No, it means that no political discussions are allowed here. We cannot, for example, say that Democrats or Republicans favor or oppose certain policies, that Biden, Trump, or someone else should win the 2024 election, and so on. You, however, are not arguing a political point. You are arguing a LEGAL point. You are introducing a political point when, for example, you assert that Federal income taxation is slavery, or something akin to it, because nothing in the history of American jurisptudence supports that contention; and you keep on trying to work around that fact.Cspeter8 wrote: ↑Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:06 pm Thankyou wserra for the opportunity to respond. Sounds as though I am already locked down, otherwise?
"no politics on this site" I believe means, practically speaking, no contrary political views on this site. Otherwise politics is more than welcome, if it follows the narrative of the herd that is comfortable here.
Quit while you are far, far behind. If, by now, you do not understand what the regulars here have the qualifications to state, that's your problem. You may perhaps feel that the Federal income taxes are not legal; but when you try to argue that point here, you cross the line.