Update on Eddie Kahn

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Update on Eddie Kahn

Post by Demosthenes »

Coffee cups down.
Date: Apr 13, 2007 11:26 AM
Subject: Eddie Kahn Update #2

March 28, 2007

Family and Friends,

I am writing to update you on my sweet wife and my current situation. I say both of us because, even though I am the one that is incarcerated, Kookie has been doing whatever has been necessary to be done "on the street", as these guys in here say. [ :shock: ]She has been such a blessing.

Today is my 148th day of being in jail. It has been a real adventure! I have had numerous guys come up to me and say "You're not supposed to be in here." They say that because I am much older than most of them. I also can't contribute much to their conversations. If you can't talk about "crack" cocaine, "blunts", "weed", "whore", my baby's Moma" (not many married guys here but most of them have children by more than one woman) and other street lingo, you just don't fit in. Most of them are in here for crimes that would be violations of God's Laws (i.e. Robbery, Rape, Murder, Thefts of all kinds. The vast majority have to do with drug sales and use.)

The Assistant U.S. Attorney's (there are five of them assigned to this case) have conspired with the Magistrate and the regular Judge in this case to make sure I stay in jail with no bond. There are guys here that have been charged with murder that get out on bond of $10,000 and they are looking at 20 years to Life. I am looking at 10 years max and get no bond.

The trial was originally scheduled for March 5th. However, Wesley Snipes, my co-defendant's lawyers (he has three or four) have asked for 800,000 pages of documents they want from the government. It will take awhile to peruse through all those pages so they rescheduled the trial for October 1, 2007.

We have put a number of Demands and Petitions before the Court to get them to release me. So far, we have not been successful. Fortunately, God has sent a number of his angels to help us. These people just appear when we need them. They are coming with fresh ideas and other types of assistance (use of car, a place for Kookie to stay, a new computer and printer purchased for Kookie to do all the typing and preparing of documents for the court, financial gifts for phone calls and gas, and airline tickets when needed.) These things just come when they are needed and what a blessing they have been.

I have no doubt we will ultimately be successful. The reason is the U.S. Attorney is lying and cheating to get a conviction. We are dealing honestly and in truth. I will give you and idea of what we are dealing with. The Fourth Amendment to the constitution of the United States of America says that the Plaintiff in a criminal case must file a "complaint" alleging the specific things that the Defendant did to constitute a crime. It must be sworn to and signed under penalty of perjury. It must have a supporting affidavit as well. The Arrest Warrant must have an affidavit of probable cause attached to it to justify someone's arrest.

The U.S. Attorney has none of those things! In other words, the Plaintiff has not "complained" against me. There is no valid Arrest Warrant. And yet, the FBI kidnapped me from Panama and took me to Miami. The IRS took me from there to Ocala, Florida. I went before a magistrate. I said, "I want a copy of the verified complaint and supporting affidavit." The Magistrate looked at me. The U.S. Attorneys looked at me. Nobody said a word on the Record. The Magistrate then said no bond, go straight to jail.

What they did was totally illegal. They are very arrogant about it, as well. The Bible talks about "spiritual wickedness is high places." In my personal experience, I can tell you it is that way in the Federal government today.

Our game plan is to do what ever it takes to get this case dismissed. Without the verified complaint, it was actually illegal for the U.S. Attorney to go to the Grand Jury to get an Indictment.

Anyway, that is what is happening here. I hope and pray that everything is going well in your lives. I am going to ask Kookie to fill you in from her perspective.

God Bless you All,

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Post by Demosthenes »

Kookie's update:
Hi All,

Nobody knows better than me that it is way past time for an update on Eddie's situation. After he wrote the above he was transferred to Lake County Jail where he has been since March 30th.

Since Eddie was denied bond on Dec. 14, 2006, he has been requesting to be transferred preferably to Citrus County Jail where there is a much better law library and internet access so he can effectively prepare for trial. He put a motion in a couple of weeks ago regarding his Continued Denial of Due Process of Law, and apparently the U.S. Marshalls decided to let him move after all. It was however, not to Citrus County, but to Lake County which is proving to be no better, in fact it is worse considering the fact that I cannot even take a pencil and paper in when I visit through the thick glass walls. I also cannot take legal documents in for him to review and study in preparation for trial. Never mind that it is closer for me and a cleaner institution. Those are not the important issues at this time.

With the transfer, his glasses were taken away, his address book and phone contact list was thrown away, and he has to start over on getting a visitation list approved. As of today, 11 days later, there is still no one listed on his visitors list, not even me. When I called about that, the reason given was because the lady who handles that is on vacation and that they just had a new computer system installed and it is unfamiliar to the staff. I was told that on April 5th and again on April 9th.

Last Friday night, I just showed up during visitation hours and explained that I was Eddie's wife and that I understood that I was not on the visitor's list yet but that it was most likely because the letters that I am sending with my physical address (which is required) and new local phone number are being returned to me, so naturally he would not have them to provide the staff with that information. (Takes a rocket scientist!)

I was given favor with the girl at the counter who allowed me to have a visit so I could provide my husband with my current address and new phone number. I was told that the only way I could get legal materials and documents to him was to mail them. The last 5 days I have been mailing many documents and materials for him to read and incorporate into his motions, petitions and filings. Yesterday, these mailings started being returned to me stating reasons on the outside of the envelope of the fact that he is not in custody (believe me, he is!) and that computer downloads are not allowed. I did exactly as they told me to do and now they say it is not allowed?

Eddie's current address is:
Eddie Kahn #80826
c/o Lake County Sheriff's Office Detention Center
551 W. Main Street
Tavares, FL 32778

Up to this time we have had several people working with our good friend Carol to raise funds for duplicating and distributing America: Freedom To Fascism, the excellent documentary by award winning producer Aaron Russo. Aaron has given us permission to duplicate and distribute as many as we can to help Eddie. If you have not seen this movie yet, you owe it to yourself. We continue to encourage people to view and share this vital information that any true blooded American could not watch without some thought provoking reservations.

We are, however, at this time considering a different approach in helping to Free Eddie Kahn. If you can participate in any way, we sincerely thank you in advance. Many of you are fully aware of the sacrifices that Eddie has made in his own personal freedom and in the freedom to be with and raise the family he loves. Through American Rights Litigators, Guiding Light of God Ministries, and Eddie Kahn and Associates, his efforts were directed at helping to educate people and encourage Americans to seek truth in the knowledge of the laws. He made a serious commitment to fight for our God-given Rights. Above all it was important for him to honor the Lord in his actions and words in doing this work.

Over the years many of you have indicated to him that he was instrumental in helping you to "see the light", to learn how to study the law, to not be afraid of your own public servants, or just to be successful in helping you to understand the truths that are necessary for a sovereign people.

If you know Eddie well, you will know him to be a man of his word, a man of honor and integrity. He has helped thousands of people all across the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, teaching them how to study the laws of their land and how to stand up when duty calls rather than wincing and running in fear or turning away because it was uncomfortable, only to pass a more involved and difficult problem on to our next generation.

Eddie is not afraid of jail and he is not afraid of the people who are trying to incarcerate him for 10 years. Eddie knows that with God you are a majority, but that life is not always fair. As Eddie's wife, I am very proud of him; he is a true Patriot. Frankly, I do not know a lot of people with the fortitude that it takes to stand for truth in this arena. I have met a lot of people who have appreciated Eddie's diligence in seeking Truth and admire his strength and courage.

So at this time we are switching our fund raising focus to collect monies so we can have the US Observer (http://www.usobserver.com ) investigate Eddie's case. This is an online and physical newspaper run by a gentleman named Ed Snook. By visiting Ed's website you will begin to see how they are successful in helping people who have been wrongly accused.

Ed Snook and the US Observer believe in the USA, our Constitution, and the public right to adequate representation. This organization is designed to keep the innocent free, the public informed and our form of government controlled by the people.

The US Observer believes that there is only one way to remedy false prosecution: Investigate the accusers, the prosecutors, the detectives and then watch the judge very carefully. (In Eddie's case they may even need to investigate the judge and magistrate!) In other words, this would be a complete and in-depth investigation which they would take into the public arena. Ed Snook is serious about not wasting people's time or money. He does not look at this as a game but rather a life and the liberty that is being taken away. What he and his staff require is innocence with conclusive evidence.

The Observer costs $10,000 (plus airfare for depositions) for Ed's staff to expose the wrongdoing...But he also offers a 100% money back guarantee should they fail to prove innocence with the conclusive evidence and achieve a goal of total vindication.

I did my homework and spoke with several people who had used Ed in the past to deal with their false prosecutions. In EVERY case the people had absolutely nothing but excellent things to report about Ed and the fine job his staff did. Not only that, they all said that they felt that with our justice system the way it is today, that without the help of Ed and the US Observer, they believed they would have been pronounced guilty for something they were innocent of and be in prison today.

The US Observer focuses on demanding accountability. They focus on false criminal charges. They focus on the TRUTH. We can thank Wesley Snipes for making this a high profile case. Because of this the public is watching and waiting. A win in this case would not just help Eddie but potentially help thousands of other people who could find themselves in this same situation, and some who are currently there now.

As an example: If 100 people donated $100, or 200 people donated $50 we would have the retainer fee covered and the only other costs to us would be for the airfares.

Please help me to focus on tipping the scales of justice in Eddie's favor. More importantly than the power of money is the power of prayer and we welcome all who are dedicated in praying for Eddie's release and freedom.

Donations can be sent to: Kookie Kahn
PO Box 969
Tavares, Florida 32778.

Please note that your donation is specifically to be used for the US Observer.

Thank you for your time in reading this. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone and everyone so our goal can be accomplished.

With many thanks and much appreciation,

Kookie Kahn
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Post by Cpt Banjo »

Kookie, Kookie, lend me your comb....
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Post by ASITStands »


I've not looked at the "verified complaint/affidavit" issue closely. I'm showing my ignorance of the grand jury process.

Where in law do they get the idea there must be some sort of verified complaint and affidavit, etc? And, how does that square with the grand jury information and indictment filed in court?

It's kind of like saying, "It has to be on special paper, typed three-times backwards, before I accept it." I'm asking for my own understanding and hopefully to rebut anyone asking.

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Post by wserra »

ASITStands wrote:Where in law do they get the idea there must be some sort of verified complaint and affidavit, etc?
They make it up.
And, how does that square with the grand jury information and indictment filed in court?
If someone is arrested after an indictment is already voted and filed, there is no complaint. A complaint is only used in a felony prosecution (in the federal system, at least) if someone is arrested pre-indictment. There must be a charging document filed against anyone arrested, before arraignment, which function is served by either a complaint or an indictment (or a prosecutor's information, with the defendant's consent).
It's kind of like saying, "It has to be on special paper, typed three-times backwards, before I accept it." I'm asking for my own understanding and hopefully to rebut anyone asking.
In magenta ink. Yes, it is.
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Post by wserra »

Demosthenes wrote:Kookie's update:
[Snip standard delusional blather.]
Aww. I was hoping to read her description of how she was doing what was necessary "on the street".

Maybe even with photos.
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Post by grixit »

OK, money back guarentee if they fali to prove innocence. Remember in the TP world "prove" means you got yourself to believe it.
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Post by Imalawman »

Well, thank god somebody posted that because it wouldn't be an Eddie Kahn thread if that picture wasn't posted.

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Post by . »

The Magistrate looked at me. The U.S. Attorneys looked at me. Nobody said a word
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Post by Colonel_Buck »

Remember the old saw, "Any decent prosecuting attorney can get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich."
They must have gone to Mike Nifong Law School.
What kind of bomb was it? The exploding kind.
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