Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by longdog »

I am quite willing to take m'learned friend's word for it :mrgreen:
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

More gibberish about the great public gallery exclusion fraud from EWE, but this bit made me laugh.
The Equity Lawyer responded with an explanation that the Eviction Fraud denied a Committal Fraud and a Re-entry Refusal would get Repeat Fraud Proof against the Magistrates Court. The Intimidation Failure got Immature behaviour and Giggling Stupidity by the Security Guard that support Evidence for the Re-entry Refusal Case.
A pay rise for that security guard!

Although I'm intrigued by this enigmatic reference to Mr Nkrumah's return journey from his plea hearing:
Citizen Mr Nkrumah says that be believes events at Basildon Railway Station on the return Journey were an Assault Framing Fraud Ambush by Essex Police. The Crown Court Trial Frauds got Fraud Beneficiary Status for Essex Police. It got a Proof Burden Reversal for Citizen Mr Nkrumah against them on everything else including the Assault Framing Fraud Ambush
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by longdog »

Maybe I'm slow on the uptake, not been paying attention or too fond of Lucifer's Lettuce but I've only just worked out what this 'fraud' shit seems to be about. It seems to be akin to the PLD idea that all rejections, failures or just plain being ignored are in themselves victories as they are further "evidence" that will be used come the glorious revolution or whatever it is that will happen soon never.

Well... I didn't so much work it out as he says as much in one of the less incoherent parts of his nonsense.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

More gibberish, but it would seem that EWE's father was a Tory member (it's not conclusive that EWE wasn't) in the North Shropshire constituency and was planning to stand for parliament but didn't want to split the "local man" vote with Owen Patterson. Notwithstanding that that's not how local party selections work, he then veers into accusations of probate fraud in 2006 and accuses his step sister of stealing his marvellous mechanical mouse organ, er, I mean his digital signature "invention".

However, in that he always publishes at least one laugh out loud item, this has to be it.
Polite Request that Citizen Ms Davies continue the Remedy Research by asking Osteopath Internet Groups how much of the attached documents they understand. Remedy Research has discovered that it is Common Practice for Corrupt Professionals to use Comprehension Denials Frauds for Remedy Refusal Frauds.
Well, if it's common practice for corrupt professionals to use comprehension denial fraud, then surely he is hoist by his own petard and admitting he is corrupt!
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Life comes at you fast when you're a "client" of the Equity Lawyer. Michelle Davies has her General Osteopathy Council hearing today to consider her suspension, and a Council Tax hearing on Friday.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

South Worcestershire Magistrates Court wrote: Friday 19th November

DAVIES, Michelle 2100136447 Courtroom 02 14:00
No hints as to whether she's a FoTLer Council Tax protestor or just someone who didn't/couldn't pay.

Note for non-UK viewers, some councils are very aggressive and you can get a summons within a month for a first non-payment and if you fail a single payment, the whole year's CT is due. My bank added unexpected charges at the end of a month, overdrew my account, then bounced my CT Direct Debit and the first I knew about it was a summons in the post. What a normal person does is make the failed monthly payment as soon as possible or call the council (there are rules for those who genuinely are in difficulty). What you don't do it let it go to a magistrates hearing.

Her attempt to have a judicial review of the fitness to practice hearing looks like it was tossed out on the 11th. EWE's attention has now flipped to complaining that the hearing will be virtual and on an inconvenient date or, as he dubs it, a bias fraud.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by longdog »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 9:40 am Note for non-UK viewers, some councils are very aggressive and you can get a summons within a month for a first non-payment and if you fail a single payment, the whole year's CT is due.
Unless the law has changed I think the council has to give you two warnings / reminders and after that they can go straight to the courts for a liability hearing. That's certainly the way my council works. I'm rather lax in paying my bills and I don't 'do' direct debits so I usually get both warnings every year. I've had both this year so I'm behaving myself until April.

A friend of mine got a summons without any warnings and the court tossed the liability order on that basis. As the freetards like to point out the liability order 'hearings' are a bulk procedure and as far as I can tell if the person offers any of the three valid defences (not liable, already paid, no warnings) the council just scratch their name off the list. It's no skin of their nose and they can try again next time when they have got their evidence, if any, together.
Her attempt to have a judicial review of the fitness to practice hearing looks like it was tossed out on the 11th.
I've just been wading through the gibberish and it certainly looks that way. He has this listed as being her "defence" and you can see why she lost. The usual incomprehensible, incoherent, irrelevant drivel.

https://equitygovernance.uk/wp-content/ ... ouncil.pdf
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

longdog wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 10:07 am Unless the law has changed I think the council has to give you two warnings / reminders and after that they can go straight to the courts for a liability hearing. That's certainly the way my council works.
You could be right and it was just a warning of a summons. But it was a red letter with the words SUMMONS in large bold Helvetica so it did its job!

Now, I think Mr Ellis has been a little stupid. He's been scrupulous in not appearing to file cases on behalf of his clients. However, he appears to have dropped the ball with chip shop Eddie. The fool put his email and phone number on the High Court application form. It would be terrible if the Attorney General's office had been tipped of about this :whistle:
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by aesmith »

I note that in one of his cases, "Citizen blah blah" vs "Eastnow Estates Ltd", EWE's paperwork consistently refers to them as "Eatsnow Estates". Which I think is a better name actually.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by exiledscouser »

But remember folks don’t eat yellow snow. 😎

We keep saying on this thread (well I do) that EWE’s constant breaches of his civil restrictions will catch him out eventually but it seems, like an eel he is able to wriggle through without sanction and it’s business as usual. It’s been a constant source of mystery to me why the size 10 boot of oppression hasn’t been levelled at his rear end.

That said, he never wins though and a trawl through his Equity Lawyer website shows lots of battles but not a single victory. I wonder whether, despite the injunction, the powers that be have simply reduced his diatribes to pure irrelevance?

He certainly churns out a prestigious amount of quasi-legal sounding claptrap but here’s the thing; does anyone ever pay for this? Ms Davies for instance? Or does the noble Equity Lawyer work entirely pro-bono?

We laugh and pour scorn on his antics but I’m reminded, again, that behind these filings featuring Prince Bishops and the cast of the Wizard of Oz are vulnerable people, misplaced in their selection of “lawyer” who bear the brunt of EWE’s craziness.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

exiledscouser wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 5:08 pm But remember folks don’t eat yellow snow. 😎
The two main take-aways re: EWE

1) The failure of the Judge in his contempt hearing to sanction "preparing documents" as acting as a lawyer does give him enormous leeway. She narrowed the statute of acting as a lawyer to filing and representing. It was a silly judgement in my opinion but we have to respect the judicial ruling.

2) He's in social housing and on benefits (and seriously ill). Even before this he was free loading on Neelu (now there's an irony!) I think all evidence suggests that he's working pro bono. With him it's a crusade rather than a grift.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by longdog »

I really wish they'd treat him the same way as they treated the Insulate Britain protestors yesterday. Four to six months for contempt of a high court injunction.

No matter what you think about IB the contrast between their treatment and EWE's constant thumbing his nose at the courts is obvious.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

longdog wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 6:50 pm I really wish they'd treat him the same way as they treated the Insulate Britain protestors yesterday. Four to six months for contempt of a high court injunction.

No matter what you think about IB the contrast between their treatment and EWE's constant thumbing his nose at the courts is obvious.
Well, they did rather blow it by saying they'd continue breaching injunctions regardless.
National Highways Limited v Various wrote:"We have seen nothing to indicate that the defendants will not continue to protest in breach of the M25 Order or other similar orders. Everything that has been said by or on behalf of the defendants suggests the contrary. In those circumstances, the least sanction we can impose commensurate with the gravity of the defendants' conduct is an order for imprisonment."
What ever EWE is. he's been scrupulous in sticking to the letter of his injunctions until his faux pas last week with that High Court filing. :wink:

Neelu too knows when to run away (sometimes literally!). Sabine McNeill didn't.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by longdog »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Thu Nov 18, 2021 7:07 pm Well, they did rather blow it by saying they'd continue breaching injunctions regardless.
Yeah. Honesty is rather a two edged sword in court isn't it? On the one hand you get sent down for telling the truth and on the other you get sent down for perjury. And then there's the whole "My client would like to apologise to the court for this 38th totally-out-of-character offence this year but this time he has very definitely learned his lesson. Oh... And his mum has just died... Again" bullshit you are expected to come out with that nobody even tries to pretend they believe.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

So how did Michelle Davies council tax liability hearing go? It appears she didn't quite go full FotLer, but was pretty close.

Apparently the magistrates court hearing, specifically set up to hear council tax summons, didn't have the jurisdiction to grant an order against her :thinking:

It looks like they ignored this expert legal advice and issued a liability order anyway.

So she's lodged an appeal full of EWE gibberish accusing the MoJ, General Osteopathy Council, A local health centre, a GP, West Mercia Police and Worcester City Council of conspiring against her to make her pay her council tax and among other things torture, together with an obligatory £10,000 request for interim damages.

The problem is I think liability orders can only be challenged on a point of law and whatever EWE's gibberish is, what it isn't is a point of law.

And if the basis of the GOsC case for suspension is one's mental competence, perhaps including them in the list of defendants on a council tax appeal is not a smart idea.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by longdog »

AnOwlCalledSage wrote: Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:36 am
The problem is I think liability orders can only be challenged on a point of law and whatever EWE's gibberish is, what it isn't is a point of law.
Yep. I'm not sure if it would count as a point of law or as a point of fact but there are only three defences against a liability order as far as I know.

1) Not a person liable to pay.

2) Already paid.

3) Not had the requisite two reminders.

Everything else is irrelevant.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

longdog wrote: Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:48 am 3) Not had the requisite two reminders.
Well, she blew that one. She turned up in person for the hearing. It'll be hard to argue that she didn't know about it, and thanks to EWE posting the date on his website in advance the world also knew about it.
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by longdog »

Found this as a testimonial on the webshite of a certain "Enlightened rebel psychoosteopath" and I thought you would all like to share in its Vogonity.

Michelle Davies, Osteopath and Magician!

She's a lady who has magic hands which quietly

Work miracles - all in the name of osteopathy

Her movement's gentle - you may think it slight -

Although she's sometimes strong, her touch is gentle, light...

Once or twice I've thought 'there should be more

To fixing all these parts of me that feel so sore!'

And sometimes after treatment I can feel a pleasurable ache

That tells me that my body's healing ~ make no mistake ~

It can be a sign the body's getting well

And mine is all restored! I'd recommend you unreservedly, Michelle!

And the benefits you gain are not confined

To one excrutiating aching place

Michelle treats the whole of you - body, spirit, mind -

Knowing that they occupy the self-same space.

She's the lady with the magic hands who quietly

Works miracles that some call osteopathy...

© Liz Darcy Jones
No, no. No need for thanks. Buy a pint some time.

You're welcome.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

So how is Michelle Davies attempt to prove she's not batshit crazy by filing EWE's gibberish and demanding the arrest of Uncle Tom and Aunt Tomasina Cobbley going?
From: Dugmore, Marc <Marc.Dugmore@justice.gov.uk> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2021 12:11:37 PM
To: Michelle Davies <Michelle@worcester-osteopath.co.uk>
Subject: Court Correspondence Received 22/11/2021

Dear Michelle Davies,

Further to the correspondence that you delivered to the court yesterday, I sought the advice of our legal team.
Their response is below:

Thank you for your correspondence dated 21/11/2021. Please note, it will not affect any current or future
court/tribunal proceedings as the application has not been made using the correct format, does not
include within the papers an offence known in law and does not include any names, addresses and dates
of birth of those defendants who are said to be a part of any allegation so service can be effective.

If you have problems with debt or court proceedings, you can find useful information on this
website, https://www.gov.uk/pay-off-debts or through an advice service such as Citizen's Advice.

Sincerely Marc W. Dugmore Team Leader Court Support|HMCTS|Worcester Justice Centre | Worcester |
WR1 3QZ Phone: 01562 51428
He has helpfully, in a subsequent email, informed her that she can deliver her private prosecution to the local magistrates court, which could be awkward as they are one of the named parties :snicker:
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Re: Edward William Ellis, Common Law QC

Post by exiledscouser »

Maybe she can pitch in with MoB’s equally doomed private prosecution? Surely the Worcester courts will have by now woken up to the source of this legal mumbo-jumbo? They say (in past judgements) that courts are becoming all too aware of EWE’s peculiar writing style.

If they have, maybe a judge needs to take a firm hand and put a stop to this crap; Ms Davies is well up shit creek and her belligerence, aided and encouraged no doubt by Eddie is only making things worse.