  • He may "voluntarily by my own desire, choose to comply" with the law. If he does not so choose, however, there is nothing anybody can do about it. P 1.
  • "Where there is No victim, there is No crime." So he says. None of this, of course, comes with any authority. P 2.
  • "The hidden or unrevealed 'contracts' that supposedly create 'obligations' to perform, for persons of subject status, are inapplicable to me, and are null and void." P 2.
  • Everything is a contract, including his birth ("berth") certificate - so everything is "null and void". Much verbose nonsense omitted. PP 2-3.
  • "Right to travel" - you know, Charlie Sprinkle stuff. PP 4-5. Relevance to tax charges not immediately apparent.
  • He isn't a U.S. citizen despite being born in VA, so . . . not clear what. He wins second place in a beauty contest? P 6.
  • "I was brain washed through government Procter gamble in a Government-controlled school system." The govt washed his brain with Ivory soap? No idea. P 6.
  • He doesn't consent to the law applying to him. P 7. I think Carl fails to grasp the basic concept of law.
  • Oh, yeah, the Constitution is a contract too, so it doesn't apply to him since he didn't sign it. P 8. "Especially since the original and organic constitution of 1787 itself was subverted by look alike sound alike fraud in 1868 by the corporate UNITED STATES space of AMERICA." "Space"?
  • He revokes all of the powers of attorney. You know, the ones he never signed in the first place. PP 9-10.
  • After ten days, he waves his magic wand and everything in it becomes "fact". P 10.
  • "Notice to Agent is Notice to Principle, Notice to Principle is Notice to Agent." PP 10-11. I think I know the "principle" to which he refers: a fool and his freedom are soon parted. One of my favorites.
  • He makes a "special appearance". P 15. Sorry, Carl, not in a criminal case.
  • Imposing taxes is involuntary servitude. Therefore (?) Carl adjourns his own case. P 16.
  • "I, karl-burden: El bey, Trustee, . . . acting in behalf of the false fictional entity CARL LINWOOD BURDEN". P 20.
  • Should the clerk fail to file his garbage, the clerk commits a federal crime. PP 22-23.
  • Now somebody (not clear who) must respond within 48 hours. Or is it seven days? He claims both - having previously claimed ten days. P 24.
  • "By this notice of Interest and Affidavit I am claiming my right as Trustee to an automatic three weeks stay of anything." P 26. I suggest a three-week stay of feeding him, now that he's in jail.
  • "You are violating the RICO laws, stocking laws, mail fraud laws, depriving rights under color of law as well as the common law and the constitution". P 29. They're forcing him to wear socks? THE BASTARDS!
  • Carl is not pro se. NOT PRO SE! P 33.
  • "Law" means "land, air, water". P 33. Gotta give Carl credit - I haven't seen that one before.
  • "Accepted for value, Exempt from Levy". P 39 (and lots of other places). C'mon, Carl, you've shown that you can be more creative than that.
  • "I have obtained the federal court research of Dr. Eduardo M. Rivera, who receive a Juris Doctor degree from the University of California at Los Angeles in 1971". P 46. Uh-oh. Court's in trouble now.
  • By the end of this zombie parade of a filing, Carl has moorphed into ":Lord Karl - Burden: EL Bey".
By the way, Carl, I see that Collin Moorikawa won the British Open yesterday. I'm sure you'll want to include that in future filings.
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Re: Karl Burden-El Bey - Moorish Tax Preparer (and Nonfiler)

Post by Tinkle Bucket »

Assuming you haven't corrected any I must give Carl credit for a remarkable feat of spelling for a Moor even though it appears his numeracy still sucks.
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Re: Karl Burden-El Bey - Moorish Tax Preparer (and Nonfiler)

Post by Burnaby49 »

All of this would have been familiar to Canadian sovereigns fifteen years ago.
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Re: Karl Burden-El Bey - Moorish Tax Preparer (and Nonfiler)

Post by JamesVincent »

So why does he get to be El Bey and everyone else is just Bey? He the Grand Poombah Extraordinaire?
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Re: Karl Burden-El Bey - Moorish Tax Preparer (and Nonfiler)

Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote: Mon Jul 19, 2021 1:35 pm Carl is not pro se. NOT PRO SE! P 33.
Hey, he is not even pro.
JamesVincent wrote: Mon Jul 19, 2021 9:04 pm So why does he get to be El Bey and everyone else is just Bey? He the Grand Poombah Extraordinaire?
It could be worse. The Moors could have just used the name "Vis" instead of "Bey". That would mean Carl would now be El Vis.
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Re: Karl Burden-El Bey - Moorish Tax Preparer (and Nonfiler)

Post by Arthur Rubin »

One think you can say about him: He certainly is a burden on society. (Or as that "Burden".)
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: Karl Burden-El Bey - Moorish Tax Preparer (and Nonfiler)

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

It's interesting that Karl Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Burden-El Burden-Oh Burden-Oh Burden-En Lord High Muckymuck Bey cites Joe Biden as President of the United States -- and then cites Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State (not since April of 2018) and Jeff Sessions as Attorney General (not since November of 2018)

Way to go, Blackstone.
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