Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

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Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I’m forced to publicly admit I was wrong. I'll admit that I wrote Menard off years ago. He's had sporadic short bursts of activity in the past few years like his ventilator scam at the beginning of the covid pandemic; ... 48&t=12128

but otherwise just low-level grifting, not really anything worth reporting.

But that's all changed and the man has been renewed, revitalized by the truckers protest!! He's been touting the anti-vaccination party line for a while now, framed it in a personal freedom context, but really wasn't getting much traction. However when the convoy started heading to Ottawa he saw a way to grab some of the attention. He said he was joining them and, not only that, he was going to give comedy performances and be one of the speakers on the "main stage", whatever that is. In anticipation of official resistance he dusted off the old tried and true chestnut, the Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers;
Hello and good day.

I am Robert Arthur Menard, contacting you in my role as Chief of the Peace of the Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers.

As I'm sure you must be aware a peace officer is defined in the Criminal Code of Canada. Among the people recognized as peace officers are persons employed for the service and execution of civil process and those employed to preserve and maintain the public peace. As members of the public can employ other members of the public to act as process servers and those process servers are employed for the service and execution of civil process it stands to reason that members of the public can also employ other members of the public to preserve and maintain the public peace and that once thus employed those people are according to the criminal code of Canada Peace Officers.

Our organization is not a vigilante group for we are not self-appointed and we do operate with the authority recognized by the Criminal Code of Canada.

All of our members are employed by other members of the public to preserve and maintain the public peace and they make an oath to do so. In these trying and difficult times we feel that it is important that people who are rallying for greater freedoms recognize their duty to act with respect to the law and to maintain the public peace

Many of our members are attending Ottawa this weekend for the freedom convoy truckers rally. We have heard rumors that there will be paid agent provocateurs who will come with intent to breach the peace cause riots and justify the use of force and violence by the police. It would appear that some members of the government want to see these truckers and rally attendees painted as right-wing extremists. It is our intent to ensure that that does not happen.

Towards that end I have employed certain members of the public to preserve and maintain the public peace and they have made an oath to do so and as such are according to the law peace officers. These peace officers will be lawfully empowered to employ other members of the public as peace officers and to detain and arrest anyone they see breaching the public peace.

Our goal is to work with the police forces and to ensure that they realize that they are not alone and we do not look at them as an enemy. It is important that your officers realize that our members are just as much peace officers as they are and that their goal is to preserve and maintain the public peace. I personally do not see how anyone would have a problem with that unless they wish to use their authority to justify breaching the public peace.

Our members will be identifiable by way of high visibility ribbons tied to their biceps on their right arms. Those people will have made an oath to preserve and maintain the public peace and are duly employed by other members of the public to do so. There will also be video records of them making their oath and being so employed.

I can only imagine how difficult it must be for you and your officers with so many people descending on Ottawa angry and frustrated with government overreach and the clear erosion of their rights and freedoms. It is our sincere hope that our actions will be seen as helping to minimize and mitigate any potential problems that might arise.

Sincerely and without malice aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity.
Robert Arthur Menard
Yes, the same CCCP bullshit that Menard tried to use in a confrontation with an actual policeman in Toronto resulting in criminal charges for impersonating a peace officer. As you'll recall Brave sir Robin had so much confidence in his interpretation of the legality of the CCCP that he fled his own trial rather than defend his position. But that was yesterday and today he's bravely encouraging others to try the same scheme that got him indicted for criminal offenses. One of his followers posted a comment on how well that’s worked out for him;
Garyhall Ian Francis Huddleston
*****WARNING*****Yes. I also read this years ago. And since then I have 25 convictions, hundreds of court appearences, cannot get VISA's for other countries and struggle to get a job.
But Menard’s not just a burnt out one-trick pony, that brilliant mind is constantly, ceaselessly questing for bold new sovereign ideas and he’s come up with something even better than the CCCP, a brilliant, brilliant new idea. What is it? WHAT IS IT??? He started out by posting a teaser;
So apparently the mayor of Ottawa is sending out tow truck drivers and about to employ the police to tow the trucks claiming they have no business there. But what if they did? Watch this space.
So I watched in eager anticipation until he released his latest stunning act of genius. He's going to start a delivery service!!!!!
Robert Menard
1d •
We are working on a plan to support the truckers. It involves finding people who will sponsor them by entering into a contract with them to deliver a package to the prime minister. It will likely be either a simple postcard or a notice or a letter. In this way they can have a proper bill of lading and we can set the groundwork necessary for civil action for intentional interference with economic interests.

Right now those truckers aren't operating under a contract. If they were it would be an entirely different story. If we can match each trucker with one shipper and pay them $10 plus a non-negotiable promissory note worth let's say $1,000 then we can bring a class action suit if anyone tries interfering with their delivery.

The promissory note is necessary so that we can demonstrate that they have been economically harmed but we would have a private agreement in place stating that the trucker would not seek to redeem that promissory note but would instead frame it and hang it on their wall.
What are they going to deliver? A package to the prime minister! And since the delivery is based on a contract and has a bill of lading nobody can legally stop them from delivering the package and Trudeau must accept personal face-to-face delivery! A stunning concept from a man who's had his share of them, and then some, in the past. As far as those pesky tow trucks are concerned they've been checkmated because towing a truck is interfering with commerce since there is a contract;
Don't you know what a breach of the Peace is? Towing a truck is not breaching the peace. But it can be interference with commerce if there's a contract.
Think of the awesome potential of Menard’s revolutionary concept! In his alternate reality two idiots can write a pair of contracts saying they’ve each hired the other to deliver a parcel to President Biden. They can walk up to the White House waving their contracts and the Secret Service can’t stop them because THEY HAVE A CONTRACT. Biden would also be legally bound to meet them personally to take delivery BECAUSE IT’S IN THE CONTRACT. Finally, a way for me to hook up with Scarlett Johansson!

And, being Menard, he's found a way to try and monetize it;
Robert Menard
1d •
Would you like to support our freedom-loving truckers by GETTING THEM INTO OTTAWA to deliver packages to Trudeau to show him how much you love him?

You can purchase a gift basket for Trudeau which we will give to a trucker (one package only per trucker) to deliver to the PM’s office in Ottawa. This will get those truckers rolling again! Sending this package produces a bill of lading and contract, justifying their existence in Ottawa. If the mayor, the police or anyone else tries to interfere with their delivery contract, they will be liable for civil action. International interference with commercial contracts is a very serious tort, and also removes from any Police Officer their qualified immunity and they would be held personally liable along with the Mayor and The Corporation of the City of Ottawa for interfering with the lawful fulfillment of a delivery contract.

Our specially created gift baskets will contain the following:
A lump of charcoal so Trudeau can do more hilarious black face.
One Kleenex brand tissue so he can wipe his tears.
A small piece of Fringe to remind him that those on The Fringe of society are Canadians too.
One crayon which he can use to craft his orders and statutes.
One moist towelette for his moist speaking.
One sucker because he sucks.
One paper king’s crown because he thinks he’s a king.
A wallet sized photo of his daddy, Fidel Castro.
And finally one prepared non-disclosure agreement for use for his next dalliance with a minor.

This gift basket will only cost you $20!

$10 will go to the trucker who delivers it.
$7 will be used to cover the cost of production and getting the packages to the truckers outside Ottawa.
$2 will go to groups of volunteers to fund their efforts in Ottawa.
$1 will be donated to Druthers

To participate use the email below and send $20 e-transfer along with the information you would like to have in the sender’s box on the shipping label.

Support our truckers, have your voice heard, and show Trudeau how much you love him.

I'm anxiously waiting for some of them to try this latest idiocy so we can all watch the hammer being dropped on national news as they try and force their way into the prime minister's office ranting how they have a contract they wrote between themselves that puts them above the laws of the land. It's such a breathtaking act of legal genius that I just can't understand why Menard isn't leading the charge personally.

That's effectively how the CCCP was supposed to work. One moron would hire another moron under a private contract of employment to be a peace officer then moron B would do the same for moron A and they'd both suddenly be peace officers, all legit and above board according to the Criminal code of Canada. Worked fine until Menard got arrested.

Speaking of Menard while he went on about how he was going to give some of his pathetic comedy performances and be a "Main Stage" speaker there's no evidence, apart from his own self-serving comments, that he's done any of that or that he's even gone to Ottawa. No matter, the truckers seem to be doing quite fine without him, generating priceless publicity and goodwill by deliberately shutting down downtown Ottawa, pissing on war memorials, and harassing charity kitchens for free meals.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Menard's brilliant new ventures generally don't last long. When some actual work apart from sitting at a computer screen is required he bails. But even by his standards his delivery service had a very short shelf life. First he clarified the issue of mandatory receipt by Trudeau;
Robert Menard
19h ·
I just realized something! Packages sent to Trudeau's office won't be opened directly by him! What to do? It's almost like it's not about Trudeau but the truckers and their supporters! I'm such a Pudding Head.
Which generated a comment;
Dave Lockwood
That's not really relevant, it doesn't matter who opens the packages, or what is in them. What matters is that they are 'In Transit'!
and response;
Robert Menard
Dave Lockwood yes that is true and only a pudding head would not realize that.
Menard uses 'pudding head' in both a specific and general context. In a general context when he uses the plural tense, as the quote above, it includes anyone, including myself, who is too dense to comprehend his brilliance. When he comments on a specific 'pudding head' he's referring to our long-banned poster arayder who would post obsessively about Menard. Arayder's still doing it on JREF and Fogbow and Menard has been responding on his Facebook page.

In order to dumb it down even further for we pudding heads Menard posted this;
Robert Menard
I should clarify for the pudding heads Trudeau will not have a fiduciary duty to open them directly himself but to have them opened. The fact that it's not addressed to him but to the people in care of him means he can't just throw it away. The pudding heads don't realize it's not about Trudeau and whether or not he's even aware of the packages. His head is so far up his ass anyways I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't aware of them. But the newspapers will be the people will be the police will be the truckers will be and the truckers will be operating under a lawful contract. That's what it's all about. But Pudding Heads cannot seem to grasp the nuance of this campaign.
Sadly I'm still confused but I've never claimed to have Menard's legal acumen.

Then he bailed on the gift basket idea entirely;
Robert Menard
2h ·
Great news Trudeau lovers! Our gift basket program is being handed over to Druthers so that they with their much larger team and better organizational skills can set up a crowdfunding program so people can watch the campaign grow! All monies will be going to them and they will be responsible for disbursement to the truckers and the volunteers in Ottawa.

Also thanks to Pudding Head the packages will not be addressed as gifts for Trudeau but as gifts for the people of Canada in care of Trudeau. That way he won't be able to simply throw them away. He will have a fiduciary duty to open them and to disperse the contents fairly. That way at least the crayons, suckers, moist towelettes, panty liners, and charcoal will all eventually go to good use!

Finally we have worked out what we want the non-disclosure agreement to say. It will be written by a child with crayon and will say the following:

Non-disclosure agreement
I, _______________, do hear bye pinky promise and super swear not to tell anybody about Justin Trudeau's bad touches in exchange for 1 million dollars and a lollipop. Cross my heart and hope to die if I lie stick a needle in my eye.
Signed _________________

Thanks again Pudding Head! That was a great catch thank you so much!
A unique way of dumping an idiotic idea that's going nowhere while claiming that it's a valuable gift to the truckers.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by Burnaby49 »

The protesting truckers in Ottawa have taken up Rob's idea and are actually making a success of it! Well, at least the money-raising part;

Way to go Canada! On Tuesday we will be bringing the first 1000 packages, contracts & payments to truckers in Ottawa! Our next goal is to hire another 2000 truckers to deliver a copy of Druthers to Trudeau.

Shawn Jason, the founder of Druthers is personally contracting with truckers in Ottawa to make deliveries so they will be legally 'permitted' to be in Ottawa, making it more difficult for authorities to eject them from the city. To do this on a large scale, we are asking for the support of the people.


For every $20 contribution, we will Hire A Trucker to deliver a copy of Druthers to Justin Trudeau. This creates a situation where the local police and even the mayor of Ottawa cannot legally tell the truckers to leave as they are contracted to be there to make a delivery.

This is a simple yet brilliant way to support the truckers and give them a 'hall pass' of sorts, a halo of protection. We already have staff & volunteers ready to do the boots on the ground work of bringing the package, contract and payment to the truckers. If you are in Ottawa and wish to help out too, please reach out to us at

Our opening goal is to get 1000 sponsored contracts for 1000 truckers. Our extended goal is to have 50,000 truckers contracted in the city. We are acting quickly on this before authorities begin removing the truckers, so please contribute what you can right now and share this campaign everywhere you are able.

This is a powerful, simple way to keep the truckers in the city and the protestors peaceful. Your support today is hugely appreciated!

For $20 you can HIRE A TRUCKER and give him/her protection from being kicked out of Ottawa.

This initiative is being led by Druthers, a team of people that so many Canadians already know, love and trust. If you are not yet familiar with Druthers, please see the website at

Druthers is an alternative media outlet that spawned from the lockdown protest movement in Toronto and for over a year Druthers has been making waves in every province across this beautiful country.

This druthers truckers concept is being further developed right now (it was launched on February 5th) and this fundraiser page will be updated as we have more to share with you all.

Please show your support of truckers, of freedom and of the Canadian people.

Big thanks & lots of love,
Shawn Jason

-- This is a peaceful, legal, lawful action to assist truckers with remaining in the city of Ottawa for as long as they deem necessary without harassment from police or city officials.


How each $20 is used:
$20 = $19.10 received after platform and processing fees (send e-transfer to prevent these fees:
$10 delivery fee goes to the trucker with the contract
$8 for logistics, distribution, printing, packing, promo & management of this project. (Any excess funds will be used for other freedom related projects.)
$1.10 donated to printing a Druthers Truckers special edition newspaper. (more info on that coming soon) ... lwdYTM4i5s

They originally had a $20,000 goal which they passed very quickly. It's been revised to $60,000 and they've raised $45,116 as of a few minutes ago.

The only significant difference from what Menard proposed is that the delivery item is a fringe newspaper rather than a box of crap gifted to the people of Canada. I'm impressed that an idea of Menard's actually worked. The fund raising part of the idea that is, the idea itself is still stupid. Having a newspaper to deliver gives you no more legal rights than you had without it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by eric »

Tis really sounds like the old strategy of the postmaster, specifically the USPS, having special majik (TM) powers. Nothing new here. I strongly suspect that the copies of Druthers will end up in a snowbank, used to line birdcages, or to start a fire, which is where they traditionally end up. The money donated will end up in somebody's pocket. I'm not going to discuss the whole convoy fund raising fiasco since it's definitely politically tainted.
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Menard seems to have end his announcements from the battlefront. Given how few and generalized they were I'm assuming he was never there and just posted from home. Had he actually done something, anything, given a speech, performed a comedy routine, joined a protest line, he'd be boasting about it endlessly but not a word of any achievements.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by MRN »

Oh balls. Apparently I've also lost my mind; that was supposed to be EDITS, blast it.
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by MRN »

*points upwards, grimly*
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by MRN »

Burnaby49 wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 6:10 am Menard seems to have end his announcements from the battlefront. Given how few and generalized they were I'm assuming he was never there and just posted from home. Had he actually done something, anything, given a speech, performed a comedy routine, joined a protest line, he'd be boasting about it endlessly but not a word of any achievements.
I may have found him for you. Or they may have stolen his brilliant scheme and then cooked and eaten him for all I know (or, indeed, care) the video quality isn't good enough for me to be sure whether or not it's him, but ...

Posted without commentary, because I keep trying to write a post about the various SovCit bits of nonsense going around at this thing, as a form of light relief, and I genuinely cannot manage the right Quatloos tone: as of now, I have basically lost the last remnants of my sense of humour, my patience, and my shit. Sorry guys, it's not you, it's me.

Given what the last two weeks downtown have been like, especially this: ... -1.6342347

I think we pretty much have to assume that no matter how stupid it is on its face, enthusiasm for becoming "peace officers" means we can expect the harassment and violence to get a lot less sporadic.

This was funnier when they were outnumbered. Just sayin'.
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by eric »

MRN wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 10:51 pm Posted without commentary, because I keep trying to write a post about the various SovCit bits of nonsense going around at this thing, as a form of light relief, and I genuinely cannot manage the right Quatloos tone: as of now, I have basically lost the last remnants of my sense of humour, my patience, and my shit.
Join the crowd, I have purposely avoided saying anything about the various SovCits I monitor who are attending the fun events in Ottawa. Would it cheer you up if I told you that Chris Harrod from unifythepeople who I have mentioned previously is there? Too bad the heater on his van is defunct along with the alternator and he's getting a little chilly, also no money to fix it so he can return to Alberta... hint, he's starting to look a little rough right now. It would be sad if someone dropped a word in the ear of the OPS that he also has no valid registration or insurance for the vehicle.

Anyways, if you write something up, I don't have the patience, I made a catch this morning. Saw a news clip on CTV about the fun at the Emerson border. One of the trucks, a large flatbed, had a sign saying that KOD Freedom would solve all their vaccination problems. Here's their website:
and it's a subset of this organization: ... index.html
Run out of California, it seems Queen Romana Didulo has competition and we now have HRH David Joel Weems of The Royal House of Wemyss and King of The Kingdom of David, a Global Sovereign Constitutional Theocratic Monarchy as an usurper. I never knew becoming the monarch of Canada was such a popular job.
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by LordEd »

Thought I'd check and yep, they mentioned Menard's fake common corps here:

Come here to check, and of course quatloos has it covered.
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by eric »

A question for those more learned than I. Listen at 1:09 of the above video. Will the Canadian Corpse of Peace Officers be responsible for enforcing Marshall Law or do we leave that up to the 9th North Nipigon Corpse of Fusiliers and Carabiniers (Prince Valiant's Own)? :shrug:
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by Burnaby49 »

So Menard's finally getting some traction, at least his Peace Officer bullshit is, that oath is pure Menard circa 2000 or so. However I note he's not in the front lines promoting it. I don't think that's him in the video. not fat enough and not old enough. Perhaps he's concerned that the Ottawa police might just serve that arrest warrant if he starts joining in. As I've said before I doubt he's actually gone to Ottawa, instead just pretending he has.

If we have contesting monarchs we may as well have Menard in the mix too. This protest is going in odd directions.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by MRN »

eric wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 11:49 pm
Join the crowd, I have purposely avoided saying anything about the various SovCits I monitor who are attending the fun events in Ottawa.

That is ... actually reassuring. In a way I can't quite explain. Thank you.
Would it cheer you up if I told you that Chris Harrod from unifythepeople who I have mentioned previously is there? Too bad the heater on his van is defunct along with the alternator and he's getting a little chilly, also no money to fix it so he can return to Alberta... hint, he's starting to look a little rough right now.
Actually, yes. Both because I am angry and mean and because the best and least bloody possible ending I can see to this is it they all just get so miserable and dispirited that they fall apart on their own.

Well. Mostly on their own. Ottawa is not entirely without enterprising sorts with a talent for minor mayhem. If you haven't been listening to their Zello channels, have a go. Warning: explicit, homoerotic, metal-and-western music. ... h-1297926/

I already slightly resent that we're CLEARLY going to have to play that blasted song at the victory party...

There is a bit of an egg shortage downtown too...
Run out of California, it seems Queen Romana Didulo has competition and we now have HRH David Joel Weems of The Royal House of Wemyss
Wemyss, ON, I presume. Lovely place*, population gets as high as 250 in high summer.
and King of The Kingdom of David, a Global Sovereign Constitutional Theocratic Monarchy as an usurper. I never knew becoming the monarch of Canada was such a popular job.
I would really really like to stop picturing the royal wedding, thank you. Although picturing the pre-nup is worse.

* It really is, actually, hopefully His Are You Actually Fucking High-ness will never get near it.
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I sympathize. I lived in Ottawa from 1972 to 1975 and I found the winters intolerable even without the incessant airhorns. And I found February to be the worst month of it. In Vancouver that's when spring starts to show itself but in Ottawa it was when it started dumping massive quantities of snow again.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by eric »

MRN wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 4:17 am Well. Mostly on their own. Ottawa is not entirely without enterprising sorts with a talent for minor mayhem. If you haven't been listening to their Zello channels, have a go. Warning: explicit, homoerotic, metal-and-western music. ... h-1297926/
I already slightly resent that we're CLEARLY going to have to play that blasted song at the victory party...
Yes, I listened to their Zello channels live for a few days, the first song the trolls played was even too raunchy for Rolling Stone - "Welcome to the C** Zone". Here's a better tune than Ram Ranch:
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by MRN »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 8:57 am I sympathize. I lived in Ottawa from 1972 to 1975 and I found the winters intolerable even without the incessant airhorns. And I found February to be the worst month of it. In Vancouver that's when spring starts to show itself but in Ottawa it was when it started dumping massive quantities of snow again.
Oh, well, see, that is definitely one bright side to it all. It's absolutely FOUL here today. Freezing rain this morning, snow this afternoon, 15 degrees colder with a vicious wind and a cold warning now than it was at noon... and residents are practically giddy with joy.

Other than that... yeah, no, I just keep typing and deleting stuff. I'm sure this is fine. Very peaceful. Much freedom.
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'd neglected to note freezing rain. The most hellish Ottawa weather nightmare of them all. I had no idea it existed when I moved from Vancouver but I found out about it fast the first winter. I was once stuck downtown overnight at the end of a workday because there was no way to get back to Nepean with the entire city a massive sheet of ice.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by MRN »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sun Feb 13, 2022 5:26 am I'd neglected to note freezing rain. The most hellish Ottawa weather nightmare of them all. I had no idea it existed when I moved from Vancouver but I found out about it fast the first winter. I was once stuck downtown overnight at the end of a workday because there was no way to get back to Nepean with the entire city a massive sheet of ice.
Okay, NOW you have gone Too Far. I happily accept almost all criticism of the frozen Arctic hellscape that is my chosen city in winter, because it's true, but ... I'm not standing for that.

I spent the first 14 years of my life in Coquitlam. The Lower Mainland gets a LOT of freezing rain. That was where I first learned how to crack hairsicles out of a braid. I broke my arm trying to do a monkey-bars trick in grade 4 because I hadn't noticed that the bars were iced up and went flying.

Admittedly you don't typically get it on top of snowpack, and melt-and-freeze is its own horrible thing, but still. Not falling for that one.
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Maybe you got freezing rain way out in the hinterlands of Coquitlam, part of the the great unknown wilderness east of Burnaby. But here in tropical Vancouver, where I've spent most of my 72 years, I can't recall ever getting freezing rain. Certainly not a rain that turned my steps and street into a sheet of ice.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Pirates Mate
Pirates Mate
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Re: Robert Menard's Brilliant New Idea!

Post by MRN »

eric wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:30 pm
Yes, I listened to their Zello channels live for a few days, the first song the trolls played was even too raunchy for Rolling Stone - "Welcome to the C** Zone". Here's a better tune than Ram Ranch:
I am also very fond of

And I can report that the convoy aren't big fans of Li'l Nas either.

There was a very respectable looking woman in her 60s today at the (resident's) blockade with a Truck Off To The Ram Ranch sign.

We're looking for some buff* dudes** who can line-dance for the next one, if anyone knows any...

Anyway. I'll try to keep my Not SovCit content to a reasonably dull roar on here, but this is just to say that yesterday's solidarity march and today's Battle of Billings Bridge were both swell dos. I do believe that the end of Ottawa's patience has been reached. Enjoy:

And I'm asleep at the keyboard.

**definitely negotiable