Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by exiledscouser »

It’s just another day for the never to be repeated redress. Various short film clips of JP shouting through windows about MC and an exchange with some disinterested Met Sgt. who I could see was praying for everyone to move quietly along.

The only thing she’s occupying is everyone’s time. So, no buildings returned to We the People. The state functioning along perfectly oblivious to Redress, plod not springing into action to arrest Prince Andrew or any unfortunate member of the Masons.

Time wasters the lot of ‘em.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by hucknallred »

exiledscouser wrote: Tue Aug 31, 2021 4:03 pman exchange with some disinterested Met Sgt. who I could see was praying for everyone to move quietly along.
I've not tuned it yet, I am getting a little bored of them now. Was his/her collar number visible? She needs dobbing in to the immigration authorities. Although, I wonder if she'd have a pandemic related excuse to overstaying, in that she couldn't get a flight? A cursory search on Air Canada does seem to indicate you can now fly there from the UK.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by aesmith »

Not sure if this should be here because of the PLD connection, or in "losers without their own thread".

It seems that the former Stacey Wilkinson, booted out by the Feenix, has now started her own group "Stacey's World Rocks". References on the Council Tax group and on Goofy suggest there's a money grabbing scam somewhere within. Seems to only
be on Telegram, but can be previewed as a web page. Looks like the old DD clawback is back in operation, and as before everyone's flushed with the initial success but the follow up hasn't yet bit them in the arse ...
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

There's a post at the bottom at the moment that quite literally says the best way to deal with problems is to ignore them and hope they will go away.
If you don't like something just take away its only power.

Your attention
And then....
So simple and yet many cannot grasp the simple concept of just ignoring something you don't like...bonkers.

And if honesty triggers you, then maybe you need to grow the fuck up and stop living a lie.
BRB. Need to get my irony meter repaired.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Gregg »

longdog wrote: Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:02 pm I can only assume the "no pharmaceutical companies" bit is not going to apply to her own "independent supplier" who is no doubt soaking up that sweet, sweet crowdfunding cash.

Watching her latest videos and ascent to previously unclimbed heights of megalomania I'm 90% sure she's on something a lot stronger than shop-lifted cider. Either instant arsehole (cocaine) or possibly speed, if that's still a thing, judging by her levels of agitation.

The 10% of not sure is that she is seriously mentally ill and her problem is too few drugs rather than too many. As a registered common-law internet psychiatrist I'd say the manic phase of bipolar disorder.

Either way she's clearly not at all well if she genuinely believes the bat-shit nonsense she's been coming out with lately.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by The Observer »

A question posted by one "Hoban Alanna":
This is a letter back from council after second time sendin [sic] notice of exceptence [sic].
How do I proceed.[sic]
Do I send another notice of exceptence [sic] with oath.
This just seems to indicate that HA is flirting with insanity by demonstrating that she/he is willing to keep sending letters until they get a different result.

Fortunately Frank Cadman comes to the rescue with proper FOTL procedure:
Hi Hoban, this reply needs a rebuttal letter as it is clearly seditious. Examples of these can be found in the #rebuttals section of the Topics menu. This should be addressed to the original named person and the new one. You also need to add both names to the next Notice that you send, unless they are at different locations, in which case you should start a new process for Mrs Welsh.
As you can see, the proper action is to send multiple rebuttal letters to combat the oxymoronic term of state-sponsored sedition, as well as the possibility of starting a new futile notice of exception process to the new kid on the block. In the meantime rain forests are disappearing in order to provide the requisite paper needed for this lunacy.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by aesmith »

Just looked again at that "Stacey's World Sucks" group and there's someone claiming they've done a DD clawback for their credit card. Really? And is he stupid enough to think the account will stay live after that sort of behaviour? On the other hand there don't seem to be any actual genuine posts on the group, it's actually Stacey posting screenshots of what we're expected to believe are messages from her customers.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by noblepa »

aesmith wrote: Sat Sep 04, 2021 5:34 pm Just looked again at that "Stacey's World Sucks" group and there's someone claiming they've done a DD clawback for their credit card. Really? And is he stupid enough to think the account will stay live after that sort of behaviour? On the other hand there don't seem to be any actual genuine posts on the group, it's actually Stacey posting screenshots of what we're expected to believe are messages from her customers.
Hasn't the UK tightened up the rules for a DD clawback in the last couple of years?

Reading about it here, I get the impression that it used to be pretty wide open, allowing one to claw back almost any payment for almost any reason, leaving the recipient's only recourse being filing a lawsuit.

I seem to remember reading that the rules have changed and the financial institution can and will ask for a reason, that must be legitimate (not just "I changed my mind about paying my bills") and that the recipient has a chance to dispute the requested clawback, which the bank may deny if they determine that the charge was legitimate.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by exiledscouser »

DD clawbacks were made that much harder some years ago now, see this link for instance.

There’s still lots of bullshit merchants on the usual troofer sites claiming to have evaded paying for everything for countless years, from CT, all utilities, insurance and even income tax. In the UK you don’t even start to pay income tax until you earn more than about 12 and a half grand a year, or what’s known as the taxi-driver limit since none earn a penny over that. Allwite Gov?

As for those wanting to stop paying for life’s essentials then a world of hurt quite rightly awaits, either adopt a transient lifestyle or have the phone ring incessantly, hide behind the sofa if the bell rings, have nice men from the leccy board round putting in a ruinously expensive pay as you go meter. Or have confrontational stand-offs with authority figures you can upload onto YT which lead inevitably to interviews without coffee and a spell at Her Maj’s many hostels.

I’ve said before that FMOTL methods wax and wane as proponents defiantly face the wrath of the man, claim complete victory 111!!!111 and quietly slink away only to get replaced by new suckers.

I can’t help wanting to message new adherents pasting up their first debt demand for the FB experts to advise on or a speeding NIP to ignore and who drink deeply from the same old shite advice which has tried and failed for the last 15-20 years. DON’T LISTEN! SAVE YOURSELF FROM THIS MADNESS.

But they plough right on to my amusement and horror.

Writing pro-forma letters ad nauseum to politicians, minor officials and anyone who looks the wrong way at you might give a brief moment of satisfaction as you write across the stamp sideways and press down your green-inked thumb but none have succeeded, all end up in the bin and they usually only serve to accelerate the very process they are seeking to avoid. People like MUFC1959 dine out on their writings.

Whilst I’m having a mini-rant I read that the anti 5g lot have had their arse handed to them again following another legal setback with the failure of legal action headed by that darling of fringe causes, Michael Mansfield. This is a separate case to MoB’s* persistent but entirely discredited efforts, the only winner being Mr. Mansfield himself as he trousers yet more crowdfunded worthless fiat currency. At least it’s keeping m’learned friends in the Claret. He wants to appeal, about £160,000 should do it, trebles all round, kerching!

*coruscating recalcitrant philosopher, bankster-busting nemesis of the Rigged System blah blah bore gibber drone.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Burnaby49 »

We're starting to get a lot of waffling from the administrators to supporters who are trying to avoid paying bills through PLD gibberish;
Dena Omar
1d ·
Does the notice to stop always work for electricity as well as water? Any info would be great thank you
Frank Cadman
Hi Dena, the Notice to Stop is your instruction to say that you have given them enough opportunity to answer your questions and verify they have a legitimate claim to charge you for their service under whichever legislation they are operating. The Notice to Stop doesn't guarantee that an organisation will automatically stop in their pursuit of their claim against you. The key ingredient in any lawful stand you make is dependent on the level of understanding and knowledge you have to back up your Notices. Many do not understand Constitutional Law and Magna Carta therefore they will continue to follow their legalese teachings. It is your duty to educate and stand firm however, as is often cited, your priority must always be to yourself and you must not put yourself in a position of loss or harm, under those circumstances you may opt to consent to their demands under duress.
I believe this answers your question so commenting will be turned off 🙏
Tony Hickey
8h ·
Hi, I'm under oath (not completed the 5 step process yet) and I've received this today. How should I proceed? Have any member been successfull in not paying these? Thanks in advance.
Note - This was in relation to a penalty charge notice for parking on a restricted street. The response was;
Frank Cadman
Hi Tony, you begin a Notice of Conditional Acceptance process. The guides for this are located in the Guides menu, scroll down to number 10 and follow the step by step process.
Remember at all times that you have a duty of care to yourself and, depending on your knowledge level, be prepared to consent under duress if you need to.
There is a #successfulprocessesused section in Topics where people have informed us of their experiences.
The "successful process used" section has almost nothing in it and what little there is is just bullshit. Unverified claims and people who think that just sending the first letter is, in itself, a successful conclusion.

I'd note that the admins are getting very heavy-handed about turning off commenting.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sat Sep 04, 2021 10:50 pm
Dena Omar
1d ·
Does the notice to stop always work for electricity as well as water? Any info would be great thank you
It's always worth adding for an international audience that it is practically impossible for your water to be cut off in the UK. However, if you don't pay it, will lead to attachment of earnings or benefits. However, as has already been mentioned, if you don't pay your electricity bill you'll end up with a pre-pay meter which means that you end up paying more per unit and can only get variable rate tariffs.

Odd isn't it how these keyboard warriors never seem to send these letters to their broadband and mobile providers!
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by longdog »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 7:25 am
Burnaby49 wrote: Sat Sep 04, 2021 10:50 pm
Dena Omar
1d ·
Does the notice to stop always work for electricity as well as water? Any info would be great thank you
It's always worth adding for an international audience that it is practically impossible for your water to be cut off in the UK. However, if you don't pay it, will lead to attachment of earnings or benefits. However, as has already been mentioned, if you don't pay your electricity bill you'll end up with a pre-pay meter which means that you end up paying more per unit and can only get variable rate tariffs.

Odd isn't it how these keyboard warriors never seem to send these letters to their broadband and mobile providers!
I have a pre-pay meter and they're not that bad. They're more expensive but if you are shit with money, like me, an obviously better option. They do tend to focus the mind on energy / money conservation at least. The big problem with them from the point of view of the freetard, apart from the having to pay bit of course, is that they take 70% of top-ups to cover debt which makes the "new" energy eye-wateringly expensive until the debt is cleared.

If you have run up a £2000 debt it's going to be years down the line and about £3000 in top ups before you get back to a more normal price per unit.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by hucknallred »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 7:25 amHowever, as has already been mentioned, if you don't pay your electricity bill you'll end up with a pre-pay meter which means that you end up paying more per unit and can only get variable rate tariffs.
No idea why but I watch plumbing & electrical videos on YouTube. You do see bypassed meters, especially gas, as it wouldn't raise many eyebrows if not used.
A mate bought a garage from an elderly neighbour that has it's own street number & electricity supply. He couldn't get a tariff with no standing charge, so told them to take the meter away, which they did. He now has the mains incomer with the main fuse box (fuse removed of course), it would be a simple job to reconnect the supply sans meter. He is an honest type & took a supply from his house next door.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Now, I've not actually done this myself, but when I was a student soldering two needles and a thick wire, sticking it the supply cables and using it to bypass the meter was one of the "hot tips".

And when workmen cut off my gas in 1985 just before Christmas and I threatened to report them because I had no heating, they temporarily routed the gas past the meter until New Year, so I don't say these things don't happen.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sat Sep 04, 2021 10:50 pm The "successful process used" section has almost nothing in it and what little there is is just bullshit. Unverified claims and people who think that just sending the first letter is, in itself, a successful conclusion.
I have seen this type of thing before and have pondered whether it's the grifter telling people that starting his/her process is successful or if it is the marks who just jump to the conclusion that all they need to do is take the first step for success. Or maybe its both.

I can see where the scammer would like to tell people that "you only need to do this" in the beginning. It makes it a easy sell and gives them room to maneuver when the victims come back and say "but it didn't work", so then the promoter points out that you failed to do this, you need to take this next step, blah, blah, blah, which he or she told you all about at the first meeting. And that certainly provides more opportunity to get some more money out of the suckers. By the time the mark figures out that this baloney doesn't and will never work, so much time has gone by they just throw their hands up and walk away.

But on the other hand, people love to believe that happy and wonderful things are going to happen to make their ordinary lives much better, and so perhaps they shut everything else out that the grifter is telling them after hearing about the "first step" and immediately assume that this is all they have to do.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by The Observer »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 2:31 pm ...[S]o I don't say these things don't happen.
They happen enough to show that there is always someone willing to risk their life, health and income to bypass rules and controls that they see as putting obstacles in their path.
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by carobee57 »

do you think this is the same Reginald Austin? He certainly seems to be full on fmotl and in the comments on one of his videos he says he is baron Reginald of th
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by carobee57 »

I meant to say he is calling himself baron Reginald of the house of Austin!
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by Hercule Parrot »

exiledscouser wrote: Sat Sep 04, 2021 7:35 pm Whilst I’m having a mini-rant I read that the anti 5g lot have had their arse handed to them again following another legal setback with the failure of legal action headed by that darling of fringe causes, Michael Mansfield.
This doesn't seem very ethical for a professional lawyer - crosses the line from advocating the client's case to becoming a participant, IMHO....

Lorna Hackett, whose law firm Hackett and Dabbs, has worked with Michael Mansfield on this and other crowdfunded cases, also claims to have been made ill by exposure to 5G.

In the legal document outlining the case, she describes what happened to her when she visited Rosalyn Rock's home in Chiswick, west London, in September 2020 to take a witness statement.

The document explains that when she was shown nearby masts on the street "Ms Hackett experienced a sharp pain in her head, which subsided almost immediately she moved away from the masts".
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Re: Practical Lawful Dissent FMOTL antics, continued...

Post by hucknallred »

Straying away from PLD into 5G, but MC Toon on YouTube is following this case with some help from a guy in the UK.
Mansfield has had no involvement, he's there should it get to court, which it won't. This is the work of the couple of lawyers mentioned.
They even got a proper check done on the Chiswick sickness nonsense.