Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

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John Uskglass
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by John Uskglass »

Are you hearing voices? You may not be schizophrenic
Well that's actually true. It is increasingly recognised that hearing voices on its own is not necessarily pathological.

Charles Fernyhough's 'The Voices Within' is a good and accessible overview of current thinking on this.
https://charlesfernyhoughcom.wordpress ... es-within/
https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016 ... ugh-review

Strangely however, he makes no reference to 'voice to skull technology'.

A belief in gang stalking, on the other hand, which the text quoted appears to be a version of, probably is indicative of a mental health issue.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by Eaststander »

exiledscouser wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 1:47 pm Over on the “Common Law Court of Wales” there is a thick seam of craziness to delight and entertain. Even that stalwart Welshman Rab C Sproul gets a frequent mention and there’s plenty occupying the minds of Wales’ finest thinkers concerning “berth” certificates, untold riches nicked by the gubbermint from your cesty queue vee account and unnatural goings on at the White House. Here’s Robina to give you a flavour;
Robina Merakech wrote:Please help Targeted (Tortured) Individuals who are being experimented on against their wish by mind control technologies and practices. Are you hearing voices? You may not be schizophrenic but may be experiencing voice to skull technology, whereby technology remotely projects voices in or around your head.
May I recommend a stylish hat made only of nature’s finest tin foil? Works for me - ho ho he he ha har!!!!!
Do you feel someone is reading your thoughts? You may not be going mad, (going? you probably are already) it may be remote neural monitoring, whereby wifi picks up your brain signals and sends them to a super computer, (I hear the regrets of Marvin the Paranoid Android as he moans “here I am, brain the size of a planet and there’s nothing on the Wi-Fi, just that feckin’ Neelu again”) whose artificial intelligence unravels the signals, thereby reading your thoughts. Feel you are under surveillance 24/7? It may not be paranoia, (oh yes it is) but could be because you are being satellite tracked, because you are a Targeted Individual. Help stop these crimes against humanity by spreading the word. Nils Melzer, Special Reporter on Torture at United Nations, is investigating these insidious crimes. They are rolling out this cybertorture/terrorism onto the rest of the population for population control, so inform yourselves and discuss it with all your family and friends. Peace and love to all those suffering at the hands of such evil.
Madam” observes a commentator “I think you need to see a doctor”.

My own Dr. said I was paranoid. Well he didn’t but I knew he was thinking it…. (Ba-boom tish).

In other news Police 5 would like your assistance with this;


“Get back Plod!!!” That copper-wound pendant (geddit??!!) is even more powerful than the mighty mystical USB thumb drive anti-5g suppressant we saw advertised a few years ago, a snip at £399.00 a pop, £900.00 for two. “Roll up folks, works even when not plugged in.

Edit. The link to the BBC article won’t work, probably because I’ve been targeted by invisible mind-reading energy beams from the cabal running everything. Try;

Trading Standards squad targets anti-5G USB stick https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-52810220
Yes, the ‘Madam’ comment was mine. I have just had a long set-to with Ms Merakech, but of course it was utterly pointless. I feel sorry for her.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by notorial dissent »

I wonder how many of those bricks plunked down their hard earned for those trinkets?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by exiledscouser »

You had a good go at a reasoned and quite compassionate discourse with Ms. Merakech Eastander but as she observed, you failed to do your own research and in not doing so, failed to reinforce her baseless conspiracies. For shame.

I fear that she is too far down the rabbit hole. Here’s another Zuck FB page full of lunacy and the deranged, egging on and reinforcing each other’s wobbly and foundation-less belief systems. It’s come to something when even Liz of the family Nolson throws a tantrum at being made an Admin on the site. How very fucking dare you! she thunders.

This group is a right list of who’s who in the fuckwittery-sphere. Devine, Badaloo, Elizabeth Watson, Rab C, Leigh “Cockroach” Ravenscroft, Chrisy Morris, Kevin Arnett, UK Column, Tom Crawfraud; a toxic butter of Covid conspiracies and secretive cabals intent on genocide spread thinly on the toast of the incredulous and ignorant.

It must be the Zuck’s algorithms that draw them all together. Until I started sending in my sock to have a look at this stuff (doing a bit of my own research) all I was interested in was naval history, decent whisky and motorbikes. Now I’m hitting top billing for every crackpot and depressing group out there, surely now a candidate for illuminarty death beams playing Radio 1 and Capital FM on endless repeats in me head.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by longdog »

My own Dr. said I was paranoid. Well he didn’t but I knew he was thinking it…. (Ba-boom tish).
I used a variation on that joke when complaining about a psychiatrist to my GP. It went right over the humourless sod's head. :mrgreen:

Speaking of which...

A man walks into a gynaecologist's office and says "Doctor... I think I'm a moth"

"The psychiatrist is next door" says the baby-cannon expert.

"I know" says the man.

"So why did you come in here?"

"Your light was on".
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by Eaststander »

exiledscouser wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2021 4:22 pm You had a good go at a reasoned and quite compassionate discourse with Ms. Merakech Eastander but as she observed, you failed to do your own research and in not doing so, failed to reinforce her baseless conspiracies. For shame.

I fear that she is too far down the rabbit hole. Here’s another Zuck FB page full of lunacy and the deranged, egging on and reinforcing each other’s wobbly and foundation-less belief systems. It’s come to something when even Liz of the family Nolson throws a tantrum at being made an Admin on the site. How very fucking dare you! she thunders.

This group is a right list of who’s who in the fuckwittery-sphere. Devine, Badaloo, Elizabeth Watson, Rab C, Leigh “Cockroach” Ravenscroft, Chrisy Morris, Kevin Arnett, UK Column, Tom Crawfraud; a toxic butter of Covid conspiracies and secretive cabals intent on genocide spread thinly on the toast of the incredulous and ignorant…
What page is that, scouser? Sounds like the sort of place one could have some fun - sorry, I meant do some ‘research’.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by exiledscouser »

There’s a link above, see Common Law Court of Wales in blue above.

I know that Longdog likes to trump the hierarchy of such courts with his own august institution. I’m not sure whether the Welsh CLC is above or below John Smith’s effort but they all share the same zero effectiveness and get largely ignored by the evil cabals. Except for when Smith and Rab C started serving their stuff on members of the Scottish judiciary and found that the Empire did indeed strike back, their arses were collectively served back to them with all the trimmings.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

BlackBeltBarrister covers Mr Salmon
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
John Uskglass
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by John Uskglass »

Sinead Quinn update courtesy of 'Yorkshire Live'.
A Government agency is taking enforcement action against salon owner Sinead Quinn for failing to pay £8,436 fines and costs for repeatedly breaking lockdown rules.

Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunal Service (HMCTS) has today confirmed that the fine - imposed in August - remains unpaid.

The rebel hairdresser, who runs Quinn Blakey Hairdressing in Oakenshaw, was given 28 days to pay by Kirklees Magistrates who found her guilty of ten charges relating to lockdown breaking activity in November 2020.

Ms Quinn did not attend the court hearing on August 13, but did send a strange letter to the court explaining that she "does not accept the role of defendant" along with an inky fingerprint.

She was ordered to pay a fine of £6,000, costs of £2,246 and a £190 surcharge, while her previous £17,000 in fixed penalty notices were dropped as the prosecution superseded those penalties.

Today a spokesman for HMCTS, an agency of the Ministry of Justice, said: "I can confirm that the fine remains unpaid and we have started enforcement action on the balance outstanding."

The spokesman outlined eight options open to HMCTS including clamping and selling Ms Quinn's vehicle, issuing a warrant of arrest or increasing the fine by 50 per cent.
https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/wes ... d-22426083
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by hucknallred »

ArthurWankspittle wrote: Mon Dec 13, 2021 4:51 pm BlackBeltBarrister - covers Mr Salmon
I'm a big fan of BBB, concise & to the point with his legal titbits.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by Eaststander »

We have a new idiot on the block. Step forward Jason Paul Greaves. He runs (or ran) some kind of fashion business in the Midlands, but has since branched out into just about any conspiracy you can think of. Companies house have details of some quite flakey-sounding businesses he has set up. His current effort is bluethumbclub.com. It is an impressive looking site, but most of the links are dead. From what I could see, the point of the site is to get mugs to pay for some kind of legal 'advice' which will enable them to avoid paying people what they owe. Big surprise! Among various titles he gives himself is Post Master General of our Planet, and Chief and Commander of United Nations. Yes, he is one of those people who employ weird syntax to 'prove' that something is false or true. David Wynn-Miller seems to be a hero of his.

We have had a spirited discussion over the last few weeks when I tried to get him to show me evidence of his various achievements. After some prevarication, and the usual entreaty to ‘do my own research’, he lost his rag said he was going to get his ‘squad’ (they were called CO2 or something) on to me. When asked for details proving the existence of these people, he refused to give any, making a dark reference to 'blue paper', which he claimed I should know about. His most recent FB post was some interminable video about his problems trying to register/unregister his new baby, so to avoid it going into dry dock. Or something.

Sadly, we have fallen out, and he has blocked me, so perhaps somebody else might like to take up the torch? I believe his FB was Jace Jay, but there seems to be another one in the name of Quantum-Fusion.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by SpearGrass »

Courts are getting a rising number of people "making themselves into a limited company": this involves registering their name as a ltd company at Companies House with a single share. It's clearly being done as a way to fend off legal liability and looks like a riff on Straw Man unjoinder, but I haven't seen one work its way through to court yet - it's taking the form of pre-emptive FOIA and SAR requests at the moment.

Anyone know what the game plan is with this ploy?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by longdog »

No different to any of the other variations I suppose. Trying to create another you that's entirely responsible for the shit while you are entirely responsible for the sugar. I'm sure it will have the same 100% success rate as all the other versions don't.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
John Uskglass
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by John Uskglass »

Courts are getting a rising number of people "making themselves into a limited company"
Is this something different from trading as a limited company rather than being a self-employed sole trader?
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by TheRambler »

John Uskglass wrote: Sat Dec 18, 2021 8:19 pm
Courts are getting a rising number of people "making themselves into a limited company"
Is this something different from trading as a limited company rather than being a self-employed sole trader?
The issue comes when they neglect to inform their mortgage provider, utility provider or bank that the ground rules have changed and they are now a business customer. They all like to know who they’re dealing with in order that they can assess the risk properly. Then there’s the little matter of periodic reporting, and so it goes on. Transferring one’s liabilities to a shell company is an attractive idea, unfortunately it doesn’t work, just like all the other walk away Scot free schemes.

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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by Burnaby49 »

That idiotic scheme wouldn't work in Canada. Not because of mortgage laws or rules but because of tax laws. Canada has a very generous income tax provision that, with certain limitations, exempts any profit on the sale of your home from tax. Take my specific case. We bought our house for $70,000 in 1978. It's now assessed at about $1,500,000 thanks to the insane rise in real estate values in Vancouver. All of that increase is tax free at such as we sell but . . . . . .

The tax-free status only applies if individuals own it. The sale of our house would become a taxable event if we transferred it to a corporation, even if we owned all the shares. So nobody, even scammers trying to renege on their mortgage, is stupid enough to transfer a home into a limited company.

The law came in way, way back, essentially a campaign promise that the government didn't think would amount to much given the stable house prices over half a century ago. From time to time the federal government floats trial balloons about abolishing it but they always conclude that it's best to leave it alone. Any government that tried to revoke it wouldn't survive the next election.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

John Uskglass
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by John Uskglass »

The issue comes when they neglect to inform their mortgage provider, utility provider or bank that the ground rules have changed and they are now a business customer.
So, is this people who are not self employed trying to put private household bills in the name of a company? Sorry if I'm being dense.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by longdog »

Unlikely to stop just at private bills I would think. Taxes and criminal liability no doubt get transferred to the "corporate fiction" too.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
notorial dissent
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by notorial dissent »

The glitch of course being that it wasn't the Ltd company that originally incurred the debt or booked the service, and it is up to the vender whether they let the Ltd company succeed to the liability. It just can't be unilaterally applied. So dodging the mortgage or bill just isn't going to happen.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Random Freemanesque Babblings II: Back to the Futile

Post by longdog »

notorial dissent wrote: Sun Dec 19, 2021 4:08 pm The glitch of course being that it wasn't the Ltd company that originally incurred the debt or booked the service, and it is up to the vender whether they let the Ltd company succeed to the liability. It just can't be unilaterally applied. So dodging the mortgage or bill just isn't going to happen.
Sure but that would need the freetard to understand that while your creditors can transfer the rights to the debt you can't transfer the liability. Lets not start getting into the realm of facts, reality, logic and the bleedin' obvious.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?