Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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Depends on what her constituency thinks of the Bundys. Given the quality of candidates nowadays, the bar may be set pretty low for Maloy.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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No link that I can provide, due to skeletal information, but it appears that the judge in Ammon's defamation case has agreed to reschedule the hearing so that Bundy can complete his fruit harvest.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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According to the Idaho Statesman the judge overseeing the fraudulent conveyance accusation has ruled that Ammon Bundy failed to file the proper paperwork for the second time and has forfeited his case. Ammon's response is that he had accidentally filed paperwork that was related to the defamation case and that he has now filed the proper paperwork and is asking the judge to reconsider the default order.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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Ammon Bundy has doubled down on his "you-ain't-the-boss-of-me" strategy concerning his current trial. He failed to appear again for the contempt of court hearing (which was a result of him failing to appear previously), but this time he was courteous enough to send notice to Judge Baskin by e-mail that he would not be attending the hearing on November 13th:
I am writing to inform that I will not be in court attendance on Monday or any other day. I have much more important matters to attend to, such as providing for my family’s needs. My entire life has been consumed by political prosecutions and now I must do what is necessary to sustain my family.
In response, Baskin issued an arrest warrant for Bundy, along with an increase of the bond to $250,000. Additionally, St. Luke's Hospital's attornies requested an additional contempt of court charge. They are accusing Bundy of failing to adhere to the court order to remove statements from his websites that had been determine to be false and defamatory in regards to St. Luke. This is in addition to the 22 previous contempt of court charges pending against Bundy.

But Baskin appears to be a bit naive about trusting Bundy based on his past actions:
I am shocked that he has sent this email thinking he can simply decide he can just not appear. Mr. Bundy does not seem to understand that the court calendar is not his calendar.
If she had spent anytime getting up to speed on Ammon's previous stunts, she would have set bond at a rate commensurate to the risk of Ammon not appearing.

There is speculation that Bundy may have scampered out of Idaho to avoid being arrested. Apparently Bundy's wife had left a post on Facebook that alluded to the family moving. But a direct question to Ammon in response to an e-mail he had sent out was ignored on Twitter. All that he did say was:
Today Judge Baskin issued a $250,000 warrant for my arrest. The only thing I care to say is that I don’t regret any of it. I was honest in everything I said and getting Baby Cyrus back makes all of the trouble worth it. Please pray for my family. ... t-warrant/ ... ation-case ... st-warrant
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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The Atlantic has a write-up about Ammon Bundy and comfirming that Ammon has abandoned his home and moved out.

It's behind a paywall so I'll try to provide some of the more interesting or important events cited in the article.

The story includes the results of interviews with Cliven Bundy and Ryan Bundy. Cliven comes off as being the main instigator behind some of Ammon's decisions. It points out that Cliven thought that Ammon should have stuck around and contested the arrest for contempt, not bailed out and not fled the upcoming seizure of his house. But Cliven also observed that maybe Ammon ran because the loyalty of the members of his People's Rights Network is not reliable. Since they stood by at the public dinner where Ammon was arrested and did not interfere with the arrest and are not willing to lay their lives down in countering the seizure of Ammon's residence, Cliven concluded that perhaps not one of these members would stand and fight.

The article pointed out that Ammon's wife had yelled for the dinner attendees to back Ammon up but no one moved except to boo the arresting officers. Ryan was a bit more charitable in estimating that maybe only half of the membership would stand with Ammon. Ammon seems likely to realize that he is alone in this fight; he was quoted as saying:

“Not because I have a whole lot of faith in the courts there’s many ways to fight, and I may very well go down that route, but it just gets tiring to fight those battles. Alone, almost. Least it feels that way.”

The house was completely vacated and anything that the Bundys had borrowed from others was left in the driveway to be reclaimed.

St Luke's lawyers are focusing on rumors that the Bundys have decamped to southern Utah which would put them closer to Cliven's place in Bunkerville, NV.

The Rodriguez family, who contacted Bundy for help in supporting their paranoid fear that St. Luke's was taking their infant child away, decamped for Florida last year and apparently have no interest in supporting Bundy or even mentioning their gratitude or acknowledgment of what has happened to Ammon.

The article also mentions that Ammon's mom, Cliven's first wife, abandoned the family when he five years old. Cliven was not around to take care of the kids, focusing on keeping his ranch going, so the kids ended up raising themselves. And then it seems he impressed on the family that the ranch could not sustain the family, so each of them got jobs and moved out, apparently after finishing high school.

Bonus money quote on the most loyal follower of Ammon, 71-year old Scott Malone:
“I’m pretty much into conspiracy theories,” Malone told me. A sprawling web of nefarious forces is undermining our freedom, he explained, at the center of which are the Freemasons. In Gem County, where he and Bundy live, the sheriff and his deputies are all Masons. Malone knows this because he rents office space directly below the Masonic lodge, and he says he sometimes catches evil spirits wandering around the office on his security cameras. To cast them out, he performs exorcisms. “We think the basement has some kind of an underworld connection,” he said. “Crazy things, but we take it in stride.”
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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Ammon Bundy appears on a Youtube video explaining his decamping from Idaho. Bundy frames the decision made by the court finding him guilty of defaming St. Lukes as a precedent that will allow courts to change history. He goes into full conspiracy mode claiming that a lobbyist group, IACI (a business lobby), controls the Idaho government and St Luke's attorney firm represents IACI as well, thus this is a Idaho Deepstate government operation. The result of all this means that the state can take everything from him because of what he said. Thus he had to leave Idaho in order to escape to protect his liberty, his family and his income. It concludes with his religious interpretation of what is happening to him and how he will be justified sometime in the future as being right.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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In the meantime, due to Bundy failing to appear to contest the reconveyance of his home, St Luke's was awarded the home after the recipient, Aaron Welling, agreed to cooperate with the transfer of the home. The hospital's attorneys confirmed that the home was stripped bare of all furnishings (in violation of the court order that froze the Bundy's assets) and they are requesting more contempt citations/sanctions against Ammon.

Going for a full sweep against Bundy, the law firm also were successful in getting all of the Bundy websites (People’s Rights Network, Freedom Man Press and Bundy’s political campaign) all stricken from the Internet. Apparently a new PRN site popped up under another ISP domain, and the law firm is working on getting that removed as well. They were also successful in getting Ammon's YouTube videos pulled as well that dealt with the St. Luke situation. So it is quite possible that the YT video I linked above may get yanked as soon as someone sees it. That video has only been up for 45 minutes or so. It probably won't be there after 24 hours.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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Ammon Bundy released a new video complaining about his wife's and son's credit union accounts being garnished and the money turned over to St Luke's for the judgment they secured against Bundy. This episode is basically Bundy ranting and calling the attorneys, the judge, St Luke's, the hospital administrator (Chris Roth), the credit union and anyone else that has crossed Bundy as being "wicked" people for using the justice system against him and his family. It is a relatively short video (about 12 minutes) but after hearing the word "wicked" for the 25th time, it does get tempting to shut off Bundy.

It is evident that the forfeiture of his family's accounts really hit Bundy hard since its a situation where Bundy has no ability to interfere with the mechanism and he didn't anticipate that those accounts were at risk. So he is riled and implies that he is almost at the end of his rope sinec his perception is that the "wicked" people are purposely provoking him, hoping that he will do something that will give them the excuse to arrest or kill him.
Ammon Bundy wrote:All those people said ‘don’t do anything to these people… it’s not right to retaliate.’ I’m almost ready to say, ‘You know what? The hell with it.
And it wouldn't be a typical sovrun rant without Bundy blaming his supporters and citizens in Idaho for not confronting the government and stopping it:
No one will fight for anybody else. That's why I had to leave Idaho people...even the Freedom Movement want to condemn me for leaving Idaho but the problem is I could not find people who would stand and stop what was happening to my family.
Of course, Bundy doesn't give any details about the nature and ownership of this credit union accounts. If his name appeared as one of the account holders, it matters little whose money was in the account. The courts are going to allow enforcment of the judgment because Ammon is a legal holder of the account and is presumed able to withdraw money from it. If his name was not on the account, then there maybe a problem with the credit union turning over the funds unless the enforcement order specifically directed those accounts to be turned over. In that case, it will be up to the wife and son to address the issue with the court and ask for return of the monies garnished. But Bundy probably hasn't bothered to reason this out and certainly won't go into court to handle this since he is running from an oustanding warrant for his arrest.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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The wife's accounts I could see since I think Idaho is a community property state but the son's? Maybe it's one of those accounts were the holder is sponsored by another member? That's how my kids got their accounts at a credit union, through my sponsorship.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

Post by Frater I*I »

JamesVincent wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:02 am The wife's accounts I could see since I think Idaho is a community property state but the son's? Maybe it's one of those accounts were the holder is sponsored by another member? That's how my kids got their accounts at a credit union, through my sponsorship.
I could easily see Ammhole being someone who has access to everyone of his kid's accounts, thinking that he could move cash there and it would be untouchable...

After all he thinks he's the smartest person in the room, when in truth he's the dumbest...
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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Frater I*I wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 1:50 am I could easily see Ammhole being someone who has access to everyone of his kid's accounts, thinking that he could move cash there and it would be untouchable...
It's a possibility, but if the kid is a minor, the account could have been caught up in the ugly mess. Most financial institutions won't allow minors to open accounts in their own name, but require at least one parent or guardian to be on the account as well. Whether Bundy was funneling money through the account is another issue and I haven't seen any evidence provided by either side as to who was doing what with the account. Bundy will most likely let the matter drop and not pursue it since he would not want to appear in court to protest the attachment - warrants for arrest tend to limit your options. He probably sees the incident as just more propaganda he can rant about in trying to get some support from his Payriot network.

And I suspect Mrs. Bundy won't appear on her child's behalf to avoid being followed back to wherever Ammon is hiding out. If the kid is on a mission and is an adult, he needs to grow up and get an account in his own name so that he can keep some money for his future needs in the bank.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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JamesVincent wrote: Wed Dec 27, 2023 6:02 am The wife's accounts I could see since I think Idaho is a community property state...
Idaho is, but I think that community property laws require demonstration that the propery in question was held in title by both spouses/partners and that they had access and used the property. If that credit union account was only in Mrs. Bundy's name and she had separate funds deposited there that can't be shown to have Ammon's hands all over it, the credit union may be on the spot over turning those monies over to the court. I have seen situations where a garnishment came into a financial institution and the employee responsible for responding to the garnishment did a quick name search and just grabbed every account that they saw that matched the target's last name. So it is possible that an error could have happened and Bundy does have a legitimate gripe - if the account would be seen as separate property belonging only to the wife.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

Post by JamesVincent »

The Observer wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 4:23 pm Idaho is, but I think that community property laws require demonstration that the propery in question was held in title by both spouses/partners and that they had access and used the property. If that credit union account was only in Mrs. Bundy's name and she had separate funds deposited there that can't be shown to have Ammon's hands all over it, the credit union may be on the spot over turning those monies over to the court. I have seen situations where a garnishment came into a financial institution and the employee responsible for responding to the garnishment did a quick name search and just grabbed every account that they saw that matched the target's last name. So it is possible that an error could have happened and Bundy does have a legitimate gripe - if the account would be seen as separate property belonging only to the wife.
Thanks for the answer Obs. Would be pretty ironic and suiting if Ammon had a legitimate grievance about mishandling his money and couldn't do anything about it since he had made himself a fugitive.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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JamesVincent wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2023 8:35 pm Would be pretty ironic...
Yes, the Irony always appears to be strong with the Sith Sovruns.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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Ammon Bundy has popped up back on his Youtube Channel after staying hidden for the last several months, putting out 4 videos over the last 3 weeks. He is still taking snipes at St Luke's and their attorneys over the judgment and their continued pursuit to collect from his assets, including his business equipment. These videos pretty much revolve around Ammon portraying himself as being persecuted and deprived of his right to live a comfortable life.

Although one video is titled "Want to know where Ammon Bundy is?", it turns out to be click bait since Ammon never specifies where he is actually living. The videos show him inside a house that looks pretty new. So apparently he was able to come up with money for renting/leasing a home - or perhaps bying another home, though I seriously doubt that with a recorded judgment on his credit rating he would be able to secure a loan. But maybe he paid cash!

Why do I say that? Because Bundy's newest video shows him waving $10,000 cash around. He explains that he has that much money left over after providing for his family. Apparently he has been doing repairs on equipment and vehicles with the implication that he is doing it for cash to avoid having his customers served a garnishment.

But the other reason he is flashing that moolah is that he is having a contest where one lucky person will receive the $10k - by proving that Bundy knowingly and purposely lied in his previous communications. Of course, with these types of challenges, there are restrictions. You can only use the actual written, taped or other types of messages that Bundy issued, and cannot use anything from other people about Bundy. Why? Because Bundy maintains all of his critics (St. Luke's, attorneys, newspapers, etc) are all liars and cannot be relied on. With that kind of blanket censorship, you can see that Bundy is stacking the deck against you.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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No location Metadata in his video?
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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Another development regarding the child welfare case that Bundy exploited in smearing St. Luke's Hospital is that the parents (Levi and Marissa Anderson) of the baby, as well as the grandparents, have filed 2 federal lawsuits against St. Luke's Hospital, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, the City of Meridian and assorted individuals. The suit alleges that the defendants engaged in kidnapping, child endangerment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, official misconduct, negligent training and supervision, abuse of process, unlawful arrest, intentional battery, unlawful and excessive force, negligence, sexual abuse, and defamation. The plaintiffs are asking for $1 million damages from each of the defendants - a total of $10 million in all.

Apparently the suit was originally filed in March in Florida to where the plaintiffs had moved, but the judge ruled that the suit would have to be transferred to Idaho siunce that is where the incident occurred.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

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Per KOIN's reporting, Ammon Bundy has filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy to deal with the $53 million in judgments against him. Well, they are basing that on a video that Bundy posted where he claims he filed BK. The problem with filing a bankruptcy is that the court is going to want the filing to include a lot of facts that I don't feel that Ammon is going to include. Facts such as where he is living, how much he earns, assets that he owns, etc. And the other question is what lawyer is going to agree to go along with the nonsense that Bundy will try to pull in court.

What nonsense is that? Well, Bundy in his video is equating this bankruptcy with the various politicos who have been in the news recently with their own legal problems; we don't need to mention who. But Bundy does and says that he is being persecuted in the courts for his political beliefs just like the above mentioned pols. And he figures that the Chapter 7 will get rid of his judgment.

For some basic background on US bankruptcy law (I am not a lawyer but have some basic familiarity with BKs - you lawyers feel free to jump in and correct me when I mess up) a Chapter 7 BK is where the filer is claiming to have more debt than assets and does not have the ability to resolve the debt. A chapter 7 is sometimes referred to as a liquidating bankrupty due to the fact that the court can order eligible assets to be sold to satisfy a portion of the debt. After the court has determined that there is no ability to resolve the debt, a discharge will be issued, cancelling all debts that are considered dischargeable under the bankruptcy code.

It is that last pointthat Bundy is counting on that will get the $53 million off his back. It's true that judgments can be discharged under a chapter 7 - that is if the underlying debt would have been eligible for discharge. Since the judgment had no underlying debt - it was the result of a successful suit for defamation. I am guessing that this will not qualify for discharge but I may be wrong. Let's hope the attorneys on this site come to my rescue.

In the meantime Bundy is doing himself no favors by releasing this video. He claims that he owns assets, pays his bills and has no debts other than the judgment(s). He is only filing the petition in order to find a judge that will agree that his enemies are weaponizing the courts to financially destroy him. But, thank goodness, Bundy knows that God wants him to file bankruptcy, so it must be a winning strategy.
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

Post by wserra »

The Observer wrote: Fri Aug 30, 2024 11:04 pm Per KOIN's reporting, Ammon Bundy has filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy to deal with the $53 million in judgments against him.
He has indeed. 24-bk-23530 (DUT).
The problem with filing a bankruptcy is that the court is going to want the filing to include a lot of facts that I don't feel that Ammon is going to include. Facts such as where he is living, how much he earns, assets that he owns, etc.
Bundy appears to have filed the bankruptcy petition in two parts, here and here. It's pretty sparse on facts.
And the other question is what lawyer is going to agree to go along with the nonsense that Bundy will try to pull in court.
He's pro se.
Since the judgment had no underlying debt - it was the result of a successful suit for defamation. I am guessing that this will not qualify for discharge but I may be wrong.
You may well be right, but it's not completely clear. The (overly) short explanation: 11 USC § 523(a)(6) (11 USC is the Bankruptcy Code) excludes from discharge a judgment based on "willful and malicious injury by the debtor". See "Jones, Alex" and "Giuliani, Rudolph". I believe the $53M Idaho defamation judgment against Bundy was taken on default, so there is no opposed finder-of-fact determination as to whether it was "willful and malicious". The facts certainly sound like it, but it seems likely that the Bankruptcy Court will hold a hearing to formally determine exactly that. That hearing should be fun.
But, thank goodness, Bundy knows that God wants him to file bankruptcy, so it must be a winning strategy.
Well, I know that God wants Bundy to die in well-deserved squalor. Ain't it great, knowing what God wants?
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Re: Ammon Bundy Runs For Governor

Post by Frater I*I »

I'm sure the judge is gonna be real impressed with Ammhole describing his debt to St. Luke's as "Legal Theft"... :brickwall:
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