Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by clearwater-resident »

Hello, I had no idea who Dean Clifford was until a couple weeks ago when he decided to run for mayor of the small town I live in. This website has been an incredibly helpful introduction to who he truly is.

Clifford’s campaign has been focused on his beliefs about being a sovereign citizen, but it’s primarily been about pushing his anti-vaccine views and a multitude of far right conspiracy theories.

At first I passed him off as just another moron. Unfortunately I’ve come to the conclusion that he is a major problem for our small town. It is quite unlikely he will be elected mayor, but he does have a few anti-vaccine types that have chosen him as their guru. He has only been here a little over a year. has purchased what is essentially a fenced compound in the middle of town that used to be a KOA. It has multiple residential buildings as well as tents set up randomly in places that appear to be dwellings.

He has a Facebook page currently that is being utilized for his campaign. He’s offended a great deal of the townsfolk with it and continues to spout garbage daily.

I do not believe he will be mayor, but I do not think he will be gracious in defeat. It makes me sick to learn about this guy. And it bothers me that he somehow landed in our small town and seems to be trying to take it over.

This site has collected so much data on him it seemed like the best place to go. I also noticed a recent post on this thread said that they were unsure what town he is living in.

The town he is living in is Clearwater, British Columbia.

His facebook account is

How do we handle this guy? He is literally toxic.
His compound is incredibly reminiscent of Waco. I feel like he has many characteristics of a cult leader, and he’s known to be dangerous.

I really think we have a problem here.

Please help us.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by Burnaby49 »

My sympathies but, as you've probably deduced from the information on Quatloos, there is no simple way to "handle" him. He's a narcissistic asshole not susceptible to social pressures and, as long as he stays within the law, free to do what he wants. Getting into fights with other town residents is also classic Dean. He's very confrontational with no tolerance for disagreement or compromise.

You wrote;
I feel like he has many characteristics of a cult leader, and he’s known to be dangerous.
He's already been a cult leader. He was the most important of Canada's sovereign gurus with a large devoted following. He filled auditoriums with his lectures on his toxic bullshit. There are masses of You Tube videos of him on stage, and elsewhere, spewing out his gibberish. That ended with his convictions and jail term but it seems like he's restarting in the classic manner by setting up a compound and getting together a core of followers.

As you've surmised he'd be a disaster as mayor, he's only in it for himself and whatever control and resources that being head of the town would give him. At least that issue should be easily resolved just by steering people to Quatloos. We probably have more publicly available information on Dean than any other single source. In case you've missed one these are the other threads we have on Dean and his brother. They go back almost a decade;


Dean seems to be doing a damn good job of torpedoing his own chances by promoting issues (conspiracy theories, anti-vaxx craziness) totally unrelated to the mayor's position. I guarantee that if he ever got in they'd be front and center as municipal business.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by eric »

Clearwater Resident, you certainly have my sympathies....
Burnaby49 wrote: Sat Sep 24, 2022 5:52 pm Dean seems to be doing a damn good job of torpedoing his own chances by promoting issues (conspiracy theories, anti-vaxx craziness) totally unrelated to the mayor's position. I guarantee that if he ever got in they'd be front and center as municipal business.
One problem with that, as the mayor of a small BC community, he has exactly zero powers regarding Covid restrictions, policing, health care staffing issues, or school board curriculum (I think I've hit them all). Nice to campaign on that, but he can't do anything about it. In fact, the council only has control over a small portion of the monies it collects via property taxes. Should the mayor and council become dysfunctional the province can and will step in.

Anyways I decided to check up on Dean's personal and business life. Hmmmm...... getting fat, old, and domesticated. Aren't we all :shock: Legal matters - still has a driving while prohibited charge from Vernon. The local RCMP could literally walk next door to pick him up:
56050-1 1 03-Dec-2021 MVA - 95(1) Driving while prohibited/ licence suspended Commit CLIFFORD, DEAN Christopher Vernon BC
56050-1 CLIFFORD, DEAN Christopher 1 Vernon Law Courts 28-Apr-2022
09:00 AM 202 FAW WI
56050-1 CLIFFORD, DEAN Christopher 1 Vernon Law Courts 24-Feb-2022
09:00 AM 202 FA WI
With respect to his business:
Honestly I don't see it surviving the winter. The bar/restaurant has limited hours, he has to make mortgage, and a few words dropped in the right ears could see the whole thing shut down because of zoning and licence problems. (See WhistleStop Cafe, Adamson's BBQ, etc for similar examples.)
Cheer up, you only have to put up with him for another year, at the most two.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by wserra »

clearwater-resident wrote: Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:34 pmHow do we handle this guy?
The way such things are handled in a democracy: convince people by gathering information and coming up with an effective way to present it. This site, I think, gives you a huge leg up on the "gathering information" part; as Burnaby says, there is a ton of stuff on Clifford here, none of it good, and much of it referencing primary source materials.

You need to do the second part: effectively presenting it. After all, the people who need to be convinced are your neighbors. For example, on his FB, Clifford challenged someone to debate. Take him up on it. Someone with experience at persuasive public speaking, armed with just the information here, should be able to tear him a new one. That would require some planning and structure, since Clifford is very unlikely to abide by any rules, even ones to which he has agreed. Why should he start now?

Good luck.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by eric »

Here's another hint for getting the word out to your neighbors, Do not engage him in debate on his own Facebook, he will just block you. Start another group and invite all candidates as members. Post your bad things about Dean there to get the word out. Once things have simmered for awhile have a few town hall debates. Ensure the meetings are tightly controlled - for example only candidates and eligible electors are allowed to speak.
Eric, the rural politics junkie
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by wserra »

eric wrote: Sat Sep 24, 2022 6:38 pmDo not engage him in debate on his own Facebook
Oh, absolutely. In fact, I would suggest that you not engage him online at all. Live airing of bullshit is far more effective - but, as both eric and I wrote, absolutely requires planning and control. He may refuse to participate in something fair, but you can make that into an admission that he knows what would happen if he did.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by Burnaby49 »

After having browsed through his Face Book page I agree that his chances of being elected are slim. Supposedly he's on (for him) his best behavior to induce locals to vote for him but we still get an angry, confrontational rant stuffed with conspiracy theories unrelated to any aspect of the mayor's job.

Also, while I know little about small town politics, I'd assume that the mayor is generally a local who's been around for years, is well known to the electorate and knows the town and its issues. Dean meets none of these criteria. He arrived in Clearwater just last year and he immediately wants to run the place.

He put an interesting spin on his time as a freeman guru;
I went the University of Manitoba but left after 3 years to pursue my Business interests. I continued my own Private Studies post University and became a self-taught student of Law, while running my Business. I then began helping farmers and families across Canada, for free, who were being unfairly targeted by agencies of the Canadian Government. I also began traveling across Canada, teaching Constitutional and International Law at Conferences, helping people become more aware of their Human Rights. I came to realize how broken the system is when I was arrested for helping others. I do not regret standing up for and educating others on what to do peacefully when the establishment no longer represents us. It is a dangerous time to be right, when the government is wrong.
However he forgot to include his criminal convictions on gun and marijuana charges and the resulting jail time.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sat Sep 24, 2022 7:10 pm Also, while I know little about small town politics, I'd assume that the mayor is generally a local who's been around for years, is well known to the electorate and knows the town and its issues. Dean meets none of these criteria. He arrived in Clearwater just last year and he immediately wants to run the place.
Small town politics in Canada is really simple. Your council and mayor have much less power than everybody thinks they do, are mostly well meaning amateurs who don't get paid enough to cover their time, but deal in bread and butter issues such as water, sewage, picking up garbage, making the area attractive for businesses and residents, and emergency services (but not police). Everything else is a provincial responsibility. Voter participation in municipal politics is also very low. With roughly 2500 residents in Clearwater BC all you have to do is convince at the most 200 electors NOT to vote for Dean. If you want to be mean and ensure his business fails that can be done with a couple of dozen people at the most. Small town politics is also considered a blood sport btw.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by DNetolitzky »

The Alberta Court of Queen's Bench (as it then was called) has made some interesting comments and findings in relation to Dean Clifford in this decision: Scotia Mortgage Corporation v Landry, 2018 ABQB 951:
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by eric »

Yes I was aware of that one. It was too bad that someone reported Ms. Landry to the Real Estate Council of Alberta. Anyways, posting while cooking steaks on the barbie, Dean's whole strategy has been to control the narrative. Distract the Court by forcing them to prepare legal narratives to prove his theories are false before getting to the heart of the matter. If you want to fight Dean in the court of public opinion you have to control the narrative yourself. Let him come to your court of social media where he can't block you.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by Rupert68 »

DNetolitzky wrote: Sat Sep 24, 2022 11:32 pm The Alberta Court of Queen's Bench (as it then was called) has made some interesting comments and findings in relation to Dean Clifford in this decision: Scotia Mortgage Corporation v Landry, 2018 ABQB 951:
Great read. Shows how desperate people can get sucked into a worse situation by the predators like Clifford. I thoroughly enjoyed his arrest videos in Hamilton Ontario though, so he's not a total waste of time for me.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by clearwater-resident »

Hello all.

I really appreciate the responses I received a few weeks back when I brought up the fact that Clifford was running for mayor of my small town.

The preliminary results of the election are in.
There are only 2 people running for mayor.
Clifford received 11.2% of the vote (far to much IMO)
The incumbent received 88.8%

This is was not a surprise to me, I did not expect him to win. But he seemed to be constantly referencing the 2016 presidential election in which early polling suggested Hillary would win, when she ended up losing.

Its a huge relief to know Clifford lost by a significant margin. I was worried he had manipulated a great deal of people in my town. I was worried people actually did what he wanted and ignored what has been written about him online. I was worried my town was secretly full of white supremacists that supported his overt bigotry.

It was incredibly reassuring to know that is not the case. I’m sure many locals did not vote for him simply because he is new to town. But I really like to think the people in my town are good and intelligent people that saw him for the piece of shit that he is, and shut his ass down.

My hope is that we continue to stand up to any bullshit he may present to us until we run his ass right out of town. We aren’t his followers and he isn’t are Guru.

Welcome to Clearwater wolverdean. Now GTFO.

Thanks again for your responses everyone.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by Rupert68 »

Has he started yelling about a rigged election yet?

In my experience as a small towner, most residents just want someone to keep the trash collected, the potholes fixed, the roads plowed and generally keep things humming along. Nobody wants a mouthy outsider to change things.

Congrats on your common sense!
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by eric »

Rupert68 wrote: Sun Oct 16, 2022 1:58 pm Has he started yelling about a rigged election yet?
No, just a lot of "you're all a bunch of communist pedophile libtards who aren't deserving of my superior intellect so I'm taking my ball and goin home".
As I predicted, the residents of Clearwater only needed 200 voters to make sure he didn't win. In fact, they needed even less since he only received 111 votes. Anyways, he seems to have returned to social media but with some not very nice people. Here's his Odysee channel:
He also pops up on some extreme right wing channels:

And who is Plaid Army and Jeremy Mackenzie? Here ya go:
Diagolon is a satirically proposed nation running from Alaska to Florida,[6][15] and the group advocates forming a new country through separatist violent measures[16] "unencumbered by the sinister burdens of communism, moral degeneracy".[17][18] Their goals consist of using violence to take power and strip rights away from people who do not meet their purity tests based on ideology, race, and gender.[19][20] Their motto is “gun or rope".[19] ... 20business. ... -1.5785646
Anyways, Jeremy has a few issues of his own: ... hewan.html
He was picked up the next day (August 27) and has been denied bail btw.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I have to take issue with eric regarding Dean "only" getting 111 votes. According to Dean that's way more than he expected and enough to emulate the American Revolution here in Canada!
The American Revolution was fought by 4% of the population of the U.S.A. at that time, the rest of the people were either cowards or statist whores who did nothing. I got 11.31% of the vote without even trying, that's better than I thought it would be.
Under Dean's logic that's the same as getting over 4,000,000 votes had he thrown his hat in the ring federally;
This means that based on this sample, 11.31%, we can quickly now calculate that there is likely 4,323,813 people in Canada who think like me as well, minimum... and growing.
Although, if there are 4,323,813 like-minded Canadians they didn't show their support during Dean's years of valiant struggle.

In any case he didn't lose, he won, although not in the Trumpian sense of a landslide win at the polls stolen by crooked politics. Dean isn't contesting the vote tallies but he'd only entered the race out of a sense of civic duty and now, thanks to the Clearwater electorate, he doesn't have to make the enormous personal sacrifices that winning would have subject him to;
Mayoral Candidate Dean Clifford
October 16 at 2:56 PM

I would like to express my deepest thanks to my Father in Heaven for not being elected, first off, and to my haters, secondly. 🙂 I'm far more looking forward to spending time with my family this winter and getting all the needed renovations done to my facility, than I am having to represent some of the people that have been posting here on Facebook. As I have said before, People get the governments they deserve, and this is no deviation from that.
Having said that, I wish to note for the record that not one plastic tree died in the making of my campaign for a street sign, as I had none. What I find truly excellent and makes me very happy is that having run no campaign, no advertising, no signs and just making one announcement on Facebook where I was universally trashed with ridiculous claims by people, I still got 11% of the vote, without remotely trying.

What that means, for all the haters out there, that there is 111 people, minimum, locally who think like me and are not afraid to say it, and that number is growing. As stated, not one of my family members (23 of us locally), not my wife and not any of my employees voted in this election, at my behest, as I wanted an accurate sample of how many "like-minds" there are in this tiny district alone. This means that based on this sample, 11.31%, we can quickly now calculate that there is likely 4,323,813 people in Canada who think like me as well, minimum... and growing. That is what I really wanted to know. Now it is just a matter of organizing effectively.

Traditional Values are making a big come back, and that really scares all the Communists out there who want civilization to be decadent, debaucherous, immoral, and degenerate.

I am far more effective doing things when my time is not being wasted representing Reprobates, so again, I thank all the haters for ensuring you got the public representation you deserve, and I am not burdened with that task for the next four years.

As for everyone else out there that thinks like me and supported me, I thank you also, but our task is just getting started, and now we all know how to find one another. What we can accomplish by not being bound to the chains of office and Statutory Regulation through public representation is exponentially superior to any Statutory Solution, as there is no Statutory Solution.

Have a great week everyone! I'm having my victory beer at the restaurant tonight. 🙂
Hope you enjoyed the beer Deano!
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by Rupert68 »

In my 400 person bowling association, 155 voted for me as president and for my vision. So the means about 11 million Canadians think like I do. At a minimum.

Someone please explain to Deano the basics of math, extrapolation and sample sizes compared to total people.

I also lost, but I had a nice dinner with the winner. He paid too. However, I was gracious and didn't insult those who did not vote for me. Maybe next time.

I wonder what he's trying to do because his perfect record of failure would be ruined if he actually accomplished anything.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Dean-Boy said:

"The American Revolution was fought by 4% of the population of the U.S.A. at that time, the rest of the people were either cowards or statist whores who did nothing...."

That's a notoriously misleading statistic. Keep in mind that the population included women, children, Black people and Native Americans, none of whom could enlist in any fighting force. There were also men who, for one reason or another (chiefly age or infirmity), also could not enlist. In reality, the patriots outnumbered the loyalists by a wide margin.

There may have been a handful of "cowards," but no reputable source speaks of any great number of them. Desertion was usually motivated by being needed at home to run the family farm and save it from ruin. As for "statists" -- it is to laugh. Most Americans could not define a statist, let alone be one. Also, it took a long while for most Americans to think of themselves as Americans first, and citizens of a state second -- and when the Civil War broke out, the people in the states attempting to secede still thought of themselves as citizens of their state, first.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by eric »

Rupert68 wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 4:27 pm In my 400 person bowling association, 155 voted for me as president and for my vision. So the means about 11 million Canadians think like I do. At a minimum.
Someone please explain to Deano the basics of math, extrapolation and sample sizes compared to total people.
Deano actually received an even lower percentage when you look at eligible voters - it's more like 6%. More significant, when you have a lop sided result for the incumbent, typically most of Dean's votes wouldn't be for him, they were because they just didn't like the other guy. Pretty common in small town municipal elections when you only have two candidates.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by Rupert68 »

eric wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:43 pm
Deano actually received an even lower percentage when you look at eligible voters - it's more like 6%. More significant, when you have a lop sided result for the incumbent, typically most of Dean's votes wouldn't be for him, they were because they just didn't like the other guy. Pretty common in small town municipal elections when you only have two candidates.
I grew up in a small town of 5500 in the late 50s and 60s. We usually had one incumbent and someone running against him just to make sure there was a contest. Always though it was only long time residents that ran. No outsiders would dare to run in an election until they got well known and liked by the locals. As I said before, nobody gave the mayor a second though unless he screwed up somehow. My mother was usually a vociferous critic and had the language of a salty sailor. :o
I started voting in 1972 and quickly learned that small town politics is a old boys club back then. I stopped voting in town after that because in our town it seemed that the local clergy ran the place and told the mayor what to do. Examples being playgrounds closed on Sundays, no playing is sports fields on Sunday, required Sunday school for public school students (until about 1970) and required bible classes after school for grades 1 to 5. The town got absorbed by the GTA and how has a population of about 100,000 so politics is a big business now.
I can't imagine how losing is winning but it sure seems to happen a lot with the SovCit morons. I'm glad to see Deano is as useless but entertaining as always.
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Re: Dean Clifford - Back in Action!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Rupert68 wrote: Mon Oct 24, 2022 4:27 pm In my 400 person bowling association, 155 voted for me as president and for my vision. So the means about 11 million Canadians think like I do. At a minimum.

Someone please explain to Deano the basics of math, extrapolation and sample sizes compared to total people.

I also lost, but I had a nice dinner with the winner. He paid too. However, I was gracious and didn't insult those who did not vote for me. Maybe next time.

I wonder what he's trying to do because his perfect record of failure would be ruined if he actually accomplished anything.
Let's not be too hasty in mocking Dean's statistical interpretations. Think of the possible implications to decision making.

I'll give a personal example. I proposed marriage to a young woman in 1977 and she accepted. Since this was the only time I'd ever asked a woman to marry me that's a 100% vote in my favour. Based on Dean's logic that meant that every eligible young woman in Canada would have accepted me. Had I known that at the time I might have given more thought to the wider field of available prospects instead of making a snap decision I'm still living with 45 years later.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".