Tim Wingate accuses RBN of racism

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Tim Wingate accuses RBN of racism

Post by Demosthenes »

Tim Wingate and Fred Smart took over the Ed Brown radio show after Ed was arrested and they have to look for boogeymen to explain their dwindling support.
Seize Liberty Radio Show has been Cancelled!
The Seize Liberty Radio Show, a program of energy and practical ideas on how to seize liberty for yourself and family on Republic Broadcasting Network has been canceled!

Too bad, we were to have Russell Means from the Republic of Lakota as our guest on the next show.

Why was it canceled? We were told because of the numbers. Which means that the subject matter we discussed didn't match well with the demographic of those who listen to RBN.
So what does that mean? It means that many folks stopped listening and although no advertisers or sponsors objected, listeners called to complain that they didn't like our guests and content.

Which was what? Oh that's right, Fred and I believe in Liberty and Freedom for everyone of all races. We had people from different racial heritages on the show to talk about their struggles for freedom as well.

Let's face it folks, there is a strong belief by many in the "Patriot" movement that only one group of people should be the the "head and not the tail." Draw your own conclusions, but Fred and I believe that there is no "head & tail" in this "Patriot" Freedom Fellowship. WE ALL NEED TO STAND SHOULDER TO SHOULDER ARM in ARM as equals facing the foes of freedom together.

ALL for Freedom and Freedom for ALL!!!

We will be back at some point in another venue. Regardless, continue to Seize Liberty!!!
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Re: Tim Wingate accuses RBN of racism

Post by buck09 »

Demosthenes wrote:Let's face it folks, there is a strong belief by many in the "Patriot" movement that only one group of people should be the the "head and not the tail." Draw your own conclusions, but Fred and I believe that there is no "head & tail" in this "Patriot" Freedom Fellowship. WE ALL NEED TO STAND SHOULDER TO SHOULDER ARM in ARM as equals facing the foes of freedom together.
Racists in the paytriot movement? You don't say. Too bad they can't be bothered to trace the roots of most of their beliefs back to their anti-semitic origins.

I wonder how many Jews they'd stand shoulder to shoulder with...
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Re: Tim Wingate accuses RBN of racism

Post by grammarian44 »

Are we sure that they're wrong about RBN, regardless of the fact that listenership may have been dwindling?
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Re: Tim Wingate accuses RBN of racism

Post by Demosthenes »

I just find it amusing that the Brown hosts have spent dozens and dozens of hours on RBN blaming the secret zionist forces of evil for all of the ills of the world, and then accuse RBN of racism when RBN cancels their show.
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Re: Tim Wingate accuses RBN of racism

Post by The Observer »

Actually, I am offended that we here at Quatloos were not blamed for the cancellation of the program. After all, several years of hard work here spreading lies and disinformation, and we don't even get a smidgen of credit for dismantling their show?
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Re: Tim Wingate accuses RBN of racism

Post by webhick »

CaptainKickback wrote:
The Observer wrote:Actually, I am offended that we here at Quatloos were not blamed for the cancellation of the program. After all, several years of hard work here spreading lies and disinformation, and we don't even get a smidgen of credit for dismantling their show?
We're too big and powerful, so they know not to f*ck with us. that and our Illuminati/Old Ones connection and Webhick........
Well, everyone knows that the Illuminati is racist. Against broomsticks. I mean, they're so skinny you just know they're throwing up after every meal and pushing Atkins on cheerleader camp dropouts. And they can't even keep it together during a bar fight. And sometimes their heads pop off at the strangest times.

Anyway, the Illuminati actually did have a plan to get the show canceled. Hell, it even made it into the budget. You see, I was supposed to issue orders to limit their demographic to rednecks, arrange for Ed Brown to rant on end (but don't ask which end) against Jewish people, and release a social disease cocktail on the Republic of Lakota. But alas, I was deprived of the pleasure of executing the plan myself. Those bastards must have gotten a copy of the plan and went ahead with it themselves. They will pay for their sins against my personal entertainment. Mark my words. They will one day awaken on a beautiful Sunday morning, go to take a morning wiz and find a toilet full of headless seamonkeys. THE HORROR!
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Re: Tim Wingate accuses RBN of racism

Post by grixit »

CaptainKickback wrote:May be if they stopped having people from imaginary countries on, like the guy from the "Republic of Lakota." The "Republic of Lakota" is a fiction, bunkum and even more dubious than what I sent on its way to the sewage treatment plant this morning. It is pure bullsh*t! Not even the Lakota people recognize it.

And yet there are two a**hats wondering why with such scintillating and delusional guests, from countries that don't exist, they got canned. What a bunch of dull-witted morons!

This is what I think of their whiny little b*tch about being taken off the air: :angrybird:
They should get somebody form Grand Fenwick, a much better documented country.
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Re: Tim Wingate accuses RBN of racism

Post by Nikki »

Racism exists within the TP / Sovereign Citizen White Supremacy movement?

I'm shocked. Shocked!