Baron David Ward

Moderator: ArthurWankspittle

John Uskglass
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by John Uskglass »

You'd have to have a very limited understanding of how the world works to have believed that BDW's Famous Victory had the significance he claimed from the start, but to continue to believe through the long years since, when nobody else has made it work, and BDW ended up living in a van before departing this life...
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

Hercule Parrot wrote: Sat Oct 23, 2021 9:29 pm
MR DAVID WARD has no obligations and Liabilities under the 8 Million Acts and Statutes.
It's a Signed and Legal agreement and Declaration of NO CONTEST.
This buffoon is actually buying Baron von Trampbeard's delusion that if the local council declines to dispute an appealed parking ticket, that signifies the collapse of all laws and duties? This doesn't remotely explain how a council could surrender the powers of parliament, the courts or the Crown.
Having looked at his profile I think I have my answer to his delusional drivel which, to quote myself, seems to be an excessive fondness for Beelzebub's Broccoli.

He's completely detached from reality and needs to step a very long way from the bong.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

This just in from our "All Power Corrupts / Inflated sense of his own importance" correspondent at the B von T (deceased) group....

Adrian James

Just a quick one guys.....I'm not going to give a long-arsed speech about this, so let's get straight to the point.....
IF you have not participated in this group since joining, OR if you are not sharing this information far and wide with the world in this sorry state....

Then you will be booted from here.

It is a privilege to be here. That is how i have felt since Day 1.

Nobody needs to ask how my life has improved, I have put it on complete show for you all, as did Baron David ward, Scott, Alex, Peter, Andy, Peace, Lisa and the LESS THAN 100 out of 8.7k members.

Anybody here can access and download the files.

This is not a waiting room.

This is not some sort of circus Act requiring spectators.

This is OUR world, and all of OUR freedom is on the line.

The membership list has shrunk by 140 over the last few hours.

Sitting on the fence? Been sitting on that fence for 6months or more?? Don't be surprised if you're pushed off.

Activity Log is a tool that comes with this group. Every interaction is counted by the Log. We know who is active and who is just leaving the few to do everything for everyone.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by hucknallred »

longdog wrote: Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:28 am This just in from our "All Power Corrupts / Inflated sense of his own importance" correspondent at the B von T (deceased) group....

Adrian James

Just a quick one guys.....I'm not going to give a long-arsed speech about this, so let's get straight to the point.....
IF you have not participated in this group since joining, OR if you are not sharing this information far and wide with the world in this sorry state....

Then you will be booted from here.
Better do a bit of activity to stay in as a sleeper agent. I was long since booted by the then above ground Baron.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

hucknallred wrote: Mon Nov 01, 2021 1:46 pm Better do a bit of activity to stay in as a sleeper agent. I was long since booted by the then above ground Baron.
I did think about asking how the baron's theory that his liens created "debts" that could be visited, yay, even unto the seventh generation according to the "sins of the father" principle, could ever be morally justified. Even North Korea limit it to the third generation.

But I know I'd just get booted.

If the silly sod wants to trawl through all 8000 members looking for the couple of dozen who give a shit that's up to him. His next step will no doubt be to take the group private followed shortly by a purge of anybody who dares ask any questions at all. A pound to a pinch of shit says he 'does a Neil Warren' and ends up talking to himself. He's showing most of the signs already.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by exiledscouser »

Oh my, what a rich seam of craziness this thread has unearthed. Some fantastic comments which need recording here. There appears to be a 'hard core' of six Baroneers, maybe as many as ten and they are bemoaning the lack of action by the other 4,000+ members of the FB site. The majority are just hanging on for a solution to all their woes, sock it to The Man or perhaps they are something else as "Peace Fullheart" I suspect rather accurately theorises below. Here's mod Mr. Millard who regrets swallowing the Red Pill to kick things off;
Andy Millard wrote:Ruled by consent. Show me the 67million signatures of the governed. The government do not have it, therefore, there cannot be a government or anything they make you do or pay so stop paying these criminals. Example. All forms of tax is fraud so stop paying it. Your paying criminals. 85% they take from you. Nothing costs 85% off each individual, especially when it's been built and paid for, over and over again by our forefathers. Stop paying criminals is the most quickest and powerful answer to close this criminal organisation called government who are no more than a company who you have not given signed consent. No 67million signatures = no government, FACT!!!!
And that is the way they think. !!!111FACT111!!! Others are scared of what might lay ahead;
Michael Nestor wrote:what scares me is that I read one simple wording error can land me in jail
I know, let's all rely on the Baron's affidavit, after all this was a man with lifelong dyslexia so nothing whatsoever can possibly go wrong. That's me certainly sold.

Here's one who knows the demographic that the group needs and those who they very definitely don't want.
Alexander Whiteford wrote:You really do see every excuse under the sun don’t you 😂 “I work full time” yep me too. “I have kids” yep got 7 of um. “Can’t get my head around it” read the affidavit again. “I don’t know how to start” it’s documented follow the instruction. “I am scared of loosing my benefits” well you’re no good to us then. “I don’t want to loose my house” do you really think you own your house? I could go on all day sadly… cmon barons RISE!
There's a Moose. Loose. In the hoose!

Sue is not all that fussed at the prospect of getting 'booted';
Second Thoughts Sue wrote:Boot me by all means. It’s a little arrogant to presume that those of us who read but don’t act upon your posts are idle or cowardly. I share several pieces of information a day: enough to keep people reading without overwhelming them to the point where they stop listening. I may not have shared your posts, no offence intended. Aren’t you here to help people make sense of the bullshit and arm themselves against the agenda?
Dave, one of the mods is a bit unkind to our Sue;
Dave Kingswood wrote:here for a year an no activity an nothing shared on your page bar you an your dogy pics well done you
Oh dear. There seems to be a streak of the misogynistic going on here. How to lose an audience. Even octogenarians are not exactly feeling the love;
Augustus Windsock wrote:Adrian, I agree with Peter abve, however, I am currently collating information from the group and reading the files. I sent an email to Lisa but no reply? Dave Kingswood has been in my area of Saltburn and I have invited him to my home, it would appear he has friends in my area I could interact with. At 83 years young living on my own as Peter said there's only a certain number of hours in each day. Thank you for your patience.

Dave who does not appear to have much patience snaps right back;
Dodgy Dave wrote:ive spent quite a bit of time explaining to you david an no i don't have friends in saltburn that was a day out
Another adherent is struggling to understand all of this;
David Norcliffe wrote:My situation is simple. I joined here nearly a year ago with the best of intentions and then found myself overwhelmed by illness and personal issues. I also don't mind admitting that when i do sit and read the information i simply don't understand it.
Probably Mr. Norcliffe, because its all a load of bullshit and quite beyond comprehension to a rational mind. But Adrian and Dodgy Dave will have you outfitted in the Emperor's New Clothes in a jiffy.

Adrian chimes in with his own effort aimed at alienating just about all the faithful;
Adrian James wrote:There we go guys. Have an insight into the Admin tool. This post has been read by more than 4000 members...Well all the figures are there for you. 22 comments, mostly my replies out of 4000+ people. Fuck this. Fuck the lot of them i say.

Quite. I did think that with the passing of the Baron himself, that this might start to gain traction in the way paintings by an artist only properly start to gain value when they die. But given this discourse The Baron and his works are on their way out. This heartfelt cry from Adrian to his fellow mods is made as this group starts to implodes;
Adrian again wrote:Barons, we are pissing in the wind. The brainwashed are too lazy. It is the worst situation i have been in in my life. We need the numbers, as much as they need to know the facts, but they just aren't bothered.
Peace feels sure he knows why they are populated by hopeless no-marks;
Peace Fullheart wrote:We’re not educating anyone. They are mostly immature, confused,broken, distressed and narcissistic (wo)men and we are standing in the position of personal coaches, psychologists, friends big brothers and punching bags.
Which describes perfectly the type the something for nothing, confused, broken, distressed, immature, narcissistic let's lien everyone for eleventy-one gazillion quid gang attracts. How sad that these cretins set such vulnerable people out on the road to ruin. They recognise who they've recruited yet urge them along the Road to Disaster nonetheless. It's heart-breaking really and quite infuriating.

And on that rather misogynistic note from our friend Peace there I will leave it.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

Adrian again wrote:Barons, we are pissing in the wind. The brainwashed are too lazy. It is the worst situation i have been in in my life. We need the numbers, as much as they need to know the facts, but they just aren't bothered.
Could there be a finer example of "Look at my little Johnny... He's the only one marching in step"?

They must feel like the end-is-nighsters.

JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by The Observer »

["Peace Fullheart" wrote: We’re not educating anyone.
Another delicious moment of sovrun irony. The oblivious Peace Fullheart spoke the truth, though not in the way he intended.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

When you don't even bother to look up the word you are making a post about.... :mrgreen:
Adrian James
How many people have the power of attorney at law in this country?? The answer may surprise you. There are more than 67.5 million "Attorneys-at-law" in this country, which is pretty much everybody. The only reason you don't know you are an attorney at law is because nobody ever told you.

Now why would anybody not want you to know you are an attorney at law?

Hmmm! Let me see now.

How could this be of an advantage to somebody else?

Well if you don't know something and somebody else does then they have an advantage over you.

Knowledge is power.

The pen is mightier than the sword and it is the brain that drives the pen. So keeping you in the dark like a mushroom is advantageous to others and they can capitalise on this fact and... they DO.

So how would you know that you are an attorney at law?

Well it is simple....

If you engage a lawyer to represent you, you have given that lawyer the power of attorney to act on your behalf.
It is not possible to give somebody something you do not have.

So it would not be possible to give the lawyer power of attorney unless you had this to give in the first place.
THEREFORE: Everybody in the country has the power of attorney by default.

So you can quite legitimately add (after your signature) Attorney at Law. Or legal Attorney at law.

This would put the shits up the MPs, DCC's and the Bailiff Companies et alia, because they are as dumb as a box of rocks.
We are all lawyers by default, with or without the qualifications.

So is that not just a cool piece of common sense reasoning or what? Baron David Ward



noun: attorney; plural noun: attorneys

a person, typically a lawyer, appointed to act for another in business or legal matters
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by John Uskglass »

if you don't know something and somebody else does then they have an advantage over you.
Can't argue with that.
The Supreme Court of Judicature Act 1873 in England and Wales and the Supreme Court of Judicature Act (Ireland) 1877 in Ireland redesignated all attorneys as solicitors.[2] The term persists in legal usage in the United Kingdom solely in the instance of patent attorneys, who are legal professionals having sat professional qualifications and are expert in acting in all matters and procedures relating to patent law and practice. They may, or may not, be additionally either solicitors or barristers, or have come to the practice through a technical expert route (e.g. following a PhD and period of practice in a scientific or engineering field).
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by exiledscouser »

As ever it’s a question of semantics and twisted etymology for the Baroneers. I can apply for and hold a Power of Attorney for someone but that does not make me one. If I call myself an attorney, hold out that i’m legally qualified and duly authorised to act this way I run straight into Section 21 of the 1974 Solicitors Act.

Bogus solicitors can ruin the profession’s reputation says the SRA and we all know that only properly qualified ones are allowed to do that 😏.

Unless that is you are a Common Law Lawyer which renders you free to carry on, completely immune from the Man and his evil cabal.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by grixit »

I once came up with a cool bit of faux etymology. Attorneys used to be knight champions, someone was "at tourney" on behalf of someone else. I wish i could infiltrate that concept into sov practice. I'd like to see some of them attempt to ride a horse, or even mount one, in full plate armor.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

grixit wrote: Sun Nov 21, 2021 4:46 am I once came up with a cool bit of faux etymology. Attorneys used to be knight champions, someone was "at tourney" on behalf of someone else. I wish i could infiltrate that concept into sov practice. I'd like to see some of them attempt to ride a horse, or even mount one, in full plate armor.
That's ridiculous. A sovereign afford a horse or armour?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by John Uskglass »

Attorneys used to be knight champions, someone was "at tourney" on behalf of someone else.
And that's why we refer to someone facing charges in the court lists.

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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Juisarian »

That's some bullshit worthy of the old baron himself.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by exiledscouser »

Oh no! The Baroneers are in a collision course with O’Bonkers.
Alexander Whiteford wrote:It's been a while since I posted, but I need to lay something to rest asap before it becomes a problem for the hard working barons.
Do tell
It has been brought to my attention and the attention of other admins that "The Bernician" has created a UCT Token which you can exchange your liens for. I have attached the snippet from the site designed to lure you all in. I beg you all to not fall for this.
The coruscating one wants to exchange one worthless majik bean for another. What’s the problem? Well Alex continues;
You will exchange your perfected liens for tokens to the same value - sounds great! Well its not. A new crypto currency can be spun up in a matter of hours, especially on the back of Ethereum, which surprise, surprise is the backing block chain. Just because you have heard of Ethereum and a google search will show a decent value for Ethereum, the token IS NOT ETHEREUM, it just uses their technology.

You sign your liens over to the UCT Treasury and get some tokens of no value and then your lien is gone. You should be asking yourself the important questions.
Like why am I wasting my life with all this lien crap.
Who is Michael O'Bernicia. I personally have called him controlled opposition for a while, he has been in the public eye for a while now which should always raise the alarm, but for me, this is the final nail in the coffin.

He/They wants your liens because they are loose ends which need sorting out.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

I still wonder what they mean by a "perfected" lien. I have tried asking them but I'm none the wiser as they don't seem to have any idea themselves.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

longdog wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 8:16 am I still wonder what they mean by a "perfected" lien. I have tried asking them but I'm none the wiser as they don't seem to have any idea themselves.
"Perfected" was a word that Heather Touchy-Giraffe used about her UCC filings, so it's a part of the conspiraloon lexicon. I had no idea what it meant then either. Which reminds me, I haven't visited i-uv for a while. :P
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by Burnaby49 »

It's my understanding that the phrase means that the process to create the lien has been completed and the lien is now has full legal status and is enforceable without recourse. In their world that means that the lien cannot be contested or cancelled by either the recipient or the courts. So it's guaranteed money in the bank.
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Re: Baron David Ward

Post by longdog »

Burnaby49 wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 10:22 am It's my understanding that the phrase means that the process to create the lien has been completed and the lien is now has full legal status and is enforceable without recourse. In their world that means that the lien cannot be contested or cancelled by either the recipient or the courts. So it's guaranteed money in the bank.
Oh yeah. I know that's pretty much what it means in the real world but I can't work out what they think it means.

Not that liens are really much of thing in the UK, and their 'commercial liens' aren't any sort of thing at all, but they seem to have stolen the US version of a lien only up to the first part. It's like chucking eggs, flour, sugar, butter and milk into a bowl and declaring it a 'perfected cake' without bothering with the whole mixing and baking bit :mrgreen:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?