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Doktor Avalanche
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Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Marvin Bryer...there's that name again.
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros
Bud Dickman

Post by Bud Dickman »

I think Dogwalker is feeling a little lonely (also suffering with a narcissistic personality disorder).

REPOST Sunday February 3, 2008


Hi I just felt the urge to write so I picked up my pen and here I go.
I just got done watching the Superbowl
pre-game where they quoted parts of the Declaration of
Independence, the very document I am fighting for and have
pledged my sacred honor to restore it and the Constitution.
The very principles that are enthroned in these documents
are to ones which I have fought for and
now find myself behind bars. I write this letter
with a wet eye knowing I may never feel freedom
again, or be able to see my aging Dad ever again. The
only solace I have is knowing what I am in jail
for is the better of my country. Every movement
needs its martyrs, to be successful
. I pray the
day will come before my last look at the sun
before I fade into memory that the Republic is
restored to its former glory of liberty before
all other aspects of living need. Why AM I
being chosen by the fate and destiny to be
sacrificed for the greater good of my fellow
countryman? Why are the Browns and Reno,
Jason and the Wolffes' able to lay it all on
the line for that precious peril of Liberty? Why
do my fellow countrymen and women sit by idle
as their compatriots suffer at the hand of the
A tyrant who is very much defeatable
if the American people would just wake up and
do something to help defeat the tyrant before
absolute despotism grabs hold.

Have we forgot our roots, where we came
from as people? That the government that governs
least governs best. What happen to death before
dishonor, truth before lies and freedom before
fortune? I ask my fellow Americans from the
bottom of my soul and with every fiber of my being
Please Awake! Please awake from your
imposed slumber and help take back our
country from the forces of evil and restore
the principles our forefathers have fought and
died for, spilled their blood for us, unselfishly
unconditionally and without anything promised in
return except LIBERTY!

P.O.W. Daniel Riley
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Post by wserra »

P.O.W. Daniel Riley wrote:Why AM I being chosen by the fate and destiny to be sacrificed for the greater good of my fellow
Because you are an excellent example of how a fool and his freedom are soon parted.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume
Agent Observer

Post by Agent Observer »

It never ceases to amaze me how much self-delusion and willful ignorance these nutbags immerse themselves in. Frankly, it's amazing they are able to function in society without self destructing at a much earlier date. Dogwalker was what, 40 or so? It's really surprising he made it that long, especially in light of comments like:
Why do my fellow countrymen and women sit by idle
as their compatriots suffer at the hand of the tyrant?
Uhh.. Gee.. maybe because most people are sane and you clearly are not? I can't count the number of these guys who make statements like "all my friends and family think I'm crazy." Wow, look! A clue! Somehow they miss the first red flag and jump off the cliff of logic and begin connecting all sorts of conspiracy theories and wacky ideas in an attempt to justify why everyone in the world is wrong, except them (Stevesy). Even faced with the cold hard reality that no sane people supported them, that they may never leave prison again, and that they are already largely forgotten among the other nutbags, they still continue to blather on about how they were right. Some people just don't get it, nor will they ever.
notorial dissent
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Post by notorial dissent »

It’s also the only way that he can justify what is otherwise a very stupid and indefensible position, the “I’m right and everyone else is wrong scenario”, I don’t think the dogwalker’s ego would allow him to admit that he might have been wrong, so therefore he has to be a martyr for a cause even though no one seems to notice or care .

That and the fact that he is just plain dumbern' a door post will pretty well explain it all.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Post by Demosthenes »

What's with the flowery mid-19th century language? If he's going to pretend to be a founding father, he needs to back his writing style up by about 75 years.
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Post by grixit »

Because they're more in tune with the Act of Nullification than the Perfuit of Happineff.
Last edited by grixit on Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by EliotNess »

Maybe watching the large production the NFL made of the reading of the Declaration of Independence before the Super Bowl made the dog walker nostalgic.
Bud Dickman

Post by Bud Dickman »

Dogwalker 's motion to suppress his statements is denied. ... VIEW=width
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Post by webhick »

After Daniel Riley was arrested in September 2007
On September 19, 2008, Mr. Howard had
During a second proffer session, on September 20, 2008
and at another proffer session, on September 24, 2008
I really wish they'd watch those "year" typos.

And the punchline to the joke that was Danny's motion:
Riley asserts in his Motion that Mr. Howard told him that if he cooperated he would be released and it would pu him "in the best position for a reduced sentence." Motion to Suppress 5(a), 6. From this statement it is clear that Mr. Riley understood that any type of release he would be eligible to obtain would be pretrial and not that he understood that he may be released and ultimately not charged.
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Post by . »

Hoist on his own petard.

What a surprise.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Post by webhick »

EliotNess wrote:Maybe watching the large production the NFL made of the reading of the Declaration of Independence before the Super Bowl made the dog walker nostalgic.
Yeah, I can picture him sitting with the other prisoners in the common area, crying like a baby and babbling about how his defense of the Declaration is the whole reason he's in prison, everyone slowly inches away from him and rolls their eyes, and then one guy in the back with a lisp whispers to his boyfriend, "Here we go again..."

Welcome to Quatloos, EliotNess!
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Post by Demosthenes »

A new filing from Daniel Riley, "not sui juris repeat not sui juris".
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Post by . »

Stark, raving, lunatic perpetual motion machine wrote:The defendant was not in his right mind at this hearing (...)
He finally got something right.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.
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Post by Dezcad »

The 1st Circuit Court of Appeals has denied his writ of mandamus based upon the lack of jurisdiction argument advanced by DW, Joe Haas partly based on the Larry Becraft brief.
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Post by The Observer »

Dezcad wrote:The 1st Circuit Court of Appeals has denied his writ of mandamus based upon the lack of jurisdiction argument advanced by DW, Joe Haas partly based on the Larry Becraft brief.
Where does the court get off denying the omnipotent writ of mandamus? Don't those BAR guys know that when they receive a writ, they have to give up?
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Post by grixit »

Demosthenes wrote:A new filing from Daniel Riley, "not sui juris repeat not sui juris".
So now just knowing about a case is a conflict of interest. Also, he complains about being assigned a lawyer who used to be a prosecutor. Is that bad? What about those tp organizations that brag about having ex prosecutors and ex IRS people on their staff?
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Post by grixit »

The Observer wrote:
Dezcad wrote:The 1st Circuit Court of Appeals has denied his writ of mandamus based upon the lack of jurisdiction argument advanced by DW, Joe Haas partly based on the Larry Becraft brief.
Where does the court get off denying the omnipotent writ of mandamus? Don't those BAR guys know that when they receive a writ, they have to give up?
Ah, but it wasn't accompanied by an Affidavit of Truth.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Post by Demosthenes »

grixit wrote:So now just knowing about a case is a conflict of interest. Also, he complains about being assigned a lawyer who used to be a prosecutor. Is that bad? What about those tp organizations that brag about having ex prosecutors and ex IRS people on their staff?
Danny was very lucky in his original attorney appointment. Too bad he blew it.

Someone who used to be a prosecutor is a good thing; he knows how the government lawyers think and act. Someone who knows the actual prosecutors on the case? That's another positive since he knows their weaknesses and when they're likely to be bluffing. Someone who has a brother who is an appellate judge? That's irrelevant since that judge would be conflicted out if his brother is the defense attorney.

Danyy's perceived conflicts were mostly factors that made his lawyer a valuable asset.

Post by EliotNess »

Demosthenes wrote:
grixit wrote:So now just knowing about a case is a conflict of interest. Also, he complains about being assigned a lawyer who used to be a prosecutor. Is that bad? What about those tp organizations that brag about having ex prosecutors and ex IRS people on their staff?
Danny was very lucky in his original attorney appointment. Too bad he blew it.

Someone who used to be a prosecutor is a good thing; he knows how the government lawyers think and act. Someone who knows the actual prosecutors on the case? That's another positive since he knows their weaknesses and when they're likely to be bluffing. Someone who has a brother who is an appellate judge? That's irrelevant since that judge would be conflicted out if his brother is the defense attorney.

Danyy's perceived conflicts were mostly factors that made his lawyer a valuable asset.
This premise or this argument assumes that the attorney would act in the defendants best interest at all times as defined by the defendant. If the client has lost faith or suspects the attorney is not acting is his or her best interest then the attorney client relationship becomes hopelessly compromised and unproductive.