Stupid is as stupid does

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Grand Exalted Keeper of Esoterica
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Stupid is as stupid does

Post by Demosthenes »

From: "Mr. Black" <blacksheepfiles@...> blacksheepfiles
Date: Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:45 am
Re: What is the time period between a Criminal Complaint and plea called

I was sent a criminal complaint by a district attorney and requested to appear. I was working out of state... had also been writing them letters of denial etc.. using my in state PO Box.... I was told if I did not appear the DA would compel me to appear by warrant... Again, I was out of state, and didn't understand they had no jurisdiction out of state... They did file the warrant for my arrest for non appearance, so I appeared... and cleared the warrant.... In the mean time, they offered me a court appointed attorney, which I later fired for non performance. I didn't realize they simply appoint you another attorney..... So anyway, on appearance day, I told this loser attorney I did not plan on pleading to this bogus complaint..... he told me I would go to jail if I did not plea.... I told him, then I have a statement to make instead of him pleading for me......... period....... So he goes before the judge and says "we want a 6 person jury trial'......... the judge pleas for me, and I sign under Duress, Threat and cohesion, with A.R.R. (all rights reserved)............ I was told by this attorney it would be dismissed...... so not thinking anything of it, didn't appear for trial readiness, this attorney hadn't' said anything different to me, regarding getting any evidence for trial or anything.. I was out of state, didn't show up, and another warrant was issued for my arrest this time for $10,000 bail on it....... This attorney did not inform me of this warrant at all......... but he didn't tell me straight up if the he got the charges dismissed either... I found out by accident I had a warrant........... I came back to town, after firing this attorney two clear this warrant....only to find out this attorney did not excuse himself, and I had to come back to town to excuse him.......... Sheeeesh.. They insisted on hiring me another attorney.... Now you figure over a year passes by.......... and this attorney sets a date for a plea.......... I didn't' realize what we were doing when we got there...... the charges were read again, and she plead not guilty and wanted a trial........Hmmmmmmmm.... So before I knew it, she was trying to make a deal........ reduce the charge to one count and no jail or fines charges............I was disappointed, cause I had filed criminal charges against the complainant and they were dismissed because he filed his charges first....... he actually perjured himself and tampered with public record......... this attorney told me if I didn't quit calling the DA and threatening them (have no idea what she was talking about) it would be worse on my case..(I was trying to find out why they dismissed my complaint)........ So I asked her to put in writing what she just said to me, and I would cop the plea......... She told me I was making a mountain out of a mole hill, and said she would withdraw from the case before she would put in writing what she said, so she did.... They appointed me another attorney...... I requested to go Pro Se'....... which was granted, but the judge told me "if you go Pro Se' I will be sure you don't' get an extension of time to obtain another attorney".......... I put my 90 day extension of time request in and sure enough, I was denied the extension based on what this judge had said........the only reason I got an extension was because I got influenza A and the assistant of counsel was leaving for Italy and didn't want to be with me in trial.....(they told me if I didn't show up I was be arrested again).... so he got the continuance ...... I was denied, leaving me 1 day to prepare for trial........ it is set out for the 11th of April now thanks to this assistance of counsel...
My question is, wouldn't it be appropriate to try for dismissal, with all this crap going on..?? I am going to subpoena the judge, 3 attorneys........and the DA who said she was actually going to dismiss this case in the beginning...... and the DA who dismissed my charges......... Or do I just prepare for the case, as planned and serve them with 'criminal misconduct' charges after they testify?........... Any thoughts? Why did I have to plea again.. seems weird to me............

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated..... I think I will at least try for a dismissal...

Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Post by Bashful »

That is the most astonishing example of a person who does not realize what he is into. I predict a total train wreck and he will still be clueless.
Doktor Avalanche
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Post by Doktor Avalanche »

:brickwall: :angrybird: :@#$:
The laissez-faire argument relies on the same tacit appeal to perfection as does communism. - George Soros
Agent Observer

Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Post by Agent Observer »

When I was an agent with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, we had a term for this sort of mentality: Barracks Lawyer. Basically, a "Barracks Lawyer" was a military member who combined the knowledge from all prime time cop shows he'd ever seen, with the high-powered legal advice of his fellow 18-20 year old Barracks-mates, then attempted to dazzle us with his legal prowess in the face of serious charges, including rape, assault, and possession of child pornography. Some of the stuff was just ridiculous, and even after being told it was untrue, many of them held firm to beliefs that had no basis in reality. Armed with this amazing array of legal "ammunition," the only thing they usually managed to accomplish was the destruction of any chance of a real defense before actual legal counsel was involved.

When I left the military, I thought the Barracks Lawyer psychosis was a thing of the past, but I was wrong. The Internet brought it to the civilian world as well.
17th Viscount du Voolooh
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Post by ASITStands »

This is in a local, state court, apparently:
Mr. Black wrote:My complaint against me is 3 charges of "false swearing in order to receive title to vehicles"
You can review the thread here and here.

It doesn't take away from the idiocy of the claims, but it might put some light on why the case may be moving rather slowly through a state or local court.
Mr. Mephistopheles
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

Do they have barracks doctors and sea doctors too, passing out free medical advice? :whistle:

EDIT: BTW, who is Richard Cornforth?
Grand Exalted Keeper of Esoterica
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Post by Demosthenes »

Get it right.

He's Richard-Luke: Cornforth and his website is
Mr. Mephistopheles
Faustus Quatlus
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Post by Mr. Mephistopheles »

Demosthenes wrote:Get it right.

He's Richard-Luke: Cornforth and his website is
My most abject apologies.

So when do we get the "looking around the corner wearing a tin-foil beanie" smiley?

I had seen his website earlier. Chalk up my ignorance to my "newness".
17th Viscount du Voolooh
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Re: Stupid is as stupid does

Post by ASITStands »

Demosthenes wrote:Get it right.

He's Richard-Luke: Cornforth and his website is
Hadn't known he made that particular argument/distinction. Hadn't seen it before.

Looking at the website, I see the name "Mary Cornforth." Is that a wife or daughter?