Anthony Badaloo

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Anthony Badaloo

Post by letissier14 »

A Stand Against Tyranny July 13 2023

Anthony Badaloo

A stand against illegal eviction succeeds.

Communities are coming together all over the country, to fight back against criminal bankers, abusing the police to support counterfeit court instruments, with violence.

On this occasion, the illegal bailiffs thought twice, and turned tails to fight another day.

Big names like Michael Obernicio, Robert White and Tobe Leigh amongst many others, are inspiring a groundswell of informed homeowners, defending their house and children. ... 6w7vsiD4pE
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Re: Anthony Badaloo

Post by SpearGrass »

I wonder what really happened. Some more details would be useful so we could read all the facts and come to our own conclusions.

Does anyone know the source of the idea that the Bar Association (sometimes called the BAR in FOIA requests) is behind the legal system? Presumably it originates in a country which has a Bar Association, but even then ...
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Re: Anthony Badaloo

Post by hucknallred »

I'm sure Longdog won't mind me putting this here, it's all his work.
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Re: Anthony Badaloo

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I suspect that Badaloo is like someone who hits a two-run home run in the top of the fourth inning of a scoreless game (sorry for the baseball reference, my British friends), and thinks that he has just won the game for his team.
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Re: Anthony Badaloo

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

SpearGrass wrote: Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:55 pm I wonder what really happened.
The usual pattern with these repossessions is that the bank/building society tries the County Court route and doesn't move for a High Court writ. The FotTer either refuses to leave and a county court bailiff hasn't the powers to remove them, or exits but breaks back in the same day and declares victory. The Bank/BS then gets a High Court write 3 months to a year later and they are then removed. This Crawfords, Wrecka and both Neelu evictions went this way.

The only one that hasn't followed this patters has been Crabbie. I suspect that's because between the official receiver and the bank no-one is taking the lead.
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Re: Anthony Badaloo

Post by Albert Haddock »

SpearGrass wrote: Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:55 pmDoes anyone know the source of the idea that the Bar Association (sometimes called the BAR in FOIA requests) is behind the legal system? Presumably it originates in a country which has a Bar Association, but even then ...
I'm guessing the USA. In the UK and Canada it more often seems to be the Law Society.
John Uskglass
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Re: Anthony Badaloo

Post by John Uskglass »

Big names like Michael Obernicio, Robert White and Tobe Leigh amongst many others, are inspiring a groundswell of informed homeowners, defending their house and children.

Unlike the victims, they are not short of money, because they steal by the millions, and milk the public funds, in multiple ways.
I know we're critical of the likes of 'Obernico', but suggesting that they 'steal by the millions' seems a bit much! Though to be fair 'unlike the victims they are not short of money' would apply to O'B.
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Re: Anthony Badaloo

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Albert Haddock wrote: Tue Jul 25, 2023 8:01 am
SpearGrass wrote: Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:55 pmDoes anyone know the source of the idea that the Bar Association (sometimes called the BAR in FOIA requests) is behind the legal system? Presumably it originates in a country which has a Bar Association, but even then ...
I'm guessing the USA. In the UK and Canada it more often seems to be the Law Society.
You are correct. Oddly, since we American lawyers are members of the Bar in jurisdictions where we are admitted to practice, and since we sometimes use the courtesy (and meaningless ) "Esq." after our names, the wackos have deduced that we are members of the BAR, or "British Accredited Registry," and must follow the orders of HM Charles III. Also, the "Esq." means that we have accepted a "title of nobility," and are thus no longer American citizens under a "ratified, but suppressed and kept secret" Titles of Nobility Amendment, which is the "real" Thirteenth Amendment to our Constitution. I'll spare you all a full explanation of this delusion, in part because you all have better things to do.
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Re: Anthony Badaloo

Post by SpearGrass »

we are members of the BAR, or "British Accredited Registry,
Thanks, that does explain it - well you know what I mean - Blaise Tchouala, in one of his many 20-questions FOIA requests on What Do They (which is turning into a database of pseudo-law) described the BAR thus.