UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

ArthurWankspittle wrote: Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:04 am Can't get the staff these days.
I'm surprised our esteemed home secretary hasn't said that Ukrainians make good servants.

Perhaps they don't.
Last edited by longdog on Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
John Uskglass
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by John Uskglass »

I'm surprised out esteemed home secretary hasn't said that Ukrainians make good servants.
I heard where your Ukrainian is a security risk. Wouldn't want them listening at the keyholes, dontcha know.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

Well it's not like we don't have a reliable source of the servant classes a bit nearer to home.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Larry Spoons »

Newly has posted her draft notes of yesterday's hearing:

Draft Notes of proceedings


14 MARCH 2022 2PM



DJ: DJ Franklin Evans DJ


EE: Edward Ellis Executor on the Will of Late Sadhana Dolly Chaudhari

NB: Neelu Berry sister of Late Sadhana Chaudhari

M: Marcelle as Advocate for Neelu Berry


EM MEULI Counsel for Claimant

DJ Can I ask, who is Miss Neelu Berry, is that you?

NB Neelu Berry no titles

DJ Who is the lady sitting behind you

NB She is my advocate Marcelle


M: Marcelle

DJ: That is most unusual You are refusing to give me your name

DJ Who is the lawyer with you?

EE I am Edward Ellis the Executor on the Will

DJ Whose Will?

EE The late Mrs Sadhana Chaudhari

EM May I explain – loan made to 2 borrowers, Ved Chaudhari, father of Neelu Berry & Sadhana Dolly Chaudhari, Ved passed away in 2013, Sadhana passed away dec 2018, no mortgage paid since then, in Nov 2021, NB appointed under CPR 19.8 2B(ii) as there had been no grant of probate in respect of SDC Will.

On 02 Feb 2022, NB & EE attended, EE was a solicitor, struck off and has GCRO until Feb 2022. Adjourned till today due to time limit and Pre-Action Protocol checklist, Defence was to be 5 pages by 25 Feb 2022.

DJ Extroadinary document

EM Straight forward possession claim £153,664.64 debt, £485.24 /m last payment 12,518.66 6yrs remaining

DJ Is it interest only? I haven’t decided if EE has locus standi, he says he is Executor

EM We have done searches and there is no Will approved. Probate is onging, a caution has been lodged in proof of the Will

DJ Probate has been applied for?

EM unclear if process resolved

DJ to EE - Why are you here?

EE As the Executor is the representative

DJ you are not the representative, CPR

EE I don’t care what you do today

DJ You claim to be the executor, you claim to be something

EE Have you read the defence and counterclaim

DJ It is gibberish p208 in bundle

EE Yes that is Defence & Counterclaim

DJ Why?

EE I have special protection, LSA 2007, special protection rights for me

I can provide unqualified services, protect proceedings in the civil court. Cabinet is prevented from enforcement. Crown and Lord Bishops

DJ Diosese

EE 12 trial jurors, 12 as appeal jurors, Coronation Oath Enforcement Authority, uses the common law. I have got

DJ to EE You either leave voluntarily or I will have you removed

DJ presses alarm and abandons the court. Security arrive in 10 secs

Young male security pulls chair from under EE, throwing him off. Edward appears to be alarmed and distressed. He is an end stage kidney dialysis patient. He is forcibly removed from the building by the most senior male security guard and another male.


DJ So what I've come to learn is that this is a claim for possession due to arrears on the mortgage and the lack of any persons who is liable to pay them so now over to you Neelu Berry. What have you got to say about this. You can refer to your advocate, you can sit down.

NB I prefer to stand. so I have a lot of issues with everything that he (EM) said

DJ do you deny there is a mortgage

NB sorry

DJ do you deny there is a mortgage

NB yes I do

DJ what has it got to do with you?

NB I live at the property

DJ yes But the mortgage, the house is subject to a mortgage. I've got a copy of the mortgage deed here

NB have you

DJ yes

NB can you show it to me?

DJ no, you've got it

NB can you see my sister's name on it?

DJ it was signed by as i understand it your late father and your late sister

Em p19 of bundle

DJ did ee take your bundle away from you

Em I offered it to NB but she asked for it to be passed to ee

NB OK let's go through that document p19 there is no postcode, the 11 Dec 2003 balance of monies received £30,169.97

DJ p19, where does it say

NB your p19 to EM Do you have this document?

DJ SHOUTS! Can you use the bundle you have been provided

NB That's what am relying on

DJ NB listen we are not looking at that! You use the bundle that has been provided, it's not like a wedding where you scatter confetti

NB OK let's go back and look at the document then

DJ We all need to be looking at the same thing. Use the bundle

NB ok

EM: I don't think NB has the bundle, I gave it to Mr Ellis

DJ oh! who has taken it with him!

EM: I don't think it's too much scribbles, so I am happy to give this over if that assists

DJ that's kind of you

NB OK so

DJ so we are at p19 at the moment, And you wanted to tell me about a sum of money, Where is that?

NB that was on other document I was showing you, I have, you don't have it

DJ and what is the document ?

DJ is it the mortgage?

Nb It is the balance of monies

DJ Well I am looking at the documents that the lender has produced, would you please deal with those documents. what i am told so you know what the case you have to deal with is There is an outstanding amount of £153,664.64 charged on the property that you are occupying

DJ of that sum £12,518 are arrears due under the mortgage since Dec 2018

NB shall we go to p187

DJ the Amended particulars of claim for possession.

NB can you explain it?

DJ I think its because, and EM will correct me if I'm wrong, the reason for the amendment, because your sister's name had been written down as Sadhara and her real name is Sadhana. so to change the R to N

NB can you provide me with a copy of the contract

DJ I don't have to answer your question

NB I am still waiting for the evidence of a contract between Sadhana and the bank of scotland

DJ so what you're saying is, have I got this right because your sister's name appeared on the mortgage document as Sadhara, it doesn't bind her because her name is Sadhana, is that your point?

NB well that is one of the points. The other point is that EM has come here saying that there is no probate, and reason for that is because the name is wrong on the Land Registry because they made that mistake

DJ why would that prevent there being a grant of probate which is for the Will not the registration documents, answer me that?

NB are you impartial?

DJ well i am impartial except when it comes to enforcing the law. You seem to me to be raising rather fluting points with respect because what you're saying is that if the land registry name is wrong that will disentitle your sister's estate from having a grant of probate

DJ: that's rubbish because the Grant of probate turns on the Will. Do you follow? Not whatever happens to be at the land registry do you understand?

NB: No I don't understand anything

The Will was logged with the bank, the Will in which Mr Ellis is the Executor, is with the bank, it is in the bundle, EM has it

DJ where is it in the bundle?

NB EM have you seen it? I am asking him if he has hidden it because a lot of documents are missing just like this document is missing because they are committing fraud. You know the law of contract, you are here doing business. Now I am here to get the damages for my sister, who couldn't acquire

DJ What for? Did she have a legal

NB EM said that she was entitled to survivorship when my late dad died

DJ yes

NB she could not get survivorship because the name on the land registry was wrong, so my late dads name still appears on the land registry if you care to look when my late dad's name is still there in 2022

EM that is p46 official copy. You can see on page 19 the name is handwritten on the mortgage deed. You can see, it's very unclear. At the bottom of the signature page it looks more like an N than an R

EM: As you will see there is an application at the Land Registry to correct the spelling

NB: There you have an admission that you are in contempt of court from Judge Mckeown because Judge Mckeown asked you to take instruction and if so instructed to make an application for change of name and what do you do? You amend the claim form in contempt of the instructions of Judge Mckeown

DJ: wait a minute if we go back to the amended one that you were referring to a moment ago page 187 and I think before it is the amended claim form. What do you say the requirement is to change the name in the proceedings?

NB: it doesn’t match the contract, the original contract

DJ: no no you are talking across me the order that you referred to as the deputy judge Mckeown was in relation to proceedings do you follow


DJ proceedings of the law

NB No you were not there you’re making assumptions and stating them as fact.

EM: Just so that we are completely clear and there is no ambiguity, that is an application that is outstanding and order has been made on that

DJ so let’s get it clear what it is it’s an application which I think was made on the 10th of March is that clear to amend the name of the late Sadhara Chaudhari to Sadhana Chaudhari and that is an application to amend the proceedings the name as it appears in the proceedings and that is really for the sake of good order exactly this point to be taken in the proceedings correct but what I think Neelu Berry is saying is that the mortgage itself was a nullity or didn’t count against the interest or didn’t bind and didn’t bind her late sister because the name had been wrongly written

EM: yes I am at a bit of a loss how that really works because if that is right then she doesn’t own the property because the registered proprietor of the property is Sadhara.

DJ: well let us put that to Neelu Berry and Neelu Berry if you’re right the misspelling of the name of the be all and end all about it and I think you’re wrong that would mean that your sister didn’t have any share in the property at all

NB SO what has happened here is that that handwriting with the wrong spelling was not there at the time my sister signed that document because if she saw that she would’ve corrected that document

DJ do you answer the objection that even if you’re right

NB I’m going to go through all the errors I’m going to go through all the frauds

DJ I’m sure you want to but I would like you to address those points as I’m sure if you don’t mind let us say you’re right and that because the mortgage deed has the wrong spelling or appears to her either it didn’t bind her or she did have an interest in the property which will pass to you once this mortgage has been paid off or she didn’t which is it?

NB coming back to you


NB: are you aware

DJ would you answer my question

NB: what you're talking about are routine frauds committed by banks which have been

DJ: I'm not asking you about fraud I'm asking you where the property was vested I’m trying to nail you down to what you’re trying to really say. It seems like you don’t really know what you’re trying to say. Is it vested in your sisters estate or not yes or no?

NB: which my sister paid £150,000 cash into the account with the bank

DJ: was the property vested in her name yes or no?

NB: the bank took the money from my sister she never owned the property she never owned it. She thought she owned it. It was owned by a fiction. I don’t know who that person is. That’s not my sister. The bank defrauded my sister.

DJ wait a minute she thought she owned it but she didn’t is that what you’re saying? Is that what you’re saying? Stop asking questions and answer mine we don’t have all day

NB: Are you the resident judge?

DJ answer my questions you said she thought she owned it but did she or not in fact

DJ what is the truth?

NB: are you aware

DJ oh for goodness sake yes or no did she own the property right you’re not gonna answer it thank you very much indeed

I don’t need to hear any more evidence

Mr Mueli there will be an order for possession in 28 days and are you seeking money judgment


DJ: Judgment in the amount of the arrears together with the costs that followed under the deed

EM: I seek judgement in the full sum of £153000

DJ: to EM: could you kindly file a minute of the order the number of points addressed, the recitals, the removal of Mr Ellis which was unusual event, and I think also the points raised by Neelu Berry which I find to have been utterly without merits

NB: You are hereby served with a criminal prosecution of you. You just threw that on the floor. You a treasonous criminal and you will be hung for it

DJ Thank you! Good Aftrrnoon! Judge abandons the court

NB: Mr Meuli are you aware of the FCA fining the bank £45 million for what you were doing here today. They are well aware of the proceedings today

EM I am just doing my job

M: you have to be careful when you say you’re just doing your job you know the Nazis actually said they were doing their jobs

NB: you are guilty of treason and you will also be hung

NB: You better look up the documentation FCA you better look that up FCA and police and crime Commissioner Anthony Stansfeld report of 2019 when six bank managers were jailed

NB: The Judge has abandoned the court. I declare the proceedings void.

That went well then. I do hope that Edward has got over the chair removal fraud.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

NB: No I don't understand anything
At least she told the truth about something. :shrug:
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

And there was me predicating a complete farrago. The bank's solicitor seems to have done his homework on EWE.

Quite a simple case in the end. The TL;DR version:

M'Lud he's a struck off solicitor.
Okay sonny boy, out.
So your case is that it's not your sister's name on the contract. Does your sister own the property or not?
As you won't answer my questions, that's a writ of possession and costs. Bye.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

Who could have guessed that Eddie's incoherent, irrelevant gibberish would fail so badly?

It's nice to see the DJ wasn't going to put up with their bullshit. If that's an accurate report, and I assume she was illegally recording proceedings again so I reserve judgement on that, it's pretty much a textbook example of how EWE and The Princess should be handled. She got an opportunity to state her case, wouldn't, or more likely couldn't, actually say what the gibberish was supposed to mean, game over.

Nice :D
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Holy shit. Neelu and EWE just got owned big time. This will go High Court Enforcement I expect, which means interest charges and no warning visits off bailiffs.

I'm also concerned about this:

DJ Evans finds DDJ Voser
"What the hell did I just get landed with?"
(DJ is more senior than DDJ)

EWE: "Chair Removal Fraud!"
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by John Uskglass »

DJ Evans finds DDJ Voser
"What the hell did I just get landed with?"
(DJ is more senior than DDJ)
I prefer to think of Evans looking at the lists and saying 'Bags this one.'
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by aesmith »

Larry Spoons wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:32 pmOn 02 Feb 2022, NB & EE attended, EE was a solicitor, struck off and has GCRO until Feb 2022.
Is that correct, his CRO expired and was not renewed?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

aesmith wrote: Thu Mar 17, 2022 12:19 pm
Larry Spoons wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:32 pmOn 02 Feb 2022, NB & EE attended, EE was a solicitor, struck off and has GCRO until Feb 2022.
Is that correct, his CRO expired and was not renewed?
It was my understanding that a part of the court proceedings against him was an indefinite extension of the CRO but delays, mostly Eddie's delays, had kicked the can down the road far enough that the existing one has now expired.

As always with EWE it's hard to be sure of anything because gibberish.
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by NYGman »

Starts out great, well with EWE being ejected and called on his Gibberish
Larry Spoons wrote: Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:32 pm DJ to EE - Why are you here?

EE As the Executor is the representative

DJ You claim to be the executor, you claim to be something

EE Have you read the defence and counterclaim

DJ It is gibberish p208 in bundle

DJ to EE You either leave voluntarily or I will have you removed

DJ presses alarm and abandons the court. Security arrive in 10 secs

Young male security pulls chair from under EE, throwing him off. Edward appears to be alarmed and distressed. He is an end stage kidney dialysis patient. He is forcibly removed from the building by the most senior male security guard and another male.
Now to business, maybe, or does EWE strike from beyond the court?:
DJ So what I've come to learn is that this is a claim for possession due to arrears on the mortgage and the lack of any persons who is liable to pay them so now over to you Neelu Berry. What have you got to say about this. You can refer to your advocate, you can sit down.

DJ did EE take your bundle away from you

Em I offered it to NB but she asked for it to be passed to ee

NB OK let's go through that document p19 there is no postcode, the 11 Dec 2003 balance of monies received £30,169.97

DJ p19, where does it say

NB your p19 to EM Do you have this document?

DJ SHOUTS! Can you use the bundle you have been provided

NB That's what am relying on

DJ NB listen we are not looking at that! You use the bundle that has been provided, it's not like a wedding where you scatter confetti

NB OK let's go back and look at the document then

DJ We all need to be looking at the same thing. Use the bundle

NB ok

EM: I don't think NB has the bundle, I gave it to Mr Ellis

DJ oh! who has taken it with him!
So now EWE is a bundle thief, DJ tries to get to the matter at hand, can Neelu answer a simple logic question?
DJ Well I am looking at the documents that the lender has produced, would you please deal with those documents. what i am told so you know what the case you have to deal with is There is an outstanding amount of £153,664.64 charged on the property that you are occupying

DJ of that sum £12,518 are arrears due under the mortgage since Dec 2018

DJ so what you're saying is, have I got this right because your sister's name appeared on the mortgage document as Sadhara, it doesn't bind her because her name is Sadhana, is that your point?

NB well that is one of the points. The other point is that EM has come here saying that there is no probate, and reason for that is because the name is wrong on the Land Registry because they made that mistake

DJ why would that prevent there being a grant of probate which is for the Will not the registration documents, answer me that?

DJ so let’s get it clear what it is it’s an application which I think was made on the 10th of March is that clear to amend the name of the late Sadhara Chaudhari to Sadhana Chaudhari and that is an application to amend the proceedings the name as it appears in the proceedings and that is really for the sake of good order exactly this point to be taken in the proceedings correct but what I think Neelu Berry is saying is that the mortgage itself was a nullity or didn’t count against the interest or didn’t bind and didn’t bind her late sister because the name had been wrongly written

EM: yes I am at a bit of a loss how that really works because if that is right then she doesn’t own the property because the registered proprietor of the property is Sadhara.

DJ: well let us put that to Neelu Berry and Neelu Berry if you’re right the misspelling of the name of the be all and end all about it and I think you’re wrong that would mean that your sister didn’t have any share in the property at all

NB SO what has happened here is that that handwriting with the wrong spelling was not there at the time my sister signed that document because if she saw that she would’ve corrected that document

DJ do you answer the objection that even if you’re right

NB I’m going to go through all the errors I’m going to go through all the frauds

DJ I’m sure you want to but I would like you to address those points as I’m sure if you don’t mind let us say you’re right and that because the mortgage deed has the wrong spelling or appears to her either it didn’t bind her or she did have an interest in the property which will pass to you once this mortgage has been paid off or she didn’t which is it?

NB coming back to you


NB: are you aware

DJ would you answer my question

NB: what you're talking about are routine frauds committed by banks which have been

DJ: I'm not asking you about fraud I'm asking you where the property was vested I’m trying to nail you down to what you’re trying to really say. It seems like you don’t really know what you’re trying to say. Is it vested in your sisters estate or not yes or no?

NB: which my sister paid £150,000 cash into the account with the bank

DJ: was the property vested in her name yes or no?

NB: the bank took the money from my sister she never owned the property she never owned it. She thought she owned it. It was owned by a fiction. I don’t know who that person is. That’s not my sister. The bank defrauded my sister.

DJ wait a minute she thought she owned it but she didn’t is that what you’re saying? Is that what you’re saying? Stop asking questions and answer mine we don’t have all day

NB: Are you the resident judge?

DJ answer my questions you said she thought she owned it but did she or not in fact

DJ what is the truth?

NB: are you aware

DJ oh for goodness sake yes or no did she own the property right you’re not gonna answer it thank you very much indeed

I don’t need to hear any more evidence

Mr Mueli there will be an order for possession in 28 days and are you seeking money judgment
Simple Question, can't answer. I love how this DJ deals with her, they are not putting up with any crap today. Poor Neelu, looks like that house will soon be gone.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

aesmith wrote: Thu Mar 17, 2022 12:19 pm Is that correct, his CRO expired and was not renewed?
Sort off. I think what happened here is that the Attorney General is going for an expanded order. One which prohibits not just EWE but anyone else filing his gibberish. The case, however, is not going to be heard until April.

I guess this means that they don't have enough to invoke his suspended sentence (because the judge wasn't willing to say that preparing documents was acting as a lawyer). What he has revealed so far is that the AG is asking a court for an order that importuning (oh, er, missus!) someone else to file his crap will be enough to chuck him in jail.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by aesmith »

Couple of things strike me about the will, especially as they are contradictory. At 9 she says her estate is left to the named beneficiaries in equal shares, but only if they satisfy the unstated "Corruption Remedy Conditions", and apparently only Woman Neelu does so the others get nothing.

But then again at 11 the executor is instructed to distribute only half the estate, and keep the other half for himself.

I kind of see why there might be some challenge to this will.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

Well Her Royal Highness has released another video today and she's not mentioned her massive fail in court. I don't know whether to put this down to her not wanting to share the WIN!!!! fail with her few remaining acolytes or her not having yet thought of a way to spin it. Possibly both.

I doubt she'll remain silent for long.

Here's the link but you won't miss anything if you give it a pass. Just some gobshite waffling on about Julian Assange until the Zoom connection gives up the ghost.

JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by aesmith »

Video outside the court now released. At 1:55 we seen EWE leaving the building, presumably following the chair removal fraud, and carrying the bundle, he doesn't look too pleased. The rest is mostly Neelu explaining why the court process is invalid in some way.

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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Normal Wisdom »

aesmith wrote: Fri Mar 18, 2022 5:40 pm Video outside the court now released. At 1:55 we seen EWE leaving the building, presumably following the chair removal fraud, and carrying the bundle, he doesn't look too pleased. The rest is mostly Neelu explaining why the court process is invalid in some way.

That video is brilliant. Worth it for the editing alone. My favourite part is at 4.09 when that big, silent guy magically appears. Besides that I love the contrast between her Neelu's confidence going in and anger coming out. Sounds like she's going to appeal the possession order.
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

She's right in a way when she says that the case was predetermined. The bank are entitled to possession and she can appeal with her crackpot and totally irrelevant gibberish until she's blue in the face. They'll still be entitled to possession.

To be honest I'm wondering if she has legal standing to launch an appeal. Is she even a party to these proceedings or is she just being given an audience in court for the sake of justice being seen to be done?
JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by longdog »

Normal Wisdom wrote: Fri Mar 18, 2022 5:47 pm My favourite part is at 4.09 when that big, silent guy magically appears.
Scary :mrgreen:

JULIAN: I recommend we try Per verulium ad camphorum actus injuria linctus est.
SANDY: That's your actual Latin.
HORNE: What does it mean?
JULIAN: I dunno - I got it off a bottle of horse rub, but it sounds good, doesn't it?
Normal Wisdom
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: UK - Neelu Berry opens my eyes

Post by Normal Wisdom »

longdog wrote: Fri Mar 18, 2022 7:25 pm She's right in a way when she says that the case was predetermined. The bank are entitled to possession and she can appeal with her crackpot and totally irrelevant gibberish until she's blue in the face. They'll still be entitled to possession.

To be honest I'm wondering if she has legal standing to launch an appeal. Is she even a party to these proceedings or is she just being given an audience in court for the sake of justice being seen to be done?
She does. She was appointed by the court to represent the estate under CPR 19.8 2 B(ii) because probate hasn't been granted. That's why the judge threw out Eddie when he said he was there as executor / representative.
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”