Fake Judge Anna Loves Vlad

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Re: Fake Judge Anna Loves Vlad

Post by JamesVincent »

We "dammed up" Ley lines? Damn we badass.

I love Vlad too.

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Re: Fake Judge Anna Loves Vlad

Post by morrand »

wserra wrote: Mon Dec 11, 2023 4:14 pm
A few years ago, we removed the Great Seal on Bardsey Island, a remote scrap of land in the sea off the coast of Wales where over 20,000 people were sacrificed to create the seal. We also removed the Great Palatine Seal in Rome.

The result of this energetic change, the equivalent of removing a dam from a blocked up river, has been to revitalize Spain, Portugal, and Western Africa.
Damn. So, clearly, Spain, Portugal and wherever sucked until just a few years ago, when Fake Judge Anna & Co. removed those "Great Seals". Again, though, the WHAT?
I freely confess I'm a sucker for woo involving outlying Welsh islands, so I had to go look up Bardsey Island:
Wikipedia wrote:Bardsey Island (Welsh: Ynys Enlli), known as the legendary "Island of 20,000 Saints", is located 1.9 miles (3.1 km) off the Llŷn Peninsula in the Welsh county of Gwynedd. The Welsh name means "The Island in the Currents", while its English name refers to the "Island of the Bards", or possibly the Viking chieftain, "Barda". At 179 hectares (440 acres; 0.69 sq mi) in area it is the fourth largest offshore island in Wales, with a population of 11.
I presume the "20,000 saints" is the source of the idea that 20,000 people were sacrificed to...do whatever. The more rational explanation (again, per Wikipedia) is that
For centuries, the island was important as "the holy place of burial for all the bravest and best in the land".
It now appears to be, primarily, a nature preserve.

It sounds like a lovely place to visit, Great Seals or not. Something like Washington Island in Wisconsin, but with the added benefits of more impressive scenery and not being in Wisconsin.
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Re: Fake Judge Anna Loves Vlad

Post by Albert Haddock »

morrand wrote: Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:34 pmIt now appears to be, primarily, a nature preserve.

It sounds like a lovely place to visit, Great Seals or not.
Perhaps the great seals are a protected species.
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Re: Fake Judge Anna Loves Vlad

Post by NYGman »

Albert Haddock wrote: Tue Dec 12, 2023 5:12 am
morrand wrote: Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:34 pmIt now appears to be, primarily, a nature preserve.

It sounds like a lovely place to visit, Great Seals or not.
Perhaps the great seals are a protected species.
I was thinking invasive species, as they are ridding the area of them. I know Seals can eat a lot, maybe not good for a nature preserve.
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Re: Fake Judge Anna Loves Vlad

Post by wserra »

It can be hard to know when to post something about our favorite Fake Judge. After all, she posts prolix blather on virtually a daily basis. Anyone who doesn't self-censor will satiate even the most interested Quatloosian with batshit-crazy nonsense in short order. Still, every now and then something stands out.

Fake Judge Anna, you see, has come up with a surefire way to avoid those pesky property taxes and the foreclosure / tax sale that will follow non-payment. Why, all you need to do is show up at your local "Recording Office" (her phrase) and tell them you're changing your address. Not moving, just literally changing your address. Tired of living at "123 Nutcake Street"? Well, just change your house number to "1 Anna Boulevard", and go notify the local authorities. Then you're golden.

Forget for the moment that your local land office is very unlikely to record some homebrew arglebargle that looks nothing like a recordable document. After all, if they refuse, you'll just sue them for everything they have. Still, it's reasonable to ask if Anna has proof that this worked for her.

Don't expect an answer.
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Re: Fake Judge Anna Loves Vlad

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Doesn't sound like it's going well for Anna von Strudel de la Pop Tart. :haha:

There's an application for a default judgement (via the good Dr. Sarteschi):
Judgment should be entered against Anna M. Riezinger-Von Reitz in the amount of $1,224,549.41 plus interest and
any other statutory additions accruing after May 10, 2024.
https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/67 ... von-reitz/
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Re: Fake Judge Anna Loves Vlad

Post by The Observer »

Her affidavit is a hoot. One of her arguments is there is a difference between "UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Alaska" and the "District Courts of the United States", thus the AUSA is creating a legal fiction by filing with the former. She stated that she is notifying the Judge Advocate General's Office and the Alaska State Troopers of this and other fraudulent activity.

Before that, she had been dodging service by the AUSA's office, apparently with the help of family and/or friends. Not sure why she thought filing her affidavit was going to do any good; her dodging of the service was basically admitting that she had no ability to prevail in court.

She's racked up over a million in back taxes, penalties and interest for 8 years, all of them based on substitute for returns since Anna and her husband failed to file. I am guessing that Anna and spouse were just not very clever in hiding their income from Uncle Sam.
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Fake Judge Anna von Ritzcracker

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

While getting my daily dose of schadenfreude by watching various sovrun citizens (and those who claim that they are "American State Nationals" but not a citizen of the United States (or is that united States?), I saw one idjit hand the cop who stopped him something called the "American State National Questionnaire."

Of course, I had to look to see if I could find one; and while I found a few (none of which I can find, right now, for some reason), the links which I quote here lead to the two funniest things which I found and could copy here; and Anna von Ritzcracker is a star (ahahaha) resource for these buffoons. Before checking them out, please put any beverages which you may be drinking down somewhere well away from you, because you may end up involuntarily spraying said beverage all over your computer, phone, or anything else within range....


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Re: Fake Judge Anna Loves Vlad

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Mike Maasbach posted this :snicker: :snicker: :snicker: document on the Facebook group entitled "Slavery vs. Sovereignty -- American State National Assembly." It mentions the two links listed earlier:

What is an American State National?

If you happen not to know, there are three (3) citizenry that live here in this country - The united States of America:
1- Municipal Citizens (gov. employees)
2- U.S. Citizens (gov. employees)
3- State Nationals (Americans).

An American State National is the original form of citizenship granted to individuals through the Naturalization Act of 1779 when America was founded.
The intent of this article is to provide a brief overview for People, public servants, and other agents of government to aid in their interaction with the rising number of Americans correcting their lawful status in this country.

According to FOIA requests performed in 2018 there were approximately 45,000 American State Nationals (ASNs) in the united States, as of the beginning of May 2022 the Department of State reported just over 2.5 million. As of the beginning start of January 2023, we are likely approaching 5 million before this year is over. This movement is rapidly growing because it is inherently a peaceful, grassroots way to restore our Republic lawfully, in the court rooms, without violence using the foundation laid down by our Founding Fathers and the weight of U.S. Code.
We are NOT as most confuse us as the derogatory, oxymoron term "soveriegn citizens" which does not even exist. You can't be "independent (free) and a servant" at the same time. So we are not to be confused with the so called "sovereign citizen movement".

The vast majority of American State Nationals despise violence, we live according to God's Laws, love thy neighbor, and do no harm. This movement shall not be construed as anti-government, We the People believe in our founding papers and the rule of law, we are however, vehemently against corrupt government. We the People are NOT US Citizens, and we absolutely are NOT sovereign citizens. We the People have never renounced our lawful, Dejure U.S. Citizenship, we have however, repudiated and corrected our status.

To truly understand what an American State National is we must first go back to the founding of The united States for America. In the beginning each of the colonies entered the union as sovereign and independent Nation States. To further understand what an ASN is we must examine the diction at the time of the founding of the nation. History books, especially those written around the 1850's and prior refer to the people living in this country as inhabitants (not residents) and statesmen (not citizens). The founding fathers are referred to as Pennsylvanians, Virginians, New Yorkers, Ohioans, or more specifically, as American State Nationals.

That is why, to this day "American State National" remains a lawful status identified in Title 8 USC Section 1101 (a) (21)(23). Further evidence of the Lawful nature of this status is evidenced by the State Department issuing passports which reflect this status. When passports belonging to ASNs are run by law enforcement the Lexus Nexus system indicates "Do not detain, Do not Interrogate, 50 state concealed carry for life", this is due to the fact that ASNs have limited diplomatic immunity. Limited diplomatic immunity dictates that unless there is an injured party, no crime has been committed, ASNs operate under Constitutional and Common Law. As American State Nationals, We the People are the creators of government; Maxim of Law: That which one creates, one controls. We the People are restoring our status, standing, and jurisdiction.

Application of Law

To further understand the implications and scope of Limited Diplomatic Immunity we can establish how the government currently utilizes the law through a series of questions.

What is the origin of LAW and how is it that someone can write something down on a piece of paper and hold me, a man (mankind) accountable?

Natural law comes from Genesis Chapter 1 verses 26-28; where God created the Land, the Air, and the Water and this is LAW. There exists a hierarchy of Law, as in nature, the Air is above the Land, which is above the Water, these are the juris of law.

So, then what does jurisdiction really mean?

Since juris means "of law" and diction means "the words we use" it is deduced that the words we use determine the right form of LAW we are operating under.

LAND: The law of the Land is common law, common to all mankind, it pertains to all property, equity, superior title, and Rights. This juris denotes supreme law laid down by We the People in the form of Organic Laws which are identified in the Front Matter of the United States Code as The Declaration of Independence (1776), the Articles of Confederation (1777), the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, and the Constitution for the united States.

AIR: The law of the Air is ecclesiastical, or cannon law, also described as Trust Law. This juris denotes superior law, the highest form of law, that which is held in trust is held for the benefit of another. All governments are established and held in trust. The Bible is a trust indenture.

WATER: The law of the Water is Admiralty, or commercial law, also described as Contract Law. This juris denotes the lowest form of law, it only applies to that which is incorporated.

What is the difference between legal and lawful?

Lawful is of the Land, while Legal is of the Water. Legal does not apply to a man or woman.

The Unlawful Conversions

For the first unlawful conversion, American State Nationals have a saying, "The 13th Amendment freed the black slaves, and the 14th Amendment made us all slaves". Prior to the Ratification of the 14th Amendment in 1868 there was no such thing or lawful status as U.S. Citizens. The root definition of a citi-zen: citi means municipal while zen means servant; thus, a citizen is a municipal servant, or an employee of government. The US Citizen status was created by government, enter the maxim of law: that which one creates one controls.

The second unlawful conversion began with the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 when the united States went from a Dejure (of God) government of the Land (juris) to an Incorporated, Defacto (without fact) government of the Water (juris). The Supreme Court has ruled that since government has chosen to incorporate they must follow the rules of corporations, reference the Administrative Procedures Acts.

Today nearly all entities acting as government (under color of law) are registered as private for-profit service corporations (like Walmart) with a Dun & Brad Street (dnb.com) number. The combined effect of these unlawful conversions results in a constructive fraud converting We the People into employees of a corporate system of government, beholden to its corporate bylaws, in the form of Rules, Codes, and Statutes. Reference Supreme Court decisions (Dejure; Constitutional Article 3 Court):

"All codes, rules, and regulations are for government authorities only, not human/Creators in accordance with God's laws. All codes, rules, and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking due process…" [Rodrigues v. Ray Donavan (U.S. Department of Labor) 769 F. 2d 1344, 1348 (1985).1]

"The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land, the code, rules, regulations, policy, and statutes are "not the law", [Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261]
"A 'Statute' is not a Law," (Flournoy v. First Nat. Bank of Shreveport, 197 La. 1067, 3 Sold 244, 248), A "Code' is not a Law," (In Re Self v Rhay Wn 2d 261), in point of fact in Law, A concurrent or 'joint resolution of legislature is not "Law," (Koenig v. Flynn, 258 N.Y. 292, 179 N. E. 705, 707; Ward v State, 176 Old. 368, 56 P.2d 136, 137; State ex rel. Todd. v. Yelle, 7 Wash.2d 443, 110 P.2d 162, 165).

STATUTE. [Blacks law 4th edition] The written will of the legislature, solemnly expressed according to the forms prescribed in the constitution; an act of the legislature.

Since American State Nationals are the rightful creators of government, not employees, we are not beholden to the corporate bylaws (hence the source of the limited diplomatic immunity). We the People through our cornerstone right of self-determination are electing to restore our lawful birthright status as American State Nationals by the thousands. We recognize that the U.S. Citizen status was applied to us without full and honest disclosure.

Through the constructive fraud of the birth certificate, we are made the purser (persons) aboard vessels (All caps name) which have a superior title (Certificate of Live Birth), which in turn is registered with, and held by the respective "State of" corporation.

This overview also exposes the truth of "sovereign citizens", since one cannot be sovereign (as a king) and a citizen (slave to the corporate structure), the phrase in and of itself is an oxymoron. American State Nationals view sovereign citizens as fools with no proper understanding of our Dejure government and the Defacto corporate system that has systematically taken its place. Sovereign citizens cannot lawfully obtain a Passport from the U.S. State Department that reflects their status because they do not hold a lawful status, they have renounced their citizenship and effectively divorced themselves from BOTH the Dejure and Defacto systems of government.

Some essential sources and references:

King James Bible 1611 Edition
GPO Style Manual 2016 Edition (pg. 95)
Organic Laws
US Code
The Federalist & Anti-Federalist Papers
The Magna Carta
American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster 1828
Black's Law Dictionary
Bouvier Law Dictionary
Supreme Court Decisions (i.e. the only case law that matters)
Webinars presented by Anna von Reitz (www.StateNationals.us)
"Treason by Lies, Deceit and Fraud" by Mike Blackwell
"The Zero Percent" by Du'Vaul Dey
Sergeant Robert Horton - War Castles (Presentation, rumble.com)

More references here: http://qr.link/OuXo2a
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Re: Fake Judge Anna Loves Vlad

Post by JamesVincent »

Wait, what does that make veterans and active duty? According to that rationale we would be in one group since we are technically government employees. On the other hand other sov groups claim that veterans (or those that serve in "militias") are the only true citizens. So which are we? Inquiring minds want to know.
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Re: Fake Judge Anna Loves Vlad

Post by wserra »

Last week, the Court entered judgment for $1.2M in the gov't suit against Fake Judge Anna for unpaid taxes. Unlike hers, a real judgment.
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Re: Fake Judge Anna Loves Vlad

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I found the questionnaires -- they are under the heading of "Public Servant Questionnaire." Here are four of them; and for our Canadian friends, I have added one from Canada.

http://www.wvminers.com/wp-content/uplo ... nnaire.pdf]
https://www.rexano.org/RegAgency/Public ... b_Hurt.pdf
https://gameoncanada.org/wp-content/upl ... ire_v1.pdf
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools