Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

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Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by AFTP »

Does anyone know what happened to “Executive's ReSource” which also went by the name “Southern Oregon Resource Center“?
There website was http://www.resource190.com.

I heard they got raided but were still operating and were attempting to sue the Gov.
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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by Demosthenes »

November 24, 2007

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my sad duty to inform you that Executive's ReSource LLC has closed its doors for business. Over the past 18 months ERS has experienced a series of challenges. These challenges coupled with my shortcomings as manager and severe health concerns have taken their toll. A partial list includes a raid by the IRS, attacks on PQI and our mutual clients by the same authorities, a short-term detrimental and costly relationship with a Nevada service provider, the huge loss of operating capital due to the MYICIS collapse, and finally extreme health concerns for myself. These along with the recent downturn in the economy have sealed our fate. We did our best and have only taken this action after exhausting all our resources. In the end the deteriorating health of myself and the rest of the team due to stress tipped the scales in making this very difficult decision.

The vast majority of our clients have been fully served. If you are among the small hand full that are currently in process please contact ERS by email soon. The client exclusive area has been opened to allow you to download the Corporate Templates and Educational Literature before we pull the website on January 1st.

Also note that our friends at Amberdee your registered agent in Nevada, are still in business and shall continue serving your accounts.

Many of you are entitled to consultation time with Robert Hagopian. And you may also wish to continue your process with his organization. He requests that you contact him by email and make requests for appointments at robhk60@yahoo.com.

Please remember that Robert and Amberdee are outside providers and should not be harassed over our closure.

On behalf of all the staff and support personnel here at ERS I wish to thank everyone who supported our organization for the past 10 years. It has been an honor and an exhilarating experience to serve you.

For Executive's ReSource LLC,
Gino Casternovia GM.
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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by jkeeb »

a short-term detrimental and costly relationship with a Nevada service provider,
That alone cost E. Spitzer his job.
Remember that CtC is about the rule of law.

John J. Bulten
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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by AFTP »

huge loss of operating capital due to the MYICIS collapse
What is MYICIS?
A partial list includes a raid by the IRS, attacks on PQI and our mutual clients by the same authorities,
Any word on the fallout of the raids, jail etc.?

I heard they were suing the IRS & DOJ, anything pan out?
Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his Country, it is a sign he expects to be paid for it. – H. L. Mencken

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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by AFTP »

jkeeb wrote:
a short-term detrimental and costly relationship with a Nevada service provider,
That alone cost E. Spitzer his job.
It took a minute but I got it. :thinking:
Last edited by AFTP on Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his Country, it is a sign he expects to be paid for it. – H. L. Mencken

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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by Demosthenes »

jkeeb wrote:
a short-term detrimental and costly relationship with a Nevada service provider,
That alone cost E. Spitzer his job.
Rootbeer on keyboard. Very uncool.
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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by Demosthenes »

UGA Lawdog wrote:Rootbeer = very uncool. Just in and of itself.
And UGA is a lawyer so he knows uncool better than the rest of us peons.
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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by Dezcad »

Demosthenes wrote:
UGA Lawdog wrote:Rootbeer = very uncool. Just in and of itself.
And UGA is a lawyer so he knows uncool better than the rest of us peons.
But please don't ask him to read an MRI.......
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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by Prof »

CaptainKickback wrote:Don't be knockin' root beer or sasparilla. And remember UGA attended college and/or may be from a state where Waffle Houses and CoCola are high livin' and extra fancy is HoJos or the new Hooters down the road.
As to Waffle House, Coke, and Hooters, all three are HQ'd in Atlanta. HoJo's restaurants have all but disappeared except for a few in, I think, NY, but the motels are franchised out of Wyndham. So, I doubt if Lawdog thinks HoJo's is high-end.

By the way, Hooter's was owned by a guy -- Bob Brooks -- who grew up on a little tobacco farm a few miles from the one I grew up on and who passed away last summer. My Army roommate/college buddy runs one of the affiliated companies and one of the administrators of the Brooks estate.
"My Health is Better in November."
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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by AFTP »

Does anyone know the answers to my other questions?
Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his Country, it is a sign he expects to be paid for it. – H. L. Mencken

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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by Demosthenes »

AFTP wrote:What is MYICIS?
What they were:
http://web.archive.org/web/200701170718 ... yicis.com/

WHat happened to them:

EXPLANATION of Recent Issues

To all ICIS Clients:

Over the past few weeks, many ICIS clients have expressed dissatisfaction with our service. Let me say at the outset of this message that I completely understand.

However, what I have not been able to share with you previously is that the vast majority of the problems ICIS has experienced over the past few months have had nothing to do with our visit from the IRS in May of this year. Rather, they have been the result of well-intentioned but misguided attempts by certain ICIS referrers to help their own clients, people whom they have in the past advised to open and maintain accounts with ICIS Money Orders.

Financial Regulations do not permit me to reveal any specific item that requires myself or the bank to take any kind of action. For instance, if you do something that requires me to file a Suspicious Transaction Report, I am not permitted by law to tell you that you have done so; I am required to withhold that information, even if it means lying to you. If I or any of my staff reveal that information, we are subject ot severe criminal penalties that could include prison terms.

Likewise, if the bank is forced to make a report, I am not permitted to tell the client whose action caused that report to be made, and nor are they. Bank Secrecy Act regulations require us to withhold that information, as well.

Lately, certain clients who have referred many others to ICIS, and who have claimed to have “inside knowledge”, have advised their friends and colleagues to “get their money out of ICIS”. and have suggested that making out money orders for slightly less than the maximum amount, and varying things like the name they make it out to, would allow them to do so without arousing suspicion. This has resulted in many money orders passing through the bank made out to the same person, with variations on spelling and such. Example: one money order might be made out to “Jane Doe”, another to “J. Doe”, another to “Jayne Doe”, another to “Jane M. Doe”… Or, several might be made out to the same person or entity, but with different addresses, or just many money orders all made out exactly alike…

All of these, and several other methods employed, are classified by the government as “Structuring ATransaction To Avoid Reporting Requirements”, and constitute breaches of law that can be considered serious felonies. Since so many such have gone through the bank in recent weeks, and since ICIS Money Orders CANNOT allow them to clear legally, we have been forced repeatedly to reject those money orders, and if they constituted more than fifty percent of the day’s business, then we are forced to reject all money orders presented that day. This is why so many money orders have been returned lately.

In the past week, I have been advised that there have been so many such money orders that the Federal Government had taken official notice, and yesterday I spent most of the day in the presence of those notables and bank officers. I was informed when this meeting was arranged last week that there was a distinct possibility that ICIS’ account at the bank might be closed and/or seized over these issues, and so I took my attorney, Nancy Lord, with me. Nancy Lord is one of the top five attorneys in the US, and a former Libertarian Party candidate for Vice President of the United States, and I have complete confidence in her abilities.

Instead of closing us down and taking all of our clients’ money, we were able to reach an agreement whereby those accounts connected to the suspicious activity are to be temporarily frozen by ICIS Money Orders, completely within the rules of our Terms of Service. I am required to maintain these accounts frozen pending the outcome of an investigation that is currently underway, and which I was not permitted until now to reveal. This investigation should not take long, and may result in some client’s having to answer questions regarding their transactions; however, it has been agreed that any questions will be sent through ICIS, rather than in any official capacity of the IRS or other agencies.

What this means is that if your account is frozen, there is nothing we can do about it at this time. If you are one of those the government wants further information from, you will be hearing from us shortly with the questions they want answers to; if you are not, then I expect your account will be cleared within the next few days. As soon as I am informed of what information they want, I or one of my staff will contact you.
Calling the offices repeatedly will not help you… it will only add to the existing problem by tying up my staff and keeping them from doing their jobs, which will help to clear all of this up in short order. Calling the bank and demanding information will only cause additional SAR’s to be filed… the bank is not permitted by law to give any information on ICIS’ account to anyone but an authorized employee of ICIS, and attempts by others to gain information are considered suspicious and must be reported.

During this situation, which we hope and believe will be very short-lived, we are not permitted to close any of the accounts that are frozen, and any requests to close or terminate accounts, or in any other way assist in withdrawing money from those accounts must be reported. I and my staff are very sympathetic to the problems this may cause, but this was the absolute best we could do… the alternative was that everyone’s money was likely to be subject to seizure, simply because of the ill-advised actions of a few clients.

I will attempt to post daily updates on the situation, and I assure you that we are continuing to do all that we can to protect our clients.

Fortunately, the list of frozen accounts is not a large one; if you cannot loginto your account, then you are on it, and if you feel that you should not be there, then contact me directly at wayne@dodtv.com with the words “Frozen Account Issue” in the subject of your email.

If you can log in, then you are not on tha tlist, and may conduct business as usual, but please remember that the account IS being watched at this time. If you have doubts as to whether a money order you need to issue will cause a problem, email me first and I will do my best answer as soon as possible. Use the email address above and use “DMO Question” as the subject.

Folks, this is as frustrating to me as it is to anyone… I have always prided myself on being able to protect my clients completely, and on my honesty, so being forced to withhold information and even lie has made me miserable.. However, due to the issues mentioned above, this I now beyond my direct control, and all I can do is try to make the problem go away as soon as possible.

For the record, the girls at the office were not told about these issues until now… it was bad enough I had to lie, I was not going to ask anyone else to do so.

Thank you for you understanding.

Wayne Hicks



As many of you have mentioned in your emails, it's quite likely that some of the accounts that were frozen should not have been, but due to connections to certain suspicious accounts, they were caught up in the issue. I am going through each account as fast as I can and releasing all of those that are not genuinely connected to the ongoing investigation.

Please understand that these steps were necessary to protect ALL of our clients, even those on the watch list! I appreciate the calm and polite emails I've been receiving about this issue, and I promise that I will reply to each and every one! the delay is caused simply by my need to review each account before I reply, os that I can be certain of what I'm saying.

For those few who are angry and upset... I truly do understand, and was torn by the necessity of withholding information. As a journalist, the thought of concealing the truth is abhorrent to me, and I am relieved that I am no longer under that restraint. No, I can't say which accounts are specifically under investigation... but I can release those that are not, or obviously should not be.

Further information coming.




After spending most of the weekend on this issue, most of the accounts that were frozen have been released. those that have not been released are on the watch list, and I cannot unfreeze them at this time.

Over the next few days I will contact each account holder with the issues tha thave caused the accounts to be frozen, and endeavor to get them all released this week.

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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by Demosthenes »

AFTP wrote:Any word on the fallout of the raids, jail etc.?

I heard they were suing the IRS & DOJ, anything pan out?
The only docket entry for Casternovia was a personal bankruptcy in 1997.

Wayne Hicks' docket list showed two bankruptcies (2002 and 2006) and two civil cases against MyICIS.
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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by AFTP »

Thanks Demo.
Is there any word on Mark Lyon who was willing to got to jail for what was "right"?

This is interesting.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 9244349783
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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by Demosthenes »

AFTP wrote:Thanks Demo.
Is there any word on Mark Lyon who was willing to got to jail for what was "right"?
Is Mark located in Oregon? If so, the only docket entry is a personal bankruptcy from 1995.
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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by AFTP »

Yes he lives in Oregon, [born in NY (?)].

I just noticed these guys are all claiming bankruptcy.

I remember hearing when people were going to go “Sovereign” they burned some bridges along the way.

I think it’s some “strategy” similar to the Debt Elimination nonsense.
Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his Country, it is a sign he expects to be paid for it. – H. L. Mencken

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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by buck09 »

UGA Lawdog wrote:Rootbeer = very uncool. Just in and of itself.
That's because you've never had the good stuff:

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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by Quixote »

My nephew went through a root beer phase a few months back, so I tried a few designer root beers. I didn't care for Sprechers. Maybe it's the honey or maybe they use corn syrup instead of cane sugar. I prefer a local brew, Saint Arnolds
Saint Arnold Root Beer is made with Imperial Cane Sugar (absolutely no high fructose corn syrup), vanilla extract and lots of yummy (but secret) flavorings. The cane sugar gives it a sweetness and mouthfeel that cannot be achieved through corn syrup. The flavors explode in your mouth. The only way to improve on our Root Beer is to add a scoop of vanilla ice cream!
Imperial Sugar, by the way, is why Sugar Land is not called Rice Land.
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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by LPC »

CaptainKickback wrote:Try an ice cold Coke (or Pepsi) in a nice glass bottle AND which was bottled in Mexico, where they use cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup.
Ever have a Dublin Dr. Pepper?
Dan Evans
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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by webhick »

LPC wrote:Ever have a Dublin Dr. Pepper?
Well, Guinness can make anything taste better ;)

(and I can get away with saying that...being Irish and all)
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Re: Executive's ReSource Shut Down?

Post by grixit »

LPC wrote: Ever have a Dublin Dr. Pepper?
There's no period in Dr Pepper!
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4