Waugh is back on the case. Well, not the actual prosecutions, though any day now...
https://www.thebernician.net/home-secre ... tgage-law/
First and foremost, please accept my sincere apologies for how long it has been since the last update on the TGBMS Class Actions we started back in the summer of 2019.
But as many, if not all of you, will already know, we have been engaged in other legal battles since the spring of 2020 [PCP update to follow in due course],
And he's gone straight to the top.
Home Secretary Receives Proposal The Tightening of UK Mortgage Law
For and on behalf of the Operation Meadow, Signature 703 and TGBMS claimants, we have thus far have achieved the following unprecedented results, without going anywhere near a court.
The TGBMS Grounds were recently approved as a valid defence to mortgage fraud by three senior members of the judiciary, along with the NOCA and Lien processes associated with them.
It's always 'senior' legal figures with Waugh, isn't it? But somehow there's never any documentary evidence of his claims, or even enough detail to identify the case(s). IANAL, but I very much doubt anyone anywhere in the legal system takes his liens seriously.
We were also commissioned by senior Privy Council members to apply to the Securities & Exchange Commission [SEC] in the US for whistle-blower protection, on the ground we have an abundance of evidence which proves that the UK banks have all been engaged in selling fraudulent UK mortgage packages to US companies, as well as using false documentation and forged signatures to steal homes and businesses from individuals and families, in order to cover up their offshore money laundering activities.
There's that 'senior' again. I assume Waugh thinks his marks take everything he says as gospel, and do no checking, because even a cursory glance at the SEC information about whistleblowing shows there's no need for anyone to be 'commissioned' by anyone to submit a whistleblower report.
Furthermore, of course, to be a 'whistleblower' you'd have to be in the organisation that's been naughty. Aside from that small detail, who would the SEC be protecting Waugh
Lien processes have commenced against the failed UK regulators and the banks’ directors, following their abject failure to provide us with any material evidence that they have not conspired to commit serious financial crimes, in relation to which a Private Criminal Prosecution will soon be laid in a Magistrates Court.
Because of course you can privately prosecute for not providing evidence that you haven't committed a crime, because that's the way the law works...
There's then a long bit of scribble he's sent to Braverman's junior minion's waste bin.
Then it's back to singing the old TGBMS song.
We are also asking every claimant who has provided evidence of mortgage and signature fraud to Operation Meadow and Signature 703 to do the same, since we are bringing together the evidence amassed in each action into a central database and standardizing a non-judicial remedy which will be available to every illegally registered UK mortgage holder at zero cost.
Any guesses as to what that 'non-judicial remedy' might be, boys and girls?
Still doubtful? Get this -
This process was sealed by the High Court in August 2010, when HHJ Kaye QC described the lien I served on former Bank of Scotland CEO, James Crosby, as perhaps the most powerful document he had ever had in evidence before him because it required no judicial authority to be legally enforceable under Common Law.
It's a feature of some forms of mental illness that the person with them sees their actions as influencing the wider world when there's no causal link.
Hence, the panic we have seen recently in the City of London, as those who have profited from the losses incurred by Britain’s void mortgagors desperately attempt in vain to avert the serious consequences of a myriad of financial wrongdoings.