His promises of tomorrow's Utopia via UCT, you'd think would be wearing thin. Even with him.

But no. He ploughs on. Nothing dents his world-view.
Moderator: ArthurWankspittle
Just had a quick scan of his archives. I'd say he lost his following in late 2021 with his Midazolam Murders quest.
I need to go through the old documents, but I believe that his claim of "winning" was because not all his family trust properties were sold to satisfy the outstanding debt. (If I remember rightly, his sister kept one)
The viewing figures for his You Tube channel certainly support that hypothesis.I'd say he lost his following in late 2021 with his Midazolam Murders quest.
Thee was something about his sister keeping her house, although it's not clear if that was in any way related to the trust and their commercial property. Maybe his sister just paid her mortgage like a normal person.AnOwlCalledSage wrote: ↑Wed Oct 23, 2024 7:07 pmI need to go through the old documents, but I believe that his claim of "winning" was because not all his family trust properties were sold to satisfy the outstanding debt. (If I remember rightly, his sister kept one)
However, despite the vast riches on the horizon (oh and presumably the profits from his soon to be released, honest, movie 'Nefarious'), he still needs to tap up the punters.All being well, we will also be in a position to launch UCT Bank early in the new year, when we will deposit £51 billion worth of commercial paper fixed assets to capitalize the roll out of our all-new, usury-free, tax-exempt, asset-backed, credit-based currency.
Despite the imminent dawn of unlimited credit, due to the enormous increase in costs I have inevitably incurred just maintaining my web presence, it would be fantastic if you could throw a tip in the jar to show your appreciation for my work [but only if and when you are able because I know money is tight for almost everybody right now].
However, The Bernician is a free user-supported internet resource of fact-based content and would not exist as it is were it not for the generous, loyal and gracious support of many thousands of people from all over the world, each of whom has contributed to keeping the content freely available to anybody who needs it for more than a decade.
In kindly making a donation at the link above, you will be helping keep this platform’s eclectic library of content, including templates for administrative remedies that actually work, paywall free, whilst all donations, large and small, are always equally and greatly appreciated.
So if you are in a position to do so, please leave a tip for everything I already have given away for free and hope to continue giving away for the benefit of all who need it.
https://x.com/TheBernician/status/18837 ... gr%5EtweetI am proud to announce that my previously unreleased feature film debut, Nefarious, won the prestigious Award of Recognition at the IndieFEST Film Awards, for outstanding achievement in producing, writing, editing and directing one of the best Brit flicks of its generation.
And then the kicker...The entry fee for the first judging category is $60.00. Each additional judging category is $40.00. (after TWO free additional categories)
And it does look like you can order a statuette for the highly prestigious "recognition" category. I hope he does. I quite like the idea of the grifter being out-grifted!PRICING:
Gold foil stickers are $40 per 100 stickers
Statuette: 24k gold-plated statuettes are $390 per statuette.
U.S.A. Orders: $10 USD per statuette.
International Orders: $75 USD per statuette.
I think he's been that since at least the time of his 'any day now' nonsense about appealing the throwing out of his 'Midazolam Murder' private prosecution.
I expect their assets to be seized around the time the Midazolam Murders case comes to trial.he has already engaged all the major players involved in peddling the international scam in an administrative process, which will terminate with Perfected Liens over the personal property of the individuals concerned.
Is it just me, or does this smell very strongly of advanced fee fraud?On 12 Feb 2025, at 20:49, Michael O'Bernicia <uct@universal-community-trust.org> wrote:
Warm Salutations.
I trust this newsletter finds you and yours happy and well.
UCT Bank Update
Having hoped it would not be necessary to ask again, I am in urgent need of assistance to get through the final stages of closing the paperwork required to facilitate the UCT Bank launch.
Since my last newsletter on the subject in November, when I told you about how close we were to being in a position to launch UCT Bank, we have been shopping around for a private banking license, without which the bank cannot open for business.
The cost of such licenses varies wildly, depending upon which vendor you are talking to but that will not be a stumbling block once we open a private bank account to make our first substantial deposit.
As I alluded to in my last newsletter, that deposit will take the form of a philanthropic grant or a negotiable instrument backed by UCT Treasury's portfolio of £51B worth of commercial paper.
Either way, the deposit will be way in excess of the amount needed to buy a private banking license and to put together the infrastructure for UCT Bank, including the software necessary to become fully operational on an international scale.
There Are Always Strings Attached In Debt-Based Banking
However, to close the business end of the deal with our private banker and open the account into which we will make the first deposit, we must provide all the details about what exactly we will do with the proceeds of the first line of credit.
In the absence of bank buildings, that naturally includes having an appropriate banking license lined up for acquisition, which also requires all the usual Proof of Funds, Source of Funds and KYC documents to move forward.
This perpetually onerous and time-consuming requirement has significantly delayed our progress towards the bank launch, which has been somewhat exacerbated by the fact that some of the vendors are understandably very nervous about selling a banking license to a new bank with UCT's aspiration to rid the world of usury.
Esoteric Knowledge
Moreover, after having initially agreed to sell us a private banking license, which was to be paid out of the proceeds of our first deposit, a highly experienced banker said the following about UCT's aim to replace the usurious, fraudulent debt-based financial system with an asset-basked, credit-based one:
"I cannot refute that it would be entirely feasible to achieve those ends but nobody is supposed to know any of this and helping UCT achieve it would be banking suicide."
Whilst it would have been much better if he hadn't pulled out of the deal to sell us the license because we know how to do what nobody is supposed to know how to do, we must nonetheless take heart that the means by which we are seeking to operate is considered more than capable of achieving the desired outcomes, even within the rigged financial system.
Slow Progress
Encouraged by this honest appraisal, wrapped within a thanks but no thanks decision, we have been approaching other vendors, each of whom has asked for the usual documents before we can move forward.
The time and effort it is taking to deliver everything required in an acceptable format to the bankers concerned has been the primary cause of the delay in being able to announce the launch date for UCT Bank.
However, it also means that, during the three months since the last update, my resources have been bled dry and I am in need of urgent assistance to keep the UCT platform, domain, webinars and mailing list online.
In other words, I can't do this without your assistance [and that's without mentioning that I'm also currently fighting the biggest legal battle of my life behind closed doors because I can't disclose any of the details yet without potentially prejudicing my truly shocking case].
Meanwhile, any and all donations will assist me in facilitating the most fair and just conclusion to those on-going legal proceedings.
Please Throw A Tip In The Jar
Heartfelt Thanks
Heartfelt thanks go out to everybody who was able to throw a tip in the jar to assist me over the course of the past seventeen months, without which everything would have gone dark in September 2023, when I was made homeless and deprived of most of my possessions, with no place I could sit down and work for months.
However, in addition to the cost of having to completely rebuild my life from a standing start, there have been several major price hikes for all of the platforms, apps and software needed to maintain the UCT webspace, which has significantly increased my quarterly outgoings.
Therefore, rather than having to ask for help every few months, I am humbly requesting that every subscriber to this mailing list throws a tip of at least £10 into The Bernician Tips Jar at the link below.
Please Throw A Tip In The Jar
All donations, no matter how small or large, will be greatly appreciated and will hopefully be sufficient to maintain UCT's online presence until UCT Bank is operational.
If everybody on the mailing list chucks in at least a tenner, we would generate sufficient funds to pay all our annual costs up front, which would trigger a 15% reduction right across the board.
We would also have enough to cover the costs of an International Summit, which we would host for the purposes of bringing every signatory to the UCT Treaty together for a convention, with the aim of laying down the foundations for and ratifying a new treaty, declaring into being a worldwide but localized, asset-backed, credit-based, sovereign money system.
Whichever way you are able to support my work, whether through grimly tough or much happier times, never doubt how very much your loyalty, kindness and patience are appreciated.
Sounds like that was taken right out of the Conspiritard Scamming Handbook. Always quote an anonymous enemy source who confirms that the conspiracy exists and that your plan/scheme is certain to destroy the system.Moreover, after having initially agreed to sell us a private banking license, which was to be paid out of the proceeds of our first deposit, a highly experienced banker said the following about UCT's aim to replace the usurious, fraudulent debt-based financial system with an asset-basked, credit-based one: "I cannot refute that it would be entirely feasible to achieve those ends but nobody is supposed to know any of this and helping UCT achieve it would be banking suicide."
This is utter gibberish. There are no "vendors" selling UK Banking Licenses, the entire system is regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).Since my last newsletter on the subject in November, when I told you about how close we were to being in a position to launch UCT Bank, we have been shopping around for a private banking license, without which the bank cannot open for business.
The cost of such licenses varies wildly, depending upon which vendor you are talking to ...
Not according to the Bank of England.The cost of such licenses varies wildly, depending upon which vendor you are talking to
From this pdf p8To apply for authorisation, a firm needs to submit an application form, with supporting documentation, and pay a
fee of £25,000.
The Co-operative Bank has debanked me. Last week, I received a 60 Day Closure Notice from its ‘Fraud Operations’ Dept, in spite of me providing the information they requested. Currently, I’m only able to withdraw funds ‘over the counter’.
Watch out for my upcoming expose of their unlawful actions. Here’s the kicker - with zero evidence of fraud could it be I am being debanked because of my ‘eccentric’ views?
On Tuesday, 18/02/25, I received an email from a Julie Harrison of the Co-operative Bank’s ‘Fraud Operations’ Department, falsely alleging Fraud , in spite of being provided with the information she requested.
The email stated,
“The account has been placed under investigation due to credits received on it. Please can you answer the following questions below in order for us to complete a full investigation of your account.
· why are you receiving credits into the account with the beneficiary name of AFP Group Ltd?
· Why are you getting credits into the account from numerous companies/third parties ie: Stripe Payments UK, NAME REDACTED (NR), Citibank Ire Fin S?
· Why are the funds being withdrawn from the ATM?
· What purpose are you using the Co-operative Bank personal account for?
· What is your current home address?
· Please visit your nearest Co-operative Bank branch with your passport
· Please send documentation to support the credits into the account to fcmrecipients@co-operativebank.co.uk
Failure to respond or provide sufficient evidence to the requested information may result in your account being closed.
Yours sincerely,
Fraud Operations”
However, the Companies House record for that entity shows that rather than being operational since 2012, it was created in July 2024 and saw Waugh appointed as a director on 25/2/25I am Trustee of Development at A-FP Media Group, a company that was originally created in 2012 for the purpose of producing films and other media content, the address of which is A-FP Media Group, 207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH.
It was through this legal entity that the film, The Great British Mortgage Swindle was released in 2019. Any and all credits into my account are made as donations for the work associated with A-FP Media Group. I am not a paid employee.