New phone call from Ed Brown

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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Dezcad »

Demosthenes wrote: Keith thinks that militia members are exempt from having their guns being seized.
Both Keith and Joe Haas incorrectly believe that the New Hampshire state exemptions are applicable to Ed and Elaine's federal tax debt and liens. Therefore, I'm sure Keith bases his statement on N.H. Statute 511:2 VII which states:
511:2 Exemptions. – The following goods and property are exempted from attachment and execution:
VII. The uniform, arms and equipments of every officer and private in the militia.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Demosthenes »

A new phone call from Elaine:

She says that people have been asking her if she'd do it all over again. She tells them that she and Ed had to do it because it was God's plan. The land of the free and home of the brave has become a fascist state.

She thanks everyone who writes, sends her books, and adds money to her commissary account.

She says there's a lot of frustration and anger and ignorance in prison. The guards are mean but "I guess that's prison and it's not supposed to be pleasant."

In regards to Danny, Reno, Jason, and Bob: "We're working so hard to get everyone out of here."

She says that half of the people in prison are innocent and that the court makes so much money putting people in prison that that's why they're there.

She bursts into tears when she tells Ed to stop blaming himself for her being in prison.

Her health is good. She had broken her wrist in several places last summer but it went untreated when she and Ed were at the house so it didn't heal well.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

Duke2Earl wrote:The question that interests me is exactly how delusional do you have to be before people start to figure out that you are completely bonkers? From what I see there is no limit. It seems if you are willing to say that you don't have to pay taxes, you can be a total meltdown of historic proportions and some people will still support you.
They're all quite batshit to begin with.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by grixit »

Demosthenes wrote: She says that half of the people in prison are innocent and that the court makes so much money putting people in prison that that's why they're there.
I'd really someone who makes this claim to explain this. When someone goes to jail, who exactly is it that gives the court (presumably the judges, lawyers, bailiffs and clerks) money, and why the hell do they do so?
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by notorial dissent »

More likely to implode, as vacuum tends to do that with unstable structures.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by . »

Clearly delusional.

Not someone I'd engage to perform a root canal. By now, she's probably also decided that lidocaine is an evil drug concocted by the evil Jooos to suppress freedom.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by wserra »

. wrote:By now, she's probably also decided that lidocaine is an evil drug concocted by the evil Jooos to suppress freedom.
Actually, no.

By now, she's probably also decided that lidocaine is an evil drug concocted by the evil Jooos to pollute and impurify our precious bodily fluids.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by . »

You might be right.

No thought is too improbable to attribute to any Brown: family self-screwed-over-for-life-for-no-good-reason.
All the States incorporated daughter corporations for transaction of business in the 1960s or so. - Some voice in Van Pelt's head, circa 2006.

Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Gregg wrote:My MBA is from Xavier, does that make me part of the conspiracy?
Did you not get the memo? All Xavier MBAs were supposed to go to Frickintardistan last Tuesday, to undergo their final transformation into shapeshifting humanoid lizards!

If I were you, I'd contact the Shotgun of Warm Humanitarianism immediately for further instructions.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Demosthenes »

The message below refers to the recently recorded phone call from Elaine.
Date: Mar 5, 2008 9:06 PM
Subject: elaine brown sacraficed a lot to get this out
Body: i was just notified that elaine brown has been restricted from contacting me through email and phone calls because of this call. also ed was supposed to call me today and never did so i now assume he is being restricted from contacting me also due to his calls to me that we recorded. there is nothing illegal or against the prisons rules to do what we did in fact mumia abu jamal who is on death row gets his calls recorded for a radio program he does. he also had to sue to stop the prisons from harrasing him and opening his mail. i received a letter from elaine in the us mail today that had been ripped open and obviously glued back closed. this is being done so the browns will not be able to continue building support for the cause. they know that if she cant get messages out to people then her support will dwindle

Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by ElfNinosMom »

Demosthenes wrote:The message below refers to the recently recorded phone call from Elaine.
Date: Mar 5, 2008 9:06 PM
Subject: elaine brown sacraficed a lot to get this out
Body: i was just notified that elaine brown has been restricted from contacting me through email and phone calls because of this call. also ed was supposed to call me today and never did so i now assume he is being restricted from contacting me also due to his calls to me that we recorded. there is nothing illegal or against the prisons rules to do what we did in fact mumia abu jamal who is on death row gets his calls recorded for a radio program he does. he also had to sue to stop the prisons from harrasing him and opening his mail. i received a letter from elaine in the us mail today that had been ripped open and obviously glued back closed. this is being done so the browns will not be able to continue building support for the cause. they know that if she cant get messages out to people then her support will dwindle
Mumia Abu-Jamal is no longer on death row, and hasn't been for years. His death sentence was overturned by an appeals court due to an error in the jury instructions, so he is now serving life without parole.

How interesting, though, that Ed and Elaine's supporters are comparing them to the man who committed one of the most coldblooded cop murders of our time. Even I wouldn't make that comparison, though they do have one thing in common. All three of them make up some pretty wild tales to back their story, and all three of them falsely claim themselves to be political prisoners.

Anyway, I could have told them it would be a problem for the calls to be recorded. I wondered how long it would take before the BOP would figure out what they were doing, and I guess the answer is "not long at all". The rule is that prisoner calls cannot involve a third party. Well, the entire internet would be considered a "third party", I should think.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Demosthenes »

there is nothing illegal or against the prisons rules to do what we did in fact mumia abu jamal who is on death row gets his calls recorded for a radio program he does.
Mumia is in state prison, not federal, and he is no longer on death row.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Demosthenes »

Letter from Ed to Raymond Ronald Karczewski© (the wingnut who thinks he's Christ):
2-26-08 Tue

Dear Ray,

Thank you for all of you support and caring.

I have received this letter dated Feb. 10, 2008. I thank your for it as well. I know they have been holding my mail both in and out for a long time.

The persecution Elaine has been experiencing is continuing. I have limited outside contact. They keep me sequestered daily. Isolation is the cruelest form of punishment and the people are well versed in the subject matter.

You're right about my disappointment. The death of Elaine or myself is nothing I had or have any desire for, and fortunately the rabble that kidnapped Elaine and me had no guns that would have forced me to defend our lives.

I have no desire to harm anyone. Not seeing any guns pointed at us prevented me from using any against them. It was a split second decision.
It is not my or God's way, even though they have no compunction about it. The work of the Father continues.

I have no illusions about my fellow Americans Ray and I am saddened for most of them. However, Elaine and I have done what we could and now we must spend the rest of our time for each other, for as long as the Father will allow.

God Love and Bless Ray & Anita

Edward-Lewis: Brown©
Living Soul

PS I have much to do in here Ray. There are many sick and lost ones here. ed,
Ray responds.

Good to hear from you. They're really putting you to the test, aren't they? There is a reason you are being treated the way you are.

They have a vested interest in breaking you. If they break you, they demoralize those who hold you as a symbol of freedom.

I recognize we are all flesh and blood, but such ideas once established are hard to destroy. Hang in there. Show them what a Free Man is all about.

As you know by now, Anita passed away on February 18th. According to the attending nurse at the hospital She went peacefully with my name on her lips. We both were lucky to have each other for 49 years.

After the third traffic stop and multiple automobile impoundmentswhich have cost me hundreds of dollars, I have filed charges of Conspiracy to commint Piracy, Robbery, Theft by Extortion, and Coverups with the District Attorney of Josephine County Oregon charging the Sheriff of Josephine County, the Chief of Police of Grants Pass, Oregon, the Trial Court Adminstrator, and the officer in charge of the State Police Substation. My intention is to go after the policy makers not the cops who are just following policy. These corrupt administrators must take responsibility for putting the Traffic cops in their employ in harm's way by enforcing unlawful corporate policies upon Travellers at the point of a gun.

They have not and cannot prove jurisdiction over me, But they are wearing the gun and I am not (as yet).

I've been trying to motivate your supporters on MakeTheStand forum to coalesce into a NATIONWIDE campaign of letter writing, email and phone calls to FORCE government to answer the question at the foundation of your case -- SHOW US THE LAW. At the same time, ask these Public Servants to answer the questions as pertains to my case PROVE YOUR JURISDICTION.

Between your case and mine, Government is CHECKMATED. They cannot possibly sustain their momentum if they ANSWER THE QUESTIONS OR DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. They are caught in a catch 22, the Devils Trap, Damned if you do and Damned if you don't. Yet it requires the FORCE OF NUMBERS, nationwide TO FORCE THEM to answer the questions. You see, the Fraud with which they operate with such aplomb would disintegrate and the house of card they have so carefully constructed over the decades, would come crashing down.

Hell if I can motivate your supporters and the American People at large to move on such a SURE THING, we would take back our country without firing a single shot. However it seems like the public is suffering from feelings of guilt for being cowards and like dutiful slaves are waiting for their punishment from their MASTERS. .

At any rate, as you say, it is all in God's hand. I have always followed His lead. One thing it does do though. It puts you out there ALL ALONE!.

Ed, I'm sending a copy of this to Elaine, and posting it on the Internet.

Hang in there
Love to you and Elaine.

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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by ASITStands »

Sounds to me like Ed's beginning to be resolved to his fate.

And, he's looking for some meaning in religious convictions. Maybe he'll become a prison preacher. Of course, I'd wonder about his version of the gospel.

The Gospel of the Free-Man, etc.

Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Nikki »

ASITStands wrote:Sounds to me like Ed's beginning to be resolved to his fate.

And, he's looking for some meaning in religious convictions. Maybe he'll become a prison preacher. Of course, I'd wonder about his version of the gospel.

The Gospel of the Free-Man, etc.
How long have you been hearing these voices.

If Ed: family It's-Someone-Else's-Fault manages to be released from prison in something other than a pine box, he will still be singing the same song as when he went in: He's a major league patriot and everything that happened is the responsibility of <fill in the blanks with anything but Ed>.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by ASITStands »

Nikki wrote: How long have you been hearing these voices.
Not long. It was these words:
I have no illusions about my fellow Americans Ray and I am saddened for most of them. However, Elaine and I have done what we could and now we must spend the rest of our time for each other, for as long as the Father will allow.
Sure, he's nutty. And sure, his religious views are far outside the mainstream [full of patriot mythology, anti-everybody-else], but I think it signals a resolve.

When they shut the door on you in solitary, and there's no one with which to hold a conversation, you start talking to the voice in your own head, which Ed thinks is God.

He'll come out [if he comes out] saying more or less the same things as now. However, it will be dressed in religious trappings, and to some extent, he'll be resigned to his fate of never being believed. Or, of course, he may be certified insane long before then.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by LPC »

Ed Brown wrote:fortunately the rabble that kidnapped Elaine and me had no guns that would have forced me to defend our lives.

I have no desire to harm anyone. Not seeing any guns pointed at us prevented me from using any against them. It was a split second decision.
Yes, Ed was quite merciful in not hurting any of those poor defenseless U.S. Marshals who were handcuffing him before he knew what was happening.

His egotism really knows no bounds.
Ray wrote:After the third traffic stop and multiple automobile impoundments which have cost me hundreds of dollars, I have filed charges of Conspiracy to commint Piracy, Robbery, Theft by Extortion, and Coverups with the District Attorney of Josephine County Oregon charging the Sheriff of Josephine County, the Chief of Police of Grants Pass, Oregon, the Trial Court Adminstrator, and the officer in charge of the State Police Substation.
Let me guess: Ray is one of those nuts who think they have the right to drive a car without a driver's license or car registration.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by webhick »

Ed wrote:2-26-08 Tue
Tuesday is the new Wednesday.
Ed wrote:Thank you for all of you support and caring.
And send chocolate.
Ed wrote:I have received this letter dated Feb. 10, 2008. I thank your for it as well. I know they have been holding my mail both in and out for a long time.
Long time=16 days. I should probably take note of that, so when he inevitably says "I won't be getting out for a long time" I'll still know he's nuts.
Ed wrote:The persecution Elaine has been experiencing is continuing.
Yes, how terrible for her. They're treating her hand, which was neglected while she was hiding out at your little playgroup in Plainfield.
Ed wrote:Isolation is the cruelest form of punishment and the people are well versed in the subject matter.
To be well versed in isolation, the cruelest form of punishment, please follow these simple directions:
  1. Lock prisoner in room. Remember to be cruel: slam door loudly.
  2. Feed prisoner three times daily. Remember to be cruel: No more Little Debbies for prisoner.
  3. Do not talk to prisoner, unless prisoner has valid complaint which needs to be investigated. Remember to be cruel: Laugh when complaint is horseshit.
  4. Do not allow outside visitors, except legal counsel. Remember to be cruel: laugh when prisoner asks for outside visitors. Laugh louder when prisoner demands them.
  5. In the event that prisoner is legal counsel, allow prisoner to talk to self endlessly. Remember to be cruel: Occasionally walk by and tell prisoner that visiting time is over.
Ed wrote:The death of Elaine or myself is nothing I had or have any desire for
Except when you publicly verbalized plans to shoot her and hide in a bunker, should the feds come for you.
Ed wrote:fortunately the rabble that kidnapped Elaine and me had no guns that would have forced me to defend our lives.
They definitely had tasers, according to Elaine's affidavit. Also, she gives the impression that you two had no time to act.
Ed wrote:I have no desire to harm anyone.
Which must be why you set deadly booby traps all over your property: because you wouldn't want anyone to get hurt.
Ed wrote:Not seeing any guns pointed at us prevented me from using any against them. It was a split second decision.
The way we're hearing didn't have a chance to see anything before you were subdued.
Ed wrote:The work of the Father continues.
Unfortunately, Father Time is never kind.
Ed wrote:PS I have much to do in here Ray. There are many sick and lost ones here. ed,
And you can see all these people and reach them from your throne in isolation.
Ray wrote:They're really putting you to the test, aren't they?
You heard about the GED, huh?
Ray wrote:There is a reason you are being treated the way you are.
For his own protection. Ed's chances of survival in general population would be pretty slim.
Ray wrote:They have a vested interest in breaking you. If they break you, they demoralize those who hold you as a symbol of freedom.
Like Ed doesn't already have a god complex, let's just make it worse. Isn't idol worship a sin?
Ray wrote:I recognize we are all flesh and blood, but such ideas once established are hard to destroy.
Yeah, heaven forbid should this be a free country where people are allowed to think independently so long as they don't break laws and hurt people.
Ray wrote:Hang in there. Show them what a Free Man is all about.
From inside prison.
Ray wrote:As you know by now, Anita passed away on February 18th. According to the attending nurse at the hospital She went peacefully with my name on her lips. We both were lucky to have each other for 49 years.
Now, that's just sad. And really sad that he wasn't there when she passed.
Ray wrote:After the third traffic stop and multiple automobile impoundments which have cost me hundreds of dollars,
Just hundreds of dollars? You're not really trying, are you? A drunk driver picked up what was left of his car from a local impound yesterday to the tune of $4,500. Of course, it wouldn't have cost him so much had he not gotten himself into such a predicament that it took a heavy duty wrecker, two light duties, a ramp truck, and 8 hours to undo the carnage left in his wake. No serious injuries, except when one of the tow drivers slipped while balancing on a downed tree to gain access and crushed his periwinkles.
Ray wrote:They have not and cannot prove jurisdiction over me, But they are wearing the gun and I am not (as yet).
Dude, you better not pick up a gun and start shooting people.
Ray wrote:I've been trying to motivate your supporters on MakeTheStand forum to coalesce into a NATIONWIDE campaign of letter writing, email and phone calls to FORCE government to answer the question at the foundation of your case -- SHOW US THE LAW.
And only three people will probably go through with it.
Ray wrote:Between your case and mine, Government is CHECKMATED.
Ray wrote:Hell if I can motivate your supporters and the American People at large to move on such a SURE THING, we would take back our country without firing a single shot.
Wow, that could work. If the majority of American People were crazy enough or stupid enough to buy the crap you're peddling.
Ray wrote:However it seems like the public is suffering from feelings of guilt for being cowards and like dutiful slaves are waiting for their punishment from their MASTERS. .
If you want people to join you, it's probably a good idea to avoid calling them cowards, slaves, and lacking independent thought. Especially since you worship Ed, and you believe anything he tells you.
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by Agent Observer »

Crazy Ray said:
According to the attending nurse at the hospital She went peacefully with my name on her lips. We both were lucky to have each other for 49 years.
As Webhick pointed out, where was he when she died? Even though he wasn't there, he makes it sound as if her dying moment wasn't about her, but was about him. If you've read any of Crazy Ray's egocentric stuff, you know what he really meant to say in that last line was:

"We were both lucky to have ME for the last 49 years."

It's not coincidental that the majority of his babbling letter isn't about Ed, who he addressed the letter to, and his situation, but Crazy Ray and his own struggles with the "ebil goobermint."
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Re: New phone call from Ed Brown

Post by webhick »

Actually, I was trying not to blast him for not being there. When you're talking about someone who is in the hospital to die, you never know which breath will be the last. For all we know, she could have passed while he was getting himself a cup of coffee from a vending machine down the hall. Or the hospital told him to go home and get some sleep, and he did.

But you're absolutely right in that the line "We were both lucky to have each other for 49 years" sounds off. Having known a few widows and widowers, it usually goes, "I was blessed to have her in my life for 49 years". Not once have I heard a grieving spouse say "I was lucky to have her and she was lucky to have me." Which is basically what he's saying. But we all behave strangely when we are grieving, so I'll give him a pass.
When chosen for jury duty, tell the judge "fortune cookie says guilty" - A fortune cookie