Disingenuous offers on 'beer money' sites

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Disingenuous offers on 'beer money' sites

Post by CrankyBoomer »

I had a rant on another thread about some glitches I'd had when using beer money sites. I won't name it but on one I worked through an offer which was supposed to lead me being put in the hat for a prize. However when I finished I was told I had to do another task - most of them seemed to be gambling offers. Crumbs, if I want to be generous with money I'll buy a raffle ticket or book of same for a good cause depending on how much money is currently in my piggy bank. I exited the task there and then. Another was for an offer for some free stuff (again NDAs and all that I won't say what it was) but the company in question were offering to send folk a free sample but the offeree had to pay the postage and package. So it wasn't really a free offer. Thanks but no thanks. My trusty laptop has been naughty too. I think we all know we have to - most of us - put up with browsers putting 'cookies' on our computers when we use them.* My not so trusty laptop's cookies have obviously let it be known on t'internet that I've been trying to earn a bit here and there and now I'm getting ads (not pop-ups, these are genuine YouTube type ads) about do this course, do that course - how to invest, how to sell on social media platforms, blah-de-blah-de-blah. I think folk who are au fait with stocks and shares (I don't count myself in their number) are aware of how to do it without doing a course or else are well enough off financially to employ a broker on their behalf.

* I'm aware of Duck Duck Go but if DDG takes me to another site I presume the other site will have cookies on it.

By the way I'm not trying to infer all 'beer money' sites are disingenuous and I think the things I came across were down to third parties using the sites.

Somebody (not on a 'beer money' site) offered to enrol me on a course not to be gullible!!
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Re: Disingenuous offers on 'beer money' sites

Post by CrankyBoomer »

By the way I started this thread which is about cases where maybe someone doesn't downright lie but they don't tell the whole truth either (well there can be lying by implication). That's just in case someone thinks "Well she's mentioning something that isn't wholly a scam per se". Can there be such a thing as a half scam? Our trusty leader and any mods are free to clear this thread if they find fault with it.
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Re: Disingenuous offers on 'beer money' sites

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

If you don't mind Microsoft having your data, you can get some beer money from them.

Sign up for Bing as your search engine, register for rewards, click on the daily reward links and you can get a £5 Tesco voucher approx. every 2 months.
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Re: Disingenuous offers on 'beer money' sites

Post by CrankyBoomer »

Thanks for the information, Owl.